All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Depends on what you mean by freedom. In the '50's, there were truly places in the lower 48 that were wilderness. But if you were the wrong color, no matter what your character and accomplishments, it was the back of the bus. Today, there is far more freedom in every sphere of society. And that just scares the bejesus out of our 'Conservatives'. And pleases we liberals and conservatives.

Perhaps you can explain to all of us how owning 86% of a state means "far more freedom" for the citizens of Nevada?

Freedom only counts when it is exercised in a manner which 'liberals' deem correct or socially acceptable. Freedom in the liberal mind means political correctness. What scares the bejesus out of us conservatives is the liberal inability to accept any form of speech that doesn't come as harm to them or anyone else. And yes, the context of Bundy's words does matter, insensitive as they may be. What scares us the most is the liberal penchant for destroying someone for that speech. And what scares us the most is liberals' twisted quest for "equality." You act as if you are the bridge between conservatism and liberalism. Far from it.

Here you are, judging a man by his character and not his accomplishments. You hardly know the man, yet you don't mind sitting back there putting the wig on and slamming the gavel down in arbitrary judgement. Isn't that how racism began in the first place? Judging someone you hardly even know for their differences? Isn't this how Obama got elected? He was elected on his words, not his deeds.
The citizens of Nevada have been comfortable with the Federal government owning 86% of the state since the mid 1800s. Why is it so important for people who don't live in Nevada that Nevada controls the territory within Nevada? Is it because a black man is in charge of the US Federal government now?

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.
The citizens of Nevada have been comfortable with the Federal government owning 86% of the state since the mid 1800s. Why is it so important for people who don't live in Nevada that Nevada controls the territory within Nevada? Is it because a black man is in charge of the US Federal government now?

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

The citizens of Nevada have been comfortable with the Federal government owning 86% of the state since the mid 1800s. Why is it so important for people who don't live in Nevada that Nevada controls the territory within Nevada? Is it because a black man is in charge of the US Federal government now?

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

You do know we had a civil war in 1864 right?
The citizens of Nevada have been comfortable with the Federal government owning 86% of the state since the mid 1800s. Why is it so important for people who don't live in Nevada that Nevada controls the territory within Nevada? Is it because a black man is in charge of the US Federal government now?

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

Bull, the fight has been going on for years, you're making garbage up.

Before Bundy and during Bundy, its just that you seem to prefer not to acknowledge the truth. A shame, spreading rumors like the above is only meant for one purpose, to ignite hate against the party you hate.
The citizens of Nevada have been comfortable with the Federal government owning 86% of the state since the mid 1800s. Why is it so important for people who don't live in Nevada that Nevada controls the territory within Nevada? Is it because a black man is in charge of the US Federal government now?

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

You do know we had a civil war in 1864 right?
Yes. What does that have to do with stupid inbred rednecks whining about Nevada being owned by the US Federal government 150 years later? If Cliven Bundy had just paid his grazing fees, stupid FOX-watching American Taliban white trash would still not know that 86% of Nevada is owned by the US Federal government.

Why does it matter so much now that 86% of Nevada land is owned and controlled by the US Federal government if it never mattered at any other time in American history?
There's the love America want to turn the clock back so we can once more be free side, and the Anti-America want to burn it all to hell so we can re-build it as a marxist socialist hell hole side.

When were we more free? What era would you like to "turn the clock back" to?

Mid 80s

I'm thinking Mid 1850's.

I could buy all my black friends, go to Texas and cut them loose on their own parcels of land. We could still brew beer, raise hell and shoot guns.

Bed wetters are so consumed with the short history of slavery in this country, that they won't even tolerate the concept that every slave master didn't deliver daily thrashings to their chattel. They can't even imagine that some slave owners might have had the humanity to educate and treat their people with decency.

In the bed wetter "mind" slavery was constant whipping and labor. 20 hour days with no breaks or food, and if you died, they buried you under the cotton plants for fertilizer.

It was soooo much better for the euroweenie refugees who toiled in the steel mills. When they fell into molten steel, everyone cared. The entire industry came to a halt. Memorials have been established all over the country for abused laborers in the north, just because they were white. There are national holidays that are dedicated to the sacrifices and hardship white people endured building industrial complexes for their beloved employers.

White people have always been happy working for other people for as low a wage as possible. Damn these idiots.

At least black people are willing to sit on their asses and do nothing while demanding free shit, because their ancestors are the only humans in the history of the world that have ever suffered.
CaféAuLait;9000853 said:
The citizens of Nevada have been comfortable with the Federal government owning 86% of the state since the mid 1800s. Why is it so important for people who don't live in Nevada that Nevada controls the territory within Nevada? Is it because a black man is in charge of the US Federal government now?

