All You Have To Know About Obama

Boy, that sure shut him up, that apologist for the unforgivable.....


"QADIYA, Iraq — In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.

“I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity."

You didn't shut me up, I went to bed.

You continue to tell your lies, you're boring.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.
No doubt if you posted about Catholic priests raping children, he would gladly dump on all Christians.

To some, Muslims are a protected class. So pointing out the unbelievable atrocities that regularly occur in the Muslim world, does not equate to a problem in the Muslim world. Pointing out the atrocities means one is a bigot in the small minds of some.

I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?
Boy, that sure shut him up, that apologist for the unforgivable.....


"QADIYA, Iraq — In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.

“I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity."

You didn't shut me up, I went to bed.

You continue to tell your lies, you're boring.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.
No doubt if you posted about Catholic priests raping children, he would gladly dump on all Christians.

To some, Muslims are a protected class. So pointing out the unbelievable atrocities that regularly occur in the Muslim world, does not equate to a problem in the Muslim world. Pointing out the atrocities means one is a bigot in the small minds of some.

I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?

Even Obama is learning...
Seven Years...And Obama Finally Gets It Right!
Boy, that sure shut him up, that apologist for the unforgivable.....


"QADIYA, Iraq — In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.

“I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity."

You didn't shut me up, I went to bed.

You continue to tell your lies, you're boring.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.
No doubt if you posted about Catholic priests raping children, he would gladly dump on all Christians.

To some, Muslims are a protected class. So pointing out the unbelievable atrocities that regularly occur in the Muslim world, does not equate to a problem in the Muslim world. Pointing out the atrocities means one is a bigot in the small minds of some.

I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.

Even Obama is learning...
Seven Years...And Obama Finally Gets It Right!

I even mention his throwing you under the bus!
Boy, that sure shut him up, that apologist for the unforgivable.....


"QADIYA, Iraq — In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.

He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and prostrated himself in prayer before getting on top of her.

When it was over, he knelt to pray again, bookending the rape with acts of religious devotion.

“I kept telling him it hurts — please stop,” said the girl, whose body is so small an adult could circle her waist with two hands. “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God,” she said in an interview alongside her family in a refugee camp here, to which she escaped after 11 months of captivity."

You didn't shut me up, I went to bed.

You continue to tell your lies, you're boring.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.
No doubt if you posted about Catholic priests raping children, he would gladly dump on all Christians.

To some, Muslims are a protected class. So pointing out the unbelievable atrocities that regularly occur in the Muslim world, does not equate to a problem in the Muslim world. Pointing out the atrocities means one is a bigot in the small minds of some.

I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?

As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem, we can all dig in to the holy texts of any religion and find a few words that can be used to lend respectibility to evil deeds if we so wish. The evil is not in the faith but in the people who do wrong in it's name or who use it it to do the wrong that they want to do anyway. Just as the crusades were a way that Christians used their faith to slaughter foreign people so now do a very small but very evil band of terrorists use Islam to the same effect.

As for media bias, I think that every media outlet in the world has some form of bias and none of them are good. Take for example the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. It is very anti European Union because the man himself is very anti European Union, a whole media empire against an alligance of countries that first started to stop a world war from ever happening again and is currently working in individual countries to try and break it up.

Yes I agree that media bias is a bad thing and yes I do believe that the media keeps people looking down on the sins of the down trodden to keep them from looking up and seeing the much greater sins of those in power, both governmentally and in business. I reject the idea of liberal bias however, the right is the political wing that looks after the rich and I don't know of a poor man who ever owned a newspaper or news TV station.
You didn't shut me up, I went to bed.

You continue to tell your lies, you're boring.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.
No doubt if you posted about Catholic priests raping children, he would gladly dump on all Christians.

To some, Muslims are a protected class. So pointing out the unbelievable atrocities that regularly occur in the Muslim world, does not equate to a problem in the Muslim world. Pointing out the atrocities means one is a bigot in the small minds of some.

I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?

As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem, we can all dig in to the holy texts of any religion and find a few words that can be used to lend respectibility to evil deeds if we so wish. The evil is not in the faith but in the people who do wrong in it's name or who use it it to do the wrong that they want to do anyway. Just as the crusades were a way that Christians used their faith to slaughter foreign people so now do a very small but very evil band of terrorists use Islam to the same effect.

As for media bias, I think that every media outlet in the world has some form of bias and none of them are good. Take for example the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. It is very anti European Union because the man himself is very anti European Union, a whole media empire against an alligance of countries that first started to stop a world war from ever happening again and is currently working in individual countries to try and break it up.

Yes I agree that media bias is a bad thing and yes I do believe that the media keeps people looking down on the sins of the down trodden to keep them from looking up and seeing the much greater sins of those in power, both governmentally and in business. I reject the idea of liberal bias however, the right is the political wing that looks after the rich and I don't know of a poor man who ever owned a newspaper or news TV station.

"As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem,..."


Are you calling Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) a LIAR???????
" For the first time, President Obama said that Islam needs a modernist reformation."

For shame.....
You didn't shut me up, I went to bed.

You continue to tell your lies, you're boring.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.
No doubt if you posted about Catholic priests raping children, he would gladly dump on all Christians.

To some, Muslims are a protected class. So pointing out the unbelievable atrocities that regularly occur in the Muslim world, does not equate to a problem in the Muslim world. Pointing out the atrocities means one is a bigot in the small minds of some.

I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?

As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem, we can all dig in to the holy texts of any religion and find a few words that can be used to lend respectibility to evil deeds if we so wish. The evil is not in the faith but in the people who do wrong in it's name or who use it it to do the wrong that they want to do anyway. Just as the crusades were a way that Christians used their faith to slaughter foreign people so now do a very small but very evil band of terrorists use Islam to the same effect.

As for media bias, I think that every media outlet in the world has some form of bias and none of them are good. Take for example the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. It is very anti European Union because the man himself is very anti European Union, a whole media empire against an alligance of countries that first started to stop a world war from ever happening again and is currently working in individual countries to try and break it up.

Yes I agree that media bias is a bad thing and yes I do believe that the media keeps people looking down on the sins of the down trodden to keep them from looking up and seeing the much greater sins of those in power, both governmentally and in business. I reject the idea of liberal bias however, the right is the political wing that looks after the rich and I don't know of a poor man who ever owned a newspaper or news TV station.
I can agree with some of that, but much of it I can not.

Islamists read the text of their Holy Book and it tells them to kill. So, they kill. I think your knowledge of Islam is weak and you have been misinformed about it. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of war and intolerance. Your failure to recognize this clear fact, does you no favors.

