All You Have To Know About Obama

I don't think we are communicating...and it is your fault.

You are the one who compared the Bible with the Koran, as if that means anything. The point is, which you apparently missed or refuse to accept, Christians are not killing in the name of their God and Muslims are. You cite killings in America as if this is the same thing as Muslims killing for Allah. This is utterly foolish and ignorant.

We are communicating well, and you are being far more respectful then the majority of people on here, thank you.

I see the point that you are trying to make but you seem to be missing mine. The people who go about killing in the name of Islam would be going round killing in the name of something else if Islam wasn't their chosen outlet. I refuse to condemn the whole religion they use to condone their actions just like I refuse to condemn the whole of the US military for the torture at Abu Grabe or the My Lai massacre.

You seem far too hung up on the Christian part of this discussion, Christianity is just another religion that like Islam is on the whole peaceful but there are a few bad apples that COULD be used to give it a bad name if they were scrutinised and demonised. I mention america because my point is that evil men will do evil deeds in every country, if you nod sagely at the idea of a Muslim killing his bride on their wedding day and say "Ahh well he was a Muslim, they're evil" then you must also be able to see for a none American a similar stance could be taken when reading about the latest school shooting.
We are NOT communicating effectively.

They DO kill in the name of their God. If Islam did not exist, these people would not kill. To think otherwise, is to not think and is an effort to appease Islam. You appear to have learned nothing about Islam and it's obvious murderous nature...which has been the case since Mohammed made it up out of thin air.

Please stop with the PC leftist talking point of it is not all Muslims. NO ONE SAID IT WAS... This is a STRAWMAN argument designed to deceive... And you are deceived.

You argue eloquently but it's all from a fundamental position in which you already have your conclusion pre judged. On the one hand you blaming Islam and then claiming I am creating a straw man by pointing out that there are a vast vast majority of Islamic peoples who are good and peace loving.

You state that without Islam these people would not be killing, I will counter with without Imams who have preached violence and hatred to young disillusioned men then there would similarly be no killings. And that being the case what do you blame, the men who preach violence or the god in whose name they preach it? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

You claim I appease, but for what reason? It's a religion, like all religions its a whole heap of made up fairy tales and I have no wish to appease any faith. I respect no religion but I do respect people who have religion and any religion's power to give solice and comfort to individuals in this unrelentingly cruel and unjust world. Faith in anything from an elephant head god through a man who moved mountains right up to a zombie who walked out of his tomb after being nailed to a cross all strikes me as daft, but it that is what gets people through the day and to sleep at night then more power to 'em.
You have failed to educate yourself on the history of Islam and you have failed to recognize why Muslims kill...even though these past few years have clearly exposed the truth.

Due to leftist brainwashing, you have accepted the PC bullshit.

I'm afraid I think you have fallen foul of the post 9/11 media Islam blitz, where every violent crime comitted by any Mulism in any country in the name of anything is portrayed as a terror attack that should chill right minded american's to their very souls, but the more than one mass shooting a day inside the US is simply shrugged off as the price of freedom.

Militant islam is a problem in the world, of that there can be no doubt, but the trillions of dollars that have been squandered on it when there are far more dangerous and pressing issues is a travesty. You howl with derision and write off the faith of a quarter of the people on the planet with genuine ease and yet statistically Islamic terrorism is far less likely to kill you than taking an asprin for a headache, taking a bath or, and this is a biggie, being gunned down by some gun toting psycho who is proving that second ammendment rights come with a price tag far higher than that same media will have you believe.

There is the savage who arranged the Islamist attacks in Paris, and then there are the imbeciles who serve as facilitators of this evil by pretending that the threat is limited.

The police who just attested the savage are complaining that his support was widespread.....
Widespread among Muslims.

""There has to be (a) network -- also logistics network, also supporters -- helping him, and this is something we have to look (at) closer," he said." Salah Abdeslam had support network, Belgian minister says -

"Belgium: Missiles thrown at police in ‘peaceful’ Molenbeek by Paris terrorist Salah Abdeslam ‘supporters’
Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam ‘supporters’ – their sick ‘HERO’
TENSE scenes have broken out between locals and security forces in Molenbeek following the arrest of Salah Abdeslam with some residents reportedly “praising” the evil Paris terrorist.

PoliticalChic lost this thread over 40 posts ago. #masochism

And now....welcome to another episode of "The Hammer and the Nail," also known as the "Me and PInhead Show"!

I, the former....
This dunce, syntheticIQ, the latter.

1. ....would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years
  • Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons
  • Restored respect for America globally
And this:
"You still suck at this, and that's why once again I'm kicking your ass up and down the forum."
All You Have To Know About Obama

2. First....Obama ran for election vowing to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon...
October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

So....Obama is the greatest liar in the last 50 years....not "the best president of the past 50 years."

