Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.

Who gets better pay? The point is that everybody gets paid what they are worth, not based on what the main players make. You complain about Chinese made products, but I'm willing to bet you would never pay $3,000 for a flat screen television made in the US compared to a similar television made overseas for $1,200.

Producers only produce products Americans want, and we as the American consumers demand cheap products, regardless where they are made, or even the quality of the item.

When you and all those people at Walmart demand better made US products, that's when you'll see them on the shelves. Until that time, you can't complain about workers wages and then run out to Target and buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights for eight bucks because it's made in India.
Products made on America will cost more

But not $3000 for a flatscreen tv

My figures may not be accurate, but it still points to the problem we have in this country. I bought an iPhone X last year. I paid about a thousand bucks for it.

How Much Would a 'Made in America' iPhone Cost? Too Much. | Mark J. Perry

When my 6 dies I'll get a new one.
It does everything I want it to do. Takes pics,lets me surf the net while waiting for my gas guzzling truck to be washed and I can even make phone calls with it.
WTF else do ya need?

Totally understand. I would have kept my 6 if not for the battery dying. It was a great phone. Don't get me wrong, I like my iPhone X, but outside of picture quality, it doesn't do that much more than my 6. But I must confess, I do like Virtual Reality, and it does produce a clearer picture for that. My 6 was more blurry.

But depending on what you do with it, the new iPhones only have one jack for charging and audio output. That's one thing I do miss about the 6. It had a port for each, the audit and the charge. So you could listen to Pandora and keep the phone charging at the same time. I can't do that with my X. I either listen to music and charge it later, or if I really need a charge, just not listen to music. I must say though, the battery in the X is three times longer duration than the 6.

The battery on my 6 is dying as well.
But I'm just gonna get it replaced for 35 bucks at my local phone repair store.
I too oppose Trump's tariffs.

Specifically what tactic would you use to stop foreign countries from subsidizing the merchandise they sell to our country. Just as important, or more important, what tactic would you use to halt China from stealing our intellectual property and making it their own?
I too oppose Trump's tariffs.

Specifically what tactic would you use to stop foreign countries from subsidizing the merchandise they sell to our country. Just as important, or more important, what tactic would you use to halt China from stealing our intellectual property and making it their own?
If stealing intellectual property is such a big deal, what company stopped doing business with China after it was stolen? We keep sending it to them and companies accept it.
That is some imagination you have Ray, ceo pay is not based on performance. You still think this is capitalism? Too funny.

I hope you realize that it was President Bill Clinton who is responsible for the drastic increases in executive pay. He changed it from a salary to almost entirely being based on performance.
That is some imagination you have Ray, ceo pay is not based on performance. You still think this is capitalism? Too funny.

I hope you realize that it was President Bill Clinton who is responsible for the drastic increases in executive pay. He changed it from a salary to almost entirely being based on performance.
Bill tried to limit it and it backfired. Shame. But
There were drastic increases before bill too.
That is some imagination you have Ray, ceo pay is not based on performance. You still think this is capitalism? Too funny.

I hope you realize that it was President Bill Clinton who is responsible for the drastic increases in executive pay. He changed it from a salary to almost entirely being based on performance.
Bill tried to limit it and it backfired. Shame. But
There were drastic increases before bill too.

And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
That is some imagination you have Ray, ceo pay is not based on performance. You still think this is capitalism? Too funny.

I hope you realize that it was President Bill Clinton who is responsible for the drastic increases in executive pay. He changed it from a salary to almost entirely being based on performance.
Bill tried to limit it and it backfired. Shame. But
There were drastic increases before bill too.

And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
So companies have unlimited payroll? Fascinating.
f stealing intellectual property is such a big deal, what company stopped doing business with China after it was stolen? We keep sending it to them and companies accept it.

I posed a question to you which, typical of far-left Progressives, you dodged by trying to ask a question instead of answer one.

So I'll pose it to you again. Before making a stupid response, kindly do some research into the issue of intellectual property theft by China.

Specifically what tactic would you use to stop foreign countries from subsidizing the merchandise they sell to our country. Just as important, or more important, what tactic would you use to halt China from stealing our intellectual property and making it their own?
f stealing intellectual property is such a big deal, what company stopped doing business with China after it was stolen? We keep sending it to them and companies accept it.

I posed a question to you which, typical of far-left Progressives, you dodged by trying to ask a question instead of answer one.

So I'll pose it to you again. Before making a stupid response, kindly do some research into the issue of intellectual property theft by China.

Specifically what tactic would you use to stop foreign countries from subsidizing the merchandise they sell to our country. Just as important, or more important, what tactic would you use to halt China from stealing our intellectual property and making it their own?
Can’t answer my question eh? The answer to IP is to stop sending it to them. But our corps find it’s more profitable to send it to them. Or they would stop dealing with China.
That is some imagination you have Ray, ceo pay is not based on performance. You still think this is capitalism? Too funny.

I hope you realize that it was President Bill Clinton who is responsible for the drastic increases in executive pay. He changed it from a salary to almost entirely being based on performance.
Bill tried to limit it and it backfired. Shame. But
There were drastic increases before bill too.

And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
So companies have unlimited payroll? Fascinating.

You assume that people would get raises if a CEO pay was cut.

That money most would most likely go to the stockholders

And what percentage of the population of the US works for companies with CEOs that get the highest pay?
Well, by any measure, Trump's not improved their wages, and less is spent on HC and education. If that's success, you should crow

That is some imagination you have Ray, ceo pay is not based on performance. You still think this is capitalism? Too funny.

