Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

We saw this coming when Trump gave his $1.5 trillion tax cut with a 40 percent cut in Corporate tax rates

Very little managed to trickle down to the workers

That's right, remove the Cheeto and raise taxes and you will finally have your Progressive utopia as you eat caviar every night.
And the lowest paid workers are getting the highest wage increases in the Trump economy.

Seems to contradict the leftist fairy tale that only the rich benefited from Trump's tax cuts.
If you pay more you always get more productive workers. Pay equals productivity. No way I'd ever work for something like $18 hour. Comparable to nothing.

You have education and experience that warrants more pay. Most do not.

Every "poor" person I know has at least one of these characteristics:

1) Drugs
2) Criminal
3) does not even have a GED
4) Overweight
5) Laziness

The top 4 are what keeps the vast majority of people out of the military when they want to join.
American workers need to accept the fact that the less they make, the more the boss gets to keep, and the more the boss gets to keep, the more He can trickle down upon them and improve their lives.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,


One question.

Is that higher, lower, or about the same as previous presidents?
Higher. inequality and upward Mobility just keeps getting worse and worse because of GOP tax rates, a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. only brainwashed ignoramuses make this possible. 4 30 years now. Because of reconciliation and filibuster rules written by the GOP oh, it take 60 votes for reform but only 51 to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Great job.

got a link showing it higher than previous presidents?
Since 1982 inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse. End of story. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. that's what happens when you don't tax the rich and giant corporations enough. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. My phone doesn't do links anymore....
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Yes, so what are State Governments doing to help their workforce to become more productive in life?

What are State Governments doing to help entrepreneurs to gain loans to start small businesses?

Forget Federal and it is the State and Local Governments job to bring their society out of this issue.
Seems like a chicken or the egg problem

Are workers low wage because they don’t have the skills for higher wages or are they low wage because they have no advancement opportunities?

That is a good question but if you have no advancement then like me you create your own business...

Unfortunately many are not me and never pay a fair wage...
Again you offer individual solutions to a society wide economic problem
We are talking 55 million employees. Most new businesses fail. Only about 5 million are successful each year

And there will always be poor people...

You can bot make everyone equal and if you believe you can let me be clear you can take all the Billionaires money and what will replace them will be the Politician.

Also people working low end jobs the majority of the time are illegals, the uneducated and those with criminal or substance abuse issues.

You can not demand a company to promote an employ just because you feel they deserve it.

At times an employee will be passed over because of politics within the company and usually that employee can find another higher paying job.

Also what you fail to grasp a State and Local government can run programs that can put people back through school and educate the lower earning employees into fields that will garner them higher paying jobs but you prefer the Federal Government to do this for some reason.

So get after your Local and State Governments and help those people you deem needing help to rise out of poverty...
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,


One question.

Is that higher, lower, or about the same as previous presidents?
Higher. inequality and upward Mobility just keeps getting worse and worse because of GOP tax rates, a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. only brainwashed ignoramuses make this possible. 4 30 years now. Because of reconciliation and filibuster rules written by the GOP oh, it take 60 votes for reform but only 51 to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Great job.

got a link showing it higher than previous presidents?
Since 1982 inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse. End of story. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. that's what happens when you don't tax the rich and giant corporations enough. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. My phone doesn't do links anymore....

Since 1982 there has been two Democratic Presidents and the House has been held by the Democrats a few times, so why are the GOP the only ones to blame?
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,


One question.

Is that higher, lower, or about the same as previous presidents?
Higher. inequality and upward Mobility just keeps getting worse and worse because of GOP tax rates, a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. only brainwashed ignoramuses make this possible. 4 30 years now. Because of reconciliation and filibuster rules written by the GOP oh, it take 60 votes for reform but only 51 to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Great job.

got a link showing it higher than previous presidents?
Since 1982 inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse. End of story. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. that's what happens when you don't tax the rich and giant corporations enough. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. My phone doesn't do links anymore....

Except that all the graphs show this shit starting way before that.

SO, your cause and effect claim are just not true.
Yes, so what are State Governments doing to help their workforce to become more productive in life?

What are State Governments doing to help entrepreneurs to gain loans to start small businesses?

Forget Federal and it is the State and Local Governments job to bring their society out of this issue.
Seems like a chicken or the egg problem

Are workers low wage because they don’t have the skills for higher wages or are they low wage because they have no advancement opportunities?

That is a good question but if you have no advancement then like me you create your own business...

Unfortunately many are not me and never pay a fair wage...
Again you offer individual solutions to a society wide economic problem
We are talking 55 million employees. Most new businesses fail. Only about 5 million are successful each year
If only we could make Ears president for life, all would be peaches and cream.
Be better off than with Crooked Donnie

No, it would be the same but you would be excusing Obama instead of attacking...
And the lowest paid workers are getting the highest wage increases in the Trump economy.

Seems to contradict the leftist fairy tale that only the rich benefited from Trump's tax cuts.

Trump lies. Do not believe him.

It is true that inflation-adjusted wages (average weekly for production and nonsupervisory workers) peaked in February 1973 at $345.95, and then fluctuated but generally declined, hitting a low point of $263.73 in January 1996. They have again fluctuated since, but they’ve been on a general upward trend. They have increased 2.4% since Trump took office, from an average $308.21 per week to $315.74 per week in May, the most recent figures available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Technical note: All wage figures cited in this story from BLS are calculated in 1982-84 dollars – not current 2019 dollars.

