Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
The “deep state” is what protects us from corrupt politicians. Trump’s policy of get me re-elected and go after my political enemies is exactly the kind of shit that we rely on the “deep state” to defend us from. Where would we be if Nixon’s “deep state” hadn’t stood up to his corruption?

Trump would have ruined our country if it operated as you want it to. Fortunately we are a nation of laws and not men.

Please show me where that function is listed in the constitution. The Constitution has no role for them in protecting us from anything, that is left to the checks and balances between the branches, not to the functioning cogs of the executive branch.

it's amazing how you want to give up your rights and freedoms to unaccountable people, it's actually fucking pathetic.

Please show me where in the constitution the president is made a king that can force his subjects to do as he pleases.

No one is giving up any rights and freedoms to the “deep state” and they’re way more accountable than Trump.

The president is not all powerful. If he wants to use the government as a corrupt weapon, he’s going to have to convince some people to help him. Thank god those people love our country more than you and your cult leader.

Doing what he promised to the people who voted for him is not "acting like a King". Biden has done FAR more EO's, and not just ones overriding Trump's than any other President in the time allotted, and yet you have zero issue with that.

When unelected bureaucrats have the power you want them to have, and civil service protections to boot, you get a nobility class, similar to the ones that ran the Ancien Regime in France, or Russia under the Romanovs, and we know how well those situations ended.

The President is supposed to be checked by the courts and congress, not is own branch, and certainly not those there to implement policies decided by the President under the laws passed by congress and adjudicated by the courts.
He doesn’t get to promise to throw people in jail. That’s not his place. That’s not the place of any president.

Jesus Christ, what kind of shithole do you want to turn us into?

So he said he was going to extra-legally send people to throw them in jail? Why didn't he follow through?

You want to turn the federal government into an unaccountable mass of pencil pushers, and you bitch about what I want to turn the country into?

You are willing to turn the government into dictatorship as long as it got rid of Trump, and then you wonder why we think you will come after us next.
Extra legally? Trump is head of the DoJ. He’s the chief executive. He can legally throw people in jail. He has that power and he demonstrated willingness and desire to use it.

What stopped him? Those pencil pushers refused to follow his corrupt desires.

Answer this. If Trump demanded the FBI arrest Biden and charge him with murder on the morning of January 20th, should have they obeyed his order because they are unthinking cogs?
Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
The “deep state” is what protects us from corrupt politicians. Trump’s policy of get me re-elected and go after my political enemies is exactly the kind of shit that we rely on the “deep state” to defend us from. Where would we be if Nixon’s “deep state” hadn’t stood up to his corruption?

Trump would have ruined our country if it operated as you want it to. Fortunately we are a nation of laws and not men.

Please show me where that function is listed in the constitution. The Constitution has no role for them in protecting us from anything, that is left to the checks and balances between the branches, not to the functioning cogs of the executive branch.

it's amazing how you want to give up your rights and freedoms to unaccountable people, it's actually fucking pathetic.

Please show me where in the constitution the president is made a king that can force his subjects to do as he pleases.

No one is giving up any rights and freedoms to the “deep state” and they’re way more accountable than Trump.

The president is not all powerful. If he wants to use the government as a corrupt weapon, he’s going to have to convince some people to help him. Thank god those people love our country more than you and your cult leader.

Doing what he promised to the people who voted for him is not "acting like a King". Biden has done FAR more EO's, and not just ones overriding Trump's than any other President in the time allotted, and yet you have zero issue with that.

When unelected bureaucrats have the power you want them to have, and civil service protections to boot, you get a nobility class, similar to the ones that ran the Ancien Regime in France, or Russia under the Romanovs, and we know how well those situations ended.

The President is supposed to be checked by the courts and congress, not is own branch, and certainly not those there to implement policies decided by the President under the laws passed by congress and adjudicated by the courts.
He doesn’t get to promise to throw people in jail. That’s not his place. That’s not the place of any president.