I hope you realize that it was President Bill Clinton who is responsible for the drastic increases in executive pay. He changed it from a salary to almost entirely being based on performance.
Bill tried to limit it and it backfired. Shame. But
There were drastic increases before bill too.

And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
So companies have unlimited payroll? Fascinating.

You assume that people would get raises if a CEO pay was cut.

That money most would most likely go to the stockholders

And what percentage of the population of the US works for companies with CEOs that get the highest pay?
So now it’s not unlimited?
I hope you realize that it was President Bill Clinton who is responsible for the drastic increases in executive pay. He changed it from a salary to almost entirely being based on performance.
Bill tried to limit it and it backfired. Shame. But
There were drastic increases before bill too.

And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
So companies have unlimited payroll? Fascinating.

You assume that people would get raises if a CEO pay was cut.

That money most would most likely go to the stockholders

And what percentage of the population of the US works for companies with CEOs that get the highest pay?
So now it’s not unlimited?

Answer the question.

What some CEO makes has never had any effect on what I can make and I daresay that is true for most people
Compared to most of the rest of the world, the poorest America lives like an absolute King! Running, drinkable water, electricity, libraries, Internet connections. The world, the government, doesn't OWE you a single FUCKING thing!

You owe undying gratitude to a Lord and nation that makes this standard of living even possible.

We're not the oldest nation, not the most populous, not the most rich in resources, but because we put the Lord and natural rights first, we prospered.
Anyone working multiple jobs with a family probably deserves good pay. But you righties think only ceos deserve good pay and our growing inequality keeps our economy slow...

What's with this "deserve" nonsense? Nobody opens up a business based on what employees deserve. They open up a business to provide products or services at a profit.

Solution to low wage problems? Open up your own business and pay more.

I have a widget factory. I pay my employees on average $12.00 per hour. You despise what I pay my employees because it's not a livable wage. Then what you need to do is open up your own widget company, pay your employees $19.00 an hour, and problem solved.

Now when we go to customers to sell our widgets, who do you think is going to buy yours? Nobody. Why? Because I produce my widgets much cheaper than yours.
You have a great imagination, You live in the past. We have an economy filled with near monopolies . The winners get corporate welfare. Your widgets moved to China. You always crack me up.

Now you are starting to understand. Yes, my widgets could move to China if I can't afford American wages and taxation. That's what's been happening since the 70's. As unions got more greedy, businesses moved away from them, even to the point out of the country.

So I have no idea where you dream up that the solution is to go back in time, and replicate what caused this problem in the first place.
Ah those greedy unions and our strong economic growth. That was so horrible. But ceos should make insane amounts shipping off jobs right? You are a funny one.

I love how you on the left always excoriate businesses. Back to the widget factory analogy: You and I own widget factories. We both need a highly talented and rare person to operate our finances, manage operations, oversee sales, and get new business.

So one comes along and applies to your company. He or she has a long history of success; taking companies that were just about to close, and making them profitable again, drawing new investors that allowed for expansion, reducing waste and adding productivity. This CEO wants 5 million a year. You refuse to pay that amount.

So now that CEO comes to my company, and I agree to pay him the 5 mil a year. Now he gets to work, and eventually takes your customers and brings them to my company. That's the reason I pay him 5 million a year, because he can make my company 10 million dollars more profitable a year.
That is the hope.....

The reality is that both CEOs probably do the same. If one happens to do better than the other, he will use it to justify a higher compensation.
American CEOs are paid significantly higher than their international counterparts. American companies do not perform significantly better.
Bill tried to limit it and it backfired. Shame. But
There were drastic increases before bill too.

And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
So companies have unlimited payroll? Fascinating.

You assume that people would get raises if a CEO pay was cut.

That money most would most likely go to the stockholders

And what percentage of the population of the US works for companies with CEOs that get the highest pay?
So now it’s not unlimited?

Answer the question.

What some CEO makes has never had any effect on what I can make and I daresay that is true for most people

He will make more if he can force you and your coworkers to accept less
And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
So companies have unlimited payroll? Fascinating.

You assume that people would get raises if a CEO pay was cut.

That money most would most likely go to the stockholders

And what percentage of the population of the US works for companies with CEOs that get the highest pay?
So now it’s not unlimited?

Answer the question.

What some CEO makes has never had any effect on what I can make and I daresay that is true for most people

He will make more if he can force you and your coworkers to accept less
You assume that if he makes less that you will make more

The pay that some CEO gets has absolutely no effect on my earning power or anyone else's for that matter
Bill tried to limit it and it backfired. Shame. But
There were drastic increases before bill too.

And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
So companies have unlimited payroll? Fascinating.

You assume that people would get raises if a CEO pay was cut.

That money most would most likely go to the stockholders

And what percentage of the population of the US works for companies with CEOs that get the highest pay?
So now it’s not unlimited?

Answer the question.

What some CEO makes has never had any effect on what I can make and I daresay that is true for most people
Many I assume. Our country is full of near monopolies.
And the pay of any CEO has absolutely no impact on what you can earn
So companies have unlimited payroll? Fascinating.

You assume that people would get raises if a CEO pay was cut.

That money most would most likely go to the stockholders

And what percentage of the population of the US works for companies with CEOs that get the highest pay?
So now it’s not unlimited?

Answer the question.

What some CEO makes has never had any effect on what I can make and I daresay that is true for most people

He will make more if he can force you and your coworkers to accept less

This is like saying a restaurant will make more profit by serving yesterdays leftovers.

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