3. And....after pleading with the Iranians to accept his fake deal,.....let's see if they have 'restored respect for Obama and/or America....
Today's news:
"Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....
....and I have pretty much the same reaction to you!

4. There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable...

..but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

Speak up, nail!!!!!
Hurry....prove how mentally deficient you are!

Your audience awaits!
All you have to know about President Obama's opposition:

All you have to know about President Obama's opposition:


rikky.....are you prepared to deny that Barack Obama has a huge list of failed policies, both in foreign policy and in domestic policy?

More than any other president?

If you are....I'd be happy to educate you.

If you aren't, and are merely providing proof of Coulter's statement...
"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything." ...

....well, then. yours is a rather silly post.
Last edited:
Rikky, you need to watch out for PC adressing you specifically with a question. It doesn't mean that an answers is wanted, it means that she's got a copy and paste that she wants to use. It will have the following:

Tediously number points
Links to politically suspect blogs that will make spurious deductions that will be referred to as absolute fact
Anne Coulter quotes
A triumphalist end message such as "Game, set and match" or "That put you in your place, next!"

Any reply pointing any holes in the argument will be ignored utterly, any evidence that any of the source material is incorrect will treated as though it never happened and any queries about claims not backed up by evidence will be drowned out further copy and paste noise.

As I have stated before, arguing with PC is like arguing with a pigeon. It's too dumb to understand what's going on and it's always going to walk away looking like it thinks it won.
All you have to know about President Obama's opposition:


rikky.....are you prepared to deny that Barack Obama has a huge list of failed policies, both in foreign policy and in domestic policy?

More than any other president?

If you are....I'd be happy to educate you.

If you aren't, and are merely providing proof of Coulter's statement...
"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything." ...

....well, then. yours is a rather silly post.

Obama has no 'failed' foreign policies, unless you believe that not cleaning up GW Bush's messes fast enough is a failure of foreign policy.
All you need to know about Obama? All you need to know about PoliticalChic is that she's an angry bitter hausfrau, who's never held a job and yet is somehow well-to-do,

who blames all of her imagined problems on the poor.
Rikky, you need to watch out for PC adressing you specifically with a question. It doesn't mean that an answers is wanted, it means that she's got a copy and paste that she wants to use. It will have the following:

Tediously number points
Links to politically suspect blogs that will make spurious deductions that will be referred to as absolute fact
Anne Coulter quotes
A triumphalist end message such as "Game, set and match" or "That put you in your place, next!"

Any reply pointing any holes in the argument will be ignored utterly, any evidence that any of the source material is incorrect will treated as though it never happened and any queries about claims not backed up by evidence will be drowned out further copy and paste noise.

As I have stated before, arguing with PC is like arguing with a pigeon. It's too dumb to understand what's going on and it's always going to walk away looking like it thinks it won.

Did you miss this....or does it simply destroy your corrupt worldview?

There is the savage who arranged the Islamist attacks in Paris, and then there are the imbeciles who serve as facilitators of this evil by pretending that the threat is limited.

The police who just attested the savage are complaining that his support was widespread.....
Widespread among Muslims.

""There has to be (a) network -- also logistics network, also supporters -- helping him, and this is something we have to look (at) closer," he said." Salah Abdeslam had support network, Belgian minister says -

"Belgium: Missiles thrown at police in ‘peaceful’ Molenbeek by Paris terrorist Salah Abdeslam ‘supporters’
Missiles thrown at police in Molenbeek by Salah Abdeslam ‘supporters’ – their sick ‘HERO’
TENSE scenes have broken out between locals and security forces in Molenbeek following the arrest of Salah Abdeslam with some residents reportedly “praising” the evil Paris terrorist.
PoliticalChic lost this thread over 40 posts ago. #masochism

And now....welcome to another episode of "The Hammer and the Nail," also known as the "Me and PInhead Show"!

I, the former....
This dunce, syntheticIQ, the latter.

1. ....would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years
  • Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons
  • Restored respect for America globally
And this:
"You still suck at this, and that's why once again I'm kicking your ass up and down the forum."
All You Have To Know About Obama

2. First....Obama ran for election vowing to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon...
October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

So....Obama is the greatest liar in the last 50 years....not "the best president of the past 50 years."

3. And....after pleading with the Iranians to accept his fake deal,.....let's see if they have 'restored respect for Obama and/or America....
Today's news:
"Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....
....and I have pretty much the same reaction to you!

4. There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable...

..but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

Speak up, nail!!!!!
Hurry....prove how mentally deficient you are!

Your audience awaits!
Obama? Best president in over 50 years!

This is indisputable.
Iran laughs at Obama....
It bothers you, who is supposedly an American, that Iran laughs at the U.S.?

Does it bother you that Kim Jong Un laughs at us, too?

