All those jobs and immigrants

'We’re closed!': Trump vents his anger over immigration at homeland security secretary

President Trump began berating Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in the Oval Office earlier this spring, according to administration officials, griping about her performance and blaming her for a surge in illegal border crossings.

Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, who installed her in the job, jumped in to defend her.

The two men then sparred over Nielsen as she silently watched. At one point, Trump noted the border numbers were lower under Kelly and wondered aloud why Nielsen could not perform as well, according to these officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private meeting.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
Well, all those jobs that that AMERICANS used to do 20 years ago, all those industries American blue-collar workers used to do mysteriously became civil rights issue for Hispanic illegal aliens that are given sanctuary from federal immigration laws... Without the consent of the local constituency, I might add.
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Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
We give Mexicans sanctuary, because they are willing to sell themselves cheap. Wow. No other immigrant group in American History has EVER gotten this level of special treatment. Not Jews, not Irish, Not anybody. Just Mexicans. And the people that exploit them, and corrupt our politics are so cynical as to pretend to make this a moral issue, well, think again.
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Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

That’s a rather ironic statement seeing as how you people are the ones always screaming for a living wage, yet the brown people can work for table scraps, right?
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

That’s a rather ironic statement seeing as how you people are the ones always screaming for a living wage, yet the brown people can work for table scraps, right?

Wow....once in a while you’ll say some shit that actually makes perfect sense. Good job boss!
I watched the wages drop in the Insulation and Scaffolding jobs over the years..............Now both legal and illegal Mexicans do the a much much lower price..................

I don't work in those fields btw.........I don't want to do either............Same in my a degree......they bused in Illegals to do Wire pulls for a Major construction job...........everyone knew it........the company I worked for and the plant owners building the place.....

They would have had to pay more money for Americans which would have had to pay taxes.......and the money would have been spent here instead of them sending it back to Mexico.............. has killed wages.
As far as sanctuary cities go, does anyone, regardless of their politics, anyone remember what referendums or elections when we were asked if we wanted our cities made sanctuaries for illegal aliens? Just suddenly it happened without out consent? We live in a so called Democratic Republic...OK...explain this sanctuary city stuff. I am missing something.
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Some of you losers should step up and work a 2nd job so we don't have to take on these immigrants that will surely end up illegal in a year or two. We'll need 15,000 of you though. Are any of you underemployed or unemployed? Then get your losing ass to work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure

Mmm, this is interesting.

"which came after consult with Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, follows a report finding that Maryland's crab industry lost nearly half of its workforce due to the Trump administration's tightening controls on the visa system."

I like the sound of that. Nice to hear that Trump has tightened up the visa system.

Funny the media didn't mention that.

FUnny strange. No funny ha ha.
As far as sanctuary cities go, does anyone, regardless of their politics, anyone remember what referendums or elections when we were asked if we wanted our cities made sanctuaries for illegal aliens? Just suddenly it happened without out consent? We live in a so called Democratic Republic...OK...explain this sanctuary city stuff?

There is no logical explanation. We The People were far too nice for far too long...we looked the other way and bought the bleeding heart bullshit that LefTards are still buying....”They come here as good people seeking a better life.”
We never spoke up and or put up a fight and demanded that federal law be enforced. We fucked ourselves and now wetbacks are making the rules and electing our politicians.
As far as sanctuary cities go, does anyone, regardless of their politics, anyone remember what referendums or elections when we were asked if we wanted our cities made sanctuaries for illegal aliens? Just suddenly it happened without out consent? We live in a so called Democratic Republic...OK...explain this sanctuary city stuff?

There is no logical explanation. We The People were far too nice for far too long...we looked the other way and bought the bleeding heart bullshit that LefTards are still buying....”They come here as good people seeking a better life.”
We never spoke up and or put up a fight and demanded that federal law be enforced. We fucked ourselves and now wetbacks are making the rules and electing our politicians.
I went to local INS office back in the 80's . I barged in a was so angry about illegal aliens. Wow. I saw vanloads of wettbacks sneaking in (literally) and taking over huge swathes and I was told, relax, Ronald Regan changed the immigration enforcement laws...really? The penultimate conservative Republican? Well, when a INS agent says that.... Something is broken here.
As far as sanctuary cities go, does anyone, regardless of their politics, anyone remember what referendums or elections when we were asked if we wanted our cities made sanctuaries for illegal aliens? Just suddenly it happened without out consent? We live in a so called Democratic Republic...OK...explain this sanctuary city stuff?

There is no logical explanation. We The People were far too nice for far too long...we looked the other way and bought the bleeding heart bullshit that LefTards are still buying....”They come here as good people seeking a better life.”
We never spoke up and or put up a fight and demanded that federal law be enforced. We fucked ourselves and now wetbacks are making the rules and electing our politicians.
I went to local INS office back in the 80's . I barged in a was so angry about illegal aliens. Wow. I saw vanloads of wettbacks sneaking in (literally) and taking over huge swathes and I was told, relax, Ronald Regan changed the immigration enforcement laws...really? The penultimate conservative Republican? Well, when a INS agent says that.... Something is broken here.

Good on you for trying to make a difference.
I’ve always said; no President (before Hussein) has ever fucked over good Americans like Reagan did.
Ronald Reagan phucked us over...big time!
Anyone who hasn't noticed what immigration has done to the middle class blue collar worker is a complete moron.
Anyone who hasn't noticed what immigration has done to the middle class blue collar worker is a complete moron.

You mean to tell me it’s not wealthy, white christian business owners that destroyed the middle class blue collar worker?
But, but, but....LefTards claim illegal wetbacks are a net gain for our nation. WTF....I’ve been lied to?
"Put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there parents once they cross the Border into the U.S. Catch and Release, Lottery and Chain must also go with it and we MUST continue building the WALL! DEMOCRATS ARE PROTECTING MS-13 THUGS." - President Trump
Where the hell are all those American's that want jobs? How many of these immigrants will get lost just before their visa has expired? Must be the jobs are ones the white boys won't work.

Homeland Security announces 15,000 additional seasonal visas for companies at risk of failure
If They Own a Man's Work, They Own That Man

The employers have no right to set wages. Their undeserved conceit about their economic value has led directly to this cheap-labor invasion.

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