Regarding the media...and when I say media I mean the old media. It is controlled by a handful of powerful wealthy men. They are of the elite and for the elite. To think these men are right wingers, is absurd and an old foolish canard. They support the status quo because that is what empowers and enriches them.
Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.
No doubt if you posted about Catholic priests raping children, he would gladly dump on all Christians.

To some, Muslims are a protected class. So pointing out the unbelievable atrocities that regularly occur in the Muslim world, does not equate to a problem in the Muslim world. Pointing out the atrocities means one is a bigot in the small minds of some.

I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?

As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem, we can all dig in to the holy texts of any religion and find a few words that can be used to lend respectibility to evil deeds if we so wish. The evil is not in the faith but in the people who do wrong in it's name or who use it it to do the wrong that they want to do anyway. Just as the crusades were a way that Christians used their faith to slaughter foreign people so now do a very small but very evil band of terrorists use Islam to the same effect.

As for media bias, I think that every media outlet in the world has some form of bias and none of them are good. Take for example the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. It is very anti European Union because the man himself is very anti European Union, a whole media empire against an alligance of countries that first started to stop a world war from ever happening again and is currently working in individual countries to try and break it up.

Yes I agree that media bias is a bad thing and yes I do believe that the media keeps people looking down on the sins of the down trodden to keep them from looking up and seeing the much greater sins of those in power, both governmentally and in business. I reject the idea of liberal bias however, the right is the political wing that looks after the rich and I don't know of a poor man who ever owned a newspaper or news TV station.
I can agree with some of that, but much of it I can not.

Islamists read the text of their Holy Book and it tells them to kill. So, they kill. I think your knowledge of Islam is weak and you have been misinformed about it. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of war and intolerance. Your failure to recognize this clear fact, does you no favors.

Regarding the media...and when I say media I mean the old media. It is controlled by a handful of powerful wealthy men. They are of the elite and for the elite. To think these men are right wingers, is absurd and an old foolish canard. They support the status quo because that is what empowers and enriches them.

Do you see a difference between "Islamists" and muslims? Because last figures I sam Islam is now the religion of closest to 23% of the world's population and they aren't all trying to slay the infidels. If a full 23% of the worlds population wanted you dead with a zealotic fanatasism then I'm pretty sure you would already be dead.

Since the 1970s there has been a lurch to a much more strict and conservative form of Islam coming from the universities of Saudi Arabia out to the world. If you went to a muslim country in the 1960s you's barely see a headscarf and now they are everywhere. I'm not comfortable with this and I think it isn't a good thing, it also has lead to a few evil men doing bad things in the religion's name. I didn;t say Islam was a rleigion of peace, a religion is whatever you make it. There are scriptures in the Quran that say kill infidels, there are parts of the bible that preach the killing of your enemy's babies.

Lets agree that there are an elite few that own nearly everything and it's no good thing if you aren't one of them.
No doubt if you posted about Catholic priests raping children, he would gladly dump on all Christians.

To some, Muslims are a protected class. So pointing out the unbelievable atrocities that regularly occur in the Muslim world, does not equate to a problem in the Muslim world. Pointing out the atrocities means one is a bigot in the small minds of some.

I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

Yet you couldn't find any lies?

Not a single one.

You're probably a lot more alert when you're asleep.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?

As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem, we can all dig in to the holy texts of any religion and find a few words that can be used to lend respectibility to evil deeds if we so wish. The evil is not in the faith but in the people who do wrong in it's name or who use it it to do the wrong that they want to do anyway. Just as the crusades were a way that Christians used their faith to slaughter foreign people so now do a very small but very evil band of terrorists use Islam to the same effect.

As for media bias, I think that every media outlet in the world has some form of bias and none of them are good. Take for example the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. It is very anti European Union because the man himself is very anti European Union, a whole media empire against an alligance of countries that first started to stop a world war from ever happening again and is currently working in individual countries to try and break it up.

Yes I agree that media bias is a bad thing and yes I do believe that the media keeps people looking down on the sins of the down trodden to keep them from looking up and seeing the much greater sins of those in power, both governmentally and in business. I reject the idea of liberal bias however, the right is the political wing that looks after the rich and I don't know of a poor man who ever owned a newspaper or news TV station.
I can agree with some of that, but much of it I can not.

Islamists read the text of their Holy Book and it tells them to kill. So, they kill. I think your knowledge of Islam is weak and you have been misinformed about it. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of war and intolerance. Your failure to recognize this clear fact, does you no favors.

Regarding the media...and when I say media I mean the old media. It is controlled by a handful of powerful wealthy men. They are of the elite and for the elite. To think these men are right wingers, is absurd and an old foolish canard. They support the status quo because that is what empowers and enriches them.

Do you see a difference between "Islamists" and muslims? Because last figures I sam Islam is now the religion of closest to 23% of the world's population and they aren't all trying to slay the infidels. If a full 23% of the worlds population wanted you dead with a zealotic fanatasism then I'm pretty sure you would already be dead.

Since the 1970s there has been a lurch to a much more strict and conservative form of Islam coming from the universities of Saudi Arabia out to the world. If you went to a muslim country in the 1960s you's barely see a headscarf and now they are everywhere. I'm not comfortable with this and I think it isn't a good thing, it also has lead to a few evil men doing bad things in the religion's name. I didn;t say Islam was a rleigion of peace, a religion is whatever you make it. There are scriptures in the Quran that say kill infidels, there are parts of the bible that preach the killing of your enemy's babies.

Lets agree that there are an elite few that own nearly everything and it's no good thing if you aren't one of them.
There have been many polls taken of Muslims around the world which have found that a good percentage of them believe in Jihad. They may not wish to take part in the killing, but have no problem with it. Are you aware of this?

Are you aware of how women, minorities, gays, and children are treated in the Muslim world? One would have to be utterly ignorant not to know of the terrible atrocities and injustices committed in Muslim nations.

Again you try to compare Christians with Muslims. This is such utter bull shit. Christians don't go around raping girls and boys, cutting off heads, and massacring innocent people in the name of Jesus Christ. Are you aware of this?

It matters NOT what the Bible says DUMBASS...a matters what Christians do. Now please cite thousands of incidents of horrors committed by Christians in the past few years. Please do it right NOW...or I shall forever refer to you as a F**KING FOOL.
I'll bookmark this as a classic case of the straw man argument. You state something I would say and then attack it, not even bothering to stop and think if I have actually said it or not. Also you whine a lot about the "liberal" media, I'm quite disappointed that you didn't showhorn that in to you rebuttal of a point I didn't make. Oh and as a PS, my elderly parents are both devote christians, I don;t make a habit of "dumping" on them.

