All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

You “ forget” one thing. International Law states they have to “ live in peace with their neighbors” That will never happen; “ Right of Return” is DOA
It is mere speculation that they would not.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

You “ forget” one thing. International Law states they have to “ live in peace with their neighbors” That will never happen; “ Right of Return” is DOA
It is mere speculation that they would not.

There is nothing speculative about the Hamas charter. It is dangerous and ignorant to believe the Arabs-Moslems would suddenly abandon 1,400 years of Jew hatreds that are a part of your Islamic theology.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The so-called speculation you refer to is a gamble on freedom. The odds are so high that the Hostile Arab Palestinians will NOT live in a peaceful manner, that it is too great a risk of exposure.

It is mere speculation that they would not.

One only has to look at the events along the border in Gaza to understand that even when the Israelis grant freedoms (unilateral withdraw) that the violence and the threat only increases.

Most Respectfully,
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

You “ forget” one thing. International Law states they have to “ live in peace with their neighbors” That will never happen; “ Right of Return” is DOA
It is mere speculation that they would not.

There is nothing speculative about the Hamas charter. It is dangerous and ignorant to believe the Arabs-Moslems would suddenly abandon 1,400 years of Jew hatreds that are a part of your Islamic theology.
Hamas is a creature of conflict. When there is no more conflict there will be no more Hamas.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The so-called speculation you refer to is a gamble on freedom. The odds are so high that the Hostile Arab Palestinians will NOT live in a peaceful manner, that it is too great a risk of exposure.

It is mere speculation that they would not.

One only has to look at the events along the border in Gaza to understand that even when the Israelis grant freedoms (unilateral withdraw) that the violence and the threat only increases.

Most Respectfully,
(unilateral withdraw)
:laugh::laugh::laugh: You are a hoot!
Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

Shall we put this to the test?

Get back to me in 3000 years. And we'll see how the Arab Palestinians in their diaspora have retained their Palestinian culture, unique language, distinctive religious practices, characteristic life celebrations. And we'll see if they still remember the names of the villages they came from.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

You “ forget” one thing. International Law states they have to “ live in peace with their neighbors” That will never happen; “ Right of Return” is DOA
It is mere speculation that they would not.

There is nothing speculative about the Hamas charter. It is dangerous and ignorant to believe the Arabs-Moslems would suddenly abandon 1,400 years of Jew hatreds that are a part of your Islamic theology.
Hamas is a creature of conflict. When there is no more conflict there will be no more Hamas.


Hamas is an expression of Islamic ideology. Have you ever wondered why islamic terrorist groups so frequently operate under surnames that contain the expression gee-had?. That’s a rhetorical question, BTW. The names used by Islamic terrorist franchises are chosen so as to denote the group is subordinate to the cause of their ideology. That ideology, of course, is gee-had; warfare to expand the dominion of the politico-religious ideology invented by Muhammud and as delineated in the Koran.

This is a no-taqiyya zone. I’m better versed in your Korans than you are.
no ... Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

Don't be ridiculous. Every Jew can trace their roots and origins back to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Every. Single. One.

Why? Because the Jewish people have their origins in that place. Anyone who is Jewish traces their origins to that place.
It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

Hogwash. Every word of this is factually incorrect.
RE: All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, I believe it was a decision that was up to them. But it was a mistake for sure.

(unilateral withdraw)
:laugh::laugh::laugh: You are a hoot!

How much trouble would have been avoided if the Israelis had remained and actually imposed a Military Governorship over the region, then nationalized the fishing fleet and telecommunications assets (no private own boats).

So many confrontations would have been avoided, as well as, reduced the insurgency.

Most Respectfully,
It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

Hogwash. Every word of this is factually incorrect.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

What does the name Judea mean again?

according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return.

They should Syria or Jordan or Saudi Arabia.

The opinion piece is full of inaccurate information and blatant demonization of Jews, but, I have to say I agree with some of it:

Four elements are likely to dominate the Deal of the Century: Palestinian self-determination; refugees; Jerusalem; and the future of what was formerly known as the West Bank and has been named by Israel Judea and Samaria. We have already been given a preview of what is to come with the first three:

Yes. I agree these are the dominant elements of any peace agreement.

