Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

You can't defend the impeachment beyond "Trump is a poo poo head".

Other Presidents did things politically, but again, Trump is different because "reasons"

Fuck man, did you not read all the posts I've already put up? Jesus, why do I write them if you're not going to read it.

I can defend the impeachment all day. Trump used his authority in foreign policy to coerce an ally who is militarily and financially dependent on us to go after Joe Biden who was his political opponent. He didn't do so to benefit the country, he did it to get bad publicity and hurt Biden to make it easier for him to win reelection. We know he didn't do so to benefit the country because his personal attorney and campaign surrogate Giuliani was the one leading the charge, and no one in the DoJ had anything to do with it. There was never any formal investigation into Biden over this affair on our part because this was not a legitimate investigation because it lacked predicate.

Trump used the authorities of his office for personal gain. That's abuse of office and that's impeachable.

All you have is one action, talking about an investigation into an American Citizen, and alluding to American interest, and aid being a concern if information on that investigation wasn't shared with the US government. All the rest is assumption and supposition on your part and Dem's part to make a bullshit Impeachment case at the last moment they had to do it before the election season started and an already glaring political move became even more overt.

But keep spinning to defend outright constitutional maleficence by Dems, not out of any care of the country, but out of hatred and blind political ambition.

And you defend it you fucking sellout.

I was saving this insult for someone like JoeBlow, or Dr Love, but you earned. it.

I curse you, I curse you to outlive your progeny.
If all it were was that one action, that alone would be damning. The inability to explain the freeze on funding which was authorized by Congress and not legal for Trump to hold up in the first place is what you call suspicious as fuck. There is no other rational explanation for it.

Let's be clear there was no investigation into Joe Biden. There was none here. There was none in Ukraine. There was Rudy stirring up shit and Trump pushing it because they were in campaign mode. They had to manufacture an investigation so they could blast it in the media and hurt Biden. It wasn't about US interests, it was about Trump's interests.

So Trump was the first president ever to use approved foreign aid as leverage?

There was an investigation into Bursima that got quashed when Biden sr supposedly made some noise about it. Biden jr was on the board.

Thats why you fucking investigate.

But you are OK with corruption as long as your people are the ones getting the taste.

No, lots of presidents use foreign aid as leverage. But presidents don't use foreign aid as leverage to go after their political opponents. If you have another example of it, be my guest. I'd love to hear it.

There was no investigation into Burisma. None. There was a very worthless prosecutor who was fired as a result of our leverage because that prosecutor was an old guard corrupt Ukrainian with no interest in going after corruption and therefore was detrimental to US interests.

I'm sure it happened, but it has never been leaked before. You are asking for classified evidence, nice trick cocksucker.

There was an investigation, stop lying.
I'm sure your sure, but that's because you have been disconnected from reality. You really want there to have been an investigation because otherwise you'd have to start to admit that Trump was corrupt.

"Classified evidence", what a bunch of bullshit. I'm not asking for anything classified.

How many conversations between heads of State have been leaked as this one was?

"Show me the evidence that hasn't been ever produced like this before or since"
Trump released the transcript, silly. Every administration has leaks, especially when those administrations are engaging in abuse of their power. I think it's a good thing, otherwise administrations can be corrupt without anyone knowing about it. Where the hell have you been?

he released the full transcript after parts of it were leaked.

Nah, now that Biden is in power all leaks are bad according to hacks like you, but they won't happen because the deep state won't let it happen.

Once you call anything you don't like abuse of power, the term loses all meaning.
Are you just being pointlessly whiney? This has nothing to do with anything.

I've stated exactly why I call it an abuse of power. You're barely even making an argument against it. Just bitching and moaning and pretending things are true because you really want them to be true.

It have everything to do with "when we do it it's good, when someone else does it it's bad" the mentality of the progressive left.

You stated why you called it that, you didn't back anything up except my view that you are a SJW hack twat.

You are a fool, who deserves to die alone.
You were talking about impeachment, now you're talking about leaks.

You keep retreating, not sure if you even know you're doing it.

Losing an argument? Quick, change the subject.

Trump was using executive branch powers to go after a political opponent. You can make up excuses and pretend there was some kind of investigation into Biden, but it's not true. You just want it to be true otherwise you have to admit your orange god is corrupt.

You keep rehashing the same bullshit. It's all related, because it's all part of the same ploy by Dems to get rid of Trump via bullshit.

You can ignore what was really going on because it suits your political interests, but no one is being fooled.
You can't defend the impeachment beyond "Trump is a poo poo head".

