Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

Not exactly millions:

These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

But the AFL-CIO report neglected to include the average salary for all CEOs in the U.S. in 2016, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $194,350. These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

It was only in the third paragraph of my link.
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.

Who gets better pay? The point is that everybody gets paid what they are worth, not based on what the main players make. You complain about Chinese made products, but I'm willing to bet you would never pay $3,000 for a flat screen television made in the US compared to a similar television made overseas for $1,200.

Producers only produce products Americans want, and we as the American consumers demand cheap products, regardless where they are made, or even the quality of the item.

When you and all those people at Walmart demand better made US products, that's when you'll see them on the shelves. Until that time, you can't complain about workers wages and then run out to Target and buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights for eight bucks because it's made in India.
Not exactly millions:

These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

But the AFL-CIO report neglected to include the average salary for all CEOs in the U.S. in 2016, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $194,350. These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

It was only in the third paragraph of my link.
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.
I have seen libs argue that trade with china is good because it lifted millions of chinese out of poverty

They are completely out of touch with reality

They are also the people here (and other places) who bitch about Trump's tariffs, even though they actually bring more work back to America, and perhaps contribute to increasing wages. But the left cries about how much more those tariffs are costing US consumers.
But the AFL-CIO report neglected to include the average salary for all CEOs in the U.S. in 2016, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $194,350. These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

It was only in the third paragraph of my link.
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.
I have seen libs argue that trade with china is good because it lifted millions of chinese out of poverty

They are completely out of touch with reality

They are also the people here (and other places) who bitch about Trump's tariffs, even though they actually bring more work back to America, and perhaps contribute to increasing wages. But the left cries about how much more those tariffs are costing US consumers.
If the trump tariffs are only hurting Americans why do the chinese dictators want them removed?

taking the conservative role......

those people should all work 2 or 3 jobs (and never see their families) OR they should all become CEO's of big companies!

there...problem solved.

If 1/2 the people worked 3 or 4 or 5 jobs and the other half were all rich CEOs everything would be hunky dunky!

If you have to work 3, 4, or 5 jobs to support your family, then maybe it's not the wages that are the problem. Maybe the problem is you had a family you could never support in the first place.
We need some children to pay for them baby boomers.

That doesn't mean you should have children you could never afford, and then bitch about how your employer doesn't pay you enough to support them.
Anyone working multiple jobs with a family probably deserves good pay. But you righties think only ceos deserve good pay and our growing inequality keeps our economy slow...

What's with this "deserve" nonsense? Nobody opens up a business based on what employees deserve. They open up a business to provide products or services at a profit.

Solution to low wage problems? Open up your own business and pay more.

I have a widget factory. I pay my employees on average $12.00 per hour. You despise what I pay my employees because it's not a livable wage. Then what you need to do is open up your own widget company, pay your employees $19.00 an hour, and problem solved.

Now when we go to customers to sell our widgets, who do you think is going to buy yours? Nobody. Why? Because I produce my widgets much cheaper than yours.
Anyone with any sense would buy the better one, or not at all.
If you have to work 3, 4, or 5 jobs to support your family, then maybe it's not the wages that are the problem. Maybe the problem is you had a family you could never support in the first place.
We need some children to pay for them baby boomers.

That doesn't mean you should have children you could never afford, and then bitch about how your employer doesn't pay you enough to support them.
Anyone working multiple jobs with a family probably deserves good pay. But you righties think only ceos deserve good pay and our growing inequality keeps our economy slow...

What's with this "deserve" nonsense? Nobody opens up a business based on what employees deserve. They open up a business to provide products or services at a profit.

Solution to low wage problems? Open up your own business and pay more.

I have a widget factory. I pay my employees on average $12.00 per hour. You despise what I pay my employees because it's not a livable wage. Then what you need to do is open up your own widget company, pay your employees $19.00 an hour, and problem solved.

Now when we go to customers to sell our widgets, who do you think is going to buy yours? Nobody. Why? Because I produce my widgets much cheaper than yours.
Anyone with any sense would buy the better one, or not at all.

