All the President's Debt

I'll rent you two a room, but cash upfront only.

You say this after 18 pages of leftists circle jerking you read with silence?

I'm just laughing at you. And we're even discussing what was specifically wrong with candycorn's arguments. Which you were silent to as well.

No, you can join candycorn, petro and Crepitus in their room. They've been going a it a while though, you may have to do the heavy lifting
Lol, "I know you are but what am I" says the tRumpling.
But it's what we do here because we want more government than we're willing to pay for.
not me. why do you need more government?

We don't; we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

It would make more sense to spend less than we take in in taxes, and pay down the debt.

We should tax to the levels of spending.

Oh wait, you think it's a fantastic idea to be in debt.... I forgot. Sorry.

We should tax to the levels of spending.


the more they tax, the more they spend.

Raise taxes across the board to 90%, Congress will still spend more than they take in.

Being in debt for 1/4th my assets?

not a big issue.

Not that you seem to understand.

You seem to think any debt is good debt.... Its a crazy stance. I'm not surprised a Trump supporter thinks that way since most are certifiable nuts.

LOL. You tell him you can read his mind, and that's how you know he's a nut.

Maybe you should think that one through ...
There are many debts that are bad debts. For example, credit card debt is a bad debt. Why? Because you are not accruing value in assets, you are simply spending more than you can afford. Otherwise, you would pay cash.
But to take on debt to purchase an asset that is valued at more than what you pay (happens often) is a good debt. It is known as INVESTING.....LEVERAGING.....yes, sometimes a gamble, but often a smart move.
Candycorn, you really need to understand what you debate.

Yes, but it's only a gamble for the money you put into the investment
Bottom line.....and underwriter will ONLY approve a loan if your assets exceed the amount of the loan by at least regardless of the amount of the loan, 100 dollars or 10 billion dollars, you MUST have the assets to rationalize the risk of the lender.
If Trump has a half a billion of debt, (FYI, that is not called being in debt)...then he certainly has much more in assets.
Being in debt is a bad thing. Having debt less than assets is having debt for a reason and a good thing. But not the same as being in debt. Candy needs to understand how it works.

Yes, if you put 30% down on a building, then use the building itself as collateral, you should be fine.

I keep pointing out too that debt is cheaper than equity. By putting down 30%, he can buy roughly three more buildings with the same money. Buying buildings outright would be really stupid, so that's what candycorn, petro, and Crepitus think he should do. They want government checks, business schmisness, they know nothing about it, and are damned proud of it
If it's smart to owe money then why is he hiding it?
It’s none of your business , that’s simple
  • Thanks
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I see reading reply's to this post that pretty much NO one on this board understands big business or government finance, that includes me. and who could blame them, its a convoluted mess.

One person owing $1B is not a good thing. I think we all understand that. Some here believe that he should owe $2B.... Its incredible.
One person doesn’t. A corporation does.
I see reading reply's to this post that pretty much NO one on this board understands big business or government finance, that includes me. and who could blame them, its a convoluted mess.

One person owing $1B is not a good thing. I think we all understand that. Some here believe that he should owe $2B.... Its incredible.
One person doesn’t. A corporation does.

Trump isn’t running a corporation
But it's what we do here because we want more government than we're willing to pay for.
not me. why do you need more government?

We don't; we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

It would make more sense to spend less than we take in in taxes, and pay down the debt.

We should tax to the levels of spending.

Oh wait, you think it's a fantastic idea to be in debt.... I forgot. Sorry.

We should tax to the levels of spending.


the more they tax, the more they spend.

Raise taxes across the board to 90%, Congress will still spend more than they take in.

Being in debt for 1/4th my assets?

not a big issue.

Not that you seem to understand.

You seem to think any debt is good debt.... Its a crazy stance. I'm not surprised a Trump supporter thinks that way since most are certifiable nuts.

LOL. You tell him you can read his mind, and that's how you know he's a nut.