Other Presidents did things politically, but again, Trump is different because "reasons"

Fuck man, did you not read all the posts I've already put up? Jesus, why do I write them if you're not going to read it.

I can defend the impeachment all day. Trump used his authority in foreign policy to coerce an ally who is militarily and financially dependent on us to go after Joe Biden who was his political opponent. He didn't do so to benefit the country, he did it to get bad publicity and hurt Biden to make it easier for him to win reelection. We know he didn't do so to benefit the country because his personal attorney and campaign surrogate Giuliani was the one leading the charge, and no one in the DoJ had anything to do with it. There was never any formal investigation into Biden over this affair on our part because this was not a legitimate investigation because it lacked predicate.

Trump used the authorities of his office for personal gain. That's abuse of office and that's impeachable.

All you have is one action, talking about an investigation into an American Citizen, and alluding to American interest, and aid being a concern if information on that investigation wasn't shared with the US government. All the rest is assumption and supposition on your part and Dem's part to make a bullshit Impeachment case at the last moment they had to do it before the election season started and an already glaring political move became even more overt.

But keep spinning to defend outright constitutional maleficence by Dems, not out of any care of the country, but out of hatred and blind political ambition.

And you defend it you fucking sellout.

I was saving this insult for someone like JoeBlow, or Dr Love, but you earned. it.

I curse you, I curse you to outlive your progeny.
If all it were was that one action, that alone would be damning. The inability to explain the freeze on funding which was authorized by Congress and not legal for Trump to hold up in the first place is what you call suspicious as fuck. There is no other rational explanation for it.

Let's be clear there was no investigation into Joe Biden. There was none here. There was none in Ukraine. There was Rudy stirring up shit and Trump pushing it because they were in campaign mode. They had to manufacture an investigation so they could blast it in the media and hurt Biden. It wasn't about US interests, it was about Trump's interests.

So Trump was the first president ever to use approved foreign aid as leverage?

There was an investigation into Bursima that got quashed when Biden sr supposedly made some noise about it. Biden jr was on the board.

Thats why you fucking investigate.

But you are OK with corruption as long as your people are the ones getting the taste.

No, lots of presidents use foreign aid as leverage. But presidents don't use foreign aid as leverage to go after their political opponents. If you have another example of it, be my guest. I'd love to hear it.

There was no investigation into Burisma. None. There was a very worthless prosecutor who was fired as a result of our leverage because that prosecutor was an old guard corrupt Ukrainian with no interest in going after corruption and therefore was detrimental to US interests.

I'm sure it happened, but it has never been leaked before. You are asking for classified evidence, nice trick cocksucker.

There was an investigation, stop lying.
I'm sure your sure, but that's because you have been disconnected from reality. You really want there to have been an investigation because otherwise you'd have to start to admit that Trump was corrupt.

"Classified evidence", what a bunch of bullshit. I'm not asking for anything classified.

How many conversations between heads of State have been leaked as this one was?

"Show me the evidence that hasn't been ever produced like this before or since"
Trump released the transcript, silly. Every administration has leaks, especially when those administrations are engaging in abuse of their power. I think it's a good thing, otherwise administrations can be corrupt without anyone knowing about it. Where the hell have you been?

he released the full transcript after parts of it were leaked.

Nah, now that Biden is in power all leaks are bad according to hacks like you, but they won't happen because the deep state won't let it happen.

Once you call anything you don't like abuse of power, the term loses all meaning.
Are you just being pointlessly whiney? This has nothing to do with anything.

I've stated exactly why I call it an abuse of power. You're barely even making an argument against it. Just bitching and moaning and pretending things are true because you really want them to be true.

It have everything to do with "when we do it it's good, when someone else does it it's bad" the mentality of the progressive left.

You stated why you called it that, you didn't back anything up except my view that you are a SJW hack twat.

You are a fool, who deserves to die alone.
You were talking about impeachment, now you're talking about leaks.

You keep retreating, not sure if you even know you're doing it.

Losing an argument? Quick, change the subject.

Trump was using executive branch powers to go after a political opponent. You can make up excuses and pretend there was some kind of investigation into Biden, but it's not true. You just want it to be true otherwise you have to admit your orange god is corrupt.

You keep rehashing the same bullshit. It's all related, because it's all part of the same ploy by Dems to get rid of Trump via bullshit.

You can ignore what was really going on because it suits your political interests, but no one is being fooled.
I keep rehashing it because you never address it. You just start whining about something different.

