Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....
I see you gave up your terrible argument. Thanks for trying, loser.

No, just showed everyone on this thread what a pathetic hack you are.
You couldn’t handle the ridiculous outcome of your stupid argument and avoided the question altogether.

You are mentally weak and afraid.

Liar. I keep coming back at you, and you keep denying what you really think.

"it's not silencing because I agree with it", is what your argument boils down to.

Twitter and Facebook silenced Trump, that is a fact.

Marty you are losing here - Bigly. Surf porn or something ;)
You ranted about Trump wanting to jail people, and then when asked if he actually did it, you pivoted to him really really WANTING to do so
Did you read this before you posted it because it’s hilarious. I pivoted from him wanting to jail people to him wanting to jail people.

That’s not a pivot you dumb ass. That’s the same thing.

Meanwhile you decided to take a discussion about abuse of government power to whining about Twitter. Tell me, is Twitter the government now? No? Then it’a unrelated. If you have an example of the government silencing people, make it, because right now you’re whining because dad took your car keys because you got drunk in the basement on mom’s brandy.

Trump has a right to speak. He does not have a right to have an audience provided for him.

No you rant about the construct of Trump you created, the tyrant, while you ignore actually tyranny paid for and approved by your side.

abuse of power in general, progs seem to have figured out a way to get rid of their opponents without government involvement.

Without an audience, speech is useless, and you cheer when your side becomes the only side allowed true speech freedom.

That makes you a fucking fascist.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
Crybaby, those neighborhoods have nothing to do with the insurrection on the Capitol. Whatabout much?
Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....
I see you gave up your terrible argument. Thanks for trying, loser.

No, just showed everyone on this thread what a pathetic hack you are.
You couldn’t handle the ridiculous outcome of your stupid argument and avoided the question altogether.

You are mentally weak and afraid.

Liar. I keep coming back at you, and you keep denying what you really think.

"it's not silencing because I agree with it", is what your argument boils down to.

Twitter and Facebook silenced Trump, that is a fact.

Marty you are losing here - Bigly. Surf porn or something ;)

Your viewpoint matters as much as a fleas viewpoint on a dog's left nut.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
Crybaby, those neighborhoods have nothing to do with the insurrection on the Capitol. Whatabout much?

Yeah, no worries they have insurance.

It's not whataboutism when it points out the lefts hypocrisy on protests.
You ranted about Trump wanting to jail people, and then when asked if he actually did it, you pivoted to him really really WANTING to do so
Did you read this before you posted it because it’s hilarious. I pivoted from him wanting to jail people to him wanting to jail people.

That’s not a pivot you dumb ass. That’s the same thing.

Meanwhile you decided to take a discussion about abuse of government power to whining about Twitter. Tell me, is Twitter the government now? No? Then it’a unrelated. If you have an example of the government silencing people, make it, because right now you’re whining because dad took your car keys because you got drunk in the basement on mom’s brandy.

Trump has a right to speak. He does not have a right to have an audience provided for him.

No you rant about the construct of Trump you created, the tyrant, while you ignore actually tyranny paid for and approved by your side.

abuse of power in general, progs seem to have figured out a way to get rid of their opponents without government involvement.

Without an audience, speech is useless, and you cheer when your side becomes the only side allowed true speech freedom.

That makes you a fucking fascist.
Trump did indeed declare that he wanted to jail his political opponents. He did so frequently, so much so that you became used to it despite the fact that it is about as unAmerican as anything any president has ever uttered.

I asked you a hypothetical question based on your belief that the bureaucracy should never think for themselves and should only do as Trump asks being their cogs and no more. You refused to answer that hypothetical question because you have no answer that doesn’t reveal your intellectual bankruptcy.

And you’re still going to run away from it because you have no answer and can’t admit you are a loser.
He asked questions about the investigation into a US citizen who happened to be the corrupt son of Biden. He used leverage to protect US interests in the issue.

You idiots spun it to make it look like politics, and made a sham impeachment to jerk off to.
Ah, you mean like J'Biden did in Ukraine to oust a corrupt prosecutor.

To oust a prosecutor getting to close to the family.
Nope. Shokin was not actively investigating Hunter Biden or Burisma. And the investigation that was opened years earlier, which Shokin then sat on, had nothing to do with Hunter Biden and was in regards to charges against Burisma's owner from before Hunter even worked for them. Then there's the fact that after Shokin was ousted, his replacement then took up the investigation Shokin wouldn't look at. Some charges were dropped but another, which cost Zlochevsky millions in fines, was not.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
Crybaby, those neighborhoods have nothing to do with the insurrection on the Capitol. Whatabout much?