So what if the widgets are exactly the same?
Not exactly millions:

These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

But the AFL-CIO report neglected to include the average salary for all CEOs in the U.S. in 2016, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $194,350. These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

It was only in the third paragraph of my link.
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.
I have seen libs argue that trade with china is good because it lifted millions of chinese out of poverty

They are completely out of touch with reality
Who said that?
Anyone working multiple jobs with a family probably deserves good pay. But you righties think only ceos deserve good pay and our growing inequality keeps our economy slow...

What's with this "deserve" nonsense? Nobody opens up a business based on what employees deserve. They open up a business to provide products or services at a profit.

Solution to low wage problems? Open up your own business and pay more.

I have a widget factory. I pay my employees on average $12.00 per hour. You despise what I pay my employees because it's not a livable wage. Then what you need to do is open up your own widget company, pay your employees $19.00 an hour, and problem solved.

Now when we go to customers to sell our widgets, who do you think is going to buy yours? Nobody. Why? Because I produce my widgets much cheaper than yours.
You have a great imagination, You live in the past. We have an economy filled with near monopolies . The winners get corporate welfare. Your widgets moved to China. You always crack me up.

Now you are starting to understand. Yes, my widgets could move to China if I can't afford American wages and taxation. That's what's been happening since the 70's. As unions got more greedy, businesses moved away from them, even to the point out of the country.

So I have no idea where you dream up that the solution is to go back in time, and replicate what caused this problem in the first place.
Ah those greedy unions and our strong economic growth. That was so horrible. But ceos should make insane amounts shipping off jobs right? You are a funny one.

I love how you on the left always excoriate businesses. Back to the widget factory analogy: You and I own widget factories. We both need a highly talented and rare person to operate our finances, manage operations, oversee sales, and get new business.

So one comes along and applies to your company. He or she has a long history of success; taking companies that were just about to close, and making them profitable again, drawing new investors that allowed for expansion, reducing waste and adding productivity. This CEO wants 5 million a year. You refuse to pay that amount.

So now that CEO comes to my company, and I agree to pay him the 5 mil a year. Now he gets to work, and eventually takes your customers and brings them to my company. That's the reason I pay him 5 million a year, because he can make my company 10 million dollars more profitable a year.
The middle management, those who knew everything, gone.
But the AFL-CIO report neglected to include the average salary for all CEOs in the U.S. in 2016, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $194,350. These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

It was only in the third paragraph of my link.
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.
I have seen libs argue that trade with china is good because it lifted millions of chinese out of poverty

They are completely out of touch with reality
Who said that?
I dont remember names

If you want to dismiss it as unproven I dont mind
Not exactly millions:

These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

But the AFL-CIO report neglected to include the average salary for all CEOs in the U.S. in 2016, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $194,350. These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

It was only in the third paragraph of my link.
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.

Who gets better pay? The point is that everybody gets paid what they are worth, not based on what the main players make. You complain about Chinese made products, but I'm willing to bet you would never pay $3,000 for a flat screen television made in the US compared to a similar television made overseas for $1,200.

Producers only produce products Americans want, and we as the American consumers demand cheap products, regardless where they are made, or even the quality of the item.

When you and all those people at Walmart demand better made US products, that's when you'll see them on the shelves. Until that time, you can't complain about workers wages and then run out to Target and buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights for eight bucks because it's made in India.
Products made on America will cost more

But not $3000 for a flatscreen tv

One question.

Is that higher, lower, or about the same as previous presidents?
Higher. inequality and upward Mobility just keeps getting worse and worse because of GOP tax rates, a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. only brainwashed ignoramuses make this possible. 4 30 years now. Because of reconciliation and filibuster rules written by the GOP oh, it take 60 votes for reform but only 51 to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Great job.

got a link showing it higher than previous presidents?
Since 1982 inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse. End of story. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. that's what happens when you don't tax the rich and giant corporations enough. Google fact left the demise of the middle class. My phone doesn't do links anymore....

Since 1982 there has been two Democratic Presidents and the House has been held by the Democrats a few times, so why are the GOP the only ones to blame?
because they are the ones who passed our ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster rules that mean that it takes 60 votes for reform but only 51 votes for cutting taxes on the rich and cutting services for everyone else. Period. So the Republicans cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else with 51 votes, and that's all they care about by the way, Dupe. And the Democrats have had 60 votes in the Senate and unity 4 35 days under Obama in the middle of a GOP World depression meltdown in the last 50 years.

because they are the ones who passed our ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster rules that mean that it takes 60 votes for reform but only 51 votes for cutting taxes on the rich and cutting services for everyone else.