Maybe you should think that one through ...
There are many debts that are bad debts. For example, credit card debt is a bad debt. Why? Because you are not accruing value in assets, you are simply spending more than you can afford. Otherwise, you would pay cash.
But to take on debt to purchase an asset that is valued at more than what you pay (happens often) is a good debt. It is known as INVESTING.....LEVERAGING.....yes, sometimes a gamble, but often a smart move.
Candycorn, you really need to understand what you debate.

Yes, but it's only a gamble for the money you put into the investment
Bottom line.....and underwriter will ONLY approve a loan if your assets exceed the amount of the loan by at least regardless of the amount of the loan, 100 dollars or 10 billion dollars, you MUST have the assets to rationalize the risk of the lender.
If Trump has a half a billion of debt, (FYI, that is not called being in debt)...then he certainly has much more in assets.
Being in debt is a bad thing. Having debt less than assets is having debt for a reason and a good thing. But not the same as being in debt. Candy needs to understand how it works.

Yes, if you put 30% down on a building, then use the building itself as collateral, you should be fine.

I keep pointing out too that debt is cheaper than equity. By putting down 30%, he can buy roughly three more buildings with the same money. Buying buildings outright would be really stupid, so that's what candycorn, petro, and Crepitus think he should do. They want government checks, business schmisness, they know nothing about it, and are damned proud of it
If it's smart to owe money then why is he hiding it?
It’s none of your business , that’s simple
You don't know either, huh?

Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101
We're really wondering how much of Trump's debt is held by China.

You should be wondering what your candidate owes China, as well as Russia. Communist countries like those don't fix up your relatives with lucrative sweetheart deals, unless they expect something in return.

Know what i mean?

Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing legitimate business with a country like China. They do after all, provide us with manufactured goods

Please tell me though, just what goods or services did China, Russia, and the Ukraine provide this country, as a result of the Biden Crime Family?

How much oil did this country benefit, from Hunter being on the board of Burisma?

What did we get in exchange for the money that previous Mayor of Moscow gave them?

And what about the Biden Crime Family's dealings with China, and the unknown millions they were paid? Did that equate to more Chinese-made goods on the shelves at Walmart?
Its pretty hypocritical when you couple your Chinese factories with the rhetoric of bringing jobs back to America.

I'm a globalist and am proud to admit it. China owns Trump as does the various lending institutions--to the tune of $1B plus.

Hell is real. So is the Book of Revelation, and Globalism is Evil. You will regret your 666 tattooed ass ever said, "I am a Globalist and Proud of it"

To be a Globalist is to be a Satanist and a member of The End Times Anti Christ Kingdom.
Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101
We're really wondering how much of Trump's debt is held by China.

You should be wondering what your candidate owes China, as well as Russia. Communist countries like those don't fix up your relatives with lucrative sweetheart deals, unless they expect something in return.

Know what i mean?

Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing legitimate business with a country like China. They do after all, provide us with manufactured goods

Please tell me though, just what goods or services did China, Russia, and the Ukraine provide this country, as a result of the Biden Crime Family?

How much oil did this country benefit, from Hunter being on the board of Burisma?

What did we get in exchange for the money that previous Mayor of Moscow gave them?

And what about the Biden Crime Family's dealings with China, and the unknown millions they were paid? Did that equate to more Chinese-made goods on the shelves at Walmart?
Its pretty hypocritical when you couple your Chinese factories with the rhetoric of bringing jobs back to America.

I'm a globalist and am proud to admit it. China owns Trump as does the various lending institutions--to the tune of $1B plus.

Hell is real. So is the Book of Revelation, and Globalism is Evil. You will regret your 666 tattooed ass ever said, "I am a Globalist and Proud of it"

To be a Globalist is to be a Satanist and a member of The End Times Anti Christ Kingdom.

Meh, I had a good run.

Doesn't it frustrate the hell out of you (pun intended) when you try to get up in someones face and they just bitch slap you like I just did?

PS: Trump's the model of a globalist.
Oh for God's sake.....