Yeah, no worries they have insurance.

It's not whataboutism when it points out the lefts hypocrisy on protests.
It's whataboutism when you stretch for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the attack on the Capitol. That seditious insurrection was because of the rights' demented views of the election and nothing at all to do with BLM or Antifa riots.

But I understand. There is no defense for what your fellow righties did to our Capitol so you try to blunt the force of that assault with other meaningless whataboutisms.
You ranted about Trump wanting to jail people, and then when asked if he actually did it, you pivoted to him really really WANTING to do so
Did you read this before you posted it because it’s hilarious. I pivoted from him wanting to jail people to him wanting to jail people.

That’s not a pivot you dumb ass. That’s the same thing.

Meanwhile you decided to take a discussion about abuse of government power to whining about Twitter. Tell me, is Twitter the government now? No? Then it’a unrelated. If you have an example of the government silencing people, make it, because right now you’re whining because dad took your car keys because you got drunk in the basement on mom’s brandy.

Trump has a right to speak. He does not have a right to have an audience provided for him.

No you rant about the construct of Trump you created, the tyrant, while you ignore actually tyranny paid for and approved by your side.

abuse of power in general, progs seem to have figured out a way to get rid of their opponents without government involvement.

Without an audience, speech is useless, and you cheer when your side becomes the only side allowed true speech freedom.

That makes you a fucking fascist.
Trump did indeed declare that he wanted to jail his political opponents. He did so frequently, so much so that you became used to it despite the fact that it is about as unAmerican as anything any president has ever uttered.

I asked you a hypothetical question based on your belief that the bureaucracy should never think for themselves and should only do as Trump asks being their cogs and no more. You refused to answer that hypothetical question because you have no answer that doesn’t reveal your intellectual bankruptcy.

And you’re still going to run away from it because you have no answer and can’t admit you are a loser.

Obama declared If I liked my plan, I could keep my plan, and that his presidency would result in the oceans receding. Gonna hold him to that, Captain Literal Man?

I answered, you refused to read it without ignoring my points.

Not. Leaving. You. Cuck. Bitch.
You ranted about Trump wanting to jail people, and then when asked if he actually did it, you pivoted to him really really WANTING to do so
Did you read this before you posted it because it’s hilarious. I pivoted from him wanting to jail people to him wanting to jail people.

That’s not a pivot you dumb ass. That’s the same thing.

Meanwhile you decided to take a discussion about abuse of government power to whining about Twitter. Tell me, is Twitter the government now? No? Then it’a unrelated. If you have an example of the government silencing people, make it, because right now you’re whining because dad took your car keys because you got drunk in the basement on mom’s brandy.

Trump has a right to speak. He does not have a right to have an audience provided for him.

No you rant about the construct of Trump you created, the tyrant, while you ignore actually tyranny paid for and approved by your side.

abuse of power in general, progs seem to have figured out a way to get rid of their opponents without government involvement.

Without an audience, speech is useless, and you cheer when your side becomes the only side allowed true speech freedom.

That makes you a fucking fascist.
Trump did indeed declare that he wanted to jail his political opponents. He did so frequently, so much so that you became used to it despite the fact that it is about as unAmerican as anything any president has ever uttered.

I asked you a hypothetical question based on your belief that the bureaucracy should never think for themselves and should only do as Trump asks being their cogs and no more. You refused to answer that hypothetical question because you have no answer that doesn’t reveal your intellectual bankruptcy.

And you’re still going to run away from it because you have no answer and can’t admit you are a loser.

Obama declared If I liked my plan, I could keep my plan, and that his presidency would result in the oceans receding. Gonna hold him to that, Captain Literal Man?

I answered, you refused to read it without ignoring my points.

Not. Leaving. You. Cuck. Bitch.
Neither of those statements from Obama are corrupt like wanting to jail political opponents so this comparison is pathetic. You really are running out of ways to make Trump’s disgusting rhetoric okay. I mean, it’s just sad.

You never answered it. You answered a different question. I’ll ask again, if Trump told the FBI to arrest Biden and charge him with murder, should the FBI do it?
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
Crybaby, those neighborhoods have nothing to do with the insurrection on the Capitol. Whatabout much?

Yeah, no worries they have insurance.

