Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

Quotes of hacks is quotes of hacks.
They were quotes from Trump, so yeah. He’s a hack.

But he’s your hack so no matter what you will adhere to his reality.

To paraphrase Ben Sasse, politics shouldn’t be about the weird worship of one dude.

I was talking about the vapors being shown by you and the people bitching about it.

It shouldn't be your worship of the government momm/daddy either, you statist prick.
Quotes of hacks is quotes of hacks.
They were quotes from Trump, so yeah. He’s a hack.

But he’s your hack so no matter what you will adhere to his reality.

To paraphrase Ben Sasse, politics shouldn’t be about the weird worship of one dude.

I was talking about the vapors being shown by you and the people bitching about it.

It shouldn't be your worship of the government momm/daddy either, you statist prick.
Ah, so you’re trying to change the subject because you know that your dear leader said exactly what I claimed.

Losing an argument? Find something else to bitch about. I don’t worship anything but I do love my country. Sorry that you don’t.
Quotes of hacks is quotes of hacks.
They were quotes from Trump, so yeah. He’s a hack.

But he’s your hack so no matter what you will adhere to his reality.

To paraphrase Ben Sasse, politics shouldn’t be about the weird worship of one dude.

I was talking about the vapors being shown by you and the people bitching about it.

It shouldn't be your worship of the government momm/daddy either, you statist prick.
Ah, so you’re trying to change the subject because you know that your dear leader said exactly what I claimed.

Losing an argument? Find something else to bitch about. I don’t worship anything but I do love my country. Sorry that you don’t.

he said it, Hillary also said for her people to fight like hell against Trump and his supporters.

I guess she's guilty of insurrection now too right?
he said it, Hillary also said for her people to fight like hell against Trump and his supporters.

I guess she's guilty of insurrection now too right?

Show me the mob that raided the Capitol to get Clinton elected and maybe she’s guilty of insurrection.

Trump has made a mockery of our institutions by calling for the criminal prosecution and jailing of his enemies. Our institutions are stronger than that. A weaker country wouldn’t have a DoJ who, although is subordinate to him, has the capacity to ignore the corrupt demands of the president. Thank god our government can withstand someone like him.
Being this disconnected from reality is dangerous. Being unreachable by any means is dangerous.
You can always tell when a nutter knows (at least at some level) that they're defending the indefensible: They change the subject and attack you personally.

These deaths and injuries are a fucking disgrace, and the domestic terrorists (and those who willingly enable them) damn well know it.
It’s easy to call them all nutters and I do that too.

But it’s different than that. They’re not stupid. Some of these nutters are very successful and insightful.

I don’t get it myself but there’s something different going on here. Something much more insidious.
Oh, I agree. Being captured by an ideology is not a function of intelligence or lack thereof.

I say it all the time: This is a a group pathology, and the world has seen it before.

Give Trump "credit": He knew exactly what to do, and exactly who to target.

Part of me wonders to what extent Trump has the same pathology. Not that it makes him blameless. The cynic in me thinks Trump is based in reality but decides to use his supporters maliciously.

But after listening to his call with Raffensperger, I’ve decided that Trump’s supporters have just as much effect on him as he does on them.

That phone call to Raffensperger told me that trump knows he lost and knows that everything he has said about fraud and him winning is a lie.

He told Raffensperger to "recalculate" to find him votes. A specific number of votes. In fact his actual words were " I just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have."

A person who believes they won won't say those words.

I hope that the state of Georgia investigates this then prosecutes trump to the fullest extent of the law.

The truly sad thing is that 5 people have died, 140 have been hurt seriously and many lives have been ruined all because of trump's lies.

None of it had to happen.
he said it, Hillary also said for her people to fight like hell against Trump and his supporters.

I guess she's guilty of insurrection now too right?

Show me the mob that raided the Capitol to get Clinton elected and maybe she’s guilty of insurrection.

