All YOU have to know about THE SCUM of Chicago..Anti-Trump Crowd Flies A Communist Flag At Protest!

Apparently ALL OTHER CANDIDATES, as SCUM..... Now you can see WHY so many are going for TRUMP, the REST of them are the ESTABLISHMENT!...even CRUZ... I would have expected him to be ABOVE the other 2 pieces of shit, BUT he plays POLITICS just like the others!!!!! This will BACKFIRE on all 3 as ALL ATTACKS on Trump has!

  • Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest
    The Washington Post ^ | March 11, 2015 | David Weigel
    "The responsibility for that lies with protesters, who took violence into their own hands. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord," Cruz said

That is it. I am done with that coward Ted Cruz. Anyone that blames the victim because he sees political opportunity does not belong in the White House.

Standing up for the right to assemble and protest is never cowardly. Bernie Sanders losing his microphone to 2 young black ladies IS cowardly.. And so is a candidate who INCITES violence against protesters from the microphone as Trump has repeatedly done.

One's a chicken, but the other is a bully.. And BOTH of them have EMBOLDEN protesters who just want to disrupt and shout. NEITHER should be considered for Commander in Chief...

A BULLY?...Someone FINALLY has the NUTS to stand up to these left wing, anti-American protestors that burned down, Ferguson, Baltimore and how many other BIG CITIES have they pillaged and burned to the ground?.... We need a leader that will PUT THESE SCUM away, NOT ONE that REFUSES to deal with them under the guise of prosecutorial discretion!

He's not "standing up to them".. HE INCITED them. He walked away from the event. And now the media is having a field day replaying the 2 dozen times this idiot ENCOURAGED attendees to do harm to protesters.

His MOUTH is the problem. He really doesn't think about the CONSEQUENCES of bullying folks from that position of power. You are reading YOUR wishes into this "empty vessel". You BELIEVE his blustering will "put away the scum". That's not the plan -- I ASSURE you of that.. But keep hoping for that TYRANT that you want to run America..

NO PROVOCATION justifies the violent suppression of free speech. Period.

Wake up, dude. That line has been the excuse for every dictator and his thug minions for the past five centuries.

The LEFT did this, no one else and they are SOLELY RESPONSIBLE.

Black Lives Matter Activists Take Online Victory Lap Over Trump Rally Shutdown - Breitbart
When I was in college and watching TV in the lounge, yeah way back then, the news would often report some guy getting mugged in Little Rock or Ft Worth after f allowing people to see how much cash he had on him.

And then some one would always say the inevitable; 'Well if he is that stupid, he had it coming anyway.' or words to that effect.

That is what Trumps rivals are doing here now. They are blaming the victims, not just Trump and his campaign but all the people who went to the rally, they lost the right to hear Trump, and ended up wasting a lot of time.

And yet it is Trumps fault for offending the left?

That is how serfs think, not free people.

For shame, complete disgraceful shame.
Our fathers and grandfathers fought a WAR over this shit, and now their GRANDCHILDREN ARE MOCKING THEIR SACRIFICES!!!!! ^ | March 11, 2016 | Leigh Wolf
I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Anti-Trump protester is seen in the background of CNN's live coverage holding up a Communist flag. I suppose since the left seems to forget the fact that Communism is responsible for more deaths than any other form of government, this guy will get some high fives among the Sanders crowd.


Some of us REMEMBER this......

The only scum are Trump and his followers who pursue an agenda of bigotry, hate, and dividing the American people.
When I was in college and watching TV in the lounge, yeah way back then, the news would often report some guy getting mugged in Little Rock or Ft Worth after f allowing people to see how much cash he had on him.

And then some one would always say the inevitable; 'Well if he is that stupid, he had it coming anyway.' or words to that effect.

That is what Trumps rivals are doing here now. They are blaming the victims, not just Trump and his campaign but all the people who went to the rally, they lost the right to hear Trump, and ended up wasting a lot of time.