Only takes 51 votes to change those rules, moron.
If you have to work 3, 4, or 5 jobs to support your family, then maybe it's not the wages that are the problem. Maybe the problem is you had a family you could never support in the first place.
We need some children to pay for them baby boomers.

That doesn't mean you should have children you could never afford, and then bitch about how your employer doesn't pay you enough to support them.
Anyone working multiple jobs with a family probably deserves good pay. But you righties think only ceos deserve good pay and our growing inequality keeps our economy slow...

What's with this "deserve" nonsense? Nobody opens up a business based on what employees deserve. They open up a business to provide products or services at a profit.

Solution to low wage problems? Open up your own business and pay more.

I have a widget factory. I pay my employees on average $12.00 per hour. You despise what I pay my employees because it's not a livable wage. Then what you need to do is open up your own widget company, pay your employees $19.00 an hour, and problem solved.

Now when we go to customers to sell our widgets, who do you think is going to buy yours? Nobody. Why? Because I produce my widgets much cheaper than yours.
Anyone with any sense would buy the better one, or not at all.

That's the way the American consumer used to think, but not anymore. Quality purchases went out the window after the Reagan recession.

We live in a throw away society today. Use the product as long as you can, and when it becomes defective, throw it away and buy a newer and better model. We don't have our toasters, blenders, televisions, radios fixed anymore. When they break, it's the garbage mans problem. Because we have many more things to spend money on, we buy the cheapest we can.
And the lowest paid workers are getting the highest wage increases in the Trump economy.

Seems to contradict the leftist fairy tale that only the rich benefited from Trump's tax cuts.

Trump lies. Do not believe him.

It is true that inflation-adjusted wages (average weekly for production and nonsupervisory workers) peaked in February 1973 at $345.95, and then fluctuated but generally declined, hitting a low point of $263.73 in January 1996. They have again fluctuated since, but they’ve been on a general upward trend. They have increased 2.4% since Trump took office, from an average $308.21 per week to $315.74 per week in May, the most recent figures available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Technical note: All wage figures cited in this story from BLS are calculated in 1982-84 dollars – not current 2019 dollars.

During Obama’s last four years in office the average weekly earnings for production and nonsupervisory workers went up 4.9%. Over Obama’s entire two-term tenure, wages were up 4.2%.

Over President George W. Bush’s eight years in office, wages also increased by 4.2%, and under President Bill Clinton, they went up by 6.4%. (Real average weekly earnings for all private sector employees, including supervisors, shows a similar trend, though BLS only has published statistics going back to 2006. Those figures are up 2.3% under Trump, 3.9% under Obama’s second term and 4% over his eight years in office.)
Are Wages Rising or Flat?

It is cool the way you cite an average wage number, to counter Diva's point about low end wages.

For a liberal, that was a pretty good argument. YOu actually were on a related issue. You managed to refrain from calling some one a racist, for one post in a row.

And that is all we can expect from you. You should knock off for the day. You don't want to over do it.
What's cool is that I have facts and links while Diva just spouts what Fox told her to say. Here's more...

The faster growth at the bottom is probably being fueled in part by recent minimum-wage increases in cities and states across the country. Research from the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal-leaning think tank, found that over the past five years, wages for low-wage workers rose 13 percent in states that raised their minimum wages, compared with 8.4 percent in states that did not.

But minimum wages are only part of the story. Ernie Tedeschi, an economist at Evercore ISI, estimates that the minimum-wage increases account for a quarter to a third of low-wage workers’ gains over the past three years. The rest is most likely a result of a tightening labor market that is forcing employers to raise pay even for workers at the bottom of the earnings ladder.

Ms. Gimbel noted that better-paying industries had experienced faster job growth in recent months, while the fastest wage growth had been in lower-paying industries. That could indicate that sectors like health care and manufacturing are snapping up workers, forcing retailers and restaurants to raise pay to compete.