Trump has made a mockery of our institutions by calling for the criminal prosecution and jailing of his enemies. Our institutions are stronger than that. A weaker country wouldn’t have a DoJ who, although is subordinate to him, has the capacity to ignore the corrupt demands of the president. Thank god our government can withstand someone like him.

Nice goalpost move there, dippy.

The left is doing the exact same thing, the difference is Trump was talking about doing it for illegal acts, Dems talk about it for thoughtcrime.
The left is doing the exact same thing, the difference is Trump was talking about doing it for illegal acts, Dems talk about it for thoughtcrime.
Biden isn’t. In fact, Biden has been very specifically not doing it because as president of the United States, he shouldn’t be using his power to go after his political enemies.

Trump was either lying to you or had no idea what he’s talking about because the accusations are false.
The left is doing the exact same thing, the difference is Trump was talking about doing it for illegal acts, Dems talk about it for thoughtcrime.
Biden isn’t. In fact, Biden has been very specifically not doing it because as president of the United States, he shouldn’t be using his power to go after his political enemies.

Trump was either lying to you or had no idea what he’s talking about because the accusations are false.

Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.
Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.
Yeah, you know what we didn’t do to win? We didn’t file dozens of frivolous lawsuits to throw out hundreds of thousands of people’s votes. We didn’t refuse to concede the election. We didn’t have a riot at the Capitol to stop the electoral vote count.

All this insanity of the last few months? We didn’t do that in 2016.

Your perception that Dems will do anything to win is based again on your inability to determine what is real and what you want to be real.

Actually it's based on projection.

republicans will do anything to win an election. As we've seen in the last few elections.

So they project what they do on to democrats or anyone who doesn't agree with them.

What that trump person is saying is only what republicans do and have done.
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Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
The “deep state” is what protects us from corrupt politicians. Trump’s policy of get me re-elected and go after my political enemies is exactly the kind of shit that we rely on the “deep state” to defend us from. Where would we be if Nixon’s “deep state” hadn’t stood up to his corruption?

Trump would have ruined our country if it operated as you want it to. Fortunately we are a nation of laws and not men.
Being this disconnected from reality is dangerous. Being unreachable by any means is dangerous.
You can always tell when a nutter knows (at least at some level) that they're defending the indefensible: They change the subject and attack you personally.

These deaths and injuries are a fucking disgrace, and the domestic terrorists (and those who willingly enable them) damn well know it.
It’s easy to call them all nutters and I do that too.

But it’s different than that. They’re not stupid. Some of these nutters are very successful and insightful.

I don’t get it myself but there’s something different going on here. Something much more insidious.
Oh, I agree. Being captured by an ideology is not a function of intelligence or lack thereof.

I say it all the time: This is a a group pathology, and the world has seen it before.

Give Trump "credit": He knew exactly what to do, and exactly who to target.

Part of me wonders to what extent Trump has the same pathology. Not that it makes him blameless. The cynic in me thinks Trump is based in reality but decides to use his supporters maliciously.

But after listening to his call with Raffensperger, I’ve decided that Trump’s supporters have just as much effect on him as he does on them.

That phone call to Raffensperger told me that trump knows he lost and knows that everything he has said about fraud and him winning is a lie.

He told Raffensperger to "recalculate" to find him votes. A specific number of votes. In fact his actual words were " I just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have."

A person who believes they won won't say those words.

I hope that the state of Georgia investigates this then prosecutes trump to the fullest extent of the law.

The truly sad thing is that 5 people have died, 140 have been hurt seriously and many lives have been ruined all because of trump's lies.

None of it had to happen.
I disagree. Trump wasn’t asking for a specific number, he was just asking for “enough”. He knew he couldn’t win every argument so his strategy was to win just enough to get a victory.

When Raffensperger and his attorney explain that his accusations just aren’t right, listen to Trump repeat “no they’re not” over and over again. I’ve heard a lot of people in denial. That’s what they sound like. It’s sad.

