All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

So drawing borders of states, writing laws for them, policing
- is not sovereignty over territory?
Mandates were trustees. They didn't own anything.

Really so who drew the borders of Palestine or Syria, or Lebanon, or Iraq - the inhabitants?
Post war treaties.

Don't be ridiculous, treaties don't sign themselves.
Borders at the time were set by the Allied Powers, as were law and policing.

Sovereignty, in political theory, the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order.
The Mandates never acquired sovereignty. Sovereignty was in the hand of the residents which was in conformance with international law.

And the Muzzies screwed it up, which is why their "territory" will continue to diminish.
So drawing borders of states, writing laws for them, policing
- is not sovereignty over territory?
Mandates were trustees. They didn't own anything.

Really so who drew the borders of Palestine or Syria, or Lebanon, or Iraq - the inhabitants?
Post war treaties.

Don't be ridiculous, treaties don't sign themselves.
Borders at the time were set by the Allied Powers, as were law and policing.

Sovereignty, in political theory, the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order.
The Mandates never acquired sovereignty. Sovereignty was in the hand of the residents which was in conformance with international law.

Your cartoon-styled lectures on international law are a hoot.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You keep bringing this us. No one is claiming that the Mandatory Power claimed "sovereignty." But by the same token, the Arab Palestinian had not acquired sovereign control oven any part of the territory.

The Mandates never acquired sovereignty. Sovereignty was in the hand of the residents which was in conformance with international law.

The international law was then as it remains to this day:

The Mandates were issued upon the agreements of the Allied Powers pursuant to the Right and Title granted (first by Article 16 of the 1918 Armistice of Modros, and then → Article 132 Treaty of Severes and then → ) under Article 16, Treaty of Lausanne.​

Your suggestion and insinuation that International Law somehow comes down on the side of the Arab Palestinian is simple and utterly a misrepresentation of the facts. And don't try to pull that Article 30 gag either. For all intent and purposes, Article 30 insures that the Arab Palestinians are covered by the British Government through its Administration. (It is a naturalization clause and not a Territorial Clause.)

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You keep bringing this us. No one is claiming that the Mandatory Power claimed "sovereignty." But by the same token, the Arab Palestinian had not acquired sovereign control oven any part of the territory.

The Mandates never acquired sovereignty. Sovereignty was in the hand of the residents which was in conformance with international law.

The international law was then as it remains to this day:

The Mandates were issued upon the agreements of the Allied Powers pursuant to the Right and Title granted (first by Article 16 of the 1918 Armistice of Modros, and then → Article 132 Treaty of Severes and then → ) under Article 16, Treaty of Lausanne.​

Your suggestion and insinuation that International Law somehow comes down on the side of the Arab Palestinian is simple and utterly a misrepresentation of the facts. And don't try to pull that Article 30 gag either. For all intent and purposes, Article 30 insures that the Arab Palestinians are covered by the British Government through its Administration. (It is a naturalization clause and not a Territorial Clause.)

Most Respectfully,
Not true. Try again.
So drawing borders of states, writing laws for them, policing
- is not sovereignty over territory?
Mandates were trustees. They didn't own anything.

Really so who drew the borders of Palestine or Syria, or Lebanon, or Iraq - the inhabitants?
Post war treaties.

Don't be ridiculous, treaties don't sign themselves.
Borders at the time were set by the Allied Powers, as were law and policing.

Sovereignty, in political theory, the ultimate overseer, or authority, in the decision-making process of the state and in the maintenance of order.
The Mandates never acquired sovereignty. Sovereignty was in the hand of the residents which was in conformance with international law.

Sovereignty was vested with the Jewish nation, the native and diaspora populations.
Until Israel's independence, Britain policed everything that a sovereign does naturally.
The pro Palestinian terrorists crack me up. They literally don't have a leg to stand on. Israel should have just expelled them all in 1967. They were wrongly merciful. Jews are too nice. They need to learn how to conquer from the Americans. You don't see Mexico pining for Cali and TX.
Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

Tarek Abbas, son of PA leader tells US envoy Jason Greenblatt only option is One State because of 'settlement expansion.'

US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt met last month in secret with Tarek Abbas, the son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
News 10 reported.