During Obama’s last four years in office the average weekly earnings for production and nonsupervisory workers went up 4.9%. Over Obama’s entire two-term tenure, wages were up 4.2%.

Over President George W. Bush’s eight years in office, wages also increased by 4.2%, and under President Bill Clinton, they went up by 6.4%. (Real average weekly earnings for all private sector employees, including supervisors, shows a similar trend, though BLS only has published statistics going back to 2006. Those figures are up 2.3% under Trump, 3.9% under Obama’s second term and 4% over his eight years in office.)
Are Wages Rising or Flat?
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
You are never going to get that big raise unless you clean more toilets and get off of The USMB. BTW, some kid puked in the hallway, so take care of that will you?
Lower wage jobs are low wage because the employer is not looking for a good quality person. They ideally want high turnover and less productive people.

You can tell that you never hired anyone for a business. What you said is ridiculous.!

Employers want quality people and pay them according to their worth or they lose them.
Those were the good old days.... Now we have a bunch of marketing and sales geniuses who believe in screwing over the workers. you can do that when you have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and always getting worse under these GOP tax rates. A giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else.
Lots of businesses have high turnover. Productivity is always linked to pay. Want someone to show up pay $10. Want someone to work hard pay $25. That's econ 101.

Want someone to show up for work? Pay them $10 an hour and then fire them when they don't.

My wife's company starts out at about the same pay as mine. The difference? We actually expect people to show up, do their job, and get paid. Our company requires a certain skill set and experience. Her company cannot get anyone to show up to work on a regular basis and then has to fire them because they don't. Her company's employees have a skill set that is easily replaced. We have not had to hire anyone in over 6 months. My wife, who has been there for about 10 years, gets overworked because the turnover at her job is ridiculously high. They lose about half their work force in a six month period due to not showing up and drugs. That causes many experienced and qualified people to leave because of mismanagement.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Ok, what would Democrats’ plan be to change that? They WANT to eliminate the Trump tax cuts but how will they do that and keep UE low while raising wages?

This article and your share of it is simply class warfare. It accomplishes nothing except for those vested into transforming this Nation into yet another failed Socialist country.
Is it class warfare to point out a growing disconnect between the compensation of workers and the profits of employers?
And the lowest paid workers are getting the highest wage increases in the Trump economy.

Seems to contradict the leftist fairy tale that only the rich benefited from Trump's tax cuts.

Trump lies. Do not believe him.

It is true that inflation-adjusted wages (average weekly for production and nonsupervisory workers) peaked in February 1973 at $345.95, and then fluctuated but generally declined, hitting a low point of $263.73 in January 1996. They have again fluctuated since, but they’ve been on a general upward trend. They have increased 2.4% since Trump took office, from an average $308.21 per week to $315.74 per week in May, the most recent figures available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Technical note: All wage figures cited in this story from BLS are calculated in 1982-84 dollars – not current 2019 dollars.

During Obama’s last four years in office the average weekly earnings for production and nonsupervisory workers went up 4.9%. Over Obama’s entire two-term tenure, wages were up 4.2%.

Over President George W. Bush’s eight years in office, wages also increased by 4.2%, and under President Bill Clinton, they went up by 6.4%. (Real average weekly earnings for all private sector employees, including supervisors, shows a similar trend, though BLS only has published statistics going back to 2006. Those figures are up 2.3% under Trump, 3.9% under Obama’s second term and 4% over his eight years in office.)
Are Wages Rising or Flat?

It is cool the way you cite an average wage number, to counter Diva's point about low end wages.

For a liberal, that was a pretty good argument. YOu actually were on a related issue. You managed to refrain from calling some one a racist, for one post in a row.

And that is all we can expect from you. You should knock off for the day. You don't want to over do it.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
You are never going to get that big raise unless you clean more toilets and get off of The USMB. BTW, some kid puked in the hallway, so take care of that will you?
Yes yes yes, super duper, everyone just got lazy and stupid all of a sudden, it has nothing to do with the GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else the last 35 years. Only the brainwash makes your idiocy possible...
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Ok, what would Democrats’ plan be to change that? They WANT to eliminate the Trump tax cuts but how will they do that and keep UE low while raising wages?

This article and your share of it is simply class warfare. It accomplishes nothing except for those vested into transforming this Nation into yet another failed Socialist country.
Is it class warfare to point out a growing disconnect between the compensation of workers and the profits of employers?

No, it is class warfare to pretend it is a some evil plan of the rich, that just started under the new rich guy,

while ignoring the actual causes that go back to the early 70s.

You could lynch Trump and implement your socialist utopia, and the trends would not change in the slightest.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
Businesses don't pay higher wages today because they don't have to. Labor unions are all but gone in many sectors. Rather than pay higher wages, many businesses have the option of sending jobs overseas or automating. Many businesses operate on a very short time horizon, that is there is their goal is producing as much income now with little concern for the future. Thus when the business hires it has little interest in an employee's potential in 5 years. Likewise the employee tends have little interest in the business because the business is likely to be bought out, radically changed, or go under. Quoting my grandson, life is just one shitty job after another.

That is classic liberal thinking. You apparently have trained your grandson to be a wimp.

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