All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Bundy would be getting a huge subsidy from the taxpayers even if he'd PAID his grazing fees.

Grazing fees on federal lands are about 1/12 the cost of grazing fees on private lands in Nevada.

That's more than a 90% discount to market value, that goes to the benefit of the ranchers, at the expense of the taxpayers,

for no good defensible reason.
Sorry, we are a sovereign nation. What you suggest is blatantly unconstitutional. Such ignorance. We will conduct our affairs according to AMERICAN laws and jurisprudence. If you don't like it, tough.

Wait, what?

Even the Constitution recognizes this:

To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;
Seriously..have you ever read the entire document?

It's not very long.

Sure, but I wouldn't deign so low as to pervert the Constitution as you have. But hey, I doubt you've read the Supremacy Clause:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
Besides, the "Defend and Punish" clause has to do with piracy. Piracy is a crime. And we will punish those who commit piracy against anyone according to our laws. We don't punish them according to the laws of the nation they transgressed. Plus, Alexander Hamilton made it clear "a treaty cannot change the frame of the government." Thus any treaties we enter into must be constitutional. And any American man must be tried for piracy under the influence and scope of American law and jurisprudence, not international law.
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IF what you claimed about Bush was true, don't you think there would have been some action on it? He was not popular with too many Democrats (although he spent money like one). Where were the congressional hearings? They had total control over Congress and the White House. Even now it couldn't be stopped. To believe you we'd need to believe the left is covering for Bush. I can't imagine where that leaves you.

It's called putting the good of the country in front of revenge. War crimes investigations would not only hurt Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, it would hurt many who served under them and the nation as a whole. It would put our misdeeds under a global spotlight the way war atrocities put American troops under a global spotlight during the Vietnam War. Many end up suffering for the deeds of a few. Enough damage has already been done.
LOL. Nice try. Bush locks them up in Gitmo and he's a war criminal. Obama's drone strikes kill them and anyone in the vicinity and libs look the other way. Reality doesn't match your beliefs. It's also laughable that you think the left operates for the good of the country. They operate to own the country and make us their subjects. They could best accomplish that by destroying their enemies and if your bullshit was true they would go for it.
Sorry, we are a sovereign nation. What you suggest is blatantly unconstitutional. Such ignorance. We will conduct our affairs according to AMERICAN laws and jurisprudence. If you don't like it, tough.

Wait, what?

Even the Constitution recognizes this:

Seriously..have you ever read the entire document?

It's not very long.

Sure, but I wouldn't deign so low as to pervert the Constitution as you have. But hey, I doubt you've read the Supremacy Clause:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.

Pervert what?

I just showed you how wrong you were.

And I have read the Supremacy clause.

Your the one that keeps bringing up the 10th.

Seriously..what do you think State's Rights are all about?

Why do you think the south was so pissed about the Civil Right's Act?

The Constitution gives negative liberties to government (Remember when you folks had a baby about that comment?).

That essentially means, the Federal Government is charged with enforcing the Constitution, and local governments cannot take your rights away.

Like they did with the Jim Crow laws.

Jim Crow laws were STATE GOVERNMENT and STATE'S RIGHTS in action.
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Guy, nobody is arbitrily judging Bundy. Bundy has had 20 years to get this right. He had a legal theory, he went to court, and he lost. Democratic and Republican Administrations have taken the SAME position on this guy. He needs to pay the government if he wants to graze his cattle on public land.

And frankly, this guy wants to freeload off the rest of us, and then turn around and denounce some poor woman who takes food stamps for a couple years?

Yeah, they are. Including you. No sooner do you say that, than you call the man a freeloader. Funny how your mind works. This isn't about the law anymore. It's about the hypocrisy and ignorance I've seen from the left.

Funny how you accuse the man of freeloading too, when you advocate entitlement programs that encourage the same.

No, guy, I don't advocate entitlement programs that encourage people to freeload.

I encourage a safety net to help people when they are down on their luck.

You see, the thing is, the "Welfare Queen" is largely a myth. Most people who are on Welfare or ome other assistance program are usually on it for a year or less. And to hear you (A guy who has no job, refuses to even look for one) or Bundy (A rich crackpot who is freeloading off the government) denounce these poor people is j ust kind of sad and pathetic.

The thing with Bundy is that he's already rich. He could pay those grazing fees, he just refuses to.
An utterly laughable post.....

The United States must abide by international standards of human rights and jurisprudence, otherwise there is only Anarchy where everyone picks which laws to obey whenever the whim suits them.
Sorry, we are a sovereign nation. What you suggest is blatantly unconstitutional. Such ignorance. We will conduct our affairs according to AMERICAN laws and jurisprudence. If you don't like it, tough.
Do you understand what this thread is about? A bunch of stupid rednecks BROKE AMERICAN LAWS and said "To Hell with jurisprudence" when they took up arms against America when American laws were being enforced. Cliven Bundy lost in court several times over 20 years and threatened Federal agents with firearms. Then a misinformed mass of morons showed up threatening America with violence if American laws were going to be upheld.

