Allies support Biden well over Trump’s best year in new polling

I’m really shocked at how you guys willfully lie to yourselves. This stuff is a google search away.
I’m really shocked at how you guys willfully lie to yourselves. This stuff is a google search away.
The average American doesn't care about your charts and graphs. They want to know what Biden is going to do to help them through this crisis.
High marks across the board for Biden. It turns out that views on Biden and Trump are directly proportional to your access to Fox News. Our allies don’t watch that trash and have a reasonable view of us.

After all-time low ratings in many countries in 2020 and a sharp recovery in 2021, ratings of the U.S. remain high this year. A median of 61% across the 17 countries surveyed have a favorable view of the U.S., while only 35% have an unfavorable view.

In Poland and Israel, where more than eight-in-ten have a positive assessment of the U.S., this is the first time Pew Research Center has surveyed since the coronavirus outbreak and the end of Trump’s presidency. In Poland, ratings of the U.S. are now at a record high.

Nearly nine-in-ten also have a positive view of the U.S. in South Korea, a 12 percentage point increase since 2021, and the largest uptick in positive ratings since the previous year. Positive opinion has increased in only two other countries since 2021: Sweden (+9 points) and Australia (+7 points).

Views of the U.S. have stayed about the same in roughly half the countries surveyed in both 2021 and 2022

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You meant to say "Aliens" not Allies, right?
Dipshit. There’s only 2 things we can do. Go to war or make it expensive as fuck for them. Their loan ratings are now junk, near default, and they are bleeding money funding this war. We chose #2 and it ultimately will be as effective as a bomb.
Ruble value has skyrocketed and they are selling all the oil they want.

So tell us all how Putin is suffering again.
You know none of that is not true. We import less oil now than we did sunder Trump. Refineries can’t produce more oily than they are. You have no explanation for world oil prices that tie back to Biden.

This is oil IMPORTS. Look how the Biden numbers are LOWER than any year before.
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Here is link.

April 2020 is lower than April 2022, Simp.

Now show us EXPORT numbers to really make you look stupid.
As for this, you are a liberal zealot without the capacity to assess and accept the truth when it is told to you. You lack to capacity to process any negative realities brought about by the policies your party puts into practice. You believe in and adhere to such leftist policy with the very same religious fervor you mock.

Religion or not, the concept is the same. Taken out of context or misapplied, it causes one to become hopelessly blind.
You guys offer nothing but shouting at the rain. Guess what? Biden didn’t cause the rain. The connection you guys make to your grievances is spurious at best and laughable ignorant at baseline. I’ve provided links to data and explained why your opinions are uninformed. I’m baffled on why you guys dig in with the republicans but remember that Trump said “I love the uneducated”. That’s all it takes for you guys. Words of love to snow you under about how there policies, which are terrible for the rank and file, gain your support. It’s crazy.
Trump doubled the standard deduction, which the vast majority of low and middle class taxpayers use, Simp.
Everyone paid less. Yep. But the deficit all went to the rich. Your $60 doesn’t offset we gave $50,000 breaks to the top.

April 2020 is lower than April 2022, Simp.

Now show us EXPORT numbers to really make you look stupid.
You are the dumbest guy on this site. It’s not close. April 2020 the pandemic hit moron. Our imports are lower than any pre Covid year. Why? Cuz we do not need the oil and therefore are not importing as much as we did including the first two pre-covid years under Trump. We always import oil as you can see and we are importing less than EVER.
Ruble value has skyrocketed and they are selling all the oil they want.

So tell us all how Putin is suffering again.
Dipshit. They started to artificially prop it up to pull it off all time lows. Having Rubles you can’t buy or sell as a Russian isn’t worth the value they are trading. Moscow imposed a slate of capital controls to prop up the economy to offset Western sanctions for its war on Ukraine. That means few investors are able to take profits from the currency rally out of Russia.

The alternative is war. Which one you prefer?
You are the dumbest guy on this site. It’s not close. April 2020 the pandemic hit moron. Our imports are lower than any pre Covid year. Why? Cuz we do not need the oil and therefore are not importing as much as we did including the first two pre-covid years under Trump. We always import oil as you can see and we are importing less than EVER.
I proved yo I lied. You just lied again. Deal with it, Simp.
High marks across the board for Biden. It turns out that views on Biden and Trump are directly proportional to your access to Fox News. Our allies don’t watch that trash and have a reasonable view of us.

After all-time low ratings in many countries in 2020 and a sharp recovery in 2021, ratings of the U.S. remain high this year. A median of 61% across the 17 countries surveyed have a favorable view of the U.S., while only 35% have an unfavorable view.

