All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

^ long after he lost his court case

True, the same with everyone else's ranches BLM has shown up to, with a ridiculous show of force.

Do you think they needed that kind of force for two little old women, one 70 and the other 80? How about putting their old, deaf brother into federal prison for trying self-immolation in protest, as BLM was rounding up their horses? He should have been hospitalized.

I just feel as if a lot of this is ridiculous. Do we treat tax-cheats the same way? Surrounding their homes with 200 armed agents, helicopters and snipers, while taking the contents for public sale?
^ so you admit he went to court & lost & was therefore flagrantly violating the law after the fact?
CaféAuLait;9001075 said:
^ so you admit he went to court & lost & was therefore flagrantly violating the law after the fact?

Sure, he was protesting the fee. Any answers to the question I asked?
CaféAuLait;9001075 said:
^ so you admit he went to court & lost & was therefore flagrantly violating the law after the fact?

Sure, he was protesting the fee. Any answers to the question I asked?

Yes, I know that. I realize he stopped paying years before, he stopped paying when the feds said he had to limit the amount of cattle, to levels which would have put him out of business. Again, he was protesting, just as the Dann sisters were. They owed for 30 years, 5 million plus according to the Feds. Yowell, 3 million, The took his Social Security checks as well as his cattle. He is still fighting them. Wayne Hage's fight with them lasted over 30 years, a judge found in his favor and ruled the BLM was wrong and awarded him over 4 million. Unfortunately, it took so long to process through the courts, he died before the court found in his favor.

I'll ask again,

Do you think they needed that kind of force for two little old women, one 70 and the other 80? How about putting their old, deaf brother into federal prison for trying self-immolation in protest as BLM was rounding up their horses? He should have been hospitalized. Bundy is what, almost 70 too?

I just feel as if a lot of this is ridiculous. Do we treat tax-cheats the same way? Surrounding their homes with 200 armed agents, helicopters and snipers, while taking the contents for public sale?
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CaféAuLait;9001135 said:
CaféAuLait;9001075 said:
Sure, he was protesting the fee. Any answers to the question I asked?

Yes, I know that. I realize he stopped paying years before, he stopped paying when the feds said he had to limit the amount of cattle, to levels which would have put him out of business. Again, he was protesting, just as the Dann sisters were. They owed for 30 years, 5 million plus according to the Feds. Yowell, 3 million, The took his Social Security checks as well as his cattle. He is still fighting them. Wayne Hage's fight with them lasted over 30 years, a judge found in his favor and ruled the BLM was wrong and awarded him over 4 million. Unfortunately, it took so long to process through the courts, he died before the court found in his favor.

I'll ask again,

Do you think they needed that kind of force for two little old women, one 70 and the other 80? How about putting their old, deaf brother into federal prison for trying self-immolation in protest as BLM was rounding up their horses? He should have been hospitalized. Bundy is what, almost 70 too?

I just feel as if a lot of this is ridiculous. Do we treat tax-cheats the same way? Surrounding their homes with 200 armed agents, helicopters and snipers, while taking the contents for public sale?

That depends, are they republican tax cheats or democrats?
When the tax cheat threatens to use armed violence to prevent the court order from being enforced then law enforcement will show up with the weapons needed for self-defense.

Stupid rednecks never took up arms to protect marijuana growers who were breaking the law. If Federal agents show up to a marijuana grower's home with 200 heavily-armed SWAT members because the pot grower says, "I have a gun and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect my livelihood", then the right-wing Republican Teabagger terrorist party wants to run airstrikes on the house.

Republican Teabagger terrorists don't have any idea what they want. They only know that they hate the big Federal government while a black Democrat is in charge.
CaféAuLait;9001135 said:

Yes, I know that. I realize he stopped paying years before, he stopped paying when the feds said he had to limit the amount of cattle, to levels which would have put him out of business. Again, he was protesting, just as the Dann sisters were. They owed for 30 years, 5 million plus according to the Feds. Yowell, 3 million, The took his Social Security checks as well as his cattle. He is still fighting them. Wayne Hage's fight with them lasted over 30 years, a judge found in his favor and ruled the BLM was wrong and awarded him over 4 million. Unfortunately, it took so long to process through the courts, he died before the court found in his favor.