Israeli officials stated that during the meeting, the younger Abbas made it clear to Greenblatt that he did not think there was a chance of implementing the two-state solution, and therefore he supported a one-state solution with equal rights for all citizens.

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, in the beginning of the post-Yassar Arafat era, there has been a continuous hard shift away from the Two-State Solution → and → anchored in some form of One-State Solution. (It does not mean that this political position won't shift back in the post-Abbas regime.)

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

Tarek Abbas, son of PA leader tells US envoy Jason Greenblatt only option is One State because of 'settlement expansion.'

US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt met last month in secret with Tarek Abbas, the son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
News 10 reported.

Israeli officials stated that during the meeting, the younger Abbas made it clear to Greenblatt that he did not think there was a chance of implementing the two-state solution, and therefore he supported a one-state solution with equal rights for all citizens.

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

This would explain (in part) the reason why the Arab Palestinians (especially the PA/PLO leadership) are not the least bit concerned to engage in any peaceful process (negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, etc) as a means of solving the disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning boundaries.

If there is to be a One-State Solution, then that solution includes the ultimate Arab dominance over the Jews and the end of a Jewish National Home. Just as the Arab Palestinians have not been able to establish a state that can have a periodic election cycle or peaceful transition in the leadership, so it is that no true vision has been agreed upon as to what a future Arab Palestine would look like.


Blamig the Area "C" 'settlement expansion' is merely a feeble attempt at justifying the Arab Palestinian resistance to engaging in good faith talks in a permanent solution.

REMEMBER: All along the Arab Palestinians have considered it's true "rights" to extend over the entirety of "Historic Palestine," → an area that includes the current Jewish State (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, in the beginning of the post-Yassar Arafat era, there has been a continuous hard shift away from the Two-State Solution → and → anchored in some form of One-State Solution. (It does not mean that this political position won't shift back in the post-Abbas regime.)

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

Tarek Abbas, son of PA leader tells US envoy Jason Greenblatt only option is One State because of 'settlement expansion.'

US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt met last month in secret with Tarek Abbas, the son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
News 10 reported.

Israeli officials stated that during the meeting, the younger Abbas made it clear to Greenblatt that he did not think there was a chance of implementing the two-state solution, and therefore he supported a one-state solution with equal rights for all citizens.

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

This would explain (in part) the reason why the Arab Palestinians (especially the PA/PLO leadership) are not the least bit concerned to engage in any peaceful process (negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, etc) as a means of solving the disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning boundaries.

If there is to be a One-State Solution, then that solution includes the ultimate Arab dominance over the Jews and the end of a Jewish National Home. Just as the Arab Palestinians have not been able to establish a state that can have a periodic election cycle or peaceful transition in the leadership, so it is that no true vision has been agreed upon as to what a future Arab Palestine would look like.


Blamig the Area "C" 'settlement expansion' is merely a feeble attempt at justifying the Arab Palestinian resistance to engaging in good faith talks in a permanent solution.

REMEMBER: All along the Arab Palestinians have considered it's true "rights" to extend over the entirety of "Historic Palestine," → an area that includes the current Jewish State (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
The two state "solution" has always been a foreign concept.

Solution to whose problem?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, in the beginning of the post-Yassar Arafat era, there has been a continuous hard shift away from the Two-State Solution → and → anchored in some form of One-State Solution. (It does not mean that this political position won't shift back in the post-Abbas regime.)

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

Tarek Abbas, son of PA leader tells US envoy Jason Greenblatt only option is One State because of 'settlement expansion.'

US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt met last month in secret with Tarek Abbas, the son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
News 10 reported.

Israeli officials stated that during the meeting, the younger Abbas made it clear to Greenblatt that he did not think there was a chance of implementing the two-state solution, and therefore he supported a one-state solution with equal rights for all citizens.

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

This would explain (in part) the reason why the Arab Palestinians (especially the PA/PLO leadership) are not the least bit concerned to engage in any peaceful process (negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, etc) as a means of solving the disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning boundaries.

If there is to be a One-State Solution, then that solution includes the ultimate Arab dominance over the Jews and the end of a Jewish National Home. Just as the Arab Palestinians have not been able to establish a state that can have a periodic election cycle or peaceful transition in the leadership, so it is that no true vision has been agreed upon as to what a future Arab Palestine would look like.