Still, not everyone is benefiting equally. African-American workers have seen smaller gains over the course of the recovery, for example. And wage growth remains slow in some parts of the country that were hit especially hard by the recession.​

But minimum wages are only part of the story. Ernie Tedeschi, an economist at Evercore ISI, estimates that the minimum-wage increases account for a quarter to a third of low-wage workers’ gains over the past three years. The rest is most likely a result of a tightening labor market that is forcing employers to raise pay even for workers at the bottom of the earnings ladder.

Two-thirds to three-quarters of the gain is due to a tightening labor market. Build the wall and deport 10 million illegals, low wage workers will gain even more.
But the AFL-CIO report neglected to include the average salary for all CEOs in the U.S. in 2016, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $194,350. These same union leaders who criticize the salaries of CEOs earned on average $252,370 in 2016 — nearly $60,000 more than their private-sector counterparts.

It was only in the third paragraph of my link.
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.

Who gets better pay? The point is that everybody gets paid what they are worth, not based on what the main players make. You complain about Chinese made products, but I'm willing to bet you would never pay $3,000 for a flat screen television made in the US compared to a similar television made overseas for $1,200.

Producers only produce products Americans want, and we as the American consumers demand cheap products, regardless where they are made, or even the quality of the item.

When you and all those people at Walmart demand better made US products, that's when you'll see them on the shelves. Until that time, you can't complain about workers wages and then run out to Target and buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights for eight bucks because it's made in India.
Products made on America will cost more

But not $3000 for a flatscreen tv

My figures may not be accurate, but it still points to the problem we have in this country. I bought an iPhone X last year. I paid about a thousand bucks for it.

How Much Would a 'Made in America' iPhone Cost? Too Much. | Mark J. Perry
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.

Who gets better pay? The point is that everybody gets paid what they are worth, not based on what the main players make. You complain about Chinese made products, but I'm willing to bet you would never pay $3,000 for a flat screen television made in the US compared to a similar television made overseas for $1,200.

Producers only produce products Americans want, and we as the American consumers demand cheap products, regardless where they are made, or even the quality of the item.

When you and all those people at Walmart demand better made US products, that's when you'll see them on the shelves. Until that time, you can't complain about workers wages and then run out to Target and buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights for eight bucks because it's made in India.
Products made on America will cost more

But not $3000 for a flatscreen tv

My figures may not be accurate, but it still points to the problem we have in this country. I bought an iPhone X last year. I paid about a thousand bucks for it.

How Much Would a 'Made in America' iPhone Cost? Too Much. | Mark J. Perry

When my 6 dies I'll get a new one.
It does everything I want it to do. Takes pics,lets me surf the net while waiting for my gas guzzling truck to be washed and I can even make phone calls with it.
WTF else do ya need?
Anyone can start a company and be a ceo,

Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.
I have seen libs argue that trade with china is good because it lifted millions of chinese out of poverty

They are completely out of touch with reality

They are also the people here (and other places) who bitch about Trump's tariffs, even though they actually bring more work back to America, and perhaps contribute to increasing wages. But the left cries about how much more those tariffs are costing US consumers.
If the trump tariffs are only hurting Americans why do the chinese dictators want them removed?

Because of decreased sales.

The reason American producers have a hard time competing with China is because of price. The lower price always gets the customers. The tariffs increase the price of Chinese goods, making it less competitive for American made products.
We saw this coming when Trump gave his $1.5 trillion tax cut with a 40 percent cut in Corporate tax rates

Very little managed to trickle down to the workers
The trump tax cut is not the problem

Imports from china a mexico are the reason Americans are struggling

Along with our piss pour education system

Our education system is just fine. Getting the students to take advantage of it is the problem.
Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.

Who gets better pay? The point is that everybody gets paid what they are worth, not based on what the main players make. You complain about Chinese made products, but I'm willing to bet you would never pay $3,000 for a flat screen television made in the US compared to a similar television made overseas for $1,200.

Producers only produce products Americans want, and we as the American consumers demand cheap products, regardless where they are made, or even the quality of the item.

When you and all those people at Walmart demand better made US products, that's when you'll see them on the shelves. Until that time, you can't complain about workers wages and then run out to Target and buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights for eight bucks because it's made in India.
Products made on America will cost more

But not $3000 for a flatscreen tv

My figures may not be accurate, but it still points to the problem we have in this country. I bought an iPhone X last year. I paid about a thousand bucks for it.