Jesus Christ, what kind of shithole do you want to turn us into?

So he said he was going to extra-legally send people to throw them in jail? Why didn't he follow through?

You want to turn the federal government into an unaccountable mass of pencil pushers, and you bitch about what I want to turn the country into?

You are willing to turn the government into dictatorship as long as it got rid of Trump, and then you wonder why we think you will come after us next.
Extra legally? Trump is head of the DoJ. He’s the chief executive. He can legally throw people in jail. He has that power and he demonstrated willingness and desire to use it.

What stopped him? Those pencil pushers refused to follow his corrupt desires.

Answer this. If Trump demanded the FBI arrest Biden and charge him with murder on the morning of January 20th, should have they obeyed his order because they are unthinking cogs?

Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Of course he didn’t do it. He can’t do it because the evil deep state won’t do it for him. You’ve described that this is a problem for you since they are “unaccountable pencil pushers” and merely “cogs”. If Trump sets a policy of arresting political enemies, they are not supposed to disagree.

This is reduction ad absurdum. It demonstrates your view of what the government bureaucracies should be is absurd.
Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Of course he didn’t do it. He can’t do it because the evil deep state won’t do it for him. You’ve described that this is a problem for you since they are “unaccountable pencil pushers” and merely “cogs”. If Trump sets a policy of arresting political enemies, they are not supposed to disagree.

This is reduction ad absurdum. It demonstrates your view of what the government bureaucracies should be is absurd.

Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....

Yet your side actually tries to silence political enemies, and you are OK with that.
Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Of course he didn’t do it. He can’t do it because the evil deep state won’t do it for him. You’ve described that this is a problem for you since they are “unaccountable pencil pushers” and merely “cogs”. If Trump sets a policy of arresting political enemies, they are not supposed to disagree.

This is reduction ad absurdum. It demonstrates your view of what the government bureaucracies should be is absurd.

Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....

Yet your side actually tries to silence political enemies, and you are OK with that.

Why wouldn’t I think he wanted to? He kept saying he wanted to. That’s why I provided quotes proving it, but you decided that wasn’t important.

My side doesn’t silence anyone.
Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Of course he didn’t do it. He can’t do it because the evil deep state won’t do it for him. You’ve described that this is a problem for you since they are “unaccountable pencil pushers” and merely “cogs”. If Trump sets a policy of arresting political enemies, they are not supposed to disagree.

This is reduction ad absurdum. It demonstrates your view of what the government bureaucracies should be is absurd.

Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....

Yet your side actually tries to silence political enemies, and you are OK with that.

Why wouldn’t I think he wanted to? He kept saying he wanted to. That’s why I provided quotes proving it, but you decided that wasn’t important.

My side doesn’t silence anyone.

MSNBC Demands Conservatives be Silenced Unless They “Speak The Truth”

And at one point, Wallace insisted the right will have to prove they’ll “assert the truth” before being “allowed to share any other views.”
Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Of course he didn’t do it. He can’t do it because the evil deep state won’t do it for him. You’ve described that this is a problem for you since they are “unaccountable pencil pushers” and merely “cogs”. If Trump sets a policy of arresting political enemies, they are not supposed to disagree.

This is reduction ad absurdum. It demonstrates your view of what the government bureaucracies should be is absurd.

Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....

Yet your side actually tries to silence political enemies, and you are OK with that.

Why wouldn’t I think he wanted to? He kept saying he wanted to. That’s why I provided quotes proving it, but you decided that wasn’t important.

My side doesn’t silence anyone.

MSNBC Demands Conservatives be Silenced Unless They “Speak The Truth”

And at one point, Wallace insisted the right will have to prove they’ll “assert the truth” before being “allowed to share any other views.”
Again, you’re changing the topic, a tacit admission you’ve lost the argument.

Wallace can’t silence anyone.
Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Of course he didn’t do it. He can’t do it because the evil deep state won’t do it for him. You’ve described that this is a problem for you since they are “unaccountable pencil pushers” and merely “cogs”. If Trump sets a policy of arresting political enemies, they are not supposed to disagree.

