Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

We saw this coming when Trump gave his $1.5 trillion tax cut with a 40 percent cut in Corporate tax rates

Very little managed to trickle down to the workers
If you had good plans yourself you would not have to cheat to get elected. You are direct with your taxes and such. Right to the peasants. Screw the trickle, its a blood bath with you. But you do manage to gripe about the rich without doing a damn thing about it. For years and decades and more decades. The first two years of the Obama administration was there for the taking. Massive differences in seats against Repubs in the congress. You did nothing. You did add another nice big tax in Obamacare with even a soviet style penalty and we thank you. You did what you are programmed to do. Before the boomer generation dies out, the Obama pain pill will be used in lieu of hospital treatment for expense reasons. But you will be on agendas only dreamed about right now. The eco green movement will provide many jobs even if it doesn't work as advertised and it won't....for the Chinese.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Of course its completely escaped your biased ass that some people are only qualified for low paying jobs.

What. You think everyone should be paid a six figure salary if they aren't qualified for that salary.

Bet your ass was overpaid when you sucked the Govt. tit.

Your a fool.
Of course its completely escaped your biased ass that some people are only qualified for low paying jobs.
What explains rising levels of underemployment?

"The underemployment rate for recent college graduates is higher today than it was in the early 2000s.

"More people are working in jobs they’re overqualified for in order to make ends meet, taking jobs that don’t require a college degree.

"That’s despite a decade of low unemployment and economic growth and stock market highs."

Underemployment for recent grads worse today than in early 2000s
That is a good question but if you have no advancement then like me you create your own business...

Unfortunately many are not me and never pay a fair wage...
Again you offer individual solutions to a society wide economic problem
We are talking 55 million employees. Most new businesses fail. Only about 5 million are successful each year
If only we could make Ears president for life, all would be peaches and cream.
Be better off than with Crooked Donnie
Don’t think so. No potus saw greater income inequality than your Messiah.

you posted no evidence of that claim.

I think it is a lie.

In fact...until YOU find and post any data that backs up your assertion I shall merely consider it yet another in a long stream of conservative lies.
Oh please. Really?

I bet you consume a lot of government run media.

The war criminal W had it really really bad...then Ears made it worse.
Income Inequality Worse Under Obama Than George W. Bush | HuffPost
We sold out to supply side economics. Create an economy that favors business over labor. Assume business will do what is right and take care of those who make their profit.

Why would anyone assume that?? The last thing I'd want is for my employer to function as my caretaker.

So you are willing to work for free?
That is a good question but if you have no advancement then like me you create your own business...

Unfortunately many are not me and never pay a fair wage...
Again you offer individual solutions to a society wide economic problem
We are talking 55 million employees. Most new businesses fail. Only about 5 million are successful each year
If only we could make Ears president for life, all would be peaches and cream.
Be better off than with Crooked Donnie
Don’t think so. No potus saw greater income inequality than your Messiah.

you posted no evidence of that claim.

I think it is a lie.

In fact...until YOU find and post any data that backs up your assertion I shall merely consider it yet another in a long stream of conservative lies.

It is a lie. According to a report from the CB in September of this year income inequality is at its highest level since they started tracking it more than 50 years ago
Again you offer individual solutions to a society wide economic problem
We are talking 55 million employees. Most new businesses fail. Only about 5 million are successful each year
If only we could make Ears president for life, all would be peaches and cream.
Be better off than with Crooked Donnie
Don’t think so. No potus saw greater income inequality than your Messiah.

you posted no evidence of that claim.

I think it is a lie.

In fact...until YOU find and post any data that backs up your assertion I shall merely consider it yet another in a long stream of conservative lies.

It is a lie. According to a report from the CB in September of this year income inequality is at its highest level since they started tracking it more than 50 years ago

And? Do you think people with high incomes are stealing?
We saw this coming when Trump gave his $1.5 trillion tax cut with a 40 percent cut in Corporate tax rates

Very little managed to trickle down to the workers
If you had good plans yourself you would not have to cheat to get elected. You are direct with your taxes and such. Right to the peasants. Screw the trickle, its a blood bath with you. But you do manage to gripe about the rich without doing a damn thing about it. For years and decades and more decades. The first two years of the Obama administration was there for the taking. Massive differences in seats against Repubs in the congress. You did nothing. You did add another nice big tax in Obamacare with even a soviet style penalty and we thank you. You did what you are programmed to do. Before the boomer generation dies out, the Obama pain pill will be used in lieu of hospital treatment for expense reasons. But you will be on agendas only dreamed about right now. The eco green movement will provide many jobs even if it doesn't work as advertised and it won't....for the Chinese.