Blamig the Area "C" 'settlement expansion' is merely a feeble attempt at justifying the Arab Palestinian resistance to engaging in good faith talks in a permanent solution.

REMEMBER: All along the Arab Palestinians have considered it's true "rights" to extend over the entirety of "Historic Palestine," → an area that includes the current Jewish State (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
The two state "solution" has always been a foreign concept.

Solution to whose problem?

The Islamic problem.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, in the beginning of the post-Yassar Arafat era, there has been a continuous hard shift away from the Two-State Solution → and → anchored in some form of One-State Solution. (It does not mean that this political position won't shift back in the post-Abbas regime.)

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

Tarek Abbas, son of PA leader tells US envoy Jason Greenblatt only option is One State because of 'settlement expansion.'

US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt met last month in secret with Tarek Abbas, the son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
News 10 reported.

Israeli officials stated that during the meeting, the younger Abbas made it clear to Greenblatt that he did not think there was a chance of implementing the two-state solution, and therefore he supported a one-state solution with equal rights for all citizens.

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

This would explain (in part) the reason why the Arab Palestinians (especially the PA/PLO leadership) are not the least bit concerned to engage in any peaceful process (negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, etc) as a means of solving the disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning boundaries.

If there is to be a One-State Solution, then that solution includes the ultimate Arab dominance over the Jews and the end of a Jewish National Home. Just as the Arab Palestinians have not been able to establish a state that can have a periodic election cycle or peaceful transition in the leadership, so it is that no true vision has been agreed upon as to what a future Arab Palestine would look like.


Blamig the Area "C" 'settlement expansion' is merely a feeble attempt at justifying the Arab Palestinian resistance to engaging in good faith talks in a permanent solution.

REMEMBER: All along the Arab Palestinians have considered it's true "rights" to extend over the entirety of "Historic Palestine," → an area that includes the current Jewish State (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
The two state "solution" has always been a foreign concept.

Solution to whose problem?

The Islamic problem.
This is not a religious conflict.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, in the beginning of the post-Yassar Arafat era, there has been a continuous hard shift away from the Two-State Solution → and → anchored in some form of One-State Solution. (It does not mean that this political position won't shift back in the post-Abbas regime.)

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

Tarek Abbas, son of PA leader tells US envoy Jason Greenblatt only option is One State because of 'settlement expansion.'

US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt met last month in secret with Tarek Abbas, the son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
News 10 reported.

Israeli officials stated that during the meeting, the younger Abbas made it clear to Greenblatt that he did not think there was a chance of implementing the two-state solution, and therefore he supported a one-state solution with equal rights for all citizens.

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

This would explain (in part) the reason why the Arab Palestinians (especially the PA/PLO leadership) are not the least bit concerned to engage in any peaceful process (negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, etc) as a means of solving the disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning boundaries.

If there is to be a One-State Solution, then that solution includes the ultimate Arab dominance over the Jews and the end of a Jewish National Home. Just as the Arab Palestinians have not been able to establish a state that can have a periodic election cycle or peaceful transition in the leadership, so it is that no true vision has been agreed upon as to what a future Arab Palestine would look like.


Blamig the Area "C" 'settlement expansion' is merely a feeble attempt at justifying the Arab Palestinian resistance to engaging in good faith talks in a permanent solution.

REMEMBER: All along the Arab Palestinians have considered it's true "rights" to extend over the entirety of "Historic Palestine," → an area that includes the current Jewish State (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
The two state "solution" has always been a foreign concept.

Solution to whose problem?

The Islamic problem.
This is not a religious conflict.

That’s just another of your goofy, canned slogans that is refuted by the Hamas Charter and Islamic clerics.

Islamics clearly frame the conflict in terms of religion. Read the Hamas Death Cult Charter. It's a religious conflict from the perspective of your Death Cult heroes in Hamas.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, in the beginning of the post-Yassar Arafat era, there has been a continuous hard shift away from the Two-State Solution → and → anchored in some form of One-State Solution. (It does not mean that this political position won't shift back in the post-Abbas regime.)