The investigation Trump was asking of Ukraine was bullshit. He wasn't just asking them to investigate Biden, he was asking them to announce it publicly.

Gee, wonder why Trump would be interested in Ukraine publicly announcing a corruption investigation into Biden? Doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to figure that out. It just takes someone with an ounce of honesty, so perhaps if you know someone like that you could ask them.
You can't defend the impeachment beyond "Trump is a poo poo head".

Other Presidents did things politically, but again, Trump is different because "reasons"

Fuck man, did you not read all the posts I've already put up? Jesus, why do I write them if you're not going to read it.

I can defend the impeachment all day. Trump used his authority in foreign policy to coerce an ally who is militarily and financially dependent on us to go after Joe Biden who was his political opponent. He didn't do so to benefit the country, he did it to get bad publicity and hurt Biden to make it easier for him to win reelection. We know he didn't do so to benefit the country because his personal attorney and campaign surrogate Giuliani was the one leading the charge, and no one in the DoJ had anything to do with it. There was never any formal investigation into Biden over this affair on our part because this was not a legitimate investigation because it lacked predicate.

Trump used the authorities of his office for personal gain. That's abuse of office and that's impeachable.

All you have is one action, talking about an investigation into an American Citizen, and alluding to American interest, and aid being a concern if information on that investigation wasn't shared with the US government. All the rest is assumption and supposition on your part and Dem's part to make a bullshit Impeachment case at the last moment they had to do it before the election season started and an already glaring political move became even more overt.

But keep spinning to defend outright constitutional maleficence by Dems, not out of any care of the country, but out of hatred and blind political ambition.

And you defend it you fucking sellout.

I was saving this insult for someone like JoeBlow, or Dr Love, but you earned. it.

I curse you, I curse you to outlive your progeny.
If all it were was that one action, that alone would be damning. The inability to explain the freeze on funding which was authorized by Congress and not legal for Trump to hold up in the first place is what you call suspicious as fuck. There is no other rational explanation for it.

Let's be clear there was no investigation into Joe Biden. There was none here. There was none in Ukraine. There was Rudy stirring up shit and Trump pushing it because they were in campaign mode. They had to manufacture an investigation so they could blast it in the media and hurt Biden. It wasn't about US interests, it was about Trump's interests.

So Trump was the first president ever to use approved foreign aid as leverage?

There was an investigation into Bursima that got quashed when Biden sr supposedly made some noise about it. Biden jr was on the board.

Thats why you fucking investigate.

But you are OK with corruption as long as your people are the ones getting the taste.

No, lots of presidents use foreign aid as leverage. But presidents don't use foreign aid as leverage to go after their political opponents. If you have another example of it, be my guest. I'd love to hear it.

There was no investigation into Burisma. None. There was a very worthless prosecutor who was fired as a result of our leverage because that prosecutor was an old guard corrupt Ukrainian with no interest in going after corruption and therefore was detrimental to US interests.

I'm sure it happened, but it has never been leaked before. You are asking for classified evidence, nice trick cocksucker.

There was an investigation, stop lying.
I'm sure your sure, but that's because you have been disconnected from reality. You really want there to have been an investigation because otherwise you'd have to start to admit that Trump was corrupt.

"Classified evidence", what a bunch of bullshit. I'm not asking for anything classified.

How many conversations between heads of State have been leaked as this one was?

"Show me the evidence that hasn't been ever produced like this before or since"
Trump released the transcript, silly. Every administration has leaks, especially when those administrations are engaging in abuse of their power. I think it's a good thing, otherwise administrations can be corrupt without anyone knowing about it. Where the hell have you been?

he released the full transcript after parts of it were leaked.

Nah, now that Biden is in power all leaks are bad according to hacks like you, but they won't happen because the deep state won't let it happen.

Once you call anything you don't like abuse of power, the term loses all meaning.
Are you just being pointlessly whiney? This has nothing to do with anything.

I've stated exactly why I call it an abuse of power. You're barely even making an argument against it. Just bitching and moaning and pretending things are true because you really want them to be true.

It have everything to do with "when we do it it's good, when someone else does it it's bad" the mentality of the progressive left.

You stated why you called it that, you didn't back anything up except my view that you are a SJW hack twat.

You are a fool, who deserves to die alone.
You were talking about impeachment, now you're talking about leaks.

You keep retreating, not sure if you even know you're doing it.

Losing an argument? Quick, change the subject.

Trump was using executive branch powers to go after a political opponent. You can make up excuses and pretend there was some kind of investigation into Biden, but it's not true. You just want it to be true otherwise you have to admit your orange god is corrupt.

