Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

What's cool is that I have facts and links while Diva just spouts what Fox told her to say.

Blue-Collar U.S. Workers Enjoy Highest Wage Growth in Trump Economy

you rang?....

For more than a year, Breitbart News has chronicled how Trump’s tightening of the labor market — mostly through reducing foreign worker competition against Americans — has given U.S. workers power in the economy over their employers

meaning i'll speak more english on larger jobs :11:

but this is supply/demand 101

The Trump administration did not create more jobs, just the demand for existing ones...

Is it proper to look at this wage situation on a national level when over the past 40 years these trade deals has provided the economy with an international scope? Back then our politicians promoted going from an industrial economy to a service economy just before the dawn of the personal computer age that propagates self serve form of doing business.

the variables of any economy transcend any one point in time

but try telling that to those that vet everything through the lens of partisanship

Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,


One question.

Is that higher, lower, or about the same as previous presidents?
Higher. inequality and upward Mobility just keeps getting worse and worse because of GOP tax rates, a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. only brainwashed ignoramuses make this possible. 4 30 years now. Because of reconciliation and filibuster rules written by the GOP oh, it take 60 votes for reform but only 51 to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Great job.

got a link showing it higher than previous presidents?
Since 1982 inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse. End of story. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. that's what happens when you don't tax the rich and giant corporations enough. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. My phone doesn't do links anymore....

Since 1982 inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse. End of story.
and since that time, government has been about equally held by the democrats and republicans, as shown by my chart.

Without something concrete to back up your assertation, it's opinion only.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Ok, what would Democrats’ plan be to change that? They WANT to eliminate the Trump tax cuts but how will they do that and keep UE low while raising wages?

This article and your share of it is simply class warfare. It accomplishes nothing except for those vested into transforming this Nation into yet another failed Socialist country.
Is it class warfare to point out a growing disconnect between the compensation of workers and the profits of employers?

No, it is class warfare to pretend it is a some evil plan of the rich, that just started under the new rich guy,

while ignoring the actual causes that go back to the early 70s.

You could lynch Trump and implement your socialist utopia, and the trends would not change in the slightest.
It is an evil plan of the rich

Maintain a lowly paid workforce that is afraid to lose their jobs
Abolish unions and make each employee fend for themselves
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Ok, what would Democrats’ plan be to change that? They WANT to eliminate the Trump tax cuts but how will they do that and keep UE low while raising wages?

This article and your share of it is simply class warfare. It accomplishes nothing except for those vested into transforming this Nation into yet another failed Socialist country.
Is it class warfare to point out a growing disconnect between the compensation of workers and the profits of employers?

No, it is class warfare to pretend it is a some evil plan of the rich, that just started under the new rich guy,

while ignoring the actual causes that go back to the early 70s.

You could lynch Trump and implement your socialist utopia, and the trends would not change in the slightest.
It is an evil plan of the rich

Maintain a lowly paid workforce that is afraid to lose their jobs
Abolish unions and make each employee fend for themselves

Yes, comrade Marx, we must kill the evil rich and the evil Joooooos
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Ok, what would Democrats’ plan be to change that? They WANT to eliminate the Trump tax cuts but how will they do that and keep UE low while raising wages?

This article and your share of it is simply class warfare. It accomplishes nothing except for those vested into transforming this Nation into yet another failed Socialist country.
Is it class warfare to point out a growing disconnect between the compensation of workers and the profits of employers?

No, it is class warfare to pretend it is a some evil plan of the rich, that just started under the new rich guy,

while ignoring the actual causes that go back to the early 70s.

You could lynch Trump and implement your socialist utopia, and the trends would not change in the slightest.
It is an evil plan of the rich

Maintain a lowly paid workforce that is afraid to lose their jobs
Abolish unions and make each employee fend for themselves
Given your intelligence, this is a wise career path for you

Of course, you will eventually lose your job to the Illegal Alien Brown Latino Slaves The Wealthy Leftist Elites are importing to replace you, but between now and then, you will have plenty of toilets to clean before you end up in the unemployment line.