My guess is that shortly after the election was called, Trump knew he had lost but told himself his own lie that he won so many times that he eventually came to believe it.
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.
Yeah, you know what we didn’t do to win? We didn’t file dozens of frivolous lawsuits to throw out hundreds of thousands of people’s votes. We didn’t refuse to concede the election. We didn’t have a riot at the Capitol to stop the electoral vote count.

All this insanity of the last few months? We didn’t do that in 2016.

Your perception that Dems will do anything to win is based again on your inability to determine what is real and what you want to be real.

Actually it's based on projection.

republicans will do anything to win an election. As we've seen in the last few elections.

So they project what they do on to democrats or anyone who doesn't agree with them.

What that trump person is saying is only what republicans do and have done.

Lol, talk about imparting your own villainy on your opponents.
Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
The “deep state” is what protects us from corrupt politicians. Trump’s policy of get me re-elected and go after my political enemies is exactly the kind of shit that we rely on the “deep state” to defend us from. Where would we be if Nixon’s “deep state” hadn’t stood up to his corruption?

Trump would have ruined our country if it operated as you want it to. Fortunately we are a nation of laws and not men.

Please show me where that function is listed in the constitution. The Constitution has no role for them in protecting us from anything, that is left to the checks and balances between the branches, not to the functioning cogs of the executive branch.

it's amazing how you want to give up your rights and freedoms to unaccountable people, it's actually fucking pathetic.
Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
The “deep state” is what protects us from corrupt politicians. Trump’s policy of get me re-elected and go after my political enemies is exactly the kind of shit that we rely on the “deep state” to defend us from. Where would we be if Nixon’s “deep state” hadn’t stood up to his corruption?

Trump would have ruined our country if it operated as you want it to. Fortunately we are a nation of laws and not men.

Please show me where that function is listed in the constitution. The Constitution has no role for them in protecting us from anything, that is left to the checks and balances between the branches, not to the functioning cogs of the executive branch.

it's amazing how you want to give up your rights and freedoms to unaccountable people, it's actually fucking pathetic.

Please show me where in the constitution the president is made a king that can force his subjects to do as he pleases.

No one is giving up any rights and freedoms to the “deep state” and they’re way more accountable than Trump.

The president is not all powerful. If he wants to use the government as a corrupt weapon, he’s going to have to convince some people to help him. Thank god those people love our country more than you and your cult leader.
Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
The “deep state” is what protects us from corrupt politicians. Trump’s policy of get me re-elected and go after my political enemies is exactly the kind of shit that we rely on the “deep state” to defend us from. Where would we be if Nixon’s “deep state” hadn’t stood up to his corruption?

Trump would have ruined our country if it operated as you want it to. Fortunately we are a nation of laws and not men.

Please show me where that function is listed in the constitution. The Constitution has no role for them in protecting us from anything, that is left to the checks and balances between the branches, not to the functioning cogs of the executive branch.

it's amazing how you want to give up your rights and freedoms to unaccountable people, it's actually fucking pathetic.

Please show me where in the constitution the president is made a king that can force his subjects to do as he pleases.

No one is giving up any rights and freedoms to the “deep state” and they’re way more accountable than Trump.

The president is not all powerful. If he wants to use the government as a corrupt weapon, he’s going to have to convince some people to help him. Thank god those people love our country more than you and your cult leader.

Doing what he promised to the people who voted for him is not "acting like a King". Biden has done FAR more EO's, and not just ones overriding Trump's than any other President in the time allotted, and yet you have zero issue with that.

When unelected bureaucrats have the power you want them to have, and civil service protections to boot, you get a nobility class, similar to the ones that ran the Ancien Regime in France, or Russia under the Romanovs, and we know how well those situations ended.

The President is supposed to be checked by the courts and congress, not is own branch, and certainly not those there to implement policies decided by the President under the laws passed by congress and adjudicated by the courts.
Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
The “deep state” is what protects us from corrupt politicians. Trump’s policy of get me re-elected and go after my political enemies is exactly the kind of shit that we rely on the “deep state” to defend us from. Where would we be if Nixon’s “deep state” hadn’t stood up to his corruption?