And yet it is Trumps fault for offending the left?

That is how serfs think, not free people.

For shame, complete disgraceful shame.

He didn't offend "the left".. He repeatedly advocated violence against protesters. Didn't confront them. Didn't lay waste to their silly notions, didn't debate them, and didn't intellectually CLOBBER THEM,. Merely BULLIED his way out of the discomfort. You don't win hearts and minds with your fists or with mob actions. He's gonna damage the Repub brand. Which is Okey Dokey with me -- because I want BOTH your corrupt useless parties to die,.

But I'd like that to stop short of electing a slick salesman who's playing ON THE TENSION and not trying to WIN arguments about the leadership of America.,.
Our fathers and grandfathers fought a WAR over this shit, and now their GRANDCHILDREN ARE MOCKING THEIR SACRIFICES!!!!! ^ | March 11, 2016 | Leigh Wolf
I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Anti-Trump protester is seen in the background of CNN's live coverage holding up a Communist flag. I suppose since the left seems to forget the fact that Communism is responsible for more deaths than any other form of government, this guy will get some high fives among the Sanders crowd.


Some of us REMEMBER this......

The only scum are Trump and his followers who pursue an agenda of bigotry, hate, and dividing the American people.

You post that and complain hatred and bigotry?
Probably the guy was protesting Herr Drumpf's habit of stealing other people's property.

it is after all his defining character trait.
Mod Message:

Let's have an understanding here.

NO threats against members.!!!!
NO posts with one -line personal attacks!!!!
And this is NOT a mob event. It's a discussion.

A good reflection of what's happening.

Both ends are fucking losing it.
The left compares Trump to the KKK but fly a Communist flag. They must not teach real history in school anymore.
Communism is responsible for more deaths in a 100 years than any socioeconomic ideology in history. Over a 100 million.
Apparently ALL OTHER CANDIDATES, are SCUM..... Now you can see WHY so many are going for TRUMP, the REST of them are the ESTABLISHMENT!...even CRUZ... I would have expected him to be ABOVE the other 2 pieces of shit, BUT he plays POLITICS just like the others!!!!! This will BACKFIRE on all 3 as ALL ATTACKS on Trump has!

  • Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest
    The Washington Post ^ | March 11, 2015 | David Weigel
    "The responsibility for that lies with protesters, who took violence into their own hands. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord," Cruz said

Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are absolutely correct.

The tone is set by the leaders. Trump is saying he wants to punch people in the face, that he'll pay for the legal bills of people who engage in violence, and singles out reporters at his rallies as scum.

When he should lowering the temperature at his rallies, his amping it up.

It demonstrates once again that Trump does not have the temperament to be President. The President should be someone who is calm and rational, not threatening to punch people in the face.
Apparently ALL OTHER CANDIDATES, are SCUM..... Now you can see WHY so many are going for TRUMP, the REST of them are the ESTABLISHMENT!...even CRUZ... I would have expected him to be ABOVE the other 2 pieces of shit, BUT he plays POLITICS just like the others!!!!! This will BACKFIRE on all 3 as ALL ATTACKS on Trump has!

  • Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest
    The Washington Post ^ | March 11, 2015 | David Weigel
    "The responsibility for that lies with protesters, who took violence into their own hands. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord," Cruz said

Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are absolutely correct.

The tone is set by the leaders. Trump is saying he wants to punch people in the face, that he'll pay for the legal bills of people who engage in violence, and singles out reporters at his rallies as scum.

When he should lowering the temperature at his rallies, his amping it up.

It demonstrates once again that Trump does not have the temperament to be President. The President should be someone who is calm and rational, not threatening to punch people in the face.

Usually, these are the bellowing chest thumpers that are insecure in their ability to tackle dissent intellectually.