It is an evil plan of the rich

Maintain a lowly paid workforce that is afraid to lose their jobs
Abolish unions and make each employee fend for themselves

As soon as you're born they make your fees small

By loaning you chump change instead of it all
Till your debts are so big you feel nothing at all

A working class zero is something to be
A working class zero is something to be

They hurl stats upon you they don’t teach in school
They hate you if you're clever ,not worker ant tool
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules

A working class zero is something to be
A working class zero is something to be

~S~ (w/apologies to Mr Lennon & comrade Marx)
Higher. inequality and upward Mobility just keeps getting worse and worse because of GOP tax rates, a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. only brainwashed ignoramuses make this possible. 4 30 years now. Because of reconciliation and filibuster rules written by the GOP oh, it take 60 votes for reform but only 51 to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Great job.

got a link showing it higher than previous presidents?
Since 1982 inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse. End of story. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. that's what happens when you don't tax the rich and giant corporations enough. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. My phone doesn't do links anymore....

Since 1982 there has been two Democratic Presidents and the House has been held by the Democrats a few times, so why are the GOP the only ones to blame?
because they are the ones who passed our ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster rules that mean that it takes 60 votes for reform but only 51 votes for cutting taxes on the rich and cutting services for everyone else. Period. So the Republicans cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else with 51 votes, and that's all they care about by the way, Dupe. And the Democrats have had 60 votes in the Senate and unity 4 35 days under Obama in the middle of a GOP World depression meltdown in the last 50 years.

Awww, it is always the other side fault and compromise is never allow with radicals.

Fact is Clinton and Obama did nothing to forward your agenda to make Politicians the only ones with any form of riches while the rest suffer.

Fact is you have to give and take and States can raise taxes on corporations and tax to help fund programs within their states, so why are so many States failing their people?

Why hasn't California taken all the money from those rich people in their state and redistributed to the poor?

Simple, Democrats are also owned by the rich and their promises are empty like their voter base heads!

Actually, it's because they know those industries would leave their state, and head for higher grounds in a lower taxed state.

Here, the all Democrat Cleveland Council brought up the idea of a $15.00 minimum wage. They voted down their own idea. Why? Because they were afraid of losing businesses to the suburbs. So then their next idea was to address the county with their plan, but the county rejected it for the same reason; businesses would move to counties outside of ours.

They finally dropped the idea altogether.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,


One question.

Is that higher, lower, or about the same as previous presidents?

According to the US dept. of Labor, the wage level has increased, not decreased under Trump.


Workers at the lower end of the pay scale finally are getting the most benefit from rising wages

Big whoop. If you make $10.00 per hour, and you get a 4% raise, that's $16.00 per week. That's your ":big raises" for the working class. That\s not going to get me off food stamps.

What will get you off of food stamps is to get a better paying job, which are all around these days. I don't know anybody who works for ten bucks an hour.
"Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs"

The remaining half of the minimum wage earner is being overpaid. :)
Last edited:
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
WOW at least they have a job
We've Crossed The Tipping Point; Most Americans Now Receive Government Benefits

That article is from 2014

which may mean it's worse now......~S~

Except that would be a lie!
Things will just get worse under these ridiculous tax rates and policy until a Democrat gets in with control. And not in the middle of a GOP corrupt economic meltdown.... If that is possible LOL
Poor Frankie are you afraid of being forced to have to go back to work?

If you are insinuating that wages should go up with profit, then you get a job that has profit sharing as a benefit. Since most companies no longer offer that as a benefit, then if your company is making really good profits, buy their stock and you can share the wealth that way.

Oh, you can't do that. You just want everything for free.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,


One question.

Is that higher, lower, or about the same as previous presidents?
I'd guess the same, but the dems do advocate more progressive taxes so lower earners have better access to healthcare and education. So RWers comment on the gop taxcuts going mostly to the 1% are relevant.
Can you believe it? During the eight long, long Obama years Americans couldn't even get low paying jobs.

This is why I like the idea of a Universal Basic Income proposed by Democrat candidate Andrew Yang. Every American regardless of income level, both the employed and unemployed get $1000 month from the government. I think its one of the most brillant ideas heard in long time.

Actually it's not a new idea at all. It's been around for years in other countries, but nobody has actually tried it out yet to my knowledge.

Universal Income could be a good idea if we used it to replace all our social programs. That means no more SS, no more Medicare, no more Medicaid, no more HUD, no more anything. Just Universal Income. It would solve many of the problems we have today.
We saw this coming when Trump gave his $1.5 trillion tax cut with a 40 percent cut in Corporate tax rates

Very little managed to trickle down to the workers
If you had good plans yourself you would not have to cheat to get elected. You are direct with your taxes and such. Right to the peasants. Screw the trickle, its a blood bath with you. But you do manage to gripe about the rich without doing a damn thing about it. For years and decades and more decades. The first two years of the Obama administration was there for the taking. Massive differences in seats against Repubs in the congress. You did nothing. You did add another nice big tax in Obamacare with even a soviet style penalty and we thank you. You did what you are programmed to do. Before the boomer generation dies out, the Obama pain pill will be used in lieu of hospital treatment for expense reasons. But you will be on agendas only dreamed about right now. The eco green movement will provide many jobs even if it doesn't work as advertised and it won't....for the Chinese.