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

Bull, the fight has been going on for years, you're making garbage up.

Before Bundy and during Bundy, its just that you seem to prefer not to acknowledge the truth. A shame, spreading rumors like the above is only meant for one purpose, to ignite hate against the party you hate.
No one ever cared about how much useless Nevada desert land was owned by the US Federal government. That is a fact. Now you're what? Nevada self-reliance hipsters? "I was for Nevada sovereignty before it was cool." Yeah, that's the way to go. Then you can look like you were all over this issue way back in 1994 when it really mattered, right?
The citizens of Nevada have been comfortable with the Federal government owning 86% of the state since the mid 1800s. Why is it so important for people who don't live in Nevada that Nevada controls the territory within Nevada? Is it because a black man is in charge of the US Federal government now?

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

You do know we had a civil war in 1864 right?
Yes. What does that have to do with stupid inbred rednecks whining about Nevada being owned by the US Federal government 150 years later? If Cliven Bundy had just paid his grazing fees, stupid FOX-watching American Taliban white trash would still not know that 86% of Nevada is owned by the US Federal government.

Why does it matter so much now that 86% of Nevada land is owned and controlled by the US Federal government if it never mattered at any other time in American history?

I'm only going to say this once, you RACIST ****, it's covered in post #1145, but you're undoubtedly too fucking stupid to understand it's all about MONEY for the state!
Bed wetters are so consumed with the short history of slavery in this country
Skipping whatever else that you wrote because it's fucking retarded, the "short" history of slavery in the US lasted as long as the entire span of post-slavery period. And since you're white and don't have a clue what black slavery was like, one day in slavery is more than any person should have to endure. Black people suffered that indignation for nearly 200 years, and couldn't vote for another 100 years after being freed.

So like the rest of the white-trash Republican Taliban, shut the fuck up about things that you don't know anything about.
You do know we had a civil war in 1864 right?
Yes. What does that have to do with stupid inbred rednecks whining about Nevada being owned by the US Federal government 150 years later? If Cliven Bundy had just paid his grazing fees, stupid FOX-watching American Taliban white trash would still not know that 86% of Nevada is owned by the US Federal government.

Why does it matter so much now that 86% of Nevada land is owned and controlled by the US Federal government if it never mattered at any other time in American history?

I'm only going to say this once, you RACIST ****, it's covered in post #1145, but you're undoubtedly too fucking stupid to understand it's all about MONEY for the state!
Yeah, you've been on this issue since day one. We know. Republicans love freedom and that's why white-trash Hannity-watching imbeciles quit their jobs and drove to Nevada to protect a rich racist criminal by bearing arms against America and threatening Americans with violence. "It's all about money for the state of Nevada."

Good job, stupid white-trash Republican Taliban.
The citizens of Nevada have been comfortable with the Federal government owning 86% of the state since the mid 1800s. Why is it so important for people who don't live in Nevada that Nevada controls the territory within Nevada? Is it because a black man is in charge of the US Federal government now?

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

You do know we had a civil war in 1864 right?
Yes. What does that have to do with stupid inbred rednecks whining about Nevada being owned by the US Federal government 150 years later? If Cliven Bundy had just paid his grazing fees, stupid FOX-watching American Taliban white trash would still not know that 86% of Nevada is owned by the US Federal government.

Why does it matter so much now that 86% of Nevada land is owned and controlled by the US Federal government if it never mattered at any other time in American history?
(emphasis added)

Read, educate yourself, you are wrong.


Sagebrush Rebellion

An extension of the older controversy of state vs. federal powers, Sagebrush Rebels wanted the federal government to give more control of federally owned Western lands to state and local authorities. This was meant to increase the growth of Western economies

Before that?

Public lands history

Complaints about federal management of public lands constantly roil relations between public lands users — ranchers, miners, researchers, off-road vehicle (ORV) enthusiasts, hikers, campers and conservation advocates — and the agencies and environmental regulation on the other. Ranchers complain that grazing fees are too high.[5] They also complain that grazing regulations are too onerous despite environmentalist complaints that the opposite is true,[6] and that promised improvements to grazing on federal lands do not occur. Miners complain of restricted access to claims, or to lands to prospect

Federalism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Various bills intended to transfer federal public lands to western states had been proposed after 1932, all failing to garner much attention, let alone action. Among key objections to such transfers were the increasing value to the federal treasury of mineral lease receipts and complaints that the "crown jewels" of the national lands holdings, the National Parks, could not be managed adequately or fairly by individual states. Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks were considered to be national treasures, and few legislators would concur with turning them over to the states.
And Reagan called himself a "sagebrush rebel", probably based on a character in one of his fake Hollywood liberal elitist movies, who kept Nevada under Federal control.

