All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

“Where babies die alone”

The benevolent mask has been torn off as multiple international publications have reported on the death of a Palestinian child from Gaza who was forced to undergo medical treatment in Jerusalem without the company of either of her parents last month.

Aisha Lulu, 5, had brain cancer and required specialized treatment unavailable in Gaza. None of her relatives were given permission to accompany her to Jerusalem. Aisha eventually made her way with a friend of the family – a stranger to the traumatized little girl.

“Sick Gaza child caught in Israeli permit system dies alone,” an AP headline reads.

“A Jerusalem hospital where Palestinian babies die alone: Israeli blockade on Gaza means parents are separated from critically ill children,” according to The Guardian.

Aisha’s is not an isolated case.

Hiba Swailam received permission to travel to Jerusalem “to give birth to gravely ill triplets two months early,” The Guardian reported this week.

The mother’s permit expired, forcing her return to Gaza.

“She was not there when her first child died at nine days old, or two weeks later when her second baby also died. She was informed by phone.”

Rough time for Israel's spin doctors

Sub-title should read:

Where people deliberately tell blatant lies to make Jews look evil

Neither of these stories is true.

Aisha's parents did receive permits to attend with Aisha, but chose not to accompany her and sent her with a family friend. Aisha was released from the Jerusalem hospital and returned home to Gaza, where she sadly succumbed to her illness several weeks later.

Hiba received an emergency permit to travel to Jerusalem when she went into premature labour with her triplets. She was present at the hospital when both of the male newborns died. In fact, she only left to bury both of the boys in Gaza, leaving her infant daughter at the hospital and fully expecting to return immediately. It was the PA which refused to apply for a permit for her to return to her daughter, despite the hospital's repeated requests for them to do so. So Israel issued a special permit allowing Hiba to return to her daughter.

So here's my problem with this sort of blatant lie. If there is plenty of legitimate things to criticize Israel for -- why are Arab Palestinians, and their supporters, working SO HARD to spread lies? Why do you stoop so incredibly low in your pursuit of demonizing the Jewish people, and their State?
“Where babies die alone”

The benevolent mask has been torn off as multiple international publications have reported on the death of a Palestinian child from Gaza who was forced to undergo medical treatment in Jerusalem without the company of either of her parents last month.

Aisha Lulu, 5, had brain cancer and required specialized treatment unavailable in Gaza. None of her relatives were given permission to accompany her to Jerusalem. Aisha eventually made her way with a friend of the family – a stranger to the traumatized little girl.

“Sick Gaza child caught in Israeli permit system dies alone,” an AP headline reads.

“A Jerusalem hospital where Palestinian babies die alone: Israeli blockade on Gaza means parents are separated from critically ill children,” according to The Guardian.

Aisha’s is not an isolated case.

Hiba Swailam received permission to travel to Jerusalem “to give birth to gravely ill triplets two months early,” The Guardian reported this week.

The mother’s permit expired, forcing her return to Gaza.

“She was not there when her first child died at nine days old, or two weeks later when her second baby also died. She was informed by phone.”

Rough time for Israel's spin doctors

Sub-title should read:

Where people deliberately tell blatant lies to make Jews look evil

Neither of these stories is true.

Aisha's parents did receive permits to attend with Aisha, but chose not to accompany her and sent her with a family friend. Aisha was released from the Jerusalem hospital and returned home to Gaza, where she sadly succumbed to her illness several weeks later.

Hiba received an emergency permit to travel to Jerusalem when she went into premature labour with her triplets. She was present at the hospital when both of the male newborns died. In fact, she only left to bury both of the boys in Gaza, leaving her infant daughter at the hospital and fully expecting to return immediately. It was the PA which refused to apply for a permit for her to return to her daughter, despite the hospital's repeated requests for them to do so. So Israel issued a special permit allowing Hiba to return to her daughter.

So here's my problem with this sort of blatant lie. If there is plenty of legitimate things to criticize Israel for -- why are Arab Palestinians, and their supporters, working SO HARD to spread lies? Why do you stoop so incredibly low in your pursuit of demonizing the Jewish people, and their State?