I'll ask again,

Do you think they needed that kind of force for two little old women, one 70 and the other 80? How about putting their old, deaf brother into federal prison for trying self-immolation in protest as BLM was rounding up their horses? He should have been hospitalized. Bundy is what, almost 70 too?

I just feel as if a lot of this is ridiculous. Do we treat tax-cheats the same way? Surrounding their homes with 200 armed agents, helicopters and snipers, while taking the contents for public sale?

That depends, are they republican tax cheats or democrats?

that is a valid question
Depends on what you mean by freedom. In the '50's, there were truly places in the lower 48 that were wilderness. But if you were the wrong color, no matter what your character and accomplishments, it was the back of the bus. Today, there is far more freedom in every sphere of society. And that just scares the bejesus out of our 'Conservatives'. And pleases we liberals and conservatives.

Perhaps you can explain to all of us how owning 86% of a state means "far more freedom" for the citizens of Nevada?

Freedom only counts when it is exercised in a manner which 'liberals' deem correct or socially acceptable. Freedom in the liberal mind means political correctness. What scares the bejesus out of us conservatives is the liberal inability to accept any form of speech that doesn't come as harm to them or anyone else. And yes, the context of Bundy's words does matter, insensitive as they may be. What scares us the most is the liberal penchant for destroying someone for that speech. And what scares us the most is liberals' twisted quest for "equality." You act as if you are the bridge between conservatism and liberalism. Far from it.

Here you are, judging a man by his character and not his accomplishments. You hardly know the man, yet you don't mind sitting back there putting the wig on and slamming the gavel down in arbitrary judgement. Isn't that how racism began in the first place? Judging someone you hardly even know for their differences? Isn't this how Obama got elected? He was elected on his words, not his deeds.

Guy, nobody is arbitrily judging Bundy. Bundy has had 20 years to get this right. He had a legal theory, he went to court, and he lost. Democratic and Republican Administrations have taken the SAME position on this guy. He needs to pay the government if he wants to graze his cattle on public land.

And frankly, this guy wants to freeload off the rest of us, and then turn around and denounce some poor woman who takes food stamps for a couple years?
This is a battle of ideas, not of people. This is not a war, it is a debate.

You get way too personal about it and forget that we are all homo sapiens.

And it is EXACTLY this weakness that is generally the downfall of the Right.
What irony. Here's an asshole lefty throwing a personal insult and says they take it too personally.

That's the tactic of the left. Slander someone with their own shortcomings. You are obviously taking it personally, hence your derogatory remark to a specific person you disagree with. And wrong, it isn't an exchange of ideas, the only compromise the left offers is 100 percent capitulation to their demands. The left doesn't want a debate, they want their ideology enacted by legislation or judicial decree.

I didn't say to take up arms against them, I said we must defeat them, what did you think I was talking about?

Nope. I am laughing at you.
In other words your comment was misdirected and meaningless. That's what I thought.
Depends on what you mean by freedom. In the '50's, there were truly places in the lower 48 that were wilderness. But if you were the wrong color, no matter what your character and accomplishments, it was the back of the bus. Today, there is far more freedom in every sphere of society. And that just scares the bejesus out of our 'Conservatives'. And pleases we liberals and conservatives.

Perhaps you can explain to all of us how owning 86% of a state means "far more freedom" for the citizens of Nevada?

Freedom only counts when it is exercised in a manner which 'liberals' deem correct or socially acceptable. Freedom in the liberal mind means political correctness. What scares the bejesus out of us conservatives is the liberal inability to accept any form of speech that doesn't come as harm to them or anyone else. And yes, the context of Bundy's words does matter, insensitive as they may be. What scares us the most is the liberal penchant for destroying someone for that speech. And what scares us the most is liberals' twisted quest for "equality." You act as if you are the bridge between conservatism and liberalism. Far from it.

