Allies support Biden well over Trump’s best year in new polling

What you call "the working class" doesn't pay any income taxes, dipshit.
No, what you call working class doesn't pay income taxes.

Who says deficits are addressed by taxing the rich?

Deficits can be addressed in a number of ways, increasing tax revenue being one. Did you go to school?
take out the word "falsely" and your statement is correct.
Inflation is a global phenomenon caused by a number of factors, virtually all of which are out of Biden's, or any world leader's, ability to control. Unless your name is Vlad.
It's already been established a high percentage of Americans falsely blame Biden for inflation.
Yes, the majority of Americans understand that Xiden and the policies of the party he represents are to blame for inflation.
No, what you call working class doesn't pay income taxes.

Who says deficits are addressed by taxing the rich?

Deficits can be addressed in a number of ways, increasing tax revenue being one. Did you go to school?
Tax revenue has increased after after major tax cut, tax cuts that went across the board, and the left fought against them.

The best way to address deficents he with addressing spending. The largest drivers are entitlement programs, in particular medicare and medicaid, and the left won't do anything about it

The Mueller report’s collusion section is much worse than you think​

I agree the Mueller report was not flattering and it was clear that Trump was more than willing to benefit from any information that even our enemies provided but I never called it collusion as it seemed unlikely that it was purposely planned and coordinated as much as it was the cumulation of dirty and likely illegal activities and decisions of Trump. Collusion isnt a legal term as far as I know so it's really in the eye of the beholder.
Tax revenue has increased after after major tax cut, tax cuts that went across the board, and the left fought against them.

The best way to address deficents he with addressing spending. The largest drivers are entitlement programs, in particular medicare and medicaid, and the left won't do anything about it
I agree the Mueller report was not flattering and it was clear that Trump was more than willing to benefit from any information that even our enemies provided but I never called it collusion as it seemed unlikely that it was purposely planned and coordinated as much as it was the cumulation of dirty and likely illegal activities and decisions of Trump. Collusion isnt a legal term as far as I know so it's really in the eye of the beholder.
There are two events that constitute a conspiracy though I agree with your larger point. Manafort giving proprietary, internal polling data (which ended up at the Kremlin) to a Russian spy and Donnie J's Tower meeting. A meeting he took with the understanding he was to be given campaign dirt on Hillary from the Russian government. Mueller having chosen not to prosecute for a number of reasons, one of which was Donnie's ignorance that he broke the law.

It has been asserted hundreds of times by occupants of Trumpworld........the collusion hoax. It comes up in all manner of contexts. Most recently as a way to dismiss the 1/6 committee's work. Let's see what the facts say.

Manafort conspired with Kilimnik to give the Kremlin internal polling data. US says Russia was given Trump campaign polling data in 2016
Polling data that could have been useful for Putin in targeting Americans with the social media campaign he used to help Don get elected.

Russian fake accounts showed posts to 126 million Facebook users

Executives from Facebook, Twitter and Google will all be appearing before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism on Tuesday.

Donnie J entered in to a conspiracy with Russians to obtain dirt on Hillary he was told was in the possession of the Russian government. Mueller Confirms: Don Jr. Was Too Stupid to Collude

Those two incidents alone prove a conspiracy.

There's this.. FBI documents reveal communication between Stone, Assange

Which coincides with this...

Not to mention this...............Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”
and this.......A Collusion Reading Diary: What Did the Senate Intelligence Committee Find?
and this in regard to the evidence Trump obstructed Mueller's investigation. Obstruction of Justice in the Mueller Report: A Heat Map
and this......

Hundreds of former prosecutors say Trump would have been indicted if he were not president

President Donald Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation if he did not hold the nation's highest office, nearly 700 former federal prosecutors argued in an open letter published on Medium on Monday.

The ex-prosecutors — who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations dating back to President Dwight D. Eisenhower — said Attorney General William Barr's decision not to charge Trump with obstruction "runs counter to logic and our experience."

All of which creates, for Trumpleton's, the same level of cognitive dissonance Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony has created. Shattering the duplicitous narrative right wing media has pushed from the beginning about the events surrounding 1/6.

It's why Trumpleton's will employ every tool for denial, deflection, and of course gratuitous insults (their stock and trade) in response to this thread.
haha what amy idiot op-ed

Tax revenue increased after his cuts…the issue is and will always be spending
This was a study on tax filings. Your particular situation just means you aren’t in that group or are an outlier. You need to make $597,815 to be in the top 1%.

Ok. Here’s what people pay. It’s only
S L I G H T L Y progressive.

View attachment 668840
Bottom 60% pay less than the top 1%.

Sound “fair” to you?
High marks across the board for Biden. It turns out that views on Biden and Trump are directly proportional to your access to Fox News. Our allies don’t watch that trash and have a reasonable view of us.

After all-time low ratings in many countries in 2020 and a sharp recovery in 2021, ratings of the U.S. remain high this year. A median of 61% across the 17 countries surveyed have a favorable view of the U.S., while only 35% have an unfavorable view.

In Poland and Israel, where more than eight-in-ten have a positive assessment of the U.S., this is the first time Pew Research Center has surveyed since the coronavirus outbreak and the end of Trump’s presidency. In Poland, ratings of the U.S. are now at a record high.

Nearly nine-in-ten also have a positive view of the U.S. in South Korea, a 12 percentage point increase since 2021, and the largest uptick in positive ratings since the previous year. Positive opinion has increased in only two other countries since 2021: Sweden (+9 points) and Australia (+7 points).

Views of the U.S. have stayed about the same in roughly half the countries surveyed in both 2021 and 2022

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Will the "Allies" be voting in 2024?
If they respect him so much why is he ignored at international events and why are ALLies drifting away
He isn't...

Trump was laughed at and sidelined at international conferences... They considered him a clueless idiot and only talked to him because he was the US President...
There was a rota to who was looking after the baby at various international event... Marcon really screwed it up when he showed him a Military Parade, New Rule, No Military parades...

Even the Queen took a turn... But she couldn't dress him...
We learned that two Trump campaign officials, campaign manager Paul Manafort and Manafort’s deputy Rick Gates, were regularly providing polling information to a Russian national whom Gates believed to be a “spy.”

It should be noted the SIC confirmed Gates's belief and went on to establish the data Manafort gave to Kilimnik was in turn given to the Kremlin.
So? Is there a crime there?
No, what you call working class doesn't pay income taxes.

Who says deficits are addressed by taxing the rich?

Deficits can be addressed in a number of ways, increasing tax revenue being one. Did you go to school?
Increasing revenue like Trump’s across the board tax cuts?
He isn't...

Trump was laughed at and sidelined at international conferences... They considered him a clueless idiot and only talked to him because he was the US President...
There was a rota to who was looking after the baby at various international event... Marcon really screwed it up when he showed him a Military Parade, New Rule, No Military parades...

Even the Queen took a turn... But she couldn't dress him...
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Trump was ignored when he turned off the cash flowing out of the US and you damn well know it or you’re an idiot.
When these stupid Moon Bats have to brag about foreign welfare queens that suck off the teat of the US liking Potatohead to justify why they didn't say anything when Biden stole the election then that is pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Potatohead recently allocated a few billion dollars to give to the foreign shitheads to "fight global climate change" so of course they love him. Lots of money going into the foreign corruption coffers. Anybody would love that Sugar Daddy.

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