DOI’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM)--which was created in 1946--administers 245 million acres of public land nationwide. This includes grazing rights on 155 million acres. The Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 created the current system of charging rental fees for ranchers to use these acres to feed their private livestock, and was extended by President Ronald Reagan in a 1986 executive order.
Nevada Ranch War: Feds Right on Property, But Wrong on Constitution and Limited Government

Oh, gee, look at that, stupid white-trash Republican Taliban.
no Bundy i'm looking at the slavery of today versus the slavery of yesteryear and don't see a whole lot of difference....actually worse today in many aspects....especially with the rampant drug problems and daily killings.....

supply the masses with their opiates. the democrats have it down to a science. and they know how to dangle the carrot too. that little ray of hope that if you vote for them things will get better. but it never does. no matter who is in office, the life of the poor is the same.
The implication that most African-Americans can’t be discerning, that they can’t weigh the pros and cons of political parties and make informed decisions, that they are rendered servile in exchange for social services, is the highest level of insult.
To the Right, and the South, they are what they have always been, stupid *******.
And Reagan called himself a "sagebrush rebel", probably based on a character in one of his fake Hollywood liberal elitist movies, who kept Nevada under Federal control.

DOI’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM)--which was created in 1946--administers 245 million acres of public land nationwide. This includes grazing rights on 155 million acres. The Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 created the current system of charging rental fees for ranchers to use these acres to feed their private livestock, and was extended by President Ronald Reagan in a 1986 executive order.
Nevada Ranch War: Feds Right on Property, But Wrong on Constitution and Limited Government

Oh, gee, look at that, stupid white-trash Republican Taliban.

So you proved that you are wrong, this has nothing to do with Obama, you are trying to stir up hate. Just like those posters who try to stir up hate against Gays and Blacks. You are no better than them.

You will keep it up until you have someone react to your blatant misrepresentation of the truth. Yeah! A hate monger... is not something to be proud of. A shame.
CaféAuLait;9000944 said:
And Reagan called himself a "sagebrush rebel", probably based on a character in one of his fake Hollywood liberal elitist movies, who kept Nevada under Federal control.

DOI’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM)--which was created in 1946--administers 245 million acres of public land nationwide. This includes grazing rights on 155 million acres. The Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 created the current system of charging rental fees for ranchers to use these acres to feed their private livestock, and was extended by President Ronald Reagan in a 1986 executive order.
Nevada Ranch War: Feds Right on Property, But Wrong on Constitution and Limited Government

Oh, gee, look at that, stupid white-trash Republican Taliban.

So you proved that you are wrong, this has nothing to do with Obama, you are trying to stir up hate. Just like those posters who try to stir up hate against Gays and Blacks. You are no better than them.

You will keep it up until you have someone react to your blatant misrepresentation of the truth. Yeah! A hate monger... is not something to be proud of. A shame.
Point out how I am wrong. Don't just say, "You're wrong." That doesn't prove anything. Show me how I am wrong. Did Reagan sign an evil executive order to keep the big bad Federal government in control of Nevada land? The "sagebrush rebellion" was an ineffective toothless redneck squabble 30 years ago? The psychotic American Taliban threatened America with violence to get what they want, which was based on entirely incorrect information because the American Taliban shuns any information that is contrary to their idiotic beliefs?

What am I wrong about? Please explain in detail.
CaféAuLait;9000944 said:
And Reagan called himself a "sagebrush rebel", probably based on a character in one of his fake Hollywood liberal elitist movies, who kept Nevada under Federal control.

Oh, gee, look at that, stupid white-trash Republican Taliban.

So you proved that you are wrong, this has nothing to do with Obama, you are trying to stir up hate. Just like those posters who try to stir up hate against Gays and Blacks. You are no better than them.

You will keep it up until you have someone react to your blatant misrepresentation of the truth. Yeah! A hate monger... is not something to be proud of. A shame.
Point out how I am wrong. Don't just say, "You're wrong." That doesn't prove anything. Show me how I am wrong. Did Reagan sign an evil executive order to keep the big bad Federal government in control of Nevada land? The "sagebrush rebellion" was an ineffective toothless redneck squabble 30 years ago? The psychotic American Taliban threatened America with violence to get what they want, which was based on entirely incorrect information because the American Taliban shuns any information that is contrary to their idiotic beliefs?

