All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There you go!

Oh jeese, another slime the Palestinians post.
All that is chickenfeed compared Israel.

There is NO slime there at all. It is a clear representation of the reality. Like I said, if anything, it is a much too conservative view of the monstrous activities perpetrated by the Arab Palestinian and their violence.

Nothing I said was untrue.

Most Respectfully,
Only because you believe that the Palestinians have no right to defend themselves.

Shirley, you don’t believe that acts of Islamic terrorism are defensive.

All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There you go!

Oh jeese, another slime the Palestinians post.
All that is chickenfeed compared Israel.

There is NO slime there at all. It is a clear representation of the reality. Like I said, if anything, it is a much too conservative view of the monstrous activities perpetrated by the Arab Palestinian and their violence.

Nothing I said was untrue.

Most Respectfully,
Only because you believe that the Palestinians have no right to defend themselves.

Shirley, you don’t believe that acts of Islamic terrorism are defensive.


“Shirley, you don’t believe that acts of Islamic terrorism are defensive.”


Yes, yes they... do..............

(“....and don’t call me Shirley”).
All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

There you go!

Oh jeese, another slime the Palestinians post.
All that is chickenfeed compared Israel.

There is NO slime there at all. It is a clear representation of the reality. Like I said, if anything, it is a much too conservative view of the monstrous activities perpetrated by the Arab Palestinian and their violence.

Nothing I said was untrue.

Most Respectfully,

"There is NO slime there at all. It is a clear representation of the reality.

...Like I said........"

..."save yourself." take a break............

RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now... You know that I have defended the Arab Palestinian "right to self-defense" on more than just a several number of occasions.

Only because you believe that the Palestinians have no right to defend themselves.

The question is, what is to be gained (what exactly is defended) when the Arab Palestinian:

• hijacks a ship or commerical aircraft - killing passengers?
• openly attacks an Olympic Team in competition and killing unarmed Olympians?
• suicide bomb public places and killing patrons?
• fire rockets and mortars indiscriminately into civilian neighborhoods?
• kidnap and murder unarmed citizens?
• stop commerical buses and kill everyone on-board?
• target and bomb school buses?
• bombing checkpoints, roadblocks, and border crossing just to kill civilians and create havoc?
• detonating explosive devices in open air markets, shopping districts and tourist pavillioons?
• using vehicles as a weapon to attack pedestrians?
• indiscriminate stabbing attacks of unsuspecting bystanders?
• etc, etc, etc?​

What are these Hostile Arab Palestinian Perpetrators (HoAP Perps) actually defending when they kill a civilian (what was the military objective)??


Nothing! Absolutely nothing...

Nothing the HoAP Perps have done in their compilation of attack and history of past criminal behaviors, adheres to what is morally right or holding to a conventional standard of conduct associated with the Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

Now you may portray this as (how you say) a "drop on the bucket." BUT! In reality, these events are the trigger and precursor to the conventional warfare responses and retaliations.

As in previous wars in the past (Customary Rules of Law), • IF → the HoAP Perps dispense with the general Rule of Law and the standards outlined in the international community 19 international legal instruments (International Conventions) to prevent terrorist acts, the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the associated Resolutions, and conduct operations outside this standards • THEN → the HoAP Preps cannot politically or diplomatically hold Israel to those same standards. • IF → the HoAP Perps use civilians to screen hostile operations, • THEN → the HoAP Preps cannot hold the Israelis liable for deaths and injuries.

Under the current conditions and after a half-century or more of international observation, nothing the international community has done could be considered as furthering the objectives of regional peace. The UN and the Security Council have totally and equivalently failed. There is no reason to even bother with the UN.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, come now... You know that I have defended the Arab Palestinian "right to self-defense" on more than just a several number of occasions.

Only because you believe that the Palestinians have no right to defend themselves.

The question is, what is to be gained (what exactly is defended) when the Arab Palestinian:

• hijacks a ship or commerical aircraft - killing passengers?
• openly attacks an Olympic Team in competition and killing unarmed Olympians?
• suicide bomb public places and killing patrons?
• fire rockets and mortars indiscriminately into civilian neighborhoods?
• kidnap and murder unarmed citizens?
• stop commerical buses and kill everyone on-board?
• target and bomb school buses?
• bombing checkpoints, roadblocks, and border crossing just to kill civilians and create havoc?
• detonating explosive devices in open air markets, shopping districts and tourist pavillioons?
• using vehicles as a weapon to attack pedestrians?
• indiscriminate stabbing attacks of unsuspecting bystanders?
• etc, etc, etc?​

What are these Hostile Arab Palestinian Perpetrators (HoAP Perps) actually defending when they kill a civilian (what was the military objective)??