You still haven't proven that 7 trillion figure yet. And you still haven't adressed every time I have proven your lies so I'm ignoring you until you.

I will say this one last time, I proved your lies and you just pretended like what i posted wasn't even there. A trick you do quite a lot, ignore the points you can't argue against and then past reems of data that is cherry picked tomake it lookj like your racist views are based on fact and not your own evil.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?

As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem, we can all dig in to the holy texts of any religion and find a few words that can be used to lend respectibility to evil deeds if we so wish. The evil is not in the faith but in the people who do wrong in it's name or who use it it to do the wrong that they want to do anyway. Just as the crusades were a way that Christians used their faith to slaughter foreign people so now do a very small but very evil band of terrorists use Islam to the same effect.

As for media bias, I think that every media outlet in the world has some form of bias and none of them are good. Take for example the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. It is very anti European Union because the man himself is very anti European Union, a whole media empire against an alligance of countries that first started to stop a world war from ever happening again and is currently working in individual countries to try and break it up.

Yes I agree that media bias is a bad thing and yes I do believe that the media keeps people looking down on the sins of the down trodden to keep them from looking up and seeing the much greater sins of those in power, both governmentally and in business. I reject the idea of liberal bias however, the right is the political wing that looks after the rich and I don't know of a poor man who ever owned a newspaper or news TV station.
I can agree with some of that, but much of it I can not.

Islamists read the text of their Holy Book and it tells them to kill. So, they kill. I think your knowledge of Islam is weak and you have been misinformed about it. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of war and intolerance. Your failure to recognize this clear fact, does you no favors.

Regarding the media...and when I say media I mean the old media. It is controlled by a handful of powerful wealthy men. They are of the elite and for the elite. To think these men are right wingers, is absurd and an old foolish canard. They support the status quo because that is what empowers and enriches them.

Do you see a difference between "Islamists" and muslims? Because last figures I sam Islam is now the religion of closest to 23% of the world's population and they aren't all trying to slay the infidels. If a full 23% of the worlds population wanted you dead with a zealotic fanatasism then I'm pretty sure you would already be dead.

Since the 1970s there has been a lurch to a much more strict and conservative form of Islam coming from the universities of Saudi Arabia out to the world. If you went to a muslim country in the 1960s you's barely see a headscarf and now they are everywhere. I'm not comfortable with this and I think it isn't a good thing, it also has lead to a few evil men doing bad things in the religion's name. I didn;t say Islam was a rleigion of peace, a religion is whatever you make it. There are scriptures in the Quran that say kill infidels, there are parts of the bible that preach the killing of your enemy's babies.

Lets agree that there are an elite few that own nearly everything and it's no good thing if you aren't one of them.
There have been many polls taken of Muslims around the world which have found that a good percentage of them believe in Jihad. They may not wish to take part in the killing, but have no problem with it. Are you aware of this?

Are you aware of how women, minorities, gays, and children are treated in the Muslim world? One would have to be utterly ignorant not to know of the terrible atrocities and injustices committed in Muslim nations.

Again you try to compare Christians with Muslims. This is such utter bull shit. Christians don't go around raping girls and boys, cutting off heads, and massacring innocent people in the name of Jesus Christ. Are you aware of this?

It matters NOT what the Bible says DUMBASS...a matters what Christians do. Now please cite thousands of incidents of horrors committed by Christians in the past few years. Please do it right NOW...or I shall forever refer to you as a F**KING FOOL.

Are you aware of the crimes that are committed in America, the murders every day over no good reason, jealous men who beat wives to death, poor black teens who kill one another over sections of the street they sell drugs on? What about the ethnic cleansing that has happened and keeps happening to this day across the east of Europe? The machete genocides that happen between tribes in Africa? Just because something is done in the name of a religion doesn't mean that entire religion is to blame, these horrendous things happen because of hatred, because of fear and because of ignorance.

I have seen a number of these polls you mention, some of them do give worrying statistics but they often ask open ended questions like "Do you believe in Jihad" when Jihad is the act of holy war that against anything from America to drug crime, they can had a Jihad against drig crime you know.

I am aware how minorities, gays and childeren are treated in SOME muslim nations, backwards ass ones. I've been to Indonesia and Malaysia and they aren't the represive hell holes under sharia law that you paint. Did you know Indonesia has a female president? Hardly repressing women if they vote one head of state, America hasn't done that yet.

You mention the disgusting treatment of Gays, horrible that people in countries would do such a thing. Gay people are also persicuted in most countires in sub saharan Africa. The West Indies as well. The poor treatment of minorities is not a Muslim thing, it's an uncivilized country thing.

I mentioned the Bible purely because I don't know of the words of violence in the Torah, Vedas or Guru Granthi Saheeb, although I'm pretty sure you could find some words that in isolation could be used to incite violence. You againblame the religion for beheadings and the like rather than the men who do them? How hard can it be to realise that people who do these things are bad people, lead by bad people and having their bad actions justified by the use of certain areas of the text. Like the westboro baptist wackos who took a couple of lines from Leviticus and pretty much ignored the rest of the book.

Why do you feel the need to quanify that last part with "In the last few years"? Religion has been around a hell of a lot longer than that.
Sorry for my miscalculation.

As you might be aware, those who often proclaim "it is not all Muslims," seem to have a habit of excusing the bad behavior of Muslims, that happens somewhere around the world EVERY day...and then tend to bring up the Crusades and Christian misbehavior of centuries ago, to create some kind of distorted ignorant moral equivalence.

I do bitch a lot about the bias in the MSM. IMO this bias causes great divides Americans, while the elites continue to empower and enrich themselves. Do you disagree?

As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem, we can all dig in to the holy texts of any religion and find a few words that can be used to lend respectibility to evil deeds if we so wish. The evil is not in the faith but in the people who do wrong in it's name or who use it it to do the wrong that they want to do anyway. Just as the crusades were a way that Christians used their faith to slaughter foreign people so now do a very small but very evil band of terrorists use Islam to the same effect.

As for media bias, I think that every media outlet in the world has some form of bias and none of them are good. Take for example the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. It is very anti European Union because the man himself is very anti European Union, a whole media empire against an alligance of countries that first started to stop a world war from ever happening again and is currently working in individual countries to try and break it up.