It's not whataboutism when it points out the lefts hypocrisy on protests.
It's whataboutism when you stretch for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the attack on the Capitol. That seditious insurrection was because of the rights' demented views of the election and nothing at all to do with BLM or Antifa riots.

But I understand. There is no defense for what your fellow righties did to our Capitol so you try to blunt the force of that assault with other meaningless whataboutisms.

No, it's going apeshit over 1 day versus months of civil unrest because you support the months of civil unrest and see the one day as a political foil to use.
Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....
I see you gave up your terrible argument. Thanks for trying, loser.

No, just showed everyone on this thread what a pathetic hack you are.
You couldn’t handle the ridiculous outcome of your stupid argument and avoided the question altogether.

You are mentally weak and afraid.

Liar. I keep coming back at you, and you keep denying what you really think.

"it's not silencing because I agree with it", is what your argument boils down to.

Twitter and Facebook silenced Trump, that is a fact.

Marty you are losing here - Bigly. Surf porn or something ;)

Your viewpoint matters as much as a fleas viewpoint on a dog's left nut.

You're a NUT Marty. All I have to figure out is what kind of a nut.
Maybe a walnut - I don't like walnuts.
You ranted about Trump wanting to jail people, and then when asked if he actually did it, you pivoted to him really really WANTING to do so
Did you read this before you posted it because it’s hilarious. I pivoted from him wanting to jail people to him wanting to jail people.

That’s not a pivot you dumb ass. That’s the same thing.

Meanwhile you decided to take a discussion about abuse of government power to whining about Twitter. Tell me, is Twitter the government now? No? Then it’a unrelated. If you have an example of the government silencing people, make it, because right now you’re whining because dad took your car keys because you got drunk in the basement on mom’s brandy.

Trump has a right to speak. He does not have a right to have an audience provided for him.

No you rant about the construct of Trump you created, the tyrant, while you ignore actually tyranny paid for and approved by your side.

abuse of power in general, progs seem to have figured out a way to get rid of their opponents without government involvement.

Without an audience, speech is useless, and you cheer when your side becomes the only side allowed true speech freedom.

That makes you a fucking fascist.
Trump did indeed declare that he wanted to jail his political opponents. He did so frequently, so much so that you became used to it despite the fact that it is about as unAmerican as anything any president has ever uttered.

I asked you a hypothetical question based on your belief that the bureaucracy should never think for themselves and should only do as Trump asks being their cogs and no more. You refused to answer that hypothetical question because you have no answer that doesn’t reveal your intellectual bankruptcy.

And you’re still going to run away from it because you have no answer and can’t admit you are a loser.

Obama declared If I liked my plan, I could keep my plan, and that his presidency would result in the oceans receding. Gonna hold him to that, Captain Literal Man?

I answered, you refused to read it without ignoring my points.

Not. Leaving. You. Cuck. Bitch.
Neither of those statements from Obama are corrupt like wanting to jail political opponents so this comparison is pathetic. You really are running out of ways to make Trump’s disgusting rhetoric okay. I mean, it’s just sad.

You never answered it. You answered a different question. I’ll ask again, if Trump told the FBI to arrest Biden and charge him with murder, should the FBI do it?

No, the one impacted me directly, the LIE impacted me directly, the other shows what a typical lefty self centered douche he is.

Of course they shouldn't, but he never would, but your construct of him demands that it is "possible"

On the other hand real tyrants are quashing speech on the right, and you cheer on like a good little Biden jugend.
Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....
I see you gave up your terrible argument. Thanks for trying, loser.

No, just showed everyone on this thread what a pathetic hack you are.
You couldn’t handle the ridiculous outcome of your stupid argument and avoided the question altogether.

You are mentally weak and afraid.

Liar. I keep coming back at you, and you keep denying what you really think.

"it's not silencing because I agree with it", is what your argument boils down to.

Twitter and Facebook silenced Trump, that is a fact.

Marty you are losing here - Bigly. Surf porn or something ;)

Your viewpoint matters as much as a fleas viewpoint on a dog's left nut.

You're a NUT Marty. All I have to figure out is what kind of a nut.
Maybe a walnut - I don't like walnuts.

I have a feeling you love nuts.
Of course they shouldn't, but he never would, but your construct of him demands that it is "possible"
So you’re now saying that these unelected pencil pushers do get to decide on policy.