You keep rehashing the same bullshit. It's all related, because it's all part of the same ploy by Dems to get rid of Trump via bullshit.

You can ignore what was really going on because it suits your political interests, but no one is being fooled.
I keep rehashing it because you never address it. You just start whining about something different.

The investigation Trump was asking of Ukraine was bullshit. He wasn't just asking them to investigate Biden, he was asking them to announce it publicly.

Gee, wonder why Trump would be interested in Ukraine publicly announcing a corruption investigation into Biden? Doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to figure that out. It just takes someone with an ounce of honesty, so perhaps if you know someone like that you could ask them.

I guess progressives aren't interested about potential corruption as long as it's done by progressives.
I guess progressives aren't interested about potential corruption as long as it's done by progressives.
Sure. Very interested in potential corruption.

But you don’t get to make shit up about corruption to smear your political enemies. That’s a common thing corrupt leaders do to maintain power. Our institutions are stronger than that, for the most part.
I guess progressives aren't interested about potential corruption as long as it's done by progressives.
Sure. Very interested in potential corruption.

But you don’t get to make shit up about corruption to smear your political enemies. That’s a common thing corrupt leaders do to maintain power. Our institutions are stronger than that, for the most part.

Our institutions are the ones corrupt. The Deep State shows that.

You lie about your interest in corruption, it's entirely one sided, you fucking hack-twat.
Our institutions are the ones corrupt. The Deep State shows that.

You lie about your interest in corruption, it's entirely one sided, you fucking hack-twat.
Well, if you want to complain I'm not interested in corruption, you're going to have to give me an actual example of it first.

Because Biden using leverage to fire Shokin isn't it. That's why the DoJ won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Unlike you, they aren't disconnected from reality and know that it was purely political, and so have no interest in ruining American institutions to satisfy Trump's corrupt desires.

I mean, Jesus, Trump was taking it to the nth degree as he was being flushed out of office by complaining how the DoJ wasn't going after his enemies and jailing them. How much more third world corrupt democracy could you want?
Our institutions are the ones corrupt. The Deep State shows that.

You lie about your interest in corruption, it's entirely one sided, you fucking hack-twat.
Well, if you want to complain I'm not interested in corruption, you're going to have to give me an actual example of it first.

Because Biden using leverage to fire Shokin isn't it. That's why the DoJ won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Unlike you, they aren't disconnected from reality and know that it was purely political, and so have no interest in ruining American institutions to satisfy Trump's corrupt desires.

I mean, Jesus, Trump was taking it to the nth degree as he was being flushed out of office by complaining how the DoJ wasn't going after his enemies and jailing them. How much more third world corrupt democracy could you want?

Nice attempt at explanation, you hack.

Nothing to see here move along, a son getting a cushy board job with no qualifications doesn't reek of corruption.......

Got quotes on Trump's statements? More usual 3rd hand sources?
Our institutions are the ones corrupt. The Deep State shows that.

You lie about your interest in corruption, it's entirely one sided, you fucking hack-twat.
Well, if you want to complain I'm not interested in corruption, you're going to have to give me an actual example of it first.

Because Biden using leverage to fire Shokin isn't it. That's why the DoJ won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Unlike you, they aren't disconnected from reality and know that it was purely political, and so have no interest in ruining American institutions to satisfy Trump's corrupt desires.

I mean, Jesus, Trump was taking it to the nth degree as he was being flushed out of office by complaining how the DoJ wasn't going after his enemies and jailing them. How much more third world corrupt democracy could you want?

Nice attempt at explanation, you hack.

Nothing to see here move along, a son getting a cushy board job with no qualifications doesn't reek of corruption.......

Got quotes on Trump's statements? More usual 3rd hand sources?
It would reek of corruption if you have some legitimate deliverable of US government policy to pin on Joe Biden, but you don't. The best you could come up with is that Joe Biden helped get a worthless prosecutor fired who wasn't doing anything to fight corruption.

I guess you forgot the rally call of "lock her up"?

‘Where are all of the arrests?’: Trump demands Barr lock up his foes - POLITICO

Donald Trump tweets demand to JAIL Georgia's governor Brian Kemp and secretary of state (
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.
He asked questions about the investigation into a US citizen who happened to be the corrupt son of Biden. He used leverage to protect US interests in the issue.

You idiots spun it to make it look like politics, and made a sham impeachment to jerk off to.
Ah, you mean like J'Biden did in Ukraine to oust a corrupt prosecutor.
Our institutions are the ones corrupt. The Deep State shows that.