Because he’s desperate
Palestine to Use Biomass for Self Sufficiency

Palestine is embarking on an ambitious project to produce all of their own energy for internal consumption.

If successful, it would break its electricity dependence on the Israeli government that frequently leaves the West Bank and Gaza Strip without power.

The energy initiative will be funded by the Palestinian Authority and is expected to cost around US$9 million. Officials expect it to meet the needs of about 30 Palestinian villages.

Palestine to Use Biomass for Self Sufficiency
Israel Systematically Hides Documents Related to Nakba


Palestinian refugees fleeing during the 'Nakba' of 1948 . (Photo: File)

Teams from Israel’s Defence Ministry started a decade ago to remove and hide documents from the Israeli archives related to crimes against Palestinians during the Nakba of 1948, Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed yesterday.

In a long report, Haaretz said that in addition to removing documents related to Israel’s nuclear plant and external relations, the Defence Ministry team has been systematically hiding hundreds of documents in an attempt to remove evidence of the Nakba.

In 1948, some 750,000 Palestinians were forced to leave their homes and properties, fleeing Zionist militant groups which committed massacres against Palestinians in numerous Palestinian villages, towns and cities.

Israel Systematically Hides Documents Related to Nakba
Israel Systematically Hides Documents Related to Nakba


Palestinian refugees fleeing during the 'Nakba' of 1948 . (Photo: File)

Teams from Israel’s Defence Ministry started a decade ago to remove and hide documents from the Israeli archives related to crimes against Palestinians during the Nakba of 1948, Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed yesterday.

In a long report, Haaretz said that in addition to removing documents related to Israel’s nuclear plant and external relations, the Defence Ministry team has been systematically hiding hundreds of documents in an attempt to remove evidence of the Nakba.

In 1948, some 750,000 Palestinians were forced to leave their homes and properties, fleeing Zionist militant groups which committed massacres against Palestinians in numerous Palestinian villages, towns and cities.

Israel Systematically Hides Documents Related to Nakba

Islamist propaganda site.
Palestine to Use Biomass for Self Sufficiency

Palestine is embarking on an ambitious project to produce all of their own energy for internal consumption.

If successful, it would break its electricity dependence on the Israeli government that frequently leaves the West Bank and Gaza Strip without power.

The energy initiative will be funded by the Palestinian Authority and is expected to cost around US$9 million. Officials expect it to meet the needs of about 30 Palestinian villages.

Palestine to Use Biomass for Self Sufficiency

Muzzies, burning dung, just like Allah wanted.
Hamas disowns official’s call to kill ‘every Jew’

Hamas has disowned controversial remarks made by a member of its political bureau, Fathi Hammad, saying his comments “do not reflect the official stance” of the movement.

Hammad sparked controversy on Friday when he told diaspora Palestinians “you have Jews everywhere and we must attack every Jew on the globe by way of slaughter and killing, God willing.” Hammad made the remarks while addressing Palestinian protesters who gathered for the weekly Great March of Return in the besieged Gaza Strip.

In an official statement today, Hamas stressed that Hammad’s remarks “do not reflect the movement’s official stance or its policy, which states that our struggle is only against the Israeli occupation, which occupies our land and desecrates our holy places”.

“Our struggle is not with Jews elsewhere or with Judaism as a religion,” the movement reiterated, saying it “has condemned and continues to condemn any attacks against Jews and their places of worship around the world”.

Hamas disowns official’s call to kill ‘every Jew’
IOF seizes tents, solar panels in Nahalin town


The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Thursday confiscated tents and solar panels from Palestinian citizens in Nahalin town, west of Bethlehem.

Deputy mayor of Nahalin Hani Fanoun said the IOF stormed Ein Fares area of the town and seized five tents used as barns and solar panels.

Fanoun added that such Israeli measures are part of a settlement plan to force the local residents of Ein Fares to leave their area, which is considered “the food basket of the town.”

IOF seizes tents, solar panels in Nahalin town
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

And i’m Proud that the Great Satan™️ has halted the welfare money showered on the Hamas Islamic terrorists
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

You “ forget” one thing. International Law states they have to “ live in peace with their neighbors” That will never happen; “ Right of Return” is DOA

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