The biggest problem with your wandering screed is the Golden Rule

He who has the gold, makes the rules
If only we could make Ears president for life, all would be peaches and cream.
Be better off than with Crooked Donnie
Don’t think so. No potus saw greater income inequality than your Messiah.

you posted no evidence of that claim.

I think it is a lie.

In fact...until YOU find and post any data that backs up your assertion I shall merely consider it yet another in a long stream of conservative lies.

It is a lie. According to a report from the CB in September of this year income inequality is at its highest level since they started tracking it more than 50 years ago

And? Do you think people with high incomes are stealing?

Not at all, just do not like false information being passed off as fact.
Can you believe it? During the eight long, long Obama years Americans couldn't even get low paying jobs.

This is why I like the idea of a Universal Basic Income proposed by Democrat candidate Andrew Yang. Every American regardless of income level, both the employed and unemployed get $1000 month from the government. I think its one of the most brillant ideas heard in long time.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Ok, what would Democrats’ plan be to change that? They WANT to eliminate the Trump tax cuts but how will they do that and keep UE low while raising wages?

This article and your share of it is simply class warfare. It accomplishes nothing except for those vested into transforming this Nation into yet another failed Socialist country.
Nobody is forced to apply for these low wage jobs. Many of them don't need to be done anyway. If they go unfilled it's because they aren't all that critical.
Be better off than with Crooked Donnie
Don’t think so. No potus saw greater income inequality than your Messiah.

you posted no evidence of that claim.

I think it is a lie.

In fact...until YOU find and post any data that backs up your assertion I shall merely consider it yet another in a long stream of conservative lies.

It is a lie. According to a report from the CB in September of this year income inequality is at its highest level since they started tracking it more than 50 years ago

And? Do you think people with high incomes are stealing?

Not at all, just do not like false information being passed off as fact.

And I don't respect the socialist argument that acquiring wealth is inherently criminal or wrong.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

And guess who the majority of these folks vote isn't Trump and Republicans. Those of us that are more successful(e.g motivated, intelligent, innovative, etc.) know what is best for the US and the overall economy vote for Republicans and Trump. Those not making it aren't typically the ones I would trust for advice on how to be successful. Those folks are lemmings and vote for the "free" stuff because they aren't able to see another way out. Dont be a lemming.
Don’t think so. No potus saw greater income inequality than your Messiah.

you posted no evidence of that claim.

I think it is a lie.

In fact...until YOU find and post any data that backs up your assertion I shall merely consider it yet another in a long stream of conservative lies.

It is a lie. According to a report from the CB in September of this year income inequality is at its highest level since they started tracking it more than 50 years ago

And? Do you think people with high incomes are stealing?

Not at all, just do not like false information being passed off as fact.

And I don't respect the socialist argument that acquiring wealth is inherently criminal or wrong.

neither do I, I am doing me best to acquire as much as I can.

Passing false information does not help the cause
Can you believe it? During the eight long, long Obama years Americans couldn't even get low paying jobs.

This is why I like the idea of a Universal Basic Income proposed by Democrat candidate Andrew Yang. Every American regardless of income level, both the employed and unemployed get $1000 month from the government. I think its one of the most brillant ideas heard in long time.

That wouldn't be so bad if they could resist using it as leverage to control people. Yang completely lost me with his "social digital credits" nonsense, which makes it clear that he does want to use government benefits to control people.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

So it's Trump's fault they don't have enough ambition to better themselves?


No, it's Trump's fault for promising them a $4000 raise from the corporate tax cuts, and that their wages would go up.

Wages at my company went up. Had you actually worked for a living, yours probably would hive also.
1) 16 to 18 bucks an hour is low pay. Not middle class. Middle class requires 25 an hour minimum.
2). If your truck driving company is having trouble finding drivers it's a bad place to work. People are avoiding it for better places.
3) The job market is full of qualified workers who are willing to work until severe exhaustion. They are easy to find.

That depends on where you live. In my state, with a lower cost of living 16-8 bucks is above average for starting pay, even in manufacturing.

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