The stupid white trash redneck Teabagger wing of the Republican party is a terrorist group. FOX-watching idiots got everything about the situation wrong and threatened violence against America to stop American law from being enforced. The right-wing "militia" are criminals, traitors and terrorists.

There is no such thing as "American exceptionalism".
You are woefully mistaken. What makes you think people don't see America as exceptional? Oh, it must be because you don't.
It's because the United States of America is a nation on Earth, just like every other nation on Earth. Beginning in the 20th century, there are certain international laws regarding basic human rights accepted by the international community of nations on Earth. Many of these laws were written and supported by Americans.
Bundy owes grazing fees to the federal govt, he is delinquent on paying them, he is in violation of the law.

the feds should have put leins on his property, cattle, vehicles, and everything else he owns until he pays what he owes. There was no need to make this a big armed conflict. Does anyone wonder why the obama administration didn't just file leins?
Guy, nobody is arbitrily judging Bundy. Bundy has had 20 years to get this right. He had a legal theory, he went to court, and he lost. Democratic and Republican Administrations have taken the SAME position on this guy. He needs to pay the government if he wants to graze his cattle on public land.

And frankly, this guy wants to freeload off the rest of us, and then turn around and denounce some poor woman who takes food stamps for a couple years?

Yeah, they are. Including you. No sooner do you say that, than you call the man a freeloader. Funny how your mind works. This isn't about the law anymore. It's about the hypocrisy and ignorance I've seen from the left.

Funny how you accuse the man of freeloading too, when you advocate entitlement programs that encourage the same.

No, guy, I don't advocate entitlement programs that encourage people to freeload.

I encourage a safety net to help people when they are down on their luck.

You see, the thing is, the "Welfare Queen" is largely a myth. Most people who are on Welfare or ome other assistance program are usually on it for a year or less. And to hear you (A guy who has no job, refuses to even look for one) or Bundy (A rich crackpot who is freeloading off the government) denounce these poor people is j ust kind of sad and pathetic.

The thing with Bundy is that he's already rich. He could pay those grazing fees, he just refuses to.

Welfare queen is not a myth-----come to New Orleans and I will introduce you to thousands of them. I'll take you to the desire housing project and you can sit down and talk to them, if the drug dealers don't mug you first.
It was a show of force to send a signal to all of us. Fuck with the feds, get in the way of Big Government and they will crush you. They've done it before with unintended consequences but unfortunately government replaces one idiot with another.
Wait, what?

Even the Constitution recognizes this:

Seriously..have you ever read the entire document?

It's not very long.

Sure, but I wouldn't deign so low as to pervert the Constitution as you have. But hey, I doubt you've read the Supremacy Clause:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.

Pervert what?

I just showed you how wrong you were.

And I have read the Supremacy clause.

Your the one that keeps bringing up the 10th.

Seriously..what do you think State's Rights are all about?

Why do you think the south was so pissed about the Civil Right's Act?

The Constitution gives negative liberties to government (Remember when you folks had a baby about that comment?).

That essentially means, the Federal Government is charged with enforcing the Constitution, and local governments cannot take your rights away.

Like they did with the Jim Crow laws.

Jim Crow laws were STATE GOVERNMENT and STATE'S RIGHTS in action.

Nice dodge. The "Define and Punish" clause.

"Whoever, on the high seas, commits the crime of piracy as defined by the law of nations, and is afterwards brought into or found in the United States, shall be imprisoned for life."

18 U.S.C. § 1651

§ 4. What are sovereign states.

Every nation that governs itself, under what form soever, without dependence on any foreign power, is a Sovereign State, Its rights are naturally the same as those of any other state. Such are the moral persons who live together in a natural society, subject to the law of nations. To give a nation a right to make an immediate figure in this grand society, it is sufficient that it be really sovereign and independent, that is, that it govern itself by its own authority and laws.

-The Law of Nations, Emer de Vattel, 1758
An utterly laughable post.....

The United States must abide by international standards of human rights and jurisprudence, otherwise there is only Anarchy where everyone picks which laws to obey whenever the whim suits them.
Sorry, we are a sovereign nation. What you suggest is blatantly unconstitutional. Such ignorance. We will conduct our affairs according to AMERICAN laws and jurisprudence. If you don't like it, tough.
Do you understand what this thread is about? A bunch of stupid rednecks BROKE AMERICAN LAWS and said "To Hell with jurisprudence" when they took up arms against America when American laws were being enforced. Cliven Bundy lost in court several times over 20 years and threatened Federal agents with firearms. Then a misinformed mass of morons showed up threatening America with violence if American laws were going to be upheld.

