Alleged shoplifter killed at WalMart

You're assuming facts not in evidence.

Just because you would let a thief rob you blind doesn't mean everyone should.

If a loaf of bread was all your family had to eat, would you still let the thief get away with it?

You little pissant, shit for brains. Where did I say I'd support a thief robbing you blind? Your little chest thumping bravado. The force used resulted in death. I'm sure a fuck stain like yourself, thinks this is a good thing.

What would you do if it were a member of your family who was killed for shoplifting? What the fuck is your inbred understanding of justice? Why not just shoot jaywalkers? They do put us at risk.

Insults are what the unintelligent use for their arguments.

The implications of your statement suggest you would not have done anything to stop the Walmart thief.

You have no idea what caused the death, what was his medical history? Did he have a bad heart? Was he on medication? Should he have been?

Again, your assuming facts not in evidence.

If a member of my family died as the result of a crime they committed. Then I would have to live with it.

Your jaywalker strawman is weak.

Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?
The facts show he died during the apprehension. Not after he was apprehended.

Do they? Do you agree that there is a line where excessive force in saving Walmart from losing a DVD player is worth killing someone, even a thief? Of course you don't. You're a pathetic little pussy who likes to thump his chest when something like this happens.

All we know is he died, not how. So you are assuming facts not in evidence.

I'm not the one jumping to a conclusion.
You little pissant, shit for brains. Where did I say I'd support a thief robbing you blind? Your little chest thumping bravado. The force used resulted in death. I'm sure a fuck stain like yourself, thinks this is a good thing.

What would you do if it were a member of your family who was killed for shoplifting? What the fuck is your inbred understanding of justice? Why not just shoot jaywalkers? They do put us at risk.

Insults are what the unintelligent use for their arguments.

The implications of your statement suggest you would not have done anything to stop the Walmart thief.

You have no idea what caused the death, what was his medical history? Did he have a bad heart? Was he on medication? Should he have been?

Again, your assuming facts not in evidence.

If a member of my family died as the result of a crime they committed. Then I would have to live with it.

Your jaywalker strawman is weak.

Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Yes and yes.
Insults are what the unintelligent use for their arguments.

The implications of your statement suggest you would not have done anything to stop the Walmart thief.

You have no idea what caused the death, what was his medical history? Did he have a bad heart? Was he on medication? Should he have been?

Again, your assuming facts not in evidence.

If a member of my family died as the result of a crime they committed. Then I would have to live with it.

Your jaywalker strawman is weak.

Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Yes and yes.

An ounce of honesty. I'm impressed.
Walmart Death: Alleged Shoplifter Dies After Altercation With Employees

The police report said that the alleged shoplifter left the Walmart through the front door with two DVD players at around 1:30 a.m. Sunday morning. He was detained in the parking lot by two Walmart associates and a security officer.

Police arrived to find the employees on top of the suspect, who was reportedly unresponsive and bleeding from his nose and mouth.

A preliminary investigation indicates the victim was placed in a chokehold by the security officer, reports The Atlanta Journal Constitution. However, the cause of death has not yet been released.

So, a couple of Made In China dvd players are worth more than a human life. Sad and sick but the rw's will celebrate this killing as part of the xmas spirit.

If only WalMart had shot the guy. Then rw's could be REALLY happy about this death.

Gosh! Just thank how this wudda all turned out if he'd stopped at the cash register and paid for the merchandise. Wonder if he ever tried that? :eusa_eh:
You little pissant, shit for brains. Where did I say I'd support a thief robbing you blind? Your little chest thumping bravado. The force used resulted in death. I'm sure a fuck stain like yourself, thinks this is a good thing.

What would you do if it were a member of your family who was killed for shoplifting? What the fuck is your inbred understanding of justice? Why not just shoot jaywalkers? They do put us at risk.

Insults are what the unintelligent use for their arguments.

The implications of your statement suggest you would not have done anything to stop the Walmart thief.

You have no idea what caused the death, what was his medical history? Did he have a bad heart? Was he on medication? Should he have been?

Again, your assuming facts not in evidence.

If a member of my family died as the result of a crime they committed. Then I would have to live with it.

Your jaywalker strawman is weak.

Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Yes there is. Here's a fact for you. He was not killed because he stole. His death was the result of a crime he committed. And there is no proof that his death was anything an but unintended consequence of his actions.

And to answer your hypotheticals....yes and no.
Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Yes and yes.

An ounce of honesty. I'm impressed.

What other answer is there?

Good grief.
...there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

If you got involved, you can't possibly know that.

It would be unbelievably easy to become embroiled in a fast moving situation where one party falls on their head, or in the struggle a windpipe is crushed, a neck is broken, brain aneurism ruptured...the list of possible outcomes that result in accidental death is staggering.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Define excessive force. If I feel I'm in a fight for my life, can I be held liable for defending myself? Survival instincts are difficult to control once activated.
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Does someone who steals a DVD player deserve to die for it? Oh course not. However we don't know all the facts. It could be those Walmart employees crossed a line and deserve to serve time for it, or it could be a matter of self defense.
To all you legal eagles who say this guy was caught in the commission of a crime or that he's a criminal or that he'll never shoplift "again",

READ the story.

Pay special attention to words like "alleged" and "suspected". Also note that WalMart has dumped the security guard and the two clerks.

Did the guy shoplift? Maybe, but what this news article actually says is that three WalMart employees assaulted and killed a shopper. It also says that WalMart doesn't care that the employees protected WalMart property.

Like I said, you stooopid rabid rw's want to kill him even though he has not been found guilty of a crime.