Nothing! Absolutely nothing...

Nothing the HoAP Perps have done in their compilation of attack and history of past criminal behaviors, adheres to what is morally right or holding to a conventional standard of conduct associated with the Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

Now you may portray this as (how you say) a "drop on the bucket." BUT! In reality, these events are the trigger and precursor to the conventional warfare responses and retaliations.

As in previous wars in the past (Customary Rules of Law), • IF → the HoAP Perps dispense with the general Rule of Law and the standards outlined in the international community 19 international legal instruments (International Conventions) to prevent terrorist acts, the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and the associated Resolutions, and conduct operations outside this standards • THEN → the HoAP Preps cannot politically or diplomatically hold Israel to those same standards. • IF → the HoAP Perps use civilians to screen hostile operations, • THEN → the HoAP Preps cannot hold the Israelis liable for deaths and injuries.

Most Respectfully,
Do you consider illegal settlers who live on stolen land and participate and/or support Israel's crimes to be "innocent civilians?"
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a territorial land dispute (Area "C" fully Israeli Jurisdiction) for which the Arab Palestinians never even tried to exercise either the dispute resolution process under the Oslo Accords or the requirements for resolution under the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. Having not exercise the Rule of Law, YOUR ANSER IS NO!
The Arab Palestinians do not now, nor have they ever followed the Declaration or Principles or the Rul of Law.

Solemnly proclaims the following principles:
The principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations

Do you consider illegal settlers who live on stolen land and participate and/or support Israel's crimes to be "innocent civilians?"

This is the case of the Arab Palestinians agreeing to a Treaty (Oslo Accords) and then backing out of the agreement when the Israelis, after finding no good faith at negotiations, exercise their options.


At what point in history did the Arab Palestinians ever exercise sovereignty over Area "C?" • IF → it is not under Arab Palestinian sovereignty, • THEN → what is to prevent the Israelis from passing a domestic law over a territory to which it has uncontested (no dispute resolution) full authority?

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a territorial land dispute (Area "C" fully Israeli Jurisdiction) for which the Arab Palestinians never even tried to exercise either the dispute resolution process under the Oslo Accords or the requirements for resolution under the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. Having not exercise the Rule of Law, YOUR ANSER IS NO!
The Arab Palestinians do not now, nor have they ever followed the Declaration or Principles or the Rul of Law.

Solemnly proclaims the following principles:
The principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations

Do you consider illegal settlers who live on stolen land and participate and/or support Israel's crimes to be "innocent civilians?"

This is the case of the Arab Palestinians agreeing to a Treaty (Oslo Accords) and then backing out of the agreement when the Israelis, after finding no good faith at negotiations, exercise their options.


At what point in history did the Arab Palestinians ever exercise sovereignty over Area "C?" • IF → it is not under Arab Palestinian sovereignty, • THEN → what is to prevent the Israelis from passing a domestic law over a territory to which it has uncontested (no dispute resolution) full authority?

Most Respectfully,
This is a territorial land dispute
No it isn't. Israel sits inside Palestine's international borders. There is no dispute.

Then you base yous conclusions on false premise.

Israel never considered international law.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a territorial land dispute (Area "C" fully Israeli Jurisdiction) for which the Arab Palestinians never even tried to exercise either the dispute resolution process under the Oslo Accords or the requirements for resolution under the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. Having not exercise the Rule of Law, YOUR ANSER IS NO!
The Arab Palestinians do not now, nor have they ever followed the Declaration or Principles or the Rul of Law.

Solemnly proclaims the following principles:
The principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations

Do you consider illegal settlers who live on stolen land and participate and/or support Israel's crimes to be "innocent civilians?"

This is the case of the Arab Palestinians agreeing to a Treaty (Oslo Accords) and then backing out of the agreement when the Israelis, after finding no good faith at negotiations, exercise their options.