You're very needy, apparently.

I, OTOH, understand that powerless countries with image problems like to talk tough for the benefit of their internal populations.
And now....welcome to another episode of"The Hammer and the Nail!"

I, the former....
This dunce, synthaholic, the latter.

1. Earlier, our target said this:
"All You Have To Know About Obama
Best president in over 50 years

.You did say that, didn't you?

That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.

Don't be said it: repeat it.

....would you verify that you actually posted this: ....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years

  • Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse"
And this:
"You still suck at this, and that's why once again I'm kicking your ass up and down the forum."
All You Have To Know About Obama

3. ....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"
....."Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse"

Well.....let's see just how great he....and you...are.

"That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”

The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression."

"...middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama..."

"....real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year...."
"....At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.” "...The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined...." "....what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...."

Wait...,.some dunce said "Best president in over 50 years....Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse"

Oh...wait....that dunce is you!!!!!!

You did say that, didn't you, nail????
That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.
Don't be said it: repeat it. actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years......Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse

4. There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable...

..but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

Speak up, nail!!!!!

PoliticalChic lost this thread over 40 posts ago. #masochism

And now....welcome to another episode of "The Hammer and the Nail," also known as the "Me and PInhead Show"!

I, the former....
This dunce, syntheticIQ, the latter.

1. ....would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years
  • Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons
  • Restored respect for America globally
And this:
"You still suck at this, and that's why once again I'm kicking your ass up and down the forum."
All You Have To Know About Obama

2. First....Obama ran for election vowing to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon...
October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table,"

So....Obama is the greatest liar in the last 50 years....not "the best president of the past 50 years."

3. And....after pleading with the Iranians to accept his fake deal,.....let's see if they have 'restored respect for Obama and/or America....
Today's news:
"Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Iran laughs at Obama....
....and I have pretty much the same reaction to you!

4. There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable...

..but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ..... "All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

Speak up, nail!!!!!
Hurry....prove how mentally deficient you are!

Your audience awaits!
Obama? Best president in over 50 years!

This is indisputable.
Rikky, you need to watch out for PC adressing you specifically with a question. It doesn't mean that an answers is wanted, it means that she's got a copy and paste that she wants to use. It will have the following:

Tediously number points
Links to politically suspect blogs that will make spurious deductions that will be referred to as absolute fact
Anne Coulter quotes
A triumphalist end message such as "Game, set and match" or "That put you in your place, next!"

Any reply pointing any holes in the argument will be ignored utterly, any evidence that any of the source material is incorrect will treated as though it never happened and any queries about claims not backed up by evidence will be drowned out further copy and paste noise.

As I have stated before, arguing with PC is like arguing with a pigeon. It's too dumb to understand what's going on and it's always going to walk away looking like it thinks it won.

Did you miss this....or does it simply destroy your corrupt worldview?

ctrl + v

When you have addressed the missing link to the figure of 7 trillion dollars that you stated and have ignored the 20 or so times you have been asked for it, and the fact that I proved a number of the points you made were false then we can talk about whatever copy and past you've done this time. Until then I'm not even reading it.
And now....welcome to another episode of"The Hammer and the Nail!"

I, the former....
This dunce, synthaholic, the latter.

1. Earlier, our target said this:
"All You Have To Know About Obama
Best president in over 50 years

You did say that, didn't you?
That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.
Don't be said it: repeat it.

....would you verify that you actually posted this: ....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years

Restored respect for America globally

And this:
"You still suck at this, and that's why once again I'm kicking your ass up and down the forum."
All You Have To Know About Obama

3. ....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"
Restored respect for America globally "

Well.....let's see just how great he....and you...are.

No Respect...he, and you, the world's laughing stock: Obama removes restrictions on Cuba, gets nothing in return. And....he visits, but Raul Castro couldn't be bothered to be at the airport:

" As the plane landed at a rainy Jose Marti International Airport, Mr Obama tweeted: "What's up Cuba? Just touched down here, looking forward to meeting and hearing directly from the Cuban people." The president was greeted by foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez - not president Raul Castro. Instead he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart on Monday." Obama Arrives In Cuba For Historic Visit

"Both Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz slammed the greeting President Obama and his wife received during their historic touch-down at a Cuban airport, saying the failure of Raul Castro to personally greet them as they exited Air Force One was a slap in the face to America."

Wait...,.some dunce said"Best president in over 50 years.... Restored respect for America globally"

Oh...wait....that dunce is you!!!!!!

You did say that, didn't you, nail????
That's all any reader has to know about your insight, and your mental condition.
Don't be said it: repeat it. actually posted this: ....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years...... Restored respect for America globally"

4. There is no doubt that anyone reading your 'Location" will understand both how out of touch with reality you are, ....and how envious of me- that part's understandable...