Trump just hasn't invested enough in debunking his oppositions' fairytales. If he was in command of WHY the dissenters are wrong -- THAT would be time to expound on it. Rather than appeal to emotions and power to make "it go away"...

Confronting it is braver than "trumping it",,,.
Our fathers and grandfathers fought a WAR over this shit, and now their GRANDCHILDREN ARE MOCKING THEIR SACRIFICES!!!!! ^ | March 11, 2016 | Leigh Wolf
I want to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. Anti-Trump protester is seen in the background of CNN's live coverage holding up a Communist flag. I suppose since the left seems to forget the fact that Communism is responsible for more deaths than any other form of government, this guy will get some high fives among the Sanders crowd.


Some of us REMEMBER this......

The only scum are Trump and his followers who pursue an agenda of bigotry, hate, and dividing the American people.

That's the NATURAL reaction to a couple decades of class warfare, struggles against capitalism, and political correctness.. You think YOU are innocent???? Hell no you ain't.....
Apparently ALL OTHER CANDIDATES, are SCUM..... Now you can see WHY so many are going for TRUMP, the REST of them are the ESTABLISHMENT!...even CRUZ... I would have expected him to be ABOVE the other 2 pieces of shit, BUT he plays POLITICS just like the others!!!!! This will BACKFIRE on all 3 as ALL ATTACKS on Trump has!

  • Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest
    The Washington Post ^ | March 11, 2015 | David Weigel
    "The responsibility for that lies with protesters, who took violence into their own hands. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord," Cruz said

Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are absolutely correct.

The tone is set by the leaders. Trump is saying he wants to punch people in the face, that he'll pay for the legal bills of people who engage in violence, and singles out reporters at his rallies as scum.

When he should lowering the temperature at his rallies, his amping it up.

It demonstrates once again that Trump does not have the temperament to be President. The President should be someone who is calm and rational, not threatening to punch people in the face.

You were saying....:ahole-1:

Apparently ALL OTHER CANDIDATES, are SCUM..... Now you can see WHY so many are going for TRUMP, the REST of them are the ESTABLISHMENT!...even CRUZ... I would have expected him to be ABOVE the other 2 pieces of shit, BUT he plays POLITICS just like the others!!!!! This will BACKFIRE on all 3 as ALL ATTACKS on Trump has!

  • Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest
    The Washington Post ^ | March 11, 2015 | David Weigel
    "The responsibility for that lies with protesters, who took violence into their own hands. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord," Cruz said

Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are absolutely correct.

The tone is set by the leaders. Trump is saying he wants to punch people in the face, that he'll pay for the legal bills of people who engage in violence, and singles out reporters at his rallies as scum.

When he should lowering the temperature at his rallies, his amping it up.

It demonstrates once again that Trump does not have the temperament to be President. The President should be someone who is calm and rational, not threatening to punch people in the face.

You were saying....:ahole-1:


You forgot, "the cops acted stupidly"
Apparently ALL OTHER CANDIDATES, are SCUM..... Now you can see WHY so many are going for TRUMP, the REST of them are the ESTABLISHMENT!...even CRUZ... I would have expected him to be ABOVE the other 2 pieces of shit, BUT he plays POLITICS just like the others!!!!! This will BACKFIRE on all 3 as ALL ATTACKS on Trump has!

  • Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest
    The Washington Post ^ | March 11, 2015 | David Weigel
    "The responsibility for that lies with protesters, who took violence into their own hands. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord," Cruz said

Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are absolutely correct.

The tone is set by the leaders. Trump is saying he wants to punch people in the face, that he'll pay for the legal bills of people who engage in violence, and singles out reporters at his rallies as scum.

When he should lowering the temperature at his rallies, his amping it up.

It demonstrates once again that Trump does not have the temperament to be President. The President should be someone who is calm and rational, not threatening to punch people in the face.

Usually, these are the bellowing chest thumpers that are insecure in their ability to tackle dissent intellectually.