The stupid white trash redneck Teabagger wing of the Republican party is a terrorist group. FOX-watching idiots got everything about the situation wrong and threatened violence against America to stop American law from being enforced. The right-wing "militia" are criminals, traitors and terrorists.

There is no such thing as "American exceptionalism".
You are woefully mistaken. What makes you think people don't see America as exceptional? Oh, it must be because you don't.
It's because the United States of America is a nation on Earth, just like every other nation on Earth. Beginning in the 20th century, there are certain international laws regarding basic human rights accepted by the international community of nations on Earth. Many of these laws were written and supported by Americans.

International laws? can you tell us where we can find the books containing these international laws, who enforces them, who wrote them, and what court judges violations of them?

Thats total bullshit--------there is no book of international statutes that every country is bound by---------where do you idiots get such ideas?
It was a show of force to send a signal to all of us. Fuck with the feds, get in the way of Big Government and they will crush you. They've done it before with unintended consequences but unfortunately government replaces one idiot with another.

waco without the fire.
An utterly laughable post.....

The United States must abide by international standards of human rights and jurisprudence, otherwise there is only Anarchy where everyone picks which laws to obey whenever the whim suits them.
Sorry, we are a sovereign nation. What you suggest is blatantly unconstitutional. Such ignorance. We will conduct our affairs according to AMERICAN laws and jurisprudence. If you don't like it, tough.
Do you understand what this thread is about? A bunch of stupid rednecks BROKE AMERICAN LAWS and said "To Hell with jurisprudence" when they took up arms against America when American laws were being enforced. Cliven Bundy lost in court several times over 20 years and threatened Federal agents with firearms. Then a misinformed mass of morons showed up threatening America with violence if American laws were going to be upheld.

What do you care of jurisprudence? Our politicians break laws all the time and are rarely tried for them. Where's your outrage, huh? I thought as much. Spare me your false outrage, and your sermons.
An utterly laughable post.....

Sorry, we are a sovereign nation. What you suggest is blatantly unconstitutional. Such ignorance. We will conduct our affairs according to AMERICAN laws and jurisprudence. If you don't like it, tough.
Do you understand what this thread is about? A bunch of stupid rednecks BROKE AMERICAN LAWS and said "To Hell with jurisprudence" when they took up arms against America when American laws were being enforced. Cliven Bundy lost in court several times over 20 years and threatened Federal agents with firearms. Then a misinformed mass of morons showed up threatening America with violence if American laws were going to be upheld.

The stupid white trash redneck Teabagger wing of the Republican party is a terrorist group. FOX-watching idiots got everything about the situation wrong and threatened violence against America to stop American law from being enforced. The right-wing "militia" are criminals, traitors and terrorists.

You are woefully mistaken. What makes you think people don't see America as exceptional? Oh, it must be because you don't.
It's because the United States of America is a nation on Earth, just like every other nation on Earth. Beginning in the 20th century, there are certain international laws regarding basic human rights accepted by the international community of nations on Earth. Many of these laws were written and supported by Americans.

International laws? can you tell us where we can find the books containing these international laws, who enforces them, who wrote them, and what court judges violations of them?

Thats total bullshit--------there is no book of international statutes that every country is bound by---------where do you idiots get such ideas?

I believe they are out there so idiots, such as yourself, can make spectacles of themselves with their 2 digit IQ's!

International human rights law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's because the United States of America is a nation on Earth, just like every other nation on Earth. Beginning in the 20th century, there are certain international laws regarding basic human rights accepted by the international community of nations on Earth. Many of these laws were written and supported by Americans.
International laws? can you tell us where we can find the books containing these international laws, who enforces them, who wrote them, and what court judges violations of them?

Thats total bullshit--------there is no book of international statutes that every country is bound by---------where do you idiots get such ideas?
His bong "speaks' to him.
I believe they are out there so idiots, such as yourself, can make spectacles of themselves with their 2 digit IQ's!

International human rights law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you read your link, it would have told you that it's only applicable to countries that signed a specific treaty. which means it really isn't a law, anymore than you making an agreement with your neighbor. The US has not gotten onboard with, especially, firearm laws.
I believe they are out there so idiots, such as yourself, can make spectacles of themselves with their 2 digit IQ's!

International human rights law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If you read your link, it would have told you that it's only applicable to countries that signed a specific treaty. which means it really isn't a law, anymore than you making an agreement with your neighbor. The US has not gotten onboard with, especially, firearm laws.

Kerry at the U.N. stated that the CIC is intending to sign it, and especially the FIREARMS LAW!

ACT OF TREASON? Obama to Sign U.N. Firearms Treaty Rejected by Senate... |

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