Here you are, judging a man by his character and not his accomplishments. You hardly know the man, yet you don't mind sitting back there putting the wig on and slamming the gavel down in arbitrary judgement. Isn't that how racism began in the first place? Judging someone you hardly even know for their differences? Isn't this how Obama got elected? He was elected on his words, not his deeds.

Guy, nobody is arbitrily judging Bundy. Bundy has had 20 years to get this right. He had a legal theory, he went to court, and he lost. Democratic and Republican Administrations have taken the SAME position on this guy. He needs to pay the government if he wants to graze his cattle on public land.

And frankly, this guy wants to freeload off the rest of us, and then turn around and denounce some poor woman who takes food stamps for a couple years?

Yeah, they are. Including you. No sooner do you say that, than you call the man a freeloader. Funny how your mind works. This isn't about the law anymore. It's about the hypocrisy and ignorance I've seen from the left.

Funny how you accuse the man of freeloading too, when you advocate entitlement programs that encourage the same.
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This is a battle of ideas, not of people. This is not a war, it is a debate.

You get way too personal about it and forget that we are all homo sapiens.

And it is EXACTLY this weakness that is generally the downfall of the Right.
What irony. Here's an asshole lefty throwing a personal insult and says they take it too personally.

That's the tactic of the left. Slander someone with their own shortcomings. You are obviously taking it personally, hence your derogatory remark to a specific person you disagree with. And wrong, it isn't an exchange of ideas, the only compromise the left offers is 100 percent capitulation to their demands. The left doesn't want a debate, they want their ideology enacted by legislation or judicial decree.

I didn't say to take up arms against them, I said we must defeat them, what did you think I was talking about?

Nope. I am laughing at you.

Code for:

I have no argument.
When the tax cheat threatens to use armed violence to prevent the court order from being enforced then law enforcement will show up with the weapons needed for self-defense.

Stupid rednecks never took up arms to protect marijuana growers who were breaking the law. If Federal agents show up to a marijuana grower's home with 200 heavily-armed SWAT members because the pot grower says, "I have a gun and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect my livelihood", then the right-wing Republican Teabagger terrorist party wants to run airstrikes on the house.

Republican Teabagger terrorists don't have any idea what they want. They only know that they hate the big Federal government while a black Democrat is in charge.
In other words you want Obama to drop his nads into your mouth. Why didn't you just say so?
That's so clever that I almost expect it to have been written by someone who votes Republican. Barack Obama should be tried for war crimes just like George W. Bush. There is no such thing as "American exceptionalism". The United States must abide by international standards of human rights and jurisprudence, otherwise there is only Anarchy where everyone picks which laws to obey whenever the whim suits them. Like the redneck fiasco in Nevada, for example. Stupid treasonous rednecks threatened Americans with violence to stop our laws from being enforced. Any other group on Earth would be condemned as a terrorist faction but all of these worthless traitorous Republican rednecks are calling themselves "heroes" for threatening America to get their way.

Fuck Cliven Bundy and every piece of shit Republican traitor that supports him. You should all be ashamed of yourselves but you're too damned ignorant to even admit that you're wrong. There are piles of government documents about the Bush torture program and you simple-minded traitors still insist that all the CIA did was pour water on some people's faces. There are piles of government documents and first-person testimony outlining how the Bush administration used false intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq. Don't argue. You don't know because you don't want to know. Any information that contradicts a Republican voter's uneducated opinion is obviously just left-wing liberal corporate Sharia Jew media bias, or whatever.

Cliven Bundy is a racist criminal. Anyone who took arms in his defense is a traitor. Anyone who supports the terrorist traitors is a worthless coward. The Tea Party is a terrorist group.
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When the tax cheat threatens to use armed violence to prevent the court order from being enforced then law enforcement will show up with the weapons needed for self-defense.

Stupid rednecks never took up arms to protect marijuana growers who were breaking the law. If Federal agents show up to a marijuana grower's home with 200 heavily-armed SWAT members because the pot grower says, "I have a gun and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect my livelihood", then the right-wing Republican Teabagger terrorist party wants to run airstrikes on the house.