Trump just hasn't invested enough in debunking his oppositions' fairytales. If he was in command of WHY the dissenters are wrong -- THAT would be time to expound on it. Rather than appeal to emotions and power to make "it go away"...

Confronting it is braver than "trumping it",,,.

Why would you VALIDATE these scum?
Watching Trump's speech in Kansas City demonstrates once again that he doesn't have the temperament to be President. He doesn't have the sense to know when he needs to be calm.

Calling reporters "lying thieving reporters" and attacking the protestors after what happened in Chicago is unbelievable.

It's hard to believe that a sizable amount of the population thinks this guy should have control over the most powerful armed forces in the world.
Apparently ALL OTHER CANDIDATES, are SCUM..... Now you can see WHY so many are going for TRUMP, the REST of them are the ESTABLISHMENT!...even CRUZ... I would have expected him to be ABOVE the other 2 pieces of shit, BUT he plays POLITICS just like the others!!!!! This will BACKFIRE on all 3 as ALL ATTACKS on Trump has!

  • Cruz, Rubio and Kasich criticize Trump for creating ‘environment’ for Chicago protest
    The Washington Post ^ | March 11, 2015 | David Weigel
    "The responsibility for that lies with protesters, who took violence into their own hands. But in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top. Any candidate is responsible for the culture of a campaign. And when you have a campaign that disrespects the voters, when you have a campaign that affirmatively encourages violence, when you have a campaign that is facing allegations of physical violence against members of the press, you create an environment that only encourages this sort of nasty discord," Cruz said

Cruz, Rubio and Kasich are absolutely correct.

The tone is set by the leaders. Trump is saying he wants to punch people in the face, that he'll pay for the legal bills of people who engage in violence, and singles out reporters at his rallies as scum.

When he should lowering the temperature at his rallies, his amping it up.

It demonstrates once again that Trump does not have the temperament to be President. The President should be someone who is calm and rational, not threatening to punch people in the face.

You were saying....:ahole-1:


So Vagifail, your response to a bad, divisive President is to elect an even worse one?


Watching Trump's speech in Kansas City demonstrates once again that he doesn't have the temperament to be President. He doesn't have the sense to know when he needs to be calm.

Calling reporters "lying thieving reporters" and attacking the protestors after what happened in Chicago is unbelievable.

It's hard to believe that a sizable amount of the population thinks this guy should have control over the most powerful armed forces in the world.

Maybe you could talk Romney into losing again?
Watching Trump's speech in Kansas City demonstrates once again that he doesn't have the temperament to be President. He doesn't have the sense to know when he needs to be calm.

Calling reporters "lying thieving reporters" and attacking the protestors after what happened in Chicago is unbelievable.

It's hard to believe that a sizable amount of the population thinks this guy should have control over the most powerful armed forces in the world.

Maybe you could talk Romney into losing again?

Why would I do that when Trump's going to a good job of it all by himself?
Usually, these are the bellowing chest thumpers that are insecure in their ability to tackle dissent intellectually.

Trump just hasn't invested enough in debunking his oppositions' fairytales. If he was in command of WHY the dissenters are wrong -- THAT would be time to expound on it. Rather than appeal to emotions and power to make "it go away"...

Confronting it is braver than "trumping it",,,.

That could have made sense four years ago … But welcome to the new world.
I think it is pretty clear how people feel about Trump and his supporters … I mean they are always talking about it.

They always ask Trump to support his claims … Like building a wall at the border.
But I don’t hear them asking any of the other candidates to support their claims ... Like Ted Cruz and abolishing the IRS.

So in traditional fashion … No one supports any of their claims … And people fuss about Trump.

The only difference this time is that Trump’s supporters don’t really seem to give a crap what other people think.
People keep carrying on about how bad Trump is … And he keeps winning.

I don’t even think all of his supporters are that impressed with Trump … I think they are quicker to embrace the idea of telling everyone else to **** off with their bull****.


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