..but, just for icing on the cake, would you verify that you actually posted this: ....."All You Have To Know About Obama: "Best president in over 50 years"

Gads, you're a fool!
Rikky, you need to watch out for PC adressing you specifically with a question. It doesn't mean that an answers is wanted, it means that she's got a copy and paste that she wants to use. It will have the following:

Tediously number points
Links to politically suspect blogs that will make spurious deductions that will be referred to as absolute fact
Anne Coulter quotes
A triumphalist end message such as "Game, set and match" or "That put you in your place, next!"

Any reply pointing any holes in the argument will be ignored utterly, any evidence that any of the source material is incorrect will treated as though it never happened and any queries about claims not backed up by evidence will be drowned out further copy and paste noise.

As I have stated before, arguing with PC is like arguing with a pigeon. It's too dumb to understand what's going on and it's always going to walk away looking like it thinks it won.

Did you miss this....or does it simply destroy your corrupt worldview?

ctrl + v

When you have addressed the missing link to the figure of 7 trillion dollars that you stated and have ignored the 20 or so times you have been asked for it, and the fact that I proved a number of the points you made were false then we can talk about whatever copy and past you've done this time. Until then I'm not even reading it.

Ooooo.....look who's trying to change the subject from his earlier attempt to defend the indefensible....Islamofascist Terrorism!

I must have wounded you deeply, huh?

I can't resist a parting shot:

"Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls

Turns out, as per the articles I posted on the support of the Paris mastermind, they exist even in non-Muslim countries....

...although, it is arguable that France has become one.
Rikky, you need to watch out for PC adressing you specifically with a question. It doesn't mean that an answers is wanted, it means that she's got a copy and paste that she wants to use. It will have the following:

Tediously number points
Links to politically suspect blogs that will make spurious deductions that will be referred to as absolute fact
Anne Coulter quotes
A triumphalist end message such as "Game, set and match" or "That put you in your place, next!"

Any reply pointing any holes in the argument will be ignored utterly, any evidence that any of the source material is incorrect will treated as though it never happened and any queries about claims not backed up by evidence will be drowned out further copy and paste noise.

As I have stated before, arguing with PC is like arguing with a pigeon. It's too dumb to understand what's going on and it's always going to walk away looking like it thinks it won.

Did you miss this....or does it simply destroy your corrupt worldview?

ctrl + v

When you have addressed the missing link to the figure of 7 trillion dollars that you stated and have ignored the 20 or so times you have been asked for it, and the fact that I proved a number of the points you made were false then we can talk about whatever copy and past you've done this time. Until then I'm not even reading it.

Ooooo.....look who's trying to change the subject from his earlier attempt to defend the indefensible....Islamofascist Terrorism!

I must have wounded you deeply, huh?

I can't resist a parting shot:

"Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls

Turns out, as per the articles I posted on the support of the Paris mastermind, they exist even in non-Muslim countries....

...although, it is arguable that France has become one.

15 million is a big number? It's a small compared to the number of Americans who supported GW Bush's unnecessary violence against Iraq.
Rikky, you need to watch out for PC adressing you specifically with a question. It doesn't mean that an answers is wanted, it means that she's got a copy and paste that she wants to use. It will have the following:

Tediously number points
Links to politically suspect blogs that will make spurious deductions that will be referred to as absolute fact
Anne Coulter quotes
A triumphalist end message such as "Game, set and match" or "That put you in your place, next!"

Any reply pointing any holes in the argument will be ignored utterly, any evidence that any of the source material is incorrect will treated as though it never happened and any queries about claims not backed up by evidence will be drowned out further copy and paste noise.

As I have stated before, arguing with PC is like arguing with a pigeon. It's too dumb to understand what's going on and it's always going to walk away looking like it thinks it won.

Did you miss this....or does it simply destroy your corrupt worldview?

ctrl + v

When you have addressed the missing link to the figure of 7 trillion dollars that you stated and have ignored the 20 or so times you have been asked for it, and the fact that I proved a number of the points you made were false then we can talk about whatever copy and past you've done this time. Until then I'm not even reading it.

Hey.....guess what?

"A woman beheaded in the road. Five headless corpses hanging from cranes. As a documentary exposes the horror of life in Saudi Arabia, why DOES Britain cosy up to this kingdom of savagery?
  • Sight is one scene in a shocking documentary to be aired this week
  • It will shed the light on the strict everyday life in Saudi Arabia
  • Middle Eastern nation is one of the world's bloodiest and most secretive
  • Yet Saudi Arabia remains one of Britain’s closest allies worldwide
  • See more news on Saudi Arabia as the horror of daily life is revealed"
Documentary exposes the horror of life in Saudi Arabia
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Rumor has it these folks doing the beheading are Muslim.

Any truth to that?????

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