Yes I agree that media bias is a bad thing and yes I do believe that the media keeps people looking down on the sins of the down trodden to keep them from looking up and seeing the much greater sins of those in power, both governmentally and in business. I reject the idea of liberal bias however, the right is the political wing that looks after the rich and I don't know of a poor man who ever owned a newspaper or news TV station.
I can agree with some of that, but much of it I can not.

Islamists read the text of their Holy Book and it tells them to kill. So, they kill. I think your knowledge of Islam is weak and you have been misinformed about it. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of war and intolerance. Your failure to recognize this clear fact, does you no favors.

Regarding the media...and when I say media I mean the old media. It is controlled by a handful of powerful wealthy men. They are of the elite and for the elite. To think these men are right wingers, is absurd and an old foolish canard. They support the status quo because that is what empowers and enriches them.

Do you see a difference between "Islamists" and muslims? Because last figures I sam Islam is now the religion of closest to 23% of the world's population and they aren't all trying to slay the infidels. If a full 23% of the worlds population wanted you dead with a zealotic fanatasism then I'm pretty sure you would already be dead.

Since the 1970s there has been a lurch to a much more strict and conservative form of Islam coming from the universities of Saudi Arabia out to the world. If you went to a muslim country in the 1960s you's barely see a headscarf and now they are everywhere. I'm not comfortable with this and I think it isn't a good thing, it also has lead to a few evil men doing bad things in the religion's name. I didn;t say Islam was a rleigion of peace, a religion is whatever you make it. There are scriptures in the Quran that say kill infidels, there are parts of the bible that preach the killing of your enemy's babies.

Lets agree that there are an elite few that own nearly everything and it's no good thing if you aren't one of them.
There have been many polls taken of Muslims around the world which have found that a good percentage of them believe in Jihad. They may not wish to take part in the killing, but have no problem with it. Are you aware of this?

Are you aware of how women, minorities, gays, and children are treated in the Muslim world? One would have to be utterly ignorant not to know of the terrible atrocities and injustices committed in Muslim nations.

Again you try to compare Christians with Muslims. This is such utter bull shit. Christians don't go around raping girls and boys, cutting off heads, and massacring innocent people in the name of Jesus Christ. Are you aware of this?

It matters NOT what the Bible says DUMBASS...a matters what Christians do. Now please cite thousands of incidents of horrors committed by Christians in the past few years. Please do it right NOW...or I shall forever refer to you as a F**KING FOOL.

Are you aware of the crimes that are committed in America, the murders every day over no good reason, jealous men who beat wives to death, poor black teens who kill one another over sections of the street they sell drugs on? What about the ethnic cleansing that has happened and keeps happening to this day across the east of Europe? The machete genocides that happen between tribes in Africa? Just because something is done in the name of a religion doesn't mean that entire religion is to blame, these horrendous things happen because of hatred, because of fear and because of ignorance.

I have seen a number of these polls you mention, some of them do give worrying statistics but they often ask open ended questions like "Do you believe in Jihad" when Jihad is the act of holy war that against anything from America to drug crime, they can had a Jihad against drig crime you know.

I am aware how minorities, gays and childeren are treated in SOME muslim nations, backwards ass ones. I've been to Indonesia and Malaysia and they aren't the represive hell holes under sharia law that you paint. Did you know Indonesia has a female president? Hardly repressing women if they vote one head of state, America hasn't done that yet.

You mention the disgusting treatment of Gays, horrible that people in countries would do such a thing. Gay people are also persicuted in most countires in sub saharan Africa. The West Indies as well. The poor treatment of minorities is not a Muslim thing, it's an uncivilized country thing.

I mentioned the Bible purely because I don't know of the words of violence in the Torah, Vedas or Guru Granthi Saheeb, although I'm pretty sure you could find some words that in isolation could be used to incite violence. You againblame the religion for beheadings and the like rather than the men who do them? How hard can it be to realise that people who do these things are bad people, lead by bad people and having their bad actions justified by the use of certain areas of the text. Like the westboro baptist wackos who took a couple of lines from Leviticus and pretty much ignored the rest of the book.

Why do you feel the need to quanify that last part with "In the last few years"? Religion has been around a hell of a lot longer than that.
I don't think we are communicating...and it is your fault.

You are the one who compared the Bible with the Koran, as if that means anything. The point is, which you apparently missed or refuse to accept, Christians are not killing in the name of their God and Muslims are. You cite killings in America as if this is the same thing as Muslims killing for Allah. This is utterly foolish and ignorant.
As I have said until I am blue in the face, it is not the religion of Islam that is a problem, we can all dig in to the holy texts of any religion and find a few words that can be used to lend respectibility to evil deeds if we so wish. The evil is not in the faith but in the people who do wrong in it's name or who use it it to do the wrong that they want to do anyway. Just as the crusades were a way that Christians used their faith to slaughter foreign people so now do a very small but very evil band of terrorists use Islam to the same effect.

As for media bias, I think that every media outlet in the world has some form of bias and none of them are good. Take for example the media empire of Rupert Murdoch. It is very anti European Union because the man himself is very anti European Union, a whole media empire against an alligance of countries that first started to stop a world war from ever happening again and is currently working in individual countries to try and break it up.

Yes I agree that media bias is a bad thing and yes I do believe that the media keeps people looking down on the sins of the down trodden to keep them from looking up and seeing the much greater sins of those in power, both governmentally and in business. I reject the idea of liberal bias however, the right is the political wing that looks after the rich and I don't know of a poor man who ever owned a newspaper or news TV station.
I can agree with some of that, but much of it I can not.

Islamists read the text of their Holy Book and it tells them to kill. So, they kill. I think your knowledge of Islam is weak and you have been misinformed about it. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of war and intolerance. Your failure to recognize this clear fact, does you no favors.

Regarding the media...and when I say media I mean the old media. It is controlled by a handful of powerful wealthy men. They are of the elite and for the elite. To think these men are right wingers, is absurd and an old foolish canard. They support the status quo because that is what empowers and enriches them.

Do you see a difference between "Islamists" and muslims? Because last figures I sam Islam is now the religion of closest to 23% of the world's population and they aren't all trying to slay the infidels. If a full 23% of the worlds population wanted you dead with a zealotic fanatasism then I'm pretty sure you would already be dead.

Since the 1970s there has been a lurch to a much more strict and conservative form of Islam coming from the universities of Saudi Arabia out to the world. If you went to a muslim country in the 1960s you's barely see a headscarf and now they are everywhere. I'm not comfortable with this and I think it isn't a good thing, it also has lead to a few evil men doing bad things in the religion's name. I didn;t say Islam was a rleigion of peace, a religion is whatever you make it. There are scriptures in the Quran that say kill infidels, there are parts of the bible that preach the killing of your enemy's babies.