If you stick only to the FACTS, you get a completely different story than the one you idiots made up.
Insults are what the unintelligent use for their arguments.

The implications of your statement suggest you would not have done anything to stop the Walmart thief.

You have no idea what caused the death, what was his medical history? Did he have a bad heart? Was he on medication? Should he have been?

Again, your assuming facts not in evidence.

If a member of my family died as the result of a crime they committed. Then I would have to live with it.

Your jaywalker strawman is weak.

Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Yes there is. Here's a fact for you. He was not killed because he stole. His death was the result of a crime he committed. And there is no proof that his death was anything an but unintended consequence of his actions.

And to answer your hypotheticals....yes and no.



I missed the article about his trial by a jury of his peers.

Care to post a link?
Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Yes there is. Here's a fact for you. He was not killed because he stole. His death was the result of a crime he committed. And there is no proof that his death was anything an but unintended consequence of his actions.

And to answer your hypotheticals....yes and no.



I missed the article about his trial by a jury of his peers.

Care to post a link?


A little common sense is required, which is something you clearly lack. Would a security guard with the help of two store clerks subdue and detain an indvidual for no apparent reason? And where did the two DVD players come from?
Walmart Death: Alleged Shoplifter Dies After Altercation With Employees

The police report said that the alleged shoplifter left the Walmart through the front door with two DVD players at around 1:30 a.m. Sunday morning. He was detained in the parking lot by two Walmart associates and a security officer.

Police arrived to find the employees on top of the suspect, who was reportedly unresponsive and bleeding from his nose and mouth.

A preliminary investigation indicates the victim was placed in a chokehold by the security officer, reports The Atlanta Journal Constitution. However, the cause of death has not yet been released.
So, a couple of Made In China dvd players are worth more than a human life. Sad and sick but the rw's will celebrate this killing as part of the xmas spirit.

If only WalMart had shot the guy. Then rw's could be REALLY happy about this death.

I wonder why they aren't mentioning that Walmart usually employs off duty police as security officers.

Something else of note, employees detaining shoplifters violates WalMart policy, and the policy of every major retailer I am familiar with. I know you want to paint WalMart as a big, and evil, corporation, but they are not always responsible for the actions of employees.
WalMart Security has no more Police Powers than the average citizen does under the Constitution which is Citizens Right to Arrest.

The Security Guard in question can only say "I'm placing you under Citizens Arrest!" and then wait until the REAL COPS show up who THEN arrest the SUSPECT if need be.

The dead guys family is gonna' have a huge Payday in Court.

By the way this isn't a Left vs Right issue or a Gun issue, it's a "Rampant Consumerism" problem mixed with a Security Guard who doesn't know or understand the Law.

I am willing to bet they would lose a court case, Walmart isn't responsible for employees that violate policy.
Insults are what the unintelligent use for their arguments.

The implications of your statement suggest you would not have done anything to stop the Walmart thief.

You have no idea what caused the death, what was his medical history? Did he have a bad heart? Was he on medication? Should he have been?

Again, your assuming facts not in evidence.

If a member of my family died as the result of a crime they committed. Then I would have to live with it.

Your jaywalker strawman is weak.

Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Yes there is.

No there's not, pissant.

Here's a fact for you. He was not killed because he stole. His death was the result of a crime he committed. And there is no proof that his death was anything an but unintended consequence of his actions.

It was? Are you now some sort of legal expert? You have no evidence to support that the rent-a-cop was nothing more than a thug, who thought it was OK to kill someone, after apprehending them, for stealing a Chinese DVD player.

And to answer your hypotheticals....yes and no.

Why no? Did Walmart set the standard of engagement? Did did they just go bottom dollar to hire some minimum wage thugs?
WalMart Security has no more Police Powers than the average citizen does under the Constitution which is Citizens Right to Arrest.

The Security Guard in question can only say "I'm placing you under Citizens Arrest!" and then wait until the REAL COPS show up who THEN arrest the SUSPECT if need be.

The dead guys family is gonna' have a huge Payday in Court.

By the way this isn't a Left vs Right issue or a Gun issue, it's a "Rampant Consumerism" problem mixed with a Security Guard who doesn't know or understand the Law.

I am willing to bet they would lose a court case, Walmart isn't responsible for employees that violate policy.

What is Walmart's policy for hiring rent-a-cops and their rules of engagement? Isn't that something that's pretty basic? What ought a business tell some hired thugs regarding what to do in the event of an observed petty crime?
Except, you little chest thumping pissant, there was no implication that I would not have done anything to apprehend a thief. I wouldn't have killed him for attempting to steal a DVD player.

Tell me this. If it is proven to a jury that the security guard did use excessive force, resulting in death, should that person face a criminal penalty? Should Walmart be held liable?

Yes there is.

No there's not, pissant.

Here's a fact for you. He was not killed because he stole. His death was the result of a crime he committed. And there is no proof that his death was anything an but unintended consequence of his actions.

It was? Are you now some sort of legal expert? You have no evidence to support that the rent-a-cop was nothing more than a thug, who thought it was OK to kill someone, after apprehending them, for stealing a Chinese DVD player.

And to answer your hypotheticals....yes and no.

Why no? Did Walmart set the standard of engagement? Did did they just go bottom dollar to hire some minimum wage thugs?

Let me get this right..... You insist the security guard killed him and for no reason. Others point out that he committed a crime and died while resisting apprehension.

There is no evidence as of yet as to why and how he died. But your version is true and everyone else is wrong.

I got that right?

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