Republican Teabagger terrorists don't have any idea what they want. They only know that they hate the big Federal government while a black Democrat is in charge.
In other words you want Obama to drop his nads into your mouth. Why didn't you just say so?
That's so clever that I almost expect it to have been written by someone who votes Republican. Barack Obama should be tried for war crimes just like George W. Bush. There is no such thing as "American exceptionalism". The United States must abide by international standards of human rights and jurisprudence, otherwise there is only Anarchy where everyone picks which laws to obey whenever the whim suits them. Like the redneck fiasco in Nevada, for example. Stupid treasonous rednecks threatened Americans with violence to stop our laws from being enforced. Any other group on Earth would be condemned as a terrorist faction but all of these worthless traitorous Republican rednecks are calling themselves "heroes" for threatening America to get their way.

Fuck Cliven Bundy and every piece of shit Republican traitor that supports him. You should all be ashamed of yourselves but you're too damned ignorant to even admit that you're wrong. There are piles of government documents about the Bush torture program and you simple-minded traitors still insist that all the CIA did was pour water on some people's faces. There are piles of government documents and first-person testimony outlining how the Bush administration used false intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq. Don't argue. You don't know because you don't want to know. Any information that contradicts a Republican voter's uneducated opinion is obviously just left-wing liberal corporate Sharia Jew media bias, or whatever.

Cliven Bundy is a racist criminal. Anyone who took arms in his defense is a traitor. Anyone who supports the terrorist traitors is a worthless coward. The Tea Party is a terrorist group.
IF what you claimed about Bush was true, don't you think there would have been some action on it? He was not popular with too many Democrats (although he spent money like one). Where were the congressional hearings? They had total control over Congress and the White House. Even now it couldn't be stopped. To believe you we'd need to believe the left is covering for Bush. I can't imagine where that leaves you.
When the tax cheat threatens to use armed violence to prevent the court order from being enforced then law enforcement will show up with the weapons needed for self-defense.

Stupid rednecks never took up arms to protect marijuana growers who were breaking the law. If Federal agents show up to a marijuana grower's home with 200 heavily-armed SWAT members because the pot grower says, "I have a gun and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect my livelihood", then the right-wing Republican Teabagger terrorist party wants to run airstrikes on the house.

Republican Teabagger terrorists don't have any idea what they want. They only know that they hate the big Federal government while a black Democrat is in charge.
In other words you want Obama to drop his nads into your mouth. Why didn't you just say so?
That's so clever that I almost expect it to have been written by someone who votes Republican. Barack Obama should be tried for war crimes just like George W. Bush. There is no such thing as "American exceptionalism". The United States must abide by international standards of human rights and jurisprudence, otherwise there is only Anarchy where everyone picks which laws to obey whenever the whim suits them. Like the redneck fiasco in Nevada, for example. Stupid treasonous rednecks threatened Americans with violence to stop our laws from being enforced. Any other group on Earth would be condemned as a terrorist faction but all of these worthless traitorous Republican rednecks are calling themselves "heroes" for threatening America to get their way.

Fuck Cliven Bundy and every piece of shit Republican traitor that supports him. You should all be ashamed of yourselves but you're too damned ignorant to even admit that you're wrong. There are piles of government documents about the Bush torture program and you simple-minded traitors still insist that all the CIA did was pour water on some people's faces. There are piles of government documents and first-person testimony outlining how the Bush administration used false intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq. Don't argue. You don't know because you don't want to know. Any information that contradicts a Republican voter's uneducated opinion is obviously just left-wing liberal corporate Sharia Jew media bias, or whatever.

Cliven Bundy is a racist criminal. Anyone who took arms in his defense is a traitor. Anyone who supports the terrorist traitors is a worthless coward. The Tea Party is a terrorist group.

An utterly laughable post, you should take your blood pressure after that one. You're a bigoted racist, just like Cliven Bundy. You cannot refrain from making racially insensitive remarks yourself. Wasn't it you who started calling those Republicans "white trash?"