EVERY corporation does that.
Even the USA does that. Do you have any idea how much of the US's debt is held by China ?? (NO)

Please consider enrolling in Business 101
We're really wondering how much of Trump's debt is held by China.

You should be wondering what your candidate owes China, as well as Russia. Communist countries like those don't fix up your relatives with lucrative sweetheart deals, unless they expect something in return.

Know what i mean?

Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing legitimate business with a country like China. They do after all, provide us with manufactured goods

Please tell me though, just what goods or services did China, Russia, and the Ukraine provide this country, as a result of the Biden Crime Family?

How much oil did this country benefit, from Hunter being on the board of Burisma?

What did we get in exchange for the money that previous Mayor of Moscow gave them?

And what about the Biden Crime Family's dealings with China, and the unknown millions they were paid? Did that equate to more Chinese-made goods on the shelves at Walmart?
Its pretty hypocritical when you couple your Chinese factories with the rhetoric of bringing jobs back to America.

I'm a globalist and am proud to admit it. China owns Trump as does the various lending institutions--to the tune of $1B plus.

Hell is real. So is the Book of Revelation, and Globalism is Evil. You will regret your 666 tattooed ass ever said, "I am a Globalist and Proud of it"

To be a Globalist is to be a Satanist and a member of The End Times Anti Christ Kingdom.

Meh, I had a good run.

Doesn't it frustrate the hell out of you (pun intended) when you try to get up in someones face and they just bitch slap you like I just did?

PS: Trump's the model of a globalist.
Your Messiah (The Anti Christ) is coming. Hang in there, be patient and ignore God's call to repent. Ignore the love, the gift Christ offered you to escape The Tribulation and Rule of Anti Christ.



But it's what we do here because we want more government than we're willing to pay for.
not me. why do you need more government?

We don't; we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

It would make more sense to spend less than we take in in taxes, and pay down the debt.

We should tax to the levels of spending.

Oh wait, you think it's a fantastic idea to be in debt.... I forgot. Sorry.

We should tax to the levels of spending.


the more they tax, the more they spend.

Raise taxes across the board to 90%, Congress will still spend more than they take in.

Being in debt for 1/4th my assets?

not a big issue.

Not that you seem to understand.

You seem to think any debt is good debt.... Its a crazy stance. I'm not surprised a Trump supporter thinks that way since most are certifiable nuts.

LOL. You tell him you can read his mind, and that's how you know he's a nut.

Maybe you should think that one through ...
There are many debts that are bad debts. For example, credit card debt is a bad debt. Why? Because you are not accruing value in assets, you are simply spending more than you can afford. Otherwise, you would pay cash.
But to take on debt to purchase an asset that is valued at more than what you pay (happens often) is a good debt. It is known as INVESTING.....LEVERAGING.....yes, sometimes a gamble, but often a smart move.
Candycorn, you really need to understand what you debate.

Yes, but it's only a gamble for the money you put into the investment
Bottom line.....and underwriter will ONLY approve a loan if your assets exceed the amount of the loan by at least regardless of the amount of the loan, 100 dollars or 10 billion dollars, you MUST have the assets to rationalize the risk of the lender.
If Trump has a half a billion of debt, (FYI, that is not called being in debt)...then he certainly has much more in assets.
Being in debt is a bad thing. Having debt less than assets is having debt for a reason and a good thing. But not the same as being in debt. Candy needs to understand how it works.

Yes, if you put 30% down on a building, then use the building itself as collateral, you should be fine.

I keep pointing out too that debt is cheaper than equity. By putting down 30%, he can buy roughly three more buildings with the same money. Buying buildings outright would be really stupid, so that's what candycorn, petro, and Crepitus think he should do. They want government checks, business schmisness, they know nothing about it, and are damned proud of it
If it's smart to owe money then why is he hiding it?

Where do you get that he's hiding it? That's a logical fallacy BTW called "begging the question."

You just assumed the truth of your own position.

