Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled, experts predict

Almost 80 million people with employer health plans could find their coverage canceled because they are not compliant with ObamaCare, several experts predicted.

Their losses would be in addition to the millions who found their individual coverage cancelled for the same reason.

Stan Veuger of the American Enterprise Institute said that in addition to the individual cancellations, "at least half the people on employer plans would by 2014 start losing plans as well." There are approximately 157 million employer health care policy holders.

Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute added, "the administration estimated that approximately 78 million Americans with employer sponsored insurance would lose their existing coverage due to the Affordable Care Act."

Last week, an analysis by the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, showed the administration anticipates half to two-thirds of small businesses would have policies canceled or be compelled to send workers onto the ObamaCare exchanges. They predicted up to 100 million small and large business policies could be canceled next year.
According to projections the administration itself issued back in July 2010, it was clear officials knew the impact of ObamaCare three years ago.

In fact, according to the Federal Register, its mid-range estimate was that by the end of 2014, 76 percent of small group plans would be cancelled, along with 55 percent of large employer plans.

The reason behind the losses is that current plans don't meet the requirements of ObamaCare, which dictate that each plan must cover a list of essential benefits, whether people want them or not.

"Things like maternity care or acupuncture or extensive drug coverage," said Veuger. "And so now the law is going to force them to buy policies that they could have gotten in the past if they wanted to but they chose not to."

Some plans already have been canceled and employers are getting sticker shock at the new, higher prices under ObamaCare.

Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled, experts predict | Fox News
Good God Almighty, how many times is this bogus meme going to crop up?
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If those plans aren't up to aca regulation specs, how do you reconcile that they will be allowed to keep their plans? I cover 49 employees and the plan that I have offered, through a small business pact with several other owners, doesn't satisfy those standards.

He has yet to explain that in either thread.
Canceled is half the story....Getting a better or cheaper plan is the part they keep forgetting to mention.

Its like if David Blaine took your dollar and turned it into a $20. The OP would title it "David Blaine takes money from audience!"
Canceled is half the story....Getting a better or cheaper plan is the part they keep forgetting to mention.

Its like if David Blaine took your dollar and turned it into a $20. The OP would title it "David Blaine takes money from audience!"

That really has no relevance. The "shitty, crappy, bad" plan is subjective. My plan doesn't cover everything but it covers what I and my employees need at a lower price than sub par aca plans.
Canceled is half the story....Getting a better or cheaper plan is the part they keep forgetting to mention.

Its like if David Blaine took your dollar and turned it into a $20. The OP would title it "David Blaine takes money from audience!"

That really has no relevance. The "shitty, crappy, bad" plan is subjective. My plan doesn't cover everything but it covers what I and my employees need at a lower price than sub par aca plans.

Sure it has relevance if you're going around saying that people will lose their plan and they are getting another one.

Lies by omission
Canceled is half the story....Getting a better or cheaper plan is the part they keep forgetting to mention.

Its like if David Blaine took your dollar and turned it into a $20. The OP would title it "David Blaine takes money from audience!"

That really has no relevance. The "shitty, crappy, bad" plan is subjective. My plan doesn't cover everything but it covers what I and my employees need at a lower price than sub par aca plans.

Sure it has relevance if you're going around saying that people will lose their plan and they are getting another one.

Lies by omission

Except it isn't. There is no guarantee that an employer will be able to afford the new plan. There is no guarantee that the plan will be "better". The ONLY guarantee at this juncture, is that if you liked your plan, you can not keep your plan. Period.
Why is this thread not in the "Hate and Fear" forum? Oh, yeah, we don't have one. Maybe it's time.
Why is this thread not in the "Hate and Fear" forum? Oh, yeah, we don't have one. Maybe it's time.

Oh come on, if we were going to break down into a multitude of forums, your posts would have to be relegated to the dim and stoopid forum. Do you want that?
That really has no relevance. The "shitty, crappy, bad" plan is subjective. My plan doesn't cover everything but it covers what I and my employees need at a lower price than sub par aca plans.

Sure it has relevance if you're going around saying that people will lose their plan and they are getting another one.

Lies by omission

Except it isn't. There is no guarantee that an employer will be able to afford the new plan. There is no guarantee that the plan will be "better". The ONLY guarantee at this juncture, is that if you liked your plan, you can not keep your plan. Period.

But its possible all those things can and will happen so stop telling half the story if you want to look the least bit credible
That really has no relevance. The "shitty, crappy, bad" plan is subjective. My plan doesn't cover everything but it covers what I and my employees need at a lower price than sub par aca plans.

Sure it has relevance if you're going around saying that people will lose their plan and they are getting another one.

Lies by omission

Except it isn't. There is no guarantee that an employer will be able to afford the new plan. There is no guarantee that the plan will be "better". The ONLY guarantee at this juncture, is that if you liked your plan, you can not keep your plan. Period.

You left out keeping your doctor.
Sure it has relevance if you're going around saying that people will lose their plan and they are getting another one.

Lies by omission

Except it isn't. There is no guarantee that an employer will be able to afford the new plan. There is no guarantee that the plan will be "better". The ONLY guarantee at this juncture, is that if you liked your plan, you can not keep your plan. Period.

But its possible all those things can and will happen so stop telling half the story if you want to look the least bit credible

But most evidence is proving otherwise to date.
Sure it has relevance if you're going around saying that people will lose their plan and they are getting another one.

Lies by omission

Except it isn't. There is no guarantee that an employer will be able to afford the new plan. There is no guarantee that the plan will be "better". The ONLY guarantee at this juncture, is that if you liked your plan, you can not keep your plan. Period.

But its possible all those things can and will happen so stop telling half the story if you want to look the least bit credible

They can happen, sure. In some cases it's definitely going to happen. The 80 million dollar question is, will the people who actually make out in this be in larger numbers than those who get complettely fucked over.

So far, it doesn't look good for Democrats on rolling out the success stories vs. the casualties.

The irony? Everyone was suppose to get helped by the ACA. And quickly people are realizing that government can never keep a promise. And they can not manage to help everyone when it comes to these wealth redistribution schemes.

Frankly, I think it's a god send. Hopefully this fiasco is so bad, the American people in large droves begint o completely reject any wealth redistribution schemes forever more.
Except it isn't. There is no guarantee that an employer will be able to afford the new plan. There is no guarantee that the plan will be "better". The ONLY guarantee at this juncture, is that if you liked your plan, you can not keep your plan. Period.

But its possible all those things can and will happen so stop telling half the story if you want to look the least bit credible

But most evidence is proving otherwise to date.

Is most the same as all?

Like I said the sausage is still being made. You want to talk about grinding the pig meat when other people are looking at the bigger picture. The Sausage...people love sausage and other countries love their healthcare
Good God Almighty, how many times is this bogus meme going to crop up?

These figures come from the federal government itself.
Don't get all bent out of shape at Fox News just because they are the outlet that released the report.
Canceled is half the story....Getting a better or cheaper plan is the part they keep forgetting to mention.

Its like if David Blaine took your dollar and turned it into a $20. The OP would title it "David Blaine takes money from audience!"

That really has no relevance. The "shitty, crappy, bad" plan is subjective. My plan doesn't cover everything but it covers what I and my employees need at a lower price than sub par aca plans.

Sure it has relevance if you're going around saying that people will lose their plan and they are getting another one.

Lies by omission

Just because you claim relevance does not translate TO relevance.
Look, it is clear you are simply defending ACA because it is what you are programmed to do. You are a lib and you MUST defend the company line.

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