What am I wrong about? Please explain in detail.

Sure, you said:

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

Then you posted that Reagan was a sagebrush rebel who continued the fees, this showed that people cared about the government owning the land far BEFORE there was a 'black man in charge".

You also ignore that congress presented bills to revert the land back the states due to outcry. Reagan signed that bill you referred to above to lower the cost of the grazing fees, by nearly 4 dollars given the way the fees were to be raised soon due to the bill Carter signed.

It seems to me you make inflammatory statements to stir up hate. And the really crazy thing about this, you and I had previously discussed the Sagebrush Rebellion and you knew this was not about a Black president- this fight has been going on long before Obama.
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CaféAuLait;9000993 said:
CaféAuLait;9000944 said:
So you proved that you are wrong, this has nothing to do with Obama, you are trying to stir up hate. Just like those posters who try to stir up hate against Gays and Blacks. You are no better than them.

You will keep it up until you have someone react to your blatant misrepresentation of the truth. Yeah! A hate monger... is not something to be proud of. A shame.
Point out how I am wrong. Don't just say, "You're wrong." That doesn't prove anything. Show me how I am wrong. Did Reagan sign an evil executive order to keep the big bad Federal government in control of Nevada land? The "sagebrush rebellion" was an ineffective toothless redneck squabble 30 years ago? The psychotic American Taliban threatened America with violence to get what they want, which was based on entirely incorrect information because the American Taliban shuns any information that is contrary to their idiotic beliefs?

What am I wrong about? Please explain in detail.

Sure, you said:

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

The you posted that Reagan was a sagebrush rebel who continued the fees, which showed that people cared about the government owning and BEFORE there was a 'black man in charge".

You also ignore that congress presented bills to revert the land back the states. Also Reagan signed that bill you referred to above to lower the cost of the grazing fees, by nearly 4 dollars.

It seems to me you make inflammatory statements to stir up hate. And the really crazy thing about this, you and I had previously discussed the Sagebrush Rebellion and you knew this was not about a Black president- this fight has been going on long before Obama.
Do you recall stupid inbred Teabaggers driving from all over the country to bear arms against the Reagan administration for signing an executive order extending Federal control over Nevada land? Please provide a link.

Also, if Reagan signed the law lowering grazing fees and Cliven Bundy still wouldn't pay it then that's even more of a reason to say "Fuck Cliven Bundy and his white trash militia of FOX-watching terrorists."
CaféAuLait;9000993 said:
Point out how I am wrong. Don't just say, "You're wrong." That doesn't prove anything. Show me how I am wrong. Did Reagan sign an evil executive order to keep the big bad Federal government in control of Nevada land? The "sagebrush rebellion" was an ineffective toothless redneck squabble 30 years ago? The psychotic American Taliban threatened America with violence to get what they want, which was based on entirely incorrect information because the American Taliban shuns any information that is contrary to their idiotic beliefs?

What am I wrong about? Please explain in detail.

Sure, you said:

No one ever cared about the US Federal government controlling so much land from 1864-2007, so it must be because a black man is in charge.

The you posted that Reagan was a sagebrush rebel who continued the fees, which showed that people cared about the government owning and BEFORE there was a 'black man in charge".

You also ignore that congress presented bills to revert the land back the states. Also Reagan signed that bill you referred to above to lower the cost of the grazing fees, by nearly 4 dollars.

It seems to me you make inflammatory statements to stir up hate. And the really crazy thing about this, you and I had previously discussed the Sagebrush Rebellion and you knew this was not about a Black president- this fight has been going on long before Obama.
Do you recall stupid inbred Teabaggers driving from all over the country to bear arms against the Reagan administration for signing an executive order extending Federal control over Nevada land? Please provide a link.

Also, if Reagan signed the law lowering grazing fees and Cliven Bundy still wouldn't pay it then that's even more of a reason to say "Fuck Cliven Bundy and his white trash militia of FOX-watching terrorists."

You are comparing Apples to oranges. Reagan signed an Executive Order to lower the fees by nearly 4 dollars. Why would anyone be angry at him? Why would they scream and yell with something which benefited them? Bundy stopped paying after Reagan was gone, and BLM said he could no longer graze but a few cattle.

BLM arrived at Bundy's ranch with 200 agents, helicopters, sniper rifles, swat teams, etc. Then the treatment of this rancher was shown on TV, tasering, people being pushed over, etc. Then the militias arrived. ( Again I must say I disagree with eh militias) Then the whole thing went haywire.

This is the same treatment given to the Dann sister and Yowell. 200 agents, guns and swat teams.

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