Allies support Biden well over Trump’s best year in new polling

Working class gets zero increases under any proposal by Biden and the democrats. You don’t believe that cuz you like being lied to by republicans that make you feel like you’re a real American and part of the top 1% getting breaks. You’re not. You are their stooge. Link me to any tax increase on working class by democrats. Dare you.

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You didn't answer the question. I'll ask you again: how does the "working class" benefit from tax increases on the rich?
/——/ As posted earlier, this is a poll of 1,000 adults. Statistically insignificant, but it makes a great headline, and perfect fodder for the left’s bottom feeders.
4,250. You can’t even read.
You didn't answer the question. I'll ask you again: how does the "working class" benefit from tax increases on the rich?
It reduces the burden on the poor and provides funding for road and bridges everyone uses. I swear if you try and pull out the ole’ trickle down economics I’m going to pull out some dank ass memes on you. :)
Tax cuts increased the deficit. I just linked who got the tax breaks proportionately.
/——-/ It costs nothing to let people keep more of their own money. If you don’t like deficits, then cut spending.
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It reduces the burden on the poor and provides funding for road and bridges everyone uses. I swear if you try and pull out the ole’ trickle down economics I’m going to pull out some dank ass memes on you. :)
How does it reduce the burden on the poor? the poor gain nothing from tax increases. Do you imagine it determines the size of their welfare check? Only a minute fraction of government revenue goes to build roads and bridges.

The money the government taxes away would normally go into investments that increase economic growth. The government just pisses it down the sewer.
This was a study on tax filings. Your particular situation just means you aren’t in that group or are an outlier. You need to make $597,815 to be in the top 1%.

Ok. Here’s what people pay. It’s only
S L I G H T L Y progressive.

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What is your point? The "rich" pay a higher percentage of their income than the poor. How does this equate to the rich not paying their "fair share"?
None of those countries were communist. I know that is just a reflex from uninformed knuckle draggers but try and keep up. You look silly.
You do know that the Chinese made the Biden family filthy rich with a scam investment scheme for Hunter or did CNN not tell you about that?
You do know that the Chinese made the Biden family filthy rich with a scam investment scheme for Hunter or did CNN not tell you about that?
You guys are like children. If Fox didn’t tell you to breathe you’d fucking die.
It reduces the burden on the poor and provides funding for road and bridges everyone uses. I swear if you try and pull out the ole’ trickle down economics I’m going to pull out some dank ass memes on you. :)
The only benefit for the poor at the moment is the fact that nobody is stopping lenders from handing out 1M loans to anybody who's breathing.
What is your point? The "rich" pay a higher percentage of their income than the poor. How does this equate to the rich not paying their "fair share"?
They (leftists) hate the hard working and successful people of America. They want reward the lazy, and expect equal outcome and not equal opportunity. Even if that means someone who doesn't work (or doesn't work hard) gets the same as someone who does. More of that rational leftist thinking <sarcasm>.
Here is the bag boy for Joe that the Chinese made a billionaire.

Shit. I am definitely not voting for Hunter Biden. He seems like he has a drug problem. Thanks for the heads up I was about to write him in as President and Trump Jr as VP. Two great guys.
They (leftists) hate the hard working and successful people of America. They want reward the lazy, and expect equal outcome and not equal opportunity. Even if that means someone who doesn't work (or doesn't work hard) gets the same as someone who does. More of that rational leftist thinking <sarcasm>.
So your argument is that 90% of America is lazy? It's crazy how the right has snowed you into thinking somehow the top tax rates affect working people. It's as if they are motivating you to support their interests at your own expense. Hmmmm. We'll, we 1%ers thank you for your support.
So your argument is that 90% of America is lazy? It's crazy how the right has snowed you into thinking somehow the top tax rates affect working people. It's as if they are motivating you to support their interests at your own expense. Hmmmm. We'll, we 1%ers thank you for your support.
Nope. That is your misinterpretation. Many leftists believe in equal outcome not equal opportunity. You think the rich doesn't pay their fair share yet they pay majority of taxes, and expect them to support those who want equal outcome when they don't deserve that outcome.
Shit. I am definitely not voting for Hunter Biden. He seems like he has a drug problem. Thanks for the heads up I was about to write him in as President and Trump Jr as VP. Two great guys.
Just think how damn glad that Ukraine was that Biden got away with stealing an election. They gave ole Hunter Biden an $80K a month job in a field he knew jackshit about and they refused to prosecute his corruption and now they are getting billions in military aid.

Even the Russians made out. The wife of the Mayor of Moscow was the bag lady giving Hunter a few million dollars and look how Joe did nothing of substance to prevent the Russians from invading. In fact he gave them permission.

Talk about playing both sides of the field

Joe Potatohead may be the worst American President ever but that Boy knows how to sell out his country to foreign interest to make the big bucks, doesn't he?
High marks across the board for Biden. It turns out that views on Biden and Trump are directly proportional to your access to Fox News. Our allies don’t watch that trash and have a reasonable view of us.

After all-time low ratings in many countries in 2020 and a sharp recovery in 2021, ratings of the U.S. remain high this year. A median of 61% across the 17 countries surveyed have a favorable view of the U.S., while only 35% have an unfavorable view.

In Poland and Israel, where more than eight-in-ten have a positive assessment of the U.S., this is the first time Pew Research Center has surveyed since the coronavirus outbreak and the end of Trump’s presidency. In Poland, ratings of the U.S. are now at a record high.

Nearly nine-in-ten also have a positive view of the U.S. in South Korea, a 12 percentage point increase since 2021, and the largest uptick in positive ratings since the previous year. Positive opinion has increased in only two other countries since 2021: Sweden (+9 points) and Australia (+7 points).

Views of the U.S. have stayed about the same in roughly half the countries surveyed in both 2021 and 2022

View attachment 668520
The Title of your thread should read:

"Anti-American Globalists support EmperorShitzHizPants over America First Donald J Trump best damn president that ever was."
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Yeah they want us to be weak so they are happy. Oh they don't get to vote over here. Biden is about at 28%.
Thanks for admitting you never heard of U1...Ux or any other factors that go into the Unemployment numbers.
How can anybody take you seriously when you lie all the time?
You talked about loans... how can anyone take you seriously when you can't keep up with your own postings? :aug08_031:


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