How Much Would a 'Made in America' iPhone Cost? Too Much. | Mark J. Perry

When my 6 dies I'll get a new one.
It does everything I want it to do. Takes pics,lets me surf the net while waiting for my gas guzzling truck to be washed and I can even make phone calls with it.
WTF else do ya need?

Totally understand. I would have kept my 6 if not for the battery dying. It was a great phone. Don't get me wrong, I like my iPhone X, but outside of picture quality, it doesn't do that much more than my 6. But I must confess, I do like Virtual Reality, and it does produce a clearer picture for that. My 6 was more blurry.

But depending on what you do with it, the new iPhones only have one jack for charging and audio output. That's one thing I do miss about the 6. It had a port for each, the audit and the charge. So you could listen to Pandora and keep the phone charging at the same time. I can't do that with my X. I either listen to music and charge it later, or if I really need a charge, just not listen to music. I must say though, the battery in the X is three times longer duration than the 6.
I doubt Trump has any problem choosing between property interests and human interests?

As you know, property interests massively improve human interests.
s you know, property interests massively improve human interests.
No. I didn't know that.
Do you have any evidence?


" 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States.

"In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined.

"So, of course, the war was rooted in these two expanding and competing economies—but competing over what? What eventually tore asunder America's political culture was slavery's expansion into the Western territories."

Slavery Made America

So wrong.

May 14, 2007

Private Property Saved Jamestown, And With It, America
By David Boaz

Four hundred years ago today 105 men and boys disembarked from three ships and established the first permanent English settlement in North America. They built a fort along what they called the James River, in honor of their king.

The land was lush and fertile, yet within three years most of the colonists died during what came to be known as "the starving time." Only the establishment of private property saved the Jamestown colony.

What went wrong? There were the usual hardships of pioneers far from home, such as unfamiliar diseases. There were mixed relations with the Indians already living in Virginia. Sometimes the Indians and settlers traded, other times armed conflicts broke out. But according to a governor of the colony, George Percy, most of the colonists died of famine, despite the "good and fruitful" soil, the abundant deer and turkey, and the "strawberries, raspberries and fruits unknown" growing wild.

The problem was the lack of private property. As Tom Bethell writes in his book The Noblest Triumph: Property and Prosperity through the Ages, "The colonists were indolent because most of them were indentured servants, expected to toil for seven years and contribute the fruits of their labor to the common store."

Understandably, men who don't benefit from their hard work tend not to work very hard.

Over the first two years, more colonists arrived from England, including women. By 1609, there were 500 settlers. And within six months fewer than 100 were still alive. People were desperate. They ate dogs and cats, then rats and mice. They apparently ate their deceased neighbors. And some said that one man murdered and ate his pregnant wife.

By the spring, they had given up. They abandoned the fort and boarded ships to return to England. But miraculously, as they sailed out of Chesapeake Bay, they encountered three ships with new recruits, so they turned around and tried to make another go of it. The additional settlers and supplies kept them alive.

But when a new governor, Thomas Dale, arrived a year after the starving time, he was shocked to find the settlers bowling in the streets instead of working.

Dale's most important reform was to institute private property. He allotted every man three acres of land and freed them to work for themselves. And then, the Virginia historian Matthew Page Andrews wrote, "As soon as the settlers were thrown upon their own resources, and each freeman had acquired the right of owning property, the colonists quickly developed what became the distinguishing characteristic of Americans – an aptitude for all kinds of craftsmanship coupled with an innate genius for experimentation and invention."

John Rolfe, the husband of Pocahontas, said that once private property was instituted, men could engage in "gathering and reaping the fruits of their labors with much joy and comfort."

The Jamestown colony became a success, and people from all over Europe flocked to America.

Private property is essential for economic growth; people don't work and invest if they can't reap the fruits of their labors. Property ensures that people will work to better their own condition and that of their families. And that work and investment then benefits the whole society, much more so than the attempt to force people to work directly for the common good.
Private Property Saved Jamestown, And With It, America
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30 million Americans have good jobs by that definition — and most of those are held by workers with college degrees, it found.

Justification for higher education

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