Trump would have ruined our country if it operated as you want it to. Fortunately we are a nation of laws and not men.

Please show me where that function is listed in the constitution. The Constitution has no role for them in protecting us from anything, that is left to the checks and balances between the branches, not to the functioning cogs of the executive branch.

it's amazing how you want to give up your rights and freedoms to unaccountable people, it's actually fucking pathetic.

Please show me where in the constitution the president is made a king that can force his subjects to do as he pleases.

No one is giving up any rights and freedoms to the “deep state” and they’re way more accountable than Trump.

The president is not all powerful. If he wants to use the government as a corrupt weapon, he’s going to have to convince some people to help him. Thank god those people love our country more than you and your cult leader.

Doing what he promised to the people who voted for him is not "acting like a King". Biden has done FAR more EO's, and not just ones overriding Trump's than any other President in the time allotted, and yet you have zero issue with that.

When unelected bureaucrats have the power you want them to have, and civil service protections to boot, you get a nobility class, similar to the ones that ran the Ancien Regime in France, or Russia under the Romanovs, and we know how well those situations ended.

The President is supposed to be checked by the courts and congress, not is own branch, and certainly not those there to implement policies decided by the President under the laws passed by congress and adjudicated by the courts.
He doesn’t get to promise to throw people in jail. That’s not his place. That’s not the place of any president.

Jesus Christ, what kind of shithole do you want to turn us into?
Nah, he has the whole deep state to do his dirty work for him.
The “deep state” is how Trump vilified people who don’t bend to his corrupt desires.

We owe those people our thanks for standing up to him and not leading us down the pathway of a failed state with weak institutions.

But thanks for admitting you lied about Dems doing the same thing. Biden isn’t.

The Deep State is bureaucracy that believe themselves to be the new nobility, not the civil SERVANTS they are supposed to be. People who think THEY should DECIDE policy, not the person we elected to do so.

They were nothing more than malfunctioning cogs that should have been replaced.

It's amazing how idiots like you desire to be ruled by un-elected bureaucrats.

Of course it's not a surprising mentality amongst communists and socialists.
The “deep state” is what protects us from corrupt politicians. Trump’s policy of get me re-elected and go after my political enemies is exactly the kind of shit that we rely on the “deep state” to defend us from. Where would we be if Nixon’s “deep state” hadn’t stood up to his corruption?

Trump would have ruined our country if it operated as you want it to. Fortunately we are a nation of laws and not men.

Please show me where that function is listed in the constitution. The Constitution has no role for them in protecting us from anything, that is left to the checks and balances between the branches, not to the functioning cogs of the executive branch.

it's amazing how you want to give up your rights and freedoms to unaccountable people, it's actually fucking pathetic.

Please show me where in the constitution the president is made a king that can force his subjects to do as he pleases.

No one is giving up any rights and freedoms to the “deep state” and they’re way more accountable than Trump.

The president is not all powerful. If he wants to use the government as a corrupt weapon, he’s going to have to convince some people to help him. Thank god those people love our country more than you and your cult leader.

Doing what he promised to the people who voted for him is not "acting like a King". Biden has done FAR more EO's, and not just ones overriding Trump's than any other President in the time allotted, and yet you have zero issue with that.

When unelected bureaucrats have the power you want them to have, and civil service protections to boot, you get a nobility class, similar to the ones that ran the Ancien Regime in France, or Russia under the Romanovs, and we know how well those situations ended.

The President is supposed to be checked by the courts and congress, not is own branch, and certainly not those there to implement policies decided by the President under the laws passed by congress and adjudicated by the courts.
He doesn’t get to promise to throw people in jail. That’s not his place. That’s not the place of any president.

Jesus Christ, what kind of shithole do you want to turn us into?

So he said he was going to extra-legally send people to throw them in jail? Why didn't he follow through?

You want to turn the federal government into an unaccountable mass of pencil pushers, and you bitch about what I want to turn the country into?

You are willing to turn the government into dictatorship as long as it got rid of Trump, and then you wonder why we think you will come after us next.

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