At what point in history did the Arab Palestinians ever exercise sovereignty over Area "C?" • IF → it is not under Arab Palestinian sovereignty, • THEN → what is to prevent the Israelis from passing a domestic law over a territory to which it has uncontested (no dispute resolution) full authority?

Most Respectfully,
This is a territorial land dispute
No it isn't. Israel sits inside Palestine's international borders. There is no dispute.

Then you base yous conclusions on false premise.

Israel never considered international law.

Israel sits inside Palestine's international borders.

Weren't those borders set by Israeli signers?
Palestinians need to move. When Jews were being treated poorly in Europe and the ME they moved. To Israel, to the US, etc. It has been 70 years. Israel will not budge. They won the territory via war. Heck Islam should know they basically eviscerated Byzantine Christianity. America did the same to Mexico when taking Texas and Cali.

America is not returning Texas and Cali to Mexico. Turkey is not giving Istanbul back to the Christians and renaming back to Constantinople. Israel is taking the West Bank and Gaza. Slowly but surely. There are what 54 mostly Islamic countries in the world and only one tiny Jewish one. If you are being treated poorly then move!

Is that not simple? I don't get it.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a territorial land dispute (Area "C" fully Israeli Jurisdiction) for which the Arab Palestinians never even tried to exercise either the dispute resolution process under the Oslo Accords or the requirements for resolution under the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. Having not exercise the Rule of Law, YOUR ANSER IS NO!
The Arab Palestinians do not now, nor have they ever followed the Declaration or Principles or the Rul of Law.

Solemnly proclaims the following principles:
The principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations

Do you consider illegal settlers who live on stolen land and participate and/or support Israel's crimes to be "innocent civilians?"

This is the case of the Arab Palestinians agreeing to a Treaty (Oslo Accords) and then backing out of the agreement when the Israelis, after finding no good faith at negotiations, exercise their options.


At what point in history did the Arab Palestinians ever exercise sovereignty over Area "C?" • IF → it is not under Arab Palestinian sovereignty, • THEN → what is to prevent the Israelis from passing a domestic law over a territory to which it has uncontested (no dispute resolution) full authority?

Most Respectfully,
This is a territorial land dispute
No it isn't. Israel sits inside Palestine's international borders. There is no dispute.

Then you base yous conclusions on false premise.

Israel never considered international law.


Yep, and You still don't get what You've just said.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You cannot prove this. This is just something that the Arab Palestinian wants to believe. But it is false. The Allied Powers demarcation Lines have no connection to today's Arab Palestinian.

No it isn't. Israel sits inside Palestine's international borders. There is no dispute.

Then you base yous conclusions on false premise.

Israel never considered international law.

This is just a desperate attempt for the Arab Palestinian to grasp at some territorial legitimacy. The Allied Powers never established an Arab Palestinian State in the territory that was formerly under the administration of the Mandate.

• IF → this is all you have, • THEN → you are sadly out of luck.

You are presenting an argumentum ad misericordiam, which is an "appeal to pity." We are asked to accept a premise on the misuse of a proper name in order to be the single justification for a larger concept.

This is a case for misunderstanding the definition of "Palestine." See the UN Memo from the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs (2012) and the first Palestine Order in Council (1922).

Most Respectfully,
We can argue for another 70 years. Israel will not acquiesce. Palestinians need to move. IMO.
We can argue for another 70 years. Israel will not acquiesce. Palestinians need to move. IMO.

Arabs should support Israel, the only country which can provide them resources and wealth.
If they do we all have villas living separately.

They still put kitty faces pretending they didn't screw their life wanting to murder the Jews.
The later are more business oriented.
Arabs may but Muslims will not. Again they need to move.

Modern Israel just turned 70, just 70.
The Tshuva movement will do its' course.
There's no real threat from within (beyond the normal criminality) where Israel holds full sovereignty.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a territorial land dispute (Area "C" fully Israeli Jurisdiction) for which the Arab Palestinians never even tried to exercise either the dispute resolution process under the Oslo Accords or the requirements for resolution under the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. Having not exercise the Rule of Law, YOUR ANSER IS NO!
The Arab Palestinians do not now, nor have they ever followed the Declaration or Principles or the Rul of Law.

