Almost all of us are statist Progressives

I asked what you believe. Do YOU believe that Human Rights are inherent or are granted by the State?
Immaterial. What do you believe? If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.

who is asking the government to protect those rights --LOL

the Constitution was established to protect us "the people" from the government
:lol: Statist progressive righties believe abortion generally is a denial of human rights and thus Big Government must step in to protect those rights.
no one is asking the government to protect that your thinking as a lefty is showing through once again
Your language as a righty outs you.

Progressivism is neutral in political philosophy, using politics to make changes governmentally, economically, socially or culturally.

Not now it isn't. Lefty progressives have made it partisan, and their goals have made it negative.
I asked what you believe. Do YOU believe that Human Rights are inherent or are granted by the State?
Immaterial. What do you believe? If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.

who is asking the government to protect those rights --LOL

the Constitution was established to protect us "the people" from the government
:lol: Statist progressive righties believe abortion generally is a denial of human rights and thus Big Government must step in to protect those rights.
no one is asking the government to protect that your thinking as a lefty is showing through once again
Your language as a righty outs you.

Progressivism is neutral in political philosophy, using politics to make changes governmentally, economically, socially or culturally.

progressivism is far from neutral
The funniest post of the morning: "But it is dishonest to judge them by your moral framework." I am not judging morally anyone.

Progressivism is neutrally a methodology of using Big State through politics to make social, cultural, political, and economic changes.

Almost all of us, including CrusaderFrank, are statist Progressives.

Kaz, to his credit in being constant and KevinKennedy, to his as well, is not.
Immaterial. What do you believe? If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.

who is asking the government to protect those rights --LOL

the Constitution was established to protect us "the people" from the government
:lol: Statist progressive righties believe abortion generally is a denial of human rights and thus Big Government must step in to protect those rights.
no one is asking the government to protect that your thinking as a lefty is showing through once again
Your language as a righty outs you.

Progressivism is neutral in political philosophy, using politics to make changes governmentally, economically, socially or culturally.

progressivism is far from neutral

I guess being hunter gathers is the thing for you!!!
Immaterial. What do you believe? If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.

who is asking the government to protect those rights --LOL

the Constitution was established to protect us "the people" from the government
:lol: Statist progressive righties believe abortion generally is a denial of human rights and thus Big Government must step in to protect those rights.
no one is asking the government to protect that your thinking as a lefty is showing through once again
Your language as a righty outs you.

Progressivism is neutral in political philosophy, using politics to make changes governmentally, economically, socially or culturally.

Not now it isn't. Lefty progressives have made it partisan, and their goals have made it negative.

The extremist leftist has lost all logic and comes off as a retarded idiot. Same as the anti-government rightest!

Extremist leftist = does stupid shit
Extremist rightist = does stupid shit
Matthew, you talk sense when you are not rumbling on about racialist nonsense.
Many posters at USMB mistakenly use the term "Progressive" to demonize the Left. They fail to realize that if they want Big Government to further or prohibit their pet beliefs, that they too are Progressives. Progressivism asserts that human advancements are furthered by State political activism (statism) in changing social relationships, supporting technological innovations, regulating economic improvements, and scientific development.

Progressivism is a process and active philosophy encompassing the political spectrum from far right to far left, from libertarianism to authoritarianism. Hitler (the death camps), Stalin (collective agriculture), American pro-life (insisting on government prohibition of abortion) or anti-Marriage Equality, the Civil Rights Act, the Fair Housing Act, segregation in the American South – all are examples of Progressivism. All used politics in Big Government to change government, or society, or culture or economy to further the achievement of desired goals.

In America, certain of the left refer to themselves as Progressives in a limited, liberal sense. Some of their enemies demean them as such, not aware that they too are progressives in the operative sense of the word if they use Big Government to achieve their goals.

It's true. We call them Progressive Republicans. There are several running for election right now:

Jeb Bush
Donald Trump
Mike Huckabee

None of whom will get my vote. i don't like Progressives no matter what letter follows their name.
So are Perry, Cruz, Santorum, and that ilk that want to us Big Government to enforce their moral and social views.
If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.