It's a butt lazy way to argue.

Creep: I'm right, kaz, just cuz I said so
I'll rent you two a room, but cash upfront only.

You say this after 18 pages of leftists circle jerking you read with silence?

I'm just laughing at you. And we're even discussing what was specifically wrong with candycorn's arguments. Which you were silent to as well.

No, you can join candycorn, petro and Crepitus in their room. They've been going a it a while though, you may have to do the heavy lifting
Lol, "I know you are but what am I" says the tRumpling.

That didn't even make sense. Democrats are not smart people. Then again if you were smart, you wouldn't be a Democrat
But it's what we do here because we want more government than we're willing to pay for.
not me. why do you need more government?

We don't; we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

It would make more sense to spend less than we take in in taxes, and pay down the debt.

We should tax to the levels of spending.

Oh wait, you think it's a fantastic idea to be in debt.... I forgot. Sorry.

We should tax to the levels of spending.


the more they tax, the more they spend.

Raise taxes across the board to 90%, Congress will still spend more than they take in.

Being in debt for 1/4th my assets?

not a big issue.

Not that you seem to understand.

You seem to think any debt is good debt.... Its a crazy stance. I'm not surprised a Trump supporter thinks that way since most are certifiable nuts.

LOL. You tell him you can read his mind, and that's how you know he's a nut.

Maybe you should think that one through ...
There are many debts that are bad debts. For example, credit card debt is a bad debt. Why? Because you are not accruing value in assets, you are simply spending more than you can afford. Otherwise, you would pay cash.
But to take on debt to purchase an asset that is valued at more than what you pay (happens often) is a good debt. It is known as INVESTING.....LEVERAGING.....yes, sometimes a gamble, but often a smart move.
Candycorn, you really need to understand what you debate.

Yes, but it's only a gamble for the money you put into the investment
Bottom line.....and underwriter will ONLY approve a loan if your assets exceed the amount of the loan by at least regardless of the amount of the loan, 100 dollars or 10 billion dollars, you MUST have the assets to rationalize the risk of the lender.
If Trump has a half a billion of debt, (FYI, that is not called being in debt)...then he certainly has much more in assets.
Being in debt is a bad thing. Having debt less than assets is having debt for a reason and a good thing. But not the same as being in debt. Candy needs to understand how it works.

Yes, if you put 30% down on a building, then use the building itself as collateral, you should be fine.

I keep pointing out too that debt is cheaper than equity. By putting down 30%, he can buy roughly three more buildings with the same money. Buying buildings outright would be really stupid, so that's what candycorn, petro, and Crepitus think he should do. They want government checks, business schmisness, they know nothing about it, and are damned proud of it
If it's smart to owe money then why is he hiding it?
It’s none of your business , that’s simple

This is how stupid Creep is. He said, "If it's smart to owe money then why is he hiding it?"

Now everyone with a brain knows this is the actual question he asked, "Why won't Trump disclose more information so we can pour over it, ignore anything that is reasonable and attack him for anything we don't like and skew and slant anything we can skew and slant to attack him with it?"

There is no one with a functioning brain in this country who doesn't know that's Creep's actual question, including Creep.

And the question answers itself. People like Creep are so stupid and they think we're even dumber. It's obvious what they are doing
But it's what we do here because we want more government than we're willing to pay for.
not me. why do you need more government?

We don't; we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

we need to tax ourselves at the level of government spending.

It would make more sense to spend less than we take in in taxes, and pay down the debt.

We should tax to the levels of spending.

Oh wait, you think it's a fantastic idea to be in debt.... I forgot. Sorry.

We should tax to the levels of spending.


the more they tax, the more they spend.

Raise taxes across the board to 90%, Congress will still spend more than they take in.

Being in debt for 1/4th my assets?

not a big issue.

Not that you seem to understand.

You seem to think any debt is good debt.... Its a crazy stance. I'm not surprised a Trump supporter thinks that way since most are certifiable nuts.