Lets agree that there are an elite few that own nearly everything and it's no good thing if you aren't one of them.
There have been many polls taken of Muslims around the world which have found that a good percentage of them believe in Jihad. They may not wish to take part in the killing, but have no problem with it. Are you aware of this?

Are you aware of how women, minorities, gays, and children are treated in the Muslim world? One would have to be utterly ignorant not to know of the terrible atrocities and injustices committed in Muslim nations.

Again you try to compare Christians with Muslims. This is such utter bull shit. Christians don't go around raping girls and boys, cutting off heads, and massacring innocent people in the name of Jesus Christ. Are you aware of this?

It matters NOT what the Bible says DUMBASS...a matters what Christians do. Now please cite thousands of incidents of horrors committed by Christians in the past few years. Please do it right NOW...or I shall forever refer to you as a F**KING FOOL.

Are you aware of the crimes that are committed in America, the murders every day over no good reason, jealous men who beat wives to death, poor black teens who kill one another over sections of the street they sell drugs on? What about the ethnic cleansing that has happened and keeps happening to this day across the east of Europe? The machete genocides that happen between tribes in Africa? Just because something is done in the name of a religion doesn't mean that entire religion is to blame, these horrendous things happen because of hatred, because of fear and because of ignorance.

I have seen a number of these polls you mention, some of them do give worrying statistics but they often ask open ended questions like "Do you believe in Jihad" when Jihad is the act of holy war that against anything from America to drug crime, they can had a Jihad against drig crime you know.

I am aware how minorities, gays and childeren are treated in SOME muslim nations, backwards ass ones. I've been to Indonesia and Malaysia and they aren't the represive hell holes under sharia law that you paint. Did you know Indonesia has a female president? Hardly repressing women if they vote one head of state, America hasn't done that yet.

You mention the disgusting treatment of Gays, horrible that people in countries would do such a thing. Gay people are also persicuted in most countires in sub saharan Africa. The West Indies as well. The poor treatment of minorities is not a Muslim thing, it's an uncivilized country thing.

I mentioned the Bible purely because I don't know of the words of violence in the Torah, Vedas or Guru Granthi Saheeb, although I'm pretty sure you could find some words that in isolation could be used to incite violence. You againblame the religion for beheadings and the like rather than the men who do them? How hard can it be to realise that people who do these things are bad people, lead by bad people and having their bad actions justified by the use of certain areas of the text. Like the westboro baptist wackos who took a couple of lines from Leviticus and pretty much ignored the rest of the book.

Why do you feel the need to quanify that last part with "In the last few years"? Religion has been around a hell of a lot longer than that.
I don't think we are communicating...and it is your fault.

You are the one who compared the Bible with the Koran, as if that means anything. The point is, which you apparently missed or refuse to accept, Christians are not killing in the name of their God and Muslims are. You cite killings in America as if this is the same thing as Muslims killing for Allah. This is utterly foolish and ignorant.

We are communicating well, and you are being far more respectful then the majority of people on here, thank you.

I see the point that you are trying to make but you seem to be missing mine. The people who go about killing in the name of Islam would be going round killing in the name of something else if Islam wasn't their chosen outlet. I refuse to condemn the whole religion they use to condone their actions just like I refuse to condemn the whole of the US military for the torture at Abu Grabe or the My Lai massacre.

You seem far too hung up on the Christian part of this discussion, Christianity is just another religion that like Islam is on the whole peaceful but there are a few bad apples that COULD be used to give it a bad name if they were scrutinised and demonised. I mention america because my point is that evil men will do evil deeds in every country, if you nod sagely at the idea of a Muslim killing his bride on their wedding day and say "Ahh well he was a Muslim, they're evil" then you must also be able to see for a none American a similar stance could be taken when reading about the latest school shooting.
I can agree with some of that, but much of it I can not.

Islamists read the text of their Holy Book and it tells them to kill. So, they kill. I think your knowledge of Islam is weak and you have been misinformed about it. Islam is not a religion of peace. It is a religion of war and intolerance. Your failure to recognize this clear fact, does you no favors.

Regarding the media...and when I say media I mean the old media. It is controlled by a handful of powerful wealthy men. They are of the elite and for the elite. To think these men are right wingers, is absurd and an old foolish canard. They support the status quo because that is what empowers and enriches them.

Do you see a difference between "Islamists" and muslims? Because last figures I sam Islam is now the religion of closest to 23% of the world's population and they aren't all trying to slay the infidels. If a full 23% of the worlds population wanted you dead with a zealotic fanatasism then I'm pretty sure you would already be dead.

Since the 1970s there has been a lurch to a much more strict and conservative form of Islam coming from the universities of Saudi Arabia out to the world. If you went to a muslim country in the 1960s you's barely see a headscarf and now they are everywhere. I'm not comfortable with this and I think it isn't a good thing, it also has lead to a few evil men doing bad things in the religion's name. I didn;t say Islam was a rleigion of peace, a religion is whatever you make it. There are scriptures in the Quran that say kill infidels, there are parts of the bible that preach the killing of your enemy's babies.

Lets agree that there are an elite few that own nearly everything and it's no good thing if you aren't one of them.
There have been many polls taken of Muslims around the world which have found that a good percentage of them believe in Jihad. They may not wish to take part in the killing, but have no problem with it. Are you aware of this?

Are you aware of how women, minorities, gays, and children are treated in the Muslim world? One would have to be utterly ignorant not to know of the terrible atrocities and injustices committed in Muslim nations.

Again you try to compare Christians with Muslims. This is such utter bull shit. Christians don't go around raping girls and boys, cutting off heads, and massacring innocent people in the name of Jesus Christ. Are you aware of this?

It matters NOT what the Bible says DUMBASS...a matters what Christians do. Now please cite thousands of incidents of horrors committed by Christians in the past few years. Please do it right NOW...or I shall forever refer to you as a F**KING FOOL.

Are you aware of the crimes that are committed in America, the murders every day over no good reason, jealous men who beat wives to death, poor black teens who kill one another over sections of the street they sell drugs on? What about the ethnic cleansing that has happened and keeps happening to this day across the east of Europe? The machete genocides that happen between tribes in Africa? Just because something is done in the name of a religion doesn't mean that entire religion is to blame, these horrendous things happen because of hatred, because of fear and because of ignorance.

I have seen a number of these polls you mention, some of them do give worrying statistics but they often ask open ended questions like "Do you believe in Jihad" when Jihad is the act of holy war that against anything from America to drug crime, they can had a Jihad against drig crime you know.