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

Tarek Abbas, son of PA leader tells US envoy Jason Greenblatt only option is One State because of 'settlement expansion.'

US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt met last month in secret with Tarek Abbas, the son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
News 10 reported.

Israeli officials stated that during the meeting, the younger Abbas made it clear to Greenblatt that he did not think there was a chance of implementing the two-state solution, and therefore he supported a one-state solution with equal rights for all citizens.

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

This would explain (in part) the reason why the Arab Palestinians (especially the PA/PLO leadership) are not the least bit concerned to engage in any peaceful process (negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, etc) as a means of solving the disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning boundaries.

If there is to be a One-State Solution, then that solution includes the ultimate Arab dominance over the Jews and the end of a Jewish National Home. Just as the Arab Palestinians have not been able to establish a state that can have a periodic election cycle or peaceful transition in the leadership, so it is that no true vision has been agreed upon as to what a future Arab Palestine would look like.


Blamig the Area "C" 'settlement expansion' is merely a feeble attempt at justifying the Arab Palestinian resistance to engaging in good faith talks in a permanent solution.

REMEMBER: All along the Arab Palestinians have considered it's true "rights" to extend over the entirety of "Historic Palestine," → an area that includes the current Jewish State (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
The two state "solution" has always been a foreign concept.

Solution to whose problem?

The Islamic problem.
This is not a religious conflict.

That’s just another of your goofy, canned slogans that is refuted by the Hamas Charter and Islamic clerics.

Islamics clearly frame the conflict in terms of religion. Read the Hamas Death Cult Charter. It's a religious conflict from the perspective of your Death Cult heroes in Hamas.
This conflict is 70 years older than Hamas.

Hamas is just Israel's current boogyman.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, is this really true?

The Islamic problem.
This is not a religious conflict.

There is a varying number of opinions on the Arab Palestinian side of this issue.


• It is called the Islamc Reisistance Movement ⇔ NOT ⇔ the Arab Palestinian Movement
• It is called the Palestinian Islamic Jhad ⇔ NOT ⇔ the Palestinian Arab Jihad​

Mst Respectfuly,
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, in the beginning of the post-Yassar Arafat era, there has been a continuous hard shift away from the Two-State Solution → and → anchored in some form of One-State Solution. (It does not mean that this political position won't shift back in the post-Abbas regime.)


This would explain (in part) the reason why the Arab Palestinians (especially the PA/PLO leadership) are not the least bit concerned to engage in any peaceful process (negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, etc) as a means of solving the disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning boundaries.

If there is to be a One-State Solution, then that solution includes the ultimate Arab dominance over the Jews and the end of a Jewish National Home. Just as the Arab Palestinians have not been able to establish a state that can have a periodic election cycle or peaceful transition in the leadership, so it is that no true vision has been agreed upon as to what a future Arab Palestine would look like.


Blamig the Area "C" 'settlement expansion' is merely a feeble attempt at justifying the Arab Palestinian resistance to engaging in good faith talks in a permanent solution.

REMEMBER: All along the Arab Palestinians have considered it's true "rights" to extend over the entirety of "Historic Palestine," → an area that includes the current Jewish State (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
The two state "solution" has always been a foreign concept.

Solution to whose problem?

The Islamic problem.
This is not a religious conflict.

That’s just another of your goofy, canned slogans that is refuted by the Hamas Charter and Islamic clerics.

Islamics clearly frame the conflict in terms of religion. Read the Hamas Death Cult Charter. It's a religious conflict from the perspective of your Death Cult heroes in Hamas.
This conflict is 70 years older than Hamas.

Hamas is just Israel's current boogyman.

The above is more reiteration of slogans you use. You are hoping to sidestep around Hamas citing that "Pal'istan" is an islamist waqf. I'll lend an assist an explain to you that Arabs-Moslems believe that land occupied, once held by, or conquered in gee-had forever becomes an entitlement by Allah to Moslems. Such land, even if not currently occupued by Moslems, must eventually be re-taken by gee-had.

You can deny that your Allah god has anything to do with the Islamist "religion" but that woukd make sense only to you.

Article 13: " There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad."
^^^^ Where does that come from? What is gee-had? Shirley, you have a YouTube tube video explaining gee-had.