The United States must abide by international standards of human rights and jurisprudence, otherwise there is only Anarchy where everyone picks which laws to obey whenever the whim suits them.
Sorry, we are a sovereign nation. What you suggest is blatantly unconstitutional. Such ignorance. We will conduct our affairs according to AMERICAN laws and jurisprudence. If you don't like it, tough.

There is no such thing as "American exceptionalism".
You are woefully mistaken. What makes you think people don't see America as exceptional? Oh, it must be because you don't.
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Depends on what you mean by freedom. In the '50's, there were truly places in the lower 48 that were wilderness. But if you were the wrong color, no matter what your character and accomplishments, it was the back of the bus. Today, there is far more freedom in every sphere of society. And that just scares the bejesus out of our 'Conservatives'. And pleases we liberals and conservatives.

Perhaps you can explain to all of us how owning 86% of a state means "far more freedom" for the citizens of Nevada?

Freedom only counts when it is exercised in a manner which 'liberals' deem correct or socially acceptable. Freedom in the liberal mind means political correctness. What scares the bejesus out of us conservatives is the liberal inability to accept any form of speech that doesn't come as harm to them or anyone else. And yes, the context of Bundy's words does matter, insensitive as they may be. What scares us the most is the liberal penchant for destroying someone for that speech. And what scares us the most is liberals' twisted quest for "equality." You act as if you are the bridge between conservatism and liberalism. Far from it.

Here you are, judging a man by his character and not his accomplishments. You hardly know the man, yet you don't mind sitting back there putting the wig on and slamming the gavel down in arbitrary judgement. Isn't that how racism began in the first place? Judging someone you hardly even know for their differences? Isn't this how Obama got elected? He was elected on his words, not his deeds.

Look, little boy, you are stupid beyond belief. I can hunt and fish, in season, on nearly 100% of the land controlled by BLM and the Forest Service. And, on most of the private land, I cannot. So the public ownership of land does mean more freedom for most of us on that land.

My father taught us a very wise approach to judging people. "Judge all that you meet to be your equal or better, until they themselves prove otherwise".
In other words you want Obama to drop his nads into your mouth. Why didn't you just say so?
That's so clever that I almost expect it to have been written by someone who votes Republican. Barack Obama should be tried for war crimes just like George W. Bush. There is no such thing as "American exceptionalism". The United States must abide by international standards of human rights and jurisprudence, otherwise there is only Anarchy where everyone picks which laws to obey whenever the whim suits them. Like the redneck fiasco in Nevada, for example. Stupid treasonous rednecks threatened Americans with violence to stop our laws from being enforced. Any other group on Earth would be condemned as a terrorist faction but all of these worthless traitorous Republican rednecks are calling themselves "heroes" for threatening America to get their way.

Fuck Cliven Bundy and every piece of shit Republican traitor that supports him. You should all be ashamed of yourselves but you're too damned ignorant to even admit that you're wrong. There are piles of government documents about the Bush torture program and you simple-minded traitors still insist that all the CIA did was pour water on some people's faces. There are piles of government documents and first-person testimony outlining how the Bush administration used false intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq. Don't argue. You don't know because you don't want to know. Any information that contradicts a Republican voter's uneducated opinion is obviously just left-wing liberal corporate Sharia Jew media bias, or whatever.

Cliven Bundy is a racist criminal. Anyone who took arms in his defense is a traitor. Anyone who supports the terrorist traitors is a worthless coward. The Tea Party is a terrorist group.
IF what you claimed about Bush was true, don't you think there would have been some action on it? He was not popular with too many Democrats (although he spent money like one). Where were the congressional hearings? They had total control over Congress and the White House. Even now it couldn't be stopped. To believe you we'd need to believe the left is covering for Bush. I can't imagine where that leaves you.

It's called putting the good of the country in front of revenge. War crimes investigations would not only hurt Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, it would hurt many who served under them and the nation as a whole. It would put our misdeeds under a global spotlight the way war atrocities put American troops under a global spotlight during the Vietnam War. Many end up suffering for the deeds of a few. Enough damage has already been done.
Sorry, we are a sovereign nation. What you suggest is blatantly unconstitutional. Such ignorance. We will conduct our affairs according to AMERICAN laws and jurisprudence. If you don't like it, tough.