I am aware how minorities, gays and childeren are treated in SOME muslim nations, backwards ass ones. I've been to Indonesia and Malaysia and they aren't the represive hell holes under sharia law that you paint. Did you know Indonesia has a female president? Hardly repressing women if they vote one head of state, America hasn't done that yet.

You mention the disgusting treatment of Gays, horrible that people in countries would do such a thing. Gay people are also persicuted in most countires in sub saharan Africa. The West Indies as well. The poor treatment of minorities is not a Muslim thing, it's an uncivilized country thing.

I mentioned the Bible purely because I don't know of the words of violence in the Torah, Vedas or Guru Granthi Saheeb, although I'm pretty sure you could find some words that in isolation could be used to incite violence. You againblame the religion for beheadings and the like rather than the men who do them? How hard can it be to realise that people who do these things are bad people, lead by bad people and having their bad actions justified by the use of certain areas of the text. Like the westboro baptist wackos who took a couple of lines from Leviticus and pretty much ignored the rest of the book.

Why do you feel the need to quanify that last part with "In the last few years"? Religion has been around a hell of a lot longer than that.
I don't think we are communicating...and it is your fault.

You are the one who compared the Bible with the Koran, as if that means anything. The point is, which you apparently missed or refuse to accept, Christians are not killing in the name of their God and Muslims are. You cite killings in America as if this is the same thing as Muslims killing for Allah. This is utterly foolish and ignorant.

We are communicating well, and you are being far more respectful then the majority of people on here, thank you.

I see the point that you are trying to make but you seem to be missing mine. The people who go about killing in the name of Islam would be going round killing in the name of something else if Islam wasn't their chosen outlet. I refuse to condemn the whole religion they use to condone their actions just like I refuse to condemn the whole of the US military for the torture at Abu Grabe or the My Lai massacre.

You seem far too hung up on the Christian part of this discussion, Christianity is just another religion that like Islam is on the whole peaceful but there are a few bad apples that COULD be used to give it a bad name if they were scrutinised and demonised. I mention america because my point is that evil men will do evil deeds in every country, if you nod sagely at the idea of a Muslim killing his bride on their wedding day and say "Ahh well he was a Muslim, they're evil" then you must also be able to see for a none American a similar stance could be taken when reading about the latest school shooting.
We are NOT communicating effectively.

They DO kill in the name of their God. If Islam did not exist, these people would not kill. To think otherwise, is to not think and is an effort to appease Islam. You appear to have learned nothing about Islam and it's obvious murderous nature...which has been the case since Mohammed made it up out of thin air.

Please stop with the PC leftist talking point of it is not all Muslims. NO ONE SAID IT WAS... This is a STRAWMAN argument designed to deceive... And you are deceived.

You're no longer an 'expert'????

You got fired from the suitcase bomb expert association?

Probably because you claimed his bomb didn't look like a bomb, huh?

It most obviously didn't look like a bomb. They didn't evacuate the school. They waited hours to call the police. The cop put the kid and the clock in his car.

It can't be helped you are too retarded to realize these facts make it blazingly obvious that all concerned knew it was not a bomb.

It can't be helped you are so retarded you bleev posting a photo of an analog clock somehow proves a digital clock looks like a bomb.

They didn't evacuate the school.

They didn't call the cops for hours.

The cop put the clock in his car.


Good thing his family cut and run with their new found scholarship to Bomb Making U in Qatar

Do you see a difference between "Islamists" and muslims? Because last figures I sam Islam is now the religion of closest to 23% of the world's population and they aren't all trying to slay the infidels. If a full 23% of the worlds population wanted you dead with a zealotic fanatasism then I'm pretty sure you would already be dead.

Since the 1970s there has been a lurch to a much more strict and conservative form of Islam coming from the universities of Saudi Arabia out to the world. If you went to a muslim country in the 1960s you's barely see a headscarf and now they are everywhere. I'm not comfortable with this and I think it isn't a good thing, it also has lead to a few evil men doing bad things in the religion's name. I didn;t say Islam was a rleigion of peace, a religion is whatever you make it. There are scriptures in the Quran that say kill infidels, there are parts of the bible that preach the killing of your enemy's babies.

Lets agree that there are an elite few that own nearly everything and it's no good thing if you aren't one of them.
There have been many polls taken of Muslims around the world which have found that a good percentage of them believe in Jihad. They may not wish to take part in the killing, but have no problem with it. Are you aware of this?

Are you aware of how women, minorities, gays, and children are treated in the Muslim world? One would have to be utterly ignorant not to know of the terrible atrocities and injustices committed in Muslim nations.

Again you try to compare Christians with Muslims. This is such utter bull shit. Christians don't go around raping girls and boys, cutting off heads, and massacring innocent people in the name of Jesus Christ. Are you aware of this?

It matters NOT what the Bible says DUMBASS...a matters what Christians do. Now please cite thousands of incidents of horrors committed by Christians in the past few years. Please do it right NOW...or I shall forever refer to you as a F**KING FOOL.

Are you aware of the crimes that are committed in America, the murders every day over no good reason, jealous men who beat wives to death, poor black teens who kill one another over sections of the street they sell drugs on? What about the ethnic cleansing that has happened and keeps happening to this day across the east of Europe? The machete genocides that happen between tribes in Africa? Just because something is done in the name of a religion doesn't mean that entire religion is to blame, these horrendous things happen because of hatred, because of fear and because of ignorance.

I have seen a number of these polls you mention, some of them do give worrying statistics but they often ask open ended questions like "Do you believe in Jihad" when Jihad is the act of holy war that against anything from America to drug crime, they can had a Jihad against drig crime you know.

I am aware how minorities, gays and childeren are treated in SOME muslim nations, backwards ass ones. I've been to Indonesia and Malaysia and they aren't the represive hell holes under sharia law that you paint. Did you know Indonesia has a female president? Hardly repressing women if they vote one head of state, America hasn't done that yet.

You mention the disgusting treatment of Gays, horrible that people in countries would do such a thing. Gay people are also persicuted in most countires in sub saharan Africa. The West Indies as well. The poor treatment of minorities is not a Muslim thing, it's an uncivilized country thing.

I mentioned the Bible purely because I don't know of the words of violence in the Torah, Vedas or Guru Granthi Saheeb, although I'm pretty sure you could find some words that in isolation could be used to incite violence. You againblame the religion for beheadings and the like rather than the men who do them? How hard can it be to realise that people who do these things are bad people, lead by bad people and having their bad actions justified by the use of certain areas of the text. Like the westboro baptist wackos who took a couple of lines from Leviticus and pretty much ignored the rest of the book.