The biggest problem with your wandering screed is the Golden Rule

He who has the gold, makes the rules

So who else should make the rules, those without the gold???
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Ok, what would Democrats’ plan be to change that? They WANT to eliminate the Trump tax cuts but how will they do that and keep UE low while raising wages?

This article and your share of it is simply class warfare. It accomplishes nothing except for those vested into transforming this Nation into yet another failed Socialist country.
Is it class warfare to point out a growing disconnect between the compensation of workers and the profits of employers?

It depends. In most of the scenarios when the disparity or income inequality is “exposed”, it is simply that. I am not going to deny that income inequality exists. I am also going to argue that it creates incentive and opportunity....things we don’t see in the more socialist economies. I have yet to see where punishing employers and high income earners with tax cut eliminations and arbitrary minimum wage increases result in sustained low un employment and low cost of capital.
If only we could make Ears president for life, all would be peaches and cream.
Be better off than with Crooked Donnie
Don’t think so. No potus saw greater income inequality than your Messiah.

you posted no evidence of that claim.

I think it is a lie.

In fact...until YOU find and post any data that backs up your assertion I shall merely consider it yet another in a long stream of conservative lies.

It is a lie. According to a report from the CB in September of this year income inequality is at its highest level since they started tracking it more than 50 years ago

And? Do you think people with high incomes are stealing?

Not the way you are suggesting.....

look at this way.......................

capitalism is like a game where the TOP winners get LOTS of money and then as you go down the ladder you make significantly less until you reach a point LOWER than the actual cost of living.....

they have recently added a new twist; musical jobs....

as they play the tunes we dance to (for whatever money they toss us) they remove jobs so there are fewer jobs to compete for!

result: some "SUPER RICH", a lot of "WELL OFF", lots of "DOING FINE", lots more of "we have to tighten our belts" and lots of "I need to work 2 jobs just to keep the lights on"

Imagine if capitalism was like golf; in a golf match even the lowest paid player gets enough to keep the lights on.

Now, remember, this system of payouts is NOT a mysterious force that we can't do anything about.

it is a system is created by and utilized by the top players.

ex: bob is the boss of company ABC

ABC made 20 million in profits last year
so bob gave himself 10 million
and the top 9 corporate heads all got 1 million

leaving 1 million to split between 500 employees

that was NOT a force of nature making that decision

it was the guys with the power to make that decision who made it.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
Per your link, median income for family of 4 is 66,500. Trump is cutting off food stamps and lunches for families of 4 making 50,000.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
How does this correlate with Trump or his actions?
Be better off than with Crooked Donnie
Don’t think so. No potus saw greater income inequality than your Messiah.

you posted no evidence of that claim.

I think it is a lie.

In fact...until YOU find and post any data that backs up your assertion I shall merely consider it yet another in a long stream of conservative lies.

It is a lie. According to a report from the CB in September of this year income inequality is at its highest level since they started tracking it more than 50 years ago

And? Do you think people with high incomes are stealing?

Not the way you are suggesting.....

look at this way.......................

capitalism is like a game where the TOP winners get LOTS of money and then as you go down the ladder you make significantly less until you reach a point LOWER than the actual cost of living.....

they have recently added a new twist; musical jobs....

as they play the tunes we dance to (for whatever money they toss us) they remove jobs so there are fewer jobs to compete for!

result: some "SUPER RICH", a lot of "WELL OFF", lots of "DOING FINE", lots more of "we have to tighten our belts" and lots of "I need to work 2 jobs just to keep the lights on"

Imagine if capitalism was like golf; in a golf match even the lowest paid player gets enough to keep the lights on.

Now, remember, this system of payouts is NOT a mysterious force that we can't do anything about.

it is a system is created by and utilized by the top players.

ex: bob is the boss of company ABC

ABC made 20 million in profits last year
so bob gave himself 10 million
and the top 9 corporate heads all got 1 million

leaving 1 million to split between 500 employees

that was NOT a force of nature making that decision

it was the guys with the power to make that decision who made it.

Couldn't really track your stream-of-consciousness post. Can you sum all that up to an actual point?

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