You lie about your interest in corruption, it's entirely one sided, you fucking hack-twat.
Well, if you want to complain I'm not interested in corruption, you're going to have to give me an actual example of it first.

Because Biden using leverage to fire Shokin isn't it. That's why the DoJ won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Unlike you, they aren't disconnected from reality and know that it was purely political, and so have no interest in ruining American institutions to satisfy Trump's corrupt desires.

I mean, Jesus, Trump was taking it to the nth degree as he was being flushed out of office by complaining how the DoJ wasn't going after his enemies and jailing them. How much more third world corrupt democracy could you want?

Nice attempt at explanation, you hack.

Nothing to see here move along, a son getting a cushy board job with no qualifications doesn't reek of corruption.......

Got quotes on Trump's statements? More usual 3rd hand sources?
It would reek of corruption if you have some legitimate deliverable of US government policy to pin on Joe Biden, but you don't. The best you could come up with is that Joe Biden helped get a worthless prosecutor fired who wasn't doing anything to fight corruption.

I guess you forgot the rally call of "lock her up"?

‘Where are all of the arrests?’: Trump demands Barr lock up his foes - POLITICO

Donald Trump tweets demand to JAIL Georgia's governor Brian Kemp and secretary of state (

Spin Spin Spin, hacks like Biden are used to playing the soft corruption game and people like you give him a willing pass.

Perks of the position.

Oooh bad words hurt pussy man!
It's about the Truth, something you wouldn't want to hear if there was fraud, because again, you got what you wanted.
Seems like you don’t have a response what I actually wrote so you just keep repeating the same thing.

“The truth” was decided before the election. Trump won.

I am not saying he won with 100% certainty, I am saying I have unanswered questions on the results in several States, due to perceived shenanigans in Democrat controlled areas that resulted in a Biden "win"
He is. That’s what he’s been saying since BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This alone should tell you anything they say is extremely suspect. The perception of shenanigans is meaningless.

Again, it's only meaningless to you because you are a moronic political hack who got what you want, with Biden's cum dripping off your lips.

The perception is what matters to the millions of people who think like I do.

The perception is based on lies that people believe because Trump has severely damaged this country’s grasp on reality including yours.

You can no longer tell the difference between what is true and what you want to be true.

The perception is based on the belief that dems will do anything to win, and don't care how they do it. It's based on 4 years of them calling Trump the antichrist and expecting us to think they WOULD NEVER cheat to get rid of him.

It's based on loosening vote security using the excuse of COVID and then the votes coming in from that loosening being the ones that won it for Biden.

Quick! Somebody call that rightard a waaaaaaambulance!

Crybaby, all presidents get that treatment. Obama got it for 8 years. Bush got it for most of 8 years before that, except for the year between 9/11 and him idiotically launching a war in Iraq.

And despite your tears, it was your side who stormed the Capitol in search of politicians to kill and hoping to kill, or at least delay, certifying the election for Biden. Nothing, and I do mean nothing at all, justifies that treasonous, heinous crime against the United States of America. Your side is now the side of America's enemy.

And yet all the neighborhoods burning for months, not a word.

One day and you clowns are still overreacting to it because it suits your political interest, and it is easier to demonize than confront.
He asked questions about the investigation into a US citizen who happened to be the corrupt son of Biden. He used leverage to protect US interests in the issue.

You idiots spun it to make it look like politics, and made a sham impeachment to jerk off to.
Ah, you mean like J'Biden did in Ukraine to oust a corrupt prosecutor.

To oust a prosecutor getting to close to the family.
Quotes of hacks is quotes of hacks.
They were quotes from Trump, so yeah. He’s a hack.

But he’s your hack so no matter what you will adhere to his reality.

To paraphrase Ben Sasse, politics shouldn’t be about the weird worship of one dude.
In addition to the cop who died after having his skull crushed with a fire extinguisher, the injuries include brain, cracked ribs, smashed spinal discs, eye issues (one about to lose an eye) and one officer stabbed with a metal fence stake. To make matters worse, another one committed suicide yesterday. And yet, Republicans yet defend Donald and his murderous insurrectionist mob. Sad :confused:

Just democratic civil servants looking for disability checks.
Blame their bosses, they had advanced warning and did not call in the NG, Pretty sorry security for the US Capital

Yeah they did and did you see all the camera's that were being used?? They knew Antifa and BLM were going to be there and wanted to record it all. They used the Trump supporters. Staged? You bet.

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