What islamic entity (with waqf in its title), is associated with the Temple Mount?
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yeah, in the beginning of the post-Yassar Arafat era, there has been a continuous hard shift away from the Two-State Solution → and → anchored in some form of One-State Solution. (It does not mean that this political position won't shift back in the post-Abbas regime.)

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

Tarek Abbas, son of PA leader tells US envoy Jason Greenblatt only option is One State because of 'settlement expansion.'

US Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt met last month in secret with Tarek Abbas, the son of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
News 10 reported.

Israeli officials stated that during the meeting, the younger Abbas made it clear to Greenblatt that he did not think there was a chance of implementing the two-state solution, and therefore he supported a one-state solution with equal rights for all citizens.

Abbas' son: No chance for 2 states

This would explain (in part) the reason why the Arab Palestinians (especially the PA/PLO leadership) are not the least bit concerned to engage in any peaceful process (negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, etc) as a means of solving the disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning boundaries.

If there is to be a One-State Solution, then that solution includes the ultimate Arab dominance over the Jews and the end of a Jewish National Home. Just as the Arab Palestinians have not been able to establish a state that can have a periodic election cycle or peaceful transition in the leadership, so it is that no true vision has been agreed upon as to what a future Arab Palestine would look like.


Blamig the Area "C" 'settlement expansion' is merely a feeble attempt at justifying the Arab Palestinian resistance to engaging in good faith talks in a permanent solution.

REMEMBER: All along the Arab Palestinians have considered it's true "rights" to extend over the entirety of "Historic Palestine," → an area that includes the current Jewish State (Israel).

Most Respectfully,
The two state "solution" has always been a foreign concept.

Solution to whose problem?

The Islamic problem.
This is not a religious conflict.

The concepts that it's Arab land and not to be returned to its indigenous peoples, mot even a tiny scrap of it, are certainly Islamic religious concepts.
The two state "solution" has always been a foreign concept.

Solution to whose problem?

The Islamic problem.
This is not a religious conflict.

That’s just another of your goofy, canned slogans that is refuted by the Hamas Charter and Islamic clerics.

Islamics clearly frame the conflict in terms of religion. Read the Hamas Death Cult Charter. It's a religious conflict from the perspective of your Death Cult heroes in Hamas.
This conflict is 70 years older than Hamas.

Hamas is just Israel's current boogyman.

The above is more reiteration of slogans you use. You are hoping to sidestep around Hamas citing that "Pal'istan" is an islamist waqf. I'll lend an assist an explain to you that Arabs-Moslems believe that land occupied, once held by, or conquered in gee-had forever becomes an entitlement by Allah to Moslems. Such land, even if not currently occupued by Moslems, must eventually be re-taken by gee-had.

You can deny that your Allah god has anything to do with the Islamist "religion" but that woukd make sense only to you.

Article 13: " There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad."
^^^^ Where does that come from? What is gee-had? Shirley, you have a YouTube tube video explaining gee-had.

What islamic entity (with waqf in its title), is associated with the Temple Mount?
Apparently, you don't know anything about Palestine.

When Britain took over Palestine, the Palestinians did not want a religious distinction. They wanted to be a united nationality.

It was Britain and the Zionists who wanted to divide people by religion. In 1937 Britain proposed to partition Palestine by religion. In 1947 the UN proposed partition. The Palestinians rejected both plans wanting a single state.

The 1948 Palestinian Declaration of Independence declared a single state without religious distinction.

In 1964 the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) proposed a single state that would include Muslims, Christians, and native Jews.

In 1970 the PLO proposed a single state that would include Muslims, Christians, and all Jews.

The 2003 Palestine Constitution (that does not mention Israel, the occupation, or two states) says that all Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex, etc..

Hamas is a relatively small group of people who hooked its wagon to the conflict to promote an Islamic state. However, few Palestinians subscribe to that ideology.

BTW, Hamas is shunned by many Islamic groups for being too moderate and democratic.
The Islamic problem.
This is not a religious conflict.

That’s just another of your goofy, canned slogans that is refuted by the Hamas Charter and Islamic clerics.