Why do you feel the need to quanify that last part with "In the last few years"? Religion has been around a hell of a lot longer than that.
I don't think we are communicating...and it is your fault.

You are the one who compared the Bible with the Koran, as if that means anything. The point is, which you apparently missed or refuse to accept, Christians are not killing in the name of their God and Muslims are. You cite killings in America as if this is the same thing as Muslims killing for Allah. This is utterly foolish and ignorant.

We are communicating well, and you are being far more respectful then the majority of people on here, thank you.

I see the point that you are trying to make but you seem to be missing mine. The people who go about killing in the name of Islam would be going round killing in the name of something else if Islam wasn't their chosen outlet. I refuse to condemn the whole religion they use to condone their actions just like I refuse to condemn the whole of the US military for the torture at Abu Grabe or the My Lai massacre.

You seem far too hung up on the Christian part of this discussion, Christianity is just another religion that like Islam is on the whole peaceful but there are a few bad apples that COULD be used to give it a bad name if they were scrutinised and demonised. I mention america because my point is that evil men will do evil deeds in every country, if you nod sagely at the idea of a Muslim killing his bride on their wedding day and say "Ahh well he was a Muslim, they're evil" then you must also be able to see for a none American a similar stance could be taken when reading about the latest school shooting.
We are NOT communicating effectively.

They DO kill in the name of their God. If Islam did not exist, these people would not kill. To think otherwise, is to not think and is an effort to appease Islam. You appear to have learned nothing about Islam and it's obvious murderous nature...which has been the case since Mohammed made it up out of thin air.

Please stop with the PC leftist talking point of it is not all Muslims. NO ONE SAID IT WAS... This is a STRAWMAN argument designed to deceive... And you are deceived.

You argue eloquently but it's all from a fundamental position in which you already have your conclusion pre judged. On the one hand you blaming Islam and then claiming I am creating a straw man by pointing out that there are a vast vast majority of Islamic peoples who are good and peace loving.

You state that without Islam these people would not be killing, I will counter with without Imams who have preached violence and hatred to young disillusioned men then there would similarly be no killings. And that being the case what do you blame, the men who preach violence or the god in whose name they preach it? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

You claim I appease, but for what reason? It's a religion, like all religions its a whole heap of made up fairy tales and I have no wish to appease any faith. I respect no religion but I do respect people who have religion and any religion's power to give solice and comfort to individuals in this unrelentingly cruel and unjust world. Faith in anything from an elephant head god through a man who moved mountains right up to a zombie who walked out of his tomb after being nailed to a cross all strikes me as daft, but it that is what gets people through the day and to sleep at night then more power to 'em.
There have been many polls taken of Muslims around the world which have found that a good percentage of them believe in Jihad. They may not wish to take part in the killing, but have no problem with it. Are you aware of this?

Are you aware of how women, minorities, gays, and children are treated in the Muslim world? One would have to be utterly ignorant not to know of the terrible atrocities and injustices committed in Muslim nations.

Again you try to compare Christians with Muslims. This is such utter bull shit. Christians don't go around raping girls and boys, cutting off heads, and massacring innocent people in the name of Jesus Christ. Are you aware of this?

It matters NOT what the Bible says DUMBASS...a matters what Christians do. Now please cite thousands of incidents of horrors committed by Christians in the past few years. Please do it right NOW...or I shall forever refer to you as a F**KING FOOL.

Are you aware of the crimes that are committed in America, the murders every day over no good reason, jealous men who beat wives to death, poor black teens who kill one another over sections of the street they sell drugs on? What about the ethnic cleansing that has happened and keeps happening to this day across the east of Europe? The machete genocides that happen between tribes in Africa? Just because something is done in the name of a religion doesn't mean that entire religion is to blame, these horrendous things happen because of hatred, because of fear and because of ignorance.

I have seen a number of these polls you mention, some of them do give worrying statistics but they often ask open ended questions like "Do you believe in Jihad" when Jihad is the act of holy war that against anything from America to drug crime, they can had a Jihad against drig crime you know.

I am aware how minorities, gays and childeren are treated in SOME muslim nations, backwards ass ones. I've been to Indonesia and Malaysia and they aren't the represive hell holes under sharia law that you paint. Did you know Indonesia has a female president? Hardly repressing women if they vote one head of state, America hasn't done that yet.

You mention the disgusting treatment of Gays, horrible that people in countries would do such a thing. Gay people are also persicuted in most countires in sub saharan Africa. The West Indies as well. The poor treatment of minorities is not a Muslim thing, it's an uncivilized country thing.

I mentioned the Bible purely because I don't know of the words of violence in the Torah, Vedas or Guru Granthi Saheeb, although I'm pretty sure you could find some words that in isolation could be used to incite violence. You againblame the religion for beheadings and the like rather than the men who do them? How hard can it be to realise that people who do these things are bad people, lead by bad people and having their bad actions justified by the use of certain areas of the text. Like the westboro baptist wackos who took a couple of lines from Leviticus and pretty much ignored the rest of the book.

Why do you feel the need to quanify that last part with "In the last few years"? Religion has been around a hell of a lot longer than that.
I don't think we are communicating...and it is your fault.

You are the one who compared the Bible with the Koran, as if that means anything. The point is, which you apparently missed or refuse to accept, Christians are not killing in the name of their God and Muslims are. You cite killings in America as if this is the same thing as Muslims killing for Allah. This is utterly foolish and ignorant.

We are communicating well, and you are being far more respectful then the majority of people on here, thank you.

I see the point that you are trying to make but you seem to be missing mine. The people who go about killing in the name of Islam would be going round killing in the name of something else if Islam wasn't their chosen outlet. I refuse to condemn the whole religion they use to condone their actions just like I refuse to condemn the whole of the US military for the torture at Abu Grabe or the My Lai massacre.

You seem far too hung up on the Christian part of this discussion, Christianity is just another religion that like Islam is on the whole peaceful but there are a few bad apples that COULD be used to give it a bad name if they were scrutinised and demonised. I mention america because my point is that evil men will do evil deeds in every country, if you nod sagely at the idea of a Muslim killing his bride on their wedding day and say "Ahh well he was a Muslim, they're evil" then you must also be able to see for a none American a similar stance could be taken when reading about the latest school shooting.
We are NOT communicating effectively.

They DO kill in the name of their God. If Islam did not exist, these people would not kill. To think otherwise, is to not think and is an effort to appease Islam. You appear to have learned nothing about Islam and it's obvious murderous nature...which has been the case since Mohammed made it up out of thin air.