Solemnly proclaims the following principles:
The principle that States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations

Do you consider illegal settlers who live on stolen land and participate and/or support Israel's crimes to be "innocent civilians?"

This is the case of the Arab Palestinians agreeing to a Treaty (Oslo Accords) and then backing out of the agreement when the Israelis, after finding no good faith at negotiations, exercise their options.


At what point in history did the Arab Palestinians ever exercise sovereignty over Area "C?" • IF → it is not under Arab Palestinian sovereignty, • THEN → what is to prevent the Israelis from passing a domestic law over a territory to which it has uncontested (no dispute resolution) full authority?

Most Respectfully,
This is a territorial land dispute
No it isn't. Israel sits inside Palestine's international borders. There is no dispute.

Then you base yous conclusions on false premise.

Israel never considered international law.

Israel sits inside Palestine's international borders.

Weren't those borders set by Israeli signers?
Palestine doesn’t exist and never existed. The Arabs who lived there and their allies were conquered in the wars of 1948 and 1967. Similarly to what the US did to native Americans and to Mexico when they took Cali and Texas.

Islam basically took all of its property by force. Their prophet was a warlord. I am not sure who Jesus was but for certain history agrees he was not a warlord.

Palestinians who are unhappy need to move. Jews did. From Europe and Russia.
Israel 2065: 20 million residents, every third citizen - ultra-Orthodox
According to a forecast published by the Central Bureau of Statistics, the share of the haredi population is expected to rise from 11% in 2015 to 20% in 2040 and 32% in 2065.

At the end of 2015, the population of Jews and Others (foreign workers) was 6.7 million. In 25 years, in 2040, the Central Bureau of Statistics expects that this population will number about 10 million people, while in the next 50 years it will reach about 16 million people.In the next 25 years, the share of Jews and others in the total population is expected to remain Stable around 79%, as it was in 2015. In 50 years the share of Jews and others is expected to rise to 81%.

According to the forecast, the share of the haredi population is expected to rise from 11% of the total population in Israel in 2015 to 20% in 2040 and 32% in 2065. Among the Jewish and other population, the ultra-Orthodox population is expected to rise from 14% In 2040 and 40% in 2065.

The Arab population is estimated to be 1.8 million at the end of 2015. In 2022, there will be approximately 2 million Arabs in Israel, while in 2045 the Arab population is expected to be 3 million, and towards the end of the projection period in 2065, Will stand at 3.8 million people.

And what about ages? At the end of 2015, the number of children up to age 14 was 2.4 million, which constituted 28% of the total population of Israel.They are expected to account for 3.7 million children by the end of 2040 and 5.5 million by the end of 2065. Their relative share of the population is expected to be around 28% throughout the projection period.

Palestine doesn’t exist and never existed. The Arabs who lived there and their allies were conquered in the wars of 1948 and 1967. Similarly to what the US did to native Americans and to Mexico when they took Cali and Texas.

Islam basically took all of its property by force. Their prophet was a warlord. I am not sure who Jesus was but for certain history agrees he was not a warlord.

Palestinians who are unhappy need to move. Jews did. From Europe and Russia.

More like Indians establishing an independent govt on 1% of Americas.
Israel is a tiny reservation in the sea of Arab Muslim countries.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You cannot prove this. This is just something that the Arab Palestinian wants to believe. But it is false. The Allied Powers demarcation Lines have no connection to today's Arab Palestinian.

No it isn't. Israel sits inside Palestine's international borders. There is no dispute.

Then you base yous conclusions on false premise.

Israel never considered international law.

This is just a desperate attempt for the Arab Palestinian to grasp at some territorial legitimacy. The Allied Powers never established an Arab Palestinian State in the territory that was formerly under the administration of the Mandate.

• IF → this is all you have, • THEN → you are sadly out of luck.

You are presenting an argumentum ad misericordiam, which is an "appeal to pity." We are asked to accept a premise on the misuse of a proper name in order to be the single justification for a larger concept.

This is a case for misunderstanding the definition of "Palestine." See the UN Memo from the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs (2012) and the first Palestine Order in Council (1922).

Most Respectfully,
You cannot prove this.
I have many times. It is just when you have to choose between real documents and Israel's bullshit talking points, you always grab Israel's bullshit talking points.

It makes me wonder how much they are paying you.

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