Islamics clearly frame the conflict in terms of religion. Read the Hamas Death Cult Charter. It's a religious conflict from the perspective of your Death Cult heroes in Hamas.
This conflict is 70 years older than Hamas.

Hamas is just Israel's current boogyman.

The above is more reiteration of slogans you use. You are hoping to sidestep around Hamas citing that "Pal'istan" is an islamist waqf. I'll lend an assist an explain to you that Arabs-Moslems believe that land occupied, once held by, or conquered in gee-had forever becomes an entitlement by Allah to Moslems. Such land, even if not currently occupued by Moslems, must eventually be re-taken by gee-had.

You can deny that your Allah god has anything to do with the Islamist "religion" but that woukd make sense only to you.

Article 13: " There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad."
^^^^ Where does that come from? What is gee-had? Shirley, you have a YouTube tube video explaining gee-had.

What islamic entity (with waqf in its title), is associated with the Temple Mount?
Apparently, you don't know anything about Palestine.

When Britain took over Palestine, the Palestinians did not want a religious distinction. They wanted to be a united nationality.

It was Britain and the Zionists who wanted to divide people by religion. In 1937 Britain proposed to partition Palestine by religion. In 1947 the UN proposed partition. The Palestinians rejected both plans wanting a single state.

The 1948 Palestinian Declaration of Independence declared a single state without religious distinction.

In 1964 the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) proposed a single state that would include Muslims, Christians, and native Jews.

In 1970 the PLO proposed a single state that would include Muslims, Christians, and all Jews.

The 2003 Palestine Constitution (that does not mention Israel, the occupation, or two states) says that all Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex, etc..

Hamas is a relatively small group of people who hooked its wagon to the conflict to promote an Islamic state. However, few Palestinians subscribe to that ideology.

BTW, Hamas is shunned by many Islamic groups for being too moderate and democratic.

Apparently, you should expect only those like you to accept that tedious cutting and pasting as viable.
The 1948 Palestinian Declaration of Independence declared a single state without religious distinction.

Have you read the All-Palestine Government's declaration of independence and the resolutions it created? The reason I ask is that I can't find it in English online, which makes me suspect you haven't actually read it.

The 1948 Palestinian Declaration of Independence declared a single state without religious distinction.

In 1964 the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) proposed a single state that would include Muslims, Christians, and native Jews.

In 1970 the PLO proposed a single state that would include Muslims, Christians, and all Jews.

The 2003 Palestine Constitution (that does not mention Israel, the occupation, or two states) says that all Palestinians are equal under the law without regard to race, religion, sex, etc..

Equal, as you long as you are Arab and Muslim.

The State of Palestine is an Arab state, an integral and indivisible part of the Arab nation, at one with that nation in heritage and civilization, with it also in its aspiration for liberation, progress, democracy and unity. The State of Palestine affirms its obligation to abide by the Charter of the League of Arab States, whereby the coordination of the Arab states with each other shall be strengthened. It calls upon Arab compatriots to consolidate and enhance the emergence in reality of our state, to mobilize potential, and to intensify efforts whose goal is to end Israeli occupation. (Declaration of Independence, PLO, 1988)

Article 1
Palestine is part of the large Arab World, and the Palestinian People are part of the Arab Nation. Arab Unity is an objective which the Palestinian People shall work to achieve.

Article 4
1. Islam is the official religion in Palestine. Respect and sanctity of all other heavenly religions shall be maintained. 2. The principles of Islamic Shari’a shall be the main source of legislation. 3. Arabic shall be the official language.
(Palestine Basic Law, 2003)

The State of Israel will be open to the immigration of Jews from all countries of their dispersion; will promote the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; will be based on the principles of liberty, justice and peace as conceived by the Prophets of Israel; will uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of religion, race, or sex; will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, education and culture; will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and will loyally uphold the principles of the United Nations Charter.

In the midst of wanton aggression, we yet call upon the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve the ways of peace and play their part in the development of the State, on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its bodies and institutions-provisional and permanent. (Israel Declaration of Independence, 1948)

It is disingenuous of you to claim that there is "no religious distinction" in the Palestinian Arab documents. And hypocritical in the extreme to, at one time, applaud the Palestinian Constitutions and Declarations while disparaging the Israeli ones when they say the same thing.

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