Please stop with the PC leftist talking point of it is not all Muslims. NO ONE SAID IT WAS... This is a STRAWMAN argument designed to deceive... And you are deceived.

You argue eloquently but it's all from a fundamental position in which you already have your conclusion pre judged. On the one hand you blaming Islam and then claiming I am creating a straw man by pointing out that there are a vast vast majority of Islamic peoples who are good and peace loving.

You state that without Islam these people would not be killing, I will counter with without Imams who have preached violence and hatred to young disillusioned men then there would similarly be no killings. And that being the case what do you blame, the men who preach violence or the god in whose name they preach it? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

You claim I appease, but for what reason? It's a religion, like all religions its a whole heap of made up fairy tales and I have no wish to appease any faith. I respect no religion but I do respect people who have religion and any religion's power to give solice and comfort to individuals in this unrelentingly cruel and unjust world. Faith in anything from an elephant head god through a man who moved mountains right up to a zombie who walked out of his tomb after being nailed to a cross all strikes me as daft, but it that is what gets people through the day and to sleep at night then more power to 'em.
You have failed to educate yourself on the history of Islam and you have failed to recognize why Muslims kill...even though these past few years have clearly exposed the truth.

Due to leftist brainwashing, you have accepted the PC bullshit.
Are you aware of the crimes that are committed in America, the murders every day over no good reason, jealous men who beat wives to death, poor black teens who kill one another over sections of the street they sell drugs on? What about the ethnic cleansing that has happened and keeps happening to this day across the east of Europe? The machete genocides that happen between tribes in Africa? Just because something is done in the name of a religion doesn't mean that entire religion is to blame, these horrendous things happen because of hatred, because of fear and because of ignorance.

I have seen a number of these polls you mention, some of them do give worrying statistics but they often ask open ended questions like "Do you believe in Jihad" when Jihad is the act of holy war that against anything from America to drug crime, they can had a Jihad against drig crime you know.

I am aware how minorities, gays and childeren are treated in SOME muslim nations, backwards ass ones. I've been to Indonesia and Malaysia and they aren't the represive hell holes under sharia law that you paint. Did you know Indonesia has a female president? Hardly repressing women if they vote one head of state, America hasn't done that yet.

You mention the disgusting treatment of Gays, horrible that people in countries would do such a thing. Gay people are also persicuted in most countires in sub saharan Africa. The West Indies as well. The poor treatment of minorities is not a Muslim thing, it's an uncivilized country thing.

I mentioned the Bible purely because I don't know of the words of violence in the Torah, Vedas or Guru Granthi Saheeb, although I'm pretty sure you could find some words that in isolation could be used to incite violence. You againblame the religion for beheadings and the like rather than the men who do them? How hard can it be to realise that people who do these things are bad people, lead by bad people and having their bad actions justified by the use of certain areas of the text. Like the westboro baptist wackos who took a couple of lines from Leviticus and pretty much ignored the rest of the book.

Why do you feel the need to quanify that last part with "In the last few years"? Religion has been around a hell of a lot longer than that.
I don't think we are communicating...and it is your fault.

You are the one who compared the Bible with the Koran, as if that means anything. The point is, which you apparently missed or refuse to accept, Christians are not killing in the name of their God and Muslims are. You cite killings in America as if this is the same thing as Muslims killing for Allah. This is utterly foolish and ignorant.

We are communicating well, and you are being far more respectful then the majority of people on here, thank you.

I see the point that you are trying to make but you seem to be missing mine. The people who go about killing in the name of Islam would be going round killing in the name of something else if Islam wasn't their chosen outlet. I refuse to condemn the whole religion they use to condone their actions just like I refuse to condemn the whole of the US military for the torture at Abu Grabe or the My Lai massacre.

You seem far too hung up on the Christian part of this discussion, Christianity is just another religion that like Islam is on the whole peaceful but there are a few bad apples that COULD be used to give it a bad name if they were scrutinised and demonised. I mention america because my point is that evil men will do evil deeds in every country, if you nod sagely at the idea of a Muslim killing his bride on their wedding day and say "Ahh well he was a Muslim, they're evil" then you must also be able to see for a none American a similar stance could be taken when reading about the latest school shooting.
We are NOT communicating effectively.

They DO kill in the name of their God. If Islam did not exist, these people would not kill. To think otherwise, is to not think and is an effort to appease Islam. You appear to have learned nothing about Islam and it's obvious murderous nature...which has been the case since Mohammed made it up out of thin air.

Please stop with the PC leftist talking point of it is not all Muslims. NO ONE SAID IT WAS... This is a STRAWMAN argument designed to deceive... And you are deceived.

You argue eloquently but it's all from a fundamental position in which you already have your conclusion pre judged. On the one hand you blaming Islam and then claiming I am creating a straw man by pointing out that there are a vast vast majority of Islamic peoples who are good and peace loving.

You state that without Islam these people would not be killing, I will counter with without Imams who have preached violence and hatred to young disillusioned men then there would similarly be no killings. And that being the case what do you blame, the men who preach violence or the god in whose name they preach it? Seems pretty straightforward to me.

You claim I appease, but for what reason? It's a religion, like all religions its a whole heap of made up fairy tales and I have no wish to appease any faith. I respect no religion but I do respect people who have religion and any religion's power to give solice and comfort to individuals in this unrelentingly cruel and unjust world. Faith in anything from an elephant head god through a man who moved mountains right up to a zombie who walked out of his tomb after being nailed to a cross all strikes me as daft, but it that is what gets people through the day and to sleep at night then more power to 'em.
You have failed to educate yourself on the history of Islam and you have failed to recognize why Muslims kill...even though these past few years have clearly exposed the truth.

Due to leftist brainwashing, you have accepted the PC bullshit.

I'm afraid I think you have fallen foul of the post 9/11 media Islam blitz, where every violent crime comitted by any Mulism in any country in the name of anything is portrayed as a terror attack that should chill right minded american's to their very souls, but the more than one mass shooting a day inside the US is simply shrugged off as the price of freedom.

Militant islam is a problem in the world, of that there can be no doubt, but the trillions of dollars that have been squandered on it when there are far more dangerous and pressing issues is a travesty. You howl with derision and write off the faith of a quarter of the people on the planet with genuine ease and yet statistically Islamic terrorism is far less likely to kill you than taking an asprin for a headache, taking a bath or, and this is a biggie, being gunned down by some gun toting psycho who is proving that second ammendment rights come with a price tag far higher than that same media will have you believe.

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