In Poland and Israel, where more than eight-in-ten have a positive assessment of the U.S., this is the first time Pew Research Center has surveyed since the coronavirus outbreak and the end of Trump’s presidency. In Poland, ratings of the U.S. are now at a record high.

Nearly nine-in-ten also have a positive view of the U.S. in South Korea, a 12 percentage point increase since 2021, and the largest uptick in positive ratings since the previous year. Positive opinion has increased in only two other countries since 2021: Sweden (+9 points) and Australia (+7 points).

Views of the U.S. have stayed about the same in roughly half the countries surveyed in both 2021 and 2022

View attachment 668520
Commie countries liking an American Commie President that is well known for selling out his country to foreign interest?

Really? That is what you Moon Bats have to justify voting for Potatohead?

The Chicoms were giddy with joy when Potatohead stole the election and they had their Boy in the White House and you are proud of that?
Everyone paid less. Yep. But the deficit all went to the rich. Your $60 doesn’t offset we gave $50,000 breaks to the top.

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I fall into one of the upper categories on this list and most certainly didn’t see this amoung of a tax cut. Since you evidently don’t want to deal with percentages, which tells the true story, how about show a chart on how much, in dollars, the average person paid at each of these levels after the tax cut. Maybe that will put things into perspective for you.
I proved yo I lied. You just lied again. Deal with it, Simp.
You can’t look at that import chart and deduce anything other than we are importing less oil than ever now.
Commie countries liking an American Commie President that is well known for selling out his country to foreign interest?

Really? That is what you Moon Bats have to justify voting for Potatohead?

The Chicoms were giddy with joy when Potatohead stole the election and they had their Boy in the White House and you are proud of that?
None of those countries were communist. I know that is just a reflex from uninformed knuckle draggers but try and keep up. You look silly.
High marks across the board for Biden. It turns out that views on Biden and Trump are directly proportional to your access to Fox News. Our allies don’t watch that trash and have a reasonable view of us.

After all-time low ratings in many countries in 2020 and a sharp recovery in 2021, ratings of the U.S. remain high this year. A median of 61% across the 17 countries surveyed have a favorable view of the U.S., while only 35% have an unfavorable view.

In Poland and Israel, where more than eight-in-ten have a positive assessment of the U.S., this is the first time Pew Research Center has surveyed since the coronavirus outbreak and the end of Trump’s presidency. In Poland, ratings of the U.S. are now at a record high.

Nearly nine-in-ten also have a positive view of the U.S. in South Korea, a 12 percentage point increase since 2021, and the largest uptick in positive ratings since the previous year. Positive opinion has increased in only two other countries since 2021: Sweden (+9 points) and Australia (+7 points).

Views of the U.S. have stayed about the same in roughly half the countries surveyed in both 2021 and 2022

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Yeah, that's why Biden's numbers are lowest in history, 80% of Americans think we are headed in the wrong direction, 70% no longer trust Biden, & even Democrats want him gone by 2024.
I fall into one of the upper categories on this list and most certainly didn’t see this amoung of a tax cut. Since you evidently don’t want to deal with percentages, which tells the true story, how about show a chart on how much, in dollars, the average person paid at each of these levels after the tax cut. Maybe that will put things into perspective for you.
This was a study on tax filings. Your particular situation just means you aren’t in that group or are an outlier. You need to make $597,815 to be in the top 1%.

Ok. Here’s what people pay. It’s only
S L I G H T L Y progressive.

High marks across the board for Biden. It turns out that views on Biden and Trump are directly proportional to your access to Fox News. Our allies don’t watch that trash and have a reasonable view of us.

After all-time low ratings in many countries in 2020 and a sharp recovery in 2021, ratings of the U.S. remain high this year. A median of 61% across the 17 countries surveyed have a favorable view of the U.S., while only 35% have an unfavorable view.

In Poland and Israel, where more than eight-in-ten have a positive assessment of the U.S., this is the first time Pew Research Center has surveyed since the coronavirus outbreak and the end of Trump’s presidency. In Poland, ratings of the U.S. are now at a record high.

Nearly nine-in-ten also have a positive view of the U.S. in South Korea, a 12 percentage point increase since 2021, and the largest uptick in positive ratings since the previous year. Positive opinion has increased in only two other countries since 2021: Sweden (+9 points) and Australia (+7 points).

Views of the U.S. have stayed about the same in roughly half the countries surveyed in both 2021 and 2022

View attachment 668520
/——/ As posted earlier, this is a poll of 1,000 adults. Statistically insignificant, but it makes a great headline, and perfect fodder for the left’s bottom feeders.

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