This is reduction ad absurdum. It demonstrates your view of what the government bureaucracies should be is absurd.

Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....

Yet your side actually tries to silence political enemies, and you are OK with that.

Why wouldn’t I think he wanted to? He kept saying he wanted to. That’s why I provided quotes proving it, but you decided that wasn’t important.

My side doesn’t silence anyone.

MSNBC Demands Conservatives be Silenced Unless They “Speak The Truth”

And at one point, Wallace insisted the right will have to prove they’ll “assert the truth” before being “allowed to share any other views.”
Again, you’re changing the topic, a tacit admission you’ve lost the argument.

Wallace can’t silence anyone.

Plenty of people can work towards silencing others. Twitter and Facebook did it to Trump, and you cheered.

It's the mentality of approving of shutting up people you disagree with that permeates the left, and that's your side, bucky.

You made the statement "my side doesn't silence anyone", I showed that to be a fucking lie.
Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Of course he didn’t do it. He can’t do it because the evil deep state won’t do it for him. You’ve described that this is a problem for you since they are “unaccountable pencil pushers” and merely “cogs”. If Trump sets a policy of arresting political enemies, they are not supposed to disagree.

This is reduction ad absurdum. It demonstrates your view of what the government bureaucracies should be is absurd.

Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....

Yet your side actually tries to silence political enemies, and you are OK with that.

Why wouldn’t I think he wanted to? He kept saying he wanted to. That’s why I provided quotes proving it, but you decided that wasn’t important.

My side doesn’t silence anyone.

MSNBC Demands Conservatives be Silenced Unless They “Speak The Truth”

And at one point, Wallace insisted the right will have to prove they’ll “assert the truth” before being “allowed to share any other views.”
Again, you’re changing the topic, a tacit admission you’ve lost the argument.

Wallace can’t silence anyone.

Plenty of people can work towards silencing others. Twitter and Facebook did it to Trump, and you cheered.

It's the mentality of approving of shutting up people you disagree with that permeates the left, and that's your side, bucky.

You made the statement "my side doesn't silence anyone", I showed that to be a fucking lie.

Wallace has a TV show and she gets to decide who is on it. Twitter and Facebook have servers and they get to decide who uses it.

No one is going to jail. No one is having anything taken away from them. They’re not silencing anyone.
Please show me someone he just threw in jail.

If Trump demanded that he would actually be the monster construct you created out of him, but he didn't. That you have to exaggerate like this shows you have no actual evidence of him going outside the legal powers he had.
Of course he didn’t do it. He can’t do it because the evil deep state won’t do it for him. You’ve described that this is a problem for you since they are “unaccountable pencil pushers” and merely “cogs”. If Trump sets a policy of arresting political enemies, they are not supposed to disagree.

This is reduction ad absurdum. It demonstrates your view of what the government bureaucracies should be is absurd.

Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....

Yet your side actually tries to silence political enemies, and you are OK with that.

Why wouldn’t I think he wanted to? He kept saying he wanted to. That’s why I provided quotes proving it, but you decided that wasn’t important.

My side doesn’t silence anyone.

MSNBC Demands Conservatives be Silenced Unless They “Speak The Truth”

And at one point, Wallace insisted the right will have to prove they’ll “assert the truth” before being “allowed to share any other views.”
Again, you’re changing the topic, a tacit admission you’ve lost the argument.

Wallace can’t silence anyone.

Plenty of people can work towards silencing others. Twitter and Facebook did it to Trump, and you cheered.

It's the mentality of approving of shutting up people you disagree with that permeates the left, and that's your side, bucky.

You made the statement "my side doesn't silence anyone", I showed that to be a fucking lie.

Wallace has a TV show and she gets to decide who is on it. Twitter and Facebook have servers and they get to decide who uses it.