Wait, what?

Even the Constitution recognizes this:

To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;

Seriously..have you ever read the entire document?

It's not very long.
Depends on what you mean by freedom. In the '50's, there were truly places in the lower 48 that were wilderness. But if you were the wrong color, no matter what your character and accomplishments, it was the back of the bus. Today, there is far more freedom in every sphere of society. And that just scares the bejesus out of our 'Conservatives'. And pleases we liberals and conservatives.

Perhaps you can explain to all of us how owning 86% of a state means "far more freedom" for the citizens of Nevada?

Freedom only counts when it is exercised in a manner which 'liberals' deem correct or socially acceptable. Freedom in the liberal mind means political correctness. What scares the bejesus out of us conservatives is the liberal inability to accept any form of speech that doesn't come as harm to them or anyone else. And yes, the context of Bundy's words does matter, insensitive as they may be. What scares us the most is the liberal penchant for destroying someone for that speech. And what scares us the most is liberals' twisted quest for "equality." You act as if you are the bridge between conservatism and liberalism. Far from it.

Here you are, judging a man by his character and not his accomplishments. You hardly know the man, yet you don't mind sitting back there putting the wig on and slamming the gavel down in arbitrary judgement. Isn't that how racism began in the first place? Judging someone you hardly even know for their differences? Isn't this how Obama got elected? He was elected on his words, not his deeds.

Look, little boy, you are stupid beyond belief. I can hunt and fish, in season, on nearly 100% of the land controlled by BLM and the Forest Service. And, on most of the private land, I cannot. So the public ownership of land does mean more freedom for most of us on that land.

My father taught us a very wise approach to judging people. "Judge all that you meet to be your equal or better, until they themselves prove otherwise".

I am utterly devastated by such a witty riposte! You do know what the difference between private land and federally owned land is, right?

Save it, hotshot.

I went by this:

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

I'll give you three guesses as to where that comes from, and the first two guesses don't count.
Perhaps you can explain to all of us how owning 86% of a state means "far more freedom" for the citizens of Nevada?

Freedom only counts when it is exercised in a manner which 'liberals' deem correct or socially acceptable. Freedom in the liberal mind means political correctness. What scares the bejesus out of us conservatives is the liberal inability to accept any form of speech that doesn't come as harm to them or anyone else. And yes, the context of Bundy's words does matter, insensitive as they may be. What scares us the most is the liberal penchant for destroying someone for that speech. And what scares us the most is liberals' twisted quest for "equality." You act as if you are the bridge between conservatism and liberalism. Far from it.

Here you are, judging a man by his character and not his accomplishments. You hardly know the man, yet you don't mind sitting back there putting the wig on and slamming the gavel down in arbitrary judgement. Isn't that how racism began in the first place? Judging someone you hardly even know for their differences? Isn't this how Obama got elected? He was elected on his words, not his deeds.

Guy, nobody is arbitrily judging Bundy. Bundy has had 20 years to get this right. He had a legal theory, he went to court, and he lost. Democratic and Republican Administrations have taken the SAME position on this guy. He needs to pay the government if he wants to graze his cattle on public land.

And frankly, this guy wants to freeload off the rest of us, and then turn around and denounce some poor woman who takes food stamps for a couple years?

Yeah, they are. Including you. No sooner do you say that, than you call the man a freeloader. Funny how your mind works. This isn't about the law anymore. It's about the hypocrisy and ignorance I've seen from the left.

Funny how you accuse the man of freeloading too, when you advocate entitlement programs that encourage the same.

It's hilarious to see a guy like you, who routinely attacks liberals for being 'partisan', putting such zeal into an effort to defend this lawbreaker Bundy,

ONLY because he's a conservative.

All else being equal there is not a chance in hell you would defend a liberal doing exactly the same sort of thing Bundy has done.

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