See, that’s the strength of our institutions and the people who are a part of them. If a president were to demand they do something corrupt, the “deep state” won’t do it because they protect us from him. The only reason it isn’t possible is because of the so called “deep state”.
Of course they shouldn't, but he never would, but your construct of him demands that it is "possible"
So you’re now saying that these unelected pencil pushers do get to decide on policy.


See, that’s the strength of our institutions and the people who are a part of them. If a president were to demand they do something corrupt, the “deep state” won’t do it because they protect us from him. The only reason it isn’t possible is because of the so called “deep state”.

No, I didn't say that. You are bringing up an obviously illegal and unconstitutional act, not "things I don't like I pretend are illegal and unconstitutional"

I am talking about things like Trump wanting to approve the Keystone XL pipeline being sabotaged by people refusing to do their work or leaking things they shouldn't be leaking.
In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:
Suicide at that political level is either (a) a false attribution of cause of death in cases of premeditated murder or (b) an evasion of a fate worse, often much, much than death or life imprisonment, being meted out by politically motivated cops as extra-legal punishment.

The murderers professionally graded and polished the ice on the road, slicked the surface with chemical salts, and flipped my vehicle into the ditch where I landed on my head — luckily in a soft bank of snow — with the roof of the cab caved in. I had tucked my head in toward my knees beside the steering wheel and hung by my thighs in the seatbelt to avoid being crushed to death.

A large crowd of political enemies who had been on a vendetta against me immediately gathered at the scene.

I walked away, was arrested without cause, and released at the local Walmart with nothing but the clothes on my back late Friday night.

I chose a hotel with a nice bed and soft pillows to heal my brain injuries rather than involuntary hospitalization and civil commitment to Alaska Psychiatric Institute, whereupon the cop reluctantly let me go.

Those people are still in town, and they are very angry, because they were dangerously exposed for their plans to murder me.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
Crybaby, those neighborhoods have nothing to do with the insurrection on the Capitol. Whatabout much?

Yeah, no worries they have insurance.

It's not whataboutism when it points out the lefts hypocrisy on protests.
It's whataboutism when you stretch for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the attack on the Capitol. That seditious insurrection was because of the rights' demented views of the election and nothing at all to do with BLM or Antifa riots.

But I understand. There is no defense for what your fellow righties did to our Capitol so you try to blunt the force of that assault with other meaningless whataboutisms.

No, it's going apeshit over 1 day versus months of civil unrest because you support the months of civil unrest and see the one day as a political foil to use.
Again, matters not because one has nothing to do with the other. Using your bizarre logic, it's ok that BLM rioted because rightwingnuts protested in Charlottesville and murdered a woman. One thing has nothing to do with the other.
Oh, now he didn't do it, but you keep thinking he reeeallllly wanted to....
I see you gave up your terrible argument. Thanks for trying, loser.

No, just showed everyone on this thread what a pathetic hack you are.
You couldn’t handle the ridiculous outcome of your stupid argument and avoided the question altogether.

You are mentally weak and afraid.

Liar. I keep coming back at you, and you keep denying what you really think.

"it's not silencing because I agree with it", is what your argument boils down to.

Twitter and Facebook silenced Trump, that is a fact.

Marty you are losing here - Bigly. Surf porn or something ;)

Your viewpoint matters as much as a fleas viewpoint on a dog's left nut.

You're a NUT Marty. All I have to figure out is what kind of a nut.
Maybe a walnut - I don't like walnuts.

I have a feeling you love nuts.

And you love getting tea bagged! :D

It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
Crybaby, those neighborhoods have nothing to do with the insurrection on the Capitol. Whatabout much?

Yeah, no worries they have insurance.

It's not whataboutism when it points out the lefts hypocrisy on protests.
It's whataboutism when you stretch for something that has absolutely nothing to do with the attack on the Capitol. That seditious insurrection was because of the rights' demented views of the election and nothing at all to do with BLM or Antifa riots.

But I understand. There is no defense for what your fellow righties did to our Capitol so you try to blunt the force of that assault with other meaningless whataboutisms.

No, it's going apeshit over 1 day versus months of civil unrest because you support the months of civil unrest and see the one day as a political foil to use.
Again, matters not because one has nothing to do with the other. Using your bizarre logic, it's ok that BLM rioted because rightwingnuts protested in Charlottesville and murdered a woman. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

It's not that, it's about your overreaction to what happened in the capitol and your not caring about what happened in the rest of the country, because people you don't like did one, and people you like did the other.

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