No one is going to jail. No one is having anything taken away from them. They’re not silencing anyone.

It's still silencing, and you still agree with it. You just get to not dirty your hands over it and make excuses that no one fucking believes.

They are being silenced, and you are OK with it, and worse, you can't admit it.

Jailing is not silencing, removing people from access to the commons of discourse is silencing, and your side does it all the time.

Just admit it.
Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....
I see you gave up your terrible argument. Thanks for trying, loser.

No, just showed everyone on this thread what a pathetic hack you are.
You couldn’t handle the ridiculous outcome of your stupid argument and avoided the question altogether.

You are mentally weak and afraid.

Liar. I keep coming back at you, and you keep denying what you really think.

"it's not silencing because I agree with it", is what your argument boils down to.

Twitter and Facebook silenced Trump, that is a fact.
Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....
I see you gave up your terrible argument. Thanks for trying, loser.

No, just showed everyone on this thread what a pathetic hack you are.
You couldn’t handle the ridiculous outcome of your stupid argument and avoided the question altogether.

You are mentally weak and afraid.

Liar. I keep coming back at you, and you keep denying what you really think.

"it's not silencing because I agree with it", is what your argument boils down to.

Twitter and Facebook silenced Trump, that is a fact.
You ran away from the argument and stating whining about Twitter bans which has nothing to do with the discussion. Changing the topic is what losers like yourself do when you fail.

Twitter and Facebook can’t silence Trump. Dude can say whatever the hell he wants.
Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....
I see you gave up your terrible argument. Thanks for trying, loser.

No, just showed everyone on this thread what a pathetic hack you are.
You couldn’t handle the ridiculous outcome of your stupid argument and avoided the question altogether.

You are mentally weak and afraid.

Liar. I keep coming back at you, and you keep denying what you really think.

"it's not silencing because I agree with it", is what your argument boils down to.

Twitter and Facebook silenced Trump, that is a fact.
You ran away from the argument and stating whining about Twitter bans which has nothing to do with the discussion. Changing the topic is what losers like yourself do when you fail.

Twitter and Facebook can’t silence Trump. Dude can say whatever the hell he wants.

You ranted about Trump wanting to jail people, and then when asked if he actually did it, you pivoted to him really really WANTING to do so I then provided evidence of leftists actual desire to silence people, and there is plenty of evidence of leftists following through on that, i.e. Twitter and Facebook.

They can silence him to people who use twitter and facebook to get their news, which is sadly a large portion of the electorate.

You really want corporations controlling who gets to have a voice or not? Do you idiots ever think things through long term, or is your TDS so terminal you will destroy this country to get what you want?

Do you even know what the fuck you actually want besides "die trump supporters die"?
Smashed discs and cracked ribs? What kind of training did these Capital Cops have? Is it fair to compare it to Obama's "Operation Fast Furious" where 3,000 illegal weapons were shipped to Mexican drug cartels and used to massacre "hundreds?" of Mexican citizens and at least one American federal officer (so far). Nobody was even fired.
You ranted about Trump wanting to jail people, and then when asked if he actually did it, you pivoted to him really really WANTING to do so
Did you read this before you posted it because it’s hilarious. I pivoted from him wanting to jail people to him wanting to jail people.

That’s not a pivot you dumb ass. That’s the same thing.

Meanwhile you decided to take a discussion about abuse of government power to whining about Twitter. Tell me, is Twitter the government now? No? Then it’a unrelated. If you have an example of the government silencing people, make it, because right now you’re whining because dad took your car keys because you got drunk in the basement on mom’s brandy.

Trump has a right to speak. He does not have a right to have an audience provided for him.
Do you even know what the fuck you actually want besides "die trump supporters die"?
This is particularly galling since I’ve never said anything like this but you have repeatedly wished for my death.

Trumpsters don't want to talk about all these injuries.

So they avoid, deflect, change the subject, attack, whatever it takes to avoid being honest.

Trump is more important than anything else to them, so they have to protect him.

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