LOL. You tell him you can read his mind, and that's how you know he's a nut.

Maybe you should think that one through ...
There are many debts that are bad debts. For example, credit card debt is a bad debt. Why? Because you are not accruing value in assets, you are simply spending more than you can afford. Otherwise, you would pay cash.
But to take on debt to purchase an asset that is valued at more than what you pay (happens often) is a good debt. It is known as INVESTING.....LEVERAGING.....yes, sometimes a gamble, but often a smart move.
Candycorn, you really need to understand what you debate.

Yes, but it's only a gamble for the money you put into the investment
Bottom line.....and underwriter will ONLY approve a loan if your assets exceed the amount of the loan by at least regardless of the amount of the loan, 100 dollars or 10 billion dollars, you MUST have the assets to rationalize the risk of the lender.
If Trump has a half a billion of debt, (FYI, that is not called being in debt)...then he certainly has much more in assets.
Being in debt is a bad thing. Having debt less than assets is having debt for a reason and a good thing. But not the same as being in debt. Candy needs to understand how it works.

Yes, if you put 30% down on a building, then use the building itself as collateral, you should be fine.

I keep pointing out too that debt is cheaper than equity. By putting down 30%, he can buy roughly three more buildings with the same money. Buying buildings outright would be really stupid, so that's what candycorn, petro, and Crepitus think he should do. They want government checks, business schmisness, they know nothing about it, and are damned proud of it
If it's smart to owe money then why is he hiding it?
It’s none of your business , that’s simple
You don't know either, huh?


Again, all you're looking for is partisan talking points. You don't care what the truth is. Stop pretending anyone doesn't know that.

Mommy, I LOVE you, can I have a cookie? < ----- Creep actually believes his mother doesn't know why he said that

Honey, you're the greatest wife. Can I go out with the boys to the bar? < ----- Creep actually believes his wife doesn't know why he said that

All I want to do is know the Truth about Trump's finances < ----- Creep actually believes no one wants why he wants them

You really are an idiot, an intellectual three year old
I'll rent you two a room, but cash upfront only.

You say this after 18 pages of leftists circle jerking you read with silence?

I'm just laughing at you. And we're even discussing what was specifically wrong with candycorn's arguments. Which you were silent to as well.

No, you can join candycorn, petro and Crepitus in their room. They've been going a it a while though, you may have to do the heavy lifting
I have no idea of the ideological leanings of Grumblenuts. I am rarely on this forum. But I found the post funny. His. her ideology does not detract from his/her humor
Appreciate the attitude. I'm actually a leftist independent. Seemed to me, you and candycorn were enjoying talking past one another on purpose for so long you might as well "get a room." I have kaz on ignore. He's a real prick. You're just overbearing. Candycorn is art in motion..

It's funny how leftist independent, lean left, left not Democrat, Democrat leftist, Democrat moderate, Democrat conservative, independent leaning left, independent who votes for Democrats, socialist, Democratic socialist ...

... all mean the same thing.

Only difference is how you like to think of yourselves
If you owed a million dollars, you'd probably think, "I'm fucked".

The blob literally owes 1,000 times that.

Let that sink in.

Suppose your five year old son owed someone $100, that's probably a lot of money to him

candycorn: $100? Not a big deal. If she owed a million, she would think she's fucked

kaz: Owes (counting business debt like Trump) over a million, but is fine because my assets and income far exceed that. If I owed a billion I'd say I'm fucked though, I couldn't possibly repay it

Trump: Has (according to candy's article): $3.66 net worth and $1 billion in debt. So $1 billion in debt doesn't phase him

You actually don't get this, do you? How stupid are you?
Directly contradicting the explicit premise. "If you owed" meaning from the perspective of your average schlub, not some multimillionaire RE tycoon. Deliberately missing the point is all you're really communicating with this repeated sort of response. What fails to rebut an assertion of fact only makes it stronger.
Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument. Whataboutism is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda.
^That's you. Not a good look.

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