  • Jerusalem, with the Trump declaration of December 6, 2017 recognizing the city as the capital of Israel;
Yes. I agree. Jerusalem will be under the sovereignty of Israel. That ship has sailed.

  • The refugee issue received an almost fatal blow when in August of 2018 the State Department announced that it will no longer provide funds for UNRWA , the United Nations agency created to take care of Palestinian refugees. Even more than financial significance, the $350 million cut to the UNRWA budget was a blow to the very existence of refugee issue. Trump, serving Netanyahu’s agenda, is attempting to eliminate the refugee issue altogether by questioning the right of the Palestinians to aid and by questioning the right of the descendants of the 1948 refugees to refugee status.
Yes. I agree. The fake refugees and fake right to return for them is a concept dead in the water from the start. Will not happen. Never was going to happen. And there is no right in international law for inherited refugee status in perpetuity.

  • Recognition of Palestinian right to self-determination was de-facto reversed when in September 2018, on the 25th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, the Trump administration closed down the PLO mission in Washington;
Well, no. Recognition of Palestinian right to self-determination is a concept and right independent of any particular governing body or government. One can reject a specific government, without rejecting the concept of self-determination for a peoples.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

You “ forget” one thing. International Law states they have to “ live in peace with their neighbors” That will never happen; “ Right of Return” is DOA
It is mere speculation that they would not.

There is nothing speculative about the Hamas charter. It is dangerous and ignorant to believe the Arabs-Moslems would suddenly abandon 1,400 years of Jew hatreds that are a part of your Islamic theology.
Hamas is a creature of conflict. When there is no more conflict there will be no more Hamas.
Hamas is a creature of conflict. When there is no more conflict there will be no more Hamas.

Islam is a creature of conflict. When there are no more Muslims there will be no more conflict.
Trump’s “Deal of the Century” To Hand Palestine to Israel Along with Whole Set of New Problems


A United Nations Palestinian refugee camp in Amman, Jordan which housed seven thousand Palestinians that were expelled from their lands, April 30, 1953. Photo | AP

Netanyahu’s problem is that when you ask Palestinians in the diaspora where they are from, they say Yaffa, Haifa, Ramle, and so on. When you ask Israelis where they are from, they say, Poland, Russia, Morocco, Yemen, and so on.

When you ask Jews around the world they say the same thing Israelis do. So, while the grandchildren of the 1948 refugees can tell you the name of the town or village from which their family came, even though the village has been destroyed, no Israelis — or Jewish people, for that matter — can trace their roots back to the ancient kingdom of Judea.

It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

It’s actually comical that the knuckledraggers at mint press try to lecture anyone on international law. They’re almost as entertaining as your lectures.
It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

Hogwash. Every word of this is factually incorrect.

Oh please. There is absolutely no right in international law for a person to have a right of return to a State of which they are not a national.
It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

Hogwash. Every word of this is factually incorrect.

Oh please. There is absolutely no right in international law for a person to have a right of return to a State of which they are not a national.
You need to read up.
It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

Hogwash. Every word of this is factually incorrect.

Oh please. There is absolutely no right in international law for a person to have a right of return to a State of which they are not a national.
You need to read up.


And for the love of everything, please don't post that stupid video again.
It is important to note and remind both Trump and Netanyahu that, according to international law, even refugees who were not born in Palestine but in the diaspora are refugees and have a right to return. This is because, under international human rights law, neither local integration nor resettlement forecloses the possibility of refugee return to their country of origin. Furthermore, after a large-scale displacement, such as the one that took place in Palestine in 1948, restitution may cover both public and private property.

Hogwash. Every word of this is factually incorrect.

Oh please. There is absolutely no right in international law for a person to have a right of return to a State of which they are not a national.
You need to read up.


And for the love of everything, please don't post that stupid video again.
Indeed, it goes right over your head.
Hogwash. Every word of this is factually incorrect.

Oh please. There is absolutely no right in international law for a person to have a right of return to a State of which they are not a national.
You need to read up.


And for the love of everything, please don't post that stupid video again.
Indeed, it goes right over your head.

You haven't posted anything. How can it go over my head.

If you think you have some sort of international law prior to 1948 which guarantees the right of return to countries of which the individual is not a national .... by all means, please post it.

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