Funny, I agree with the OP. But if this is your definition of a progressive statist, you're equivocating (again) and offering nothing of substance.
If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.
Funny, I agree with the OP. But if this is your definition of a progressive statist, you're equivocating (again) and offering nothing of substance.
You, of course, agree with the OP, because yet again am right. I gave examples above. If you use big government to push your secular or religious morals, then you are a progressive statists. If a libertarian wants the IRS abandoned, he is a progressive right wing statist.
If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.
Funny, I agree with the OP. But if this is your definition of a progressive statist, you're equivocating (again) and offering nothing of substance.
You, of course, agree with the OP, because yet again am right. I gave examples above. If you use big government to push your secular or religious morals, then you are a progressive statists. If a libertarian wants the IRS abandoned, he is a progressive right wing statist.
Heh, you just can't resist the stupid word games. Libertarian is the opposite of statist.
If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.
Funny, I agree with the OP. But if this is your definition of a progressive statist, you're equivocating (again) and offering nothing of substance.
You, of course, agree with the OP, because yet again am right. I gave examples above. If you use big government to push your secular or religious morals, then you are a progressive statists. If a libertarian wants the IRS abandoned, he is a progressive right wing statist.
Heh, you just can't resist the stupid word games. Libertarian is the opposite of statist.
If a libertarian wants to get rid of the IRS, once again, or the direct election of Senators, he is advocating progressive statism as the methodology to do it. You can't get away from the fact that is a methodology for change by politics in the modern world.
If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.
Funny, I agree with the OP. But if this is your definition of a progressive statist, you're equivocating (again) and offering nothing of substance.
You, of course, agree with the OP, because yet again am right. I gave examples above. If you use big government to push your secular or religious morals, then you are a progressive statists. If a libertarian wants the IRS abandoned, he is a progressive right wing statist.
Heh, you just can't resist the stupid word games. Libertarian is the opposite of statist.
If a libertarian wants to get rid of the IRS, once again, or the direct election of Senators, he is advocating progressive statism as the methodology to do it. You can't get away from the fact that is a methodology for change by politics in the modern world.

Yeah, you can get away from that non-fact by appealing the actual definition of statism, rather than your bullshit word salad. I'll go with the first thing that pops up on a google search instead:

which is the opposite of libertarians, who want minimal centralized control over social and economic affairs.

You're trying obfuscate the term "statist" because you are one. Which is why you can't tolerate libertarians.
If you believe they are inalienable, granted by God, and you wish to use the government to protect those rights, then you are a progressive statist.
Funny, I agree with the OP. But if this is your definition of a progressive statist, you're equivocating (again) and offering nothing of substance.
You, of course, agree with the OP, because yet again am right. I gave examples above. If you use big government to push your secular or religious morals, then you are a progressive statists. If a libertarian wants the IRS abandoned, he is a progressive right wing statist.
Heh, you just can't resist the stupid word games. Libertarian is the opposite of statist.
If a libertarian wants to get rid of the IRS, once again, or the direct election of Senators, he is advocating progressive statism as the methodology to do it. You can't get away from the fact that is a methodology for change by politics in the modern world.
Yeah, you can get away from that non-fact by appealing the actual definition of statism, rather than your bullshit word salad. I'll go with the first thing that pops up on a google search instead:
which is the opposite of libertarians, who want minimal centralized control over social and economic affairs. You're trying obfuscate the term "statist" because you are one. Which is why you can't tolerate libertarians.
By your definition, 98% of American, the non-libertarians, are progressive statists. We know why your type, so many of you, wanted a very minimal governmental control. That's why we have nothing to do with you in real, daily life. We know what you are. Tis what it is. Who cares?
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. " -- C. S. Lewis
Love Lewis! But his remarks do not apply to the methodology of 20th century progressiveness in a We the People constitutional republic. This is how we govern and have for more than a century.
By your definition, 98% of American, the non-libertarians, are progressive statists.

I've offered no definition of "progressive", but by the definition that topped the google search, most Republicans and Democrats are statists. I wouldn't put the number quite as high as 98%, but a solid majority of Americans today seem to have forgotten the virtues of constitutionally limited government. That's why I initially agreed with your OP, before you started in with the usual Fakey two-step.
Love Lewis! But his remarks do not apply to the methodology of 20th century progressiveness in a We the People constitutional republic. This is how we govern and have for more than a century.

They apply directly, and were aimed at it quite deliberately.

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