Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

Since 1982 there has been two Democratic Presidents and the House has been held by the Democrats a few times, so why are the GOP the only ones to blame?
because they are the ones who passed our ridiculous reconciliation and filibuster rules that mean that it takes 60 votes for reform but only 51 votes for cutting taxes on the rich and cutting services for everyone else. Period. So the Republicans cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else with 51 votes, and that's all they care about by the way, Dupe. And the Democrats have had 60 votes in the Senate and unity 4 35 days under Obama in the middle of a GOP World depression meltdown in the last 50 years.

Awww, it is always the other side fault and compromise is never allow with radicals.

Fact is Clinton and Obama did nothing to forward your agenda to make Politicians the only ones with any form of riches while the rest suffer.

Fact is you have to give and take and States can raise taxes on corporations and tax to help fund programs within their states, so why are so many States failing their people?

Why hasn't California taken all the money from those rich people in their state and redistributed to the poor?

Simple, Democrats are also owned by the rich and their promises are empty like their voter base heads!

Actually, it's because they know those industries would leave their state, and head for higher grounds in a lower taxed state.

Here, the all Democrat Cleveland Council brought up the idea of a $15.00 minimum wage. They voted down their own idea. Why? Because they were afraid of losing businesses to the suburbs. So then their next idea was to address the county with their plan, but the county rejected it for the same reason; businesses would move to counties outside of ours.

They finally dropped the idea altogether.
and that, Dupes, is why not much happens without the federal government doing it. And nothing happens with the garbage propaganda GOP of today anyway. Only garbage propaganda makes this possible.

You know why the fucking government does so much?

Because the fucking government never gets it right the first or the fifth time that's why.

The Big Dig

700% over budget and the work was still so fucking shoddy that a motorist was killed by falling debris
So what mobbed-up private corporation screwed up, super duper? LOL.
That is the hope.....

The reality is that both CEOs probably do the same. If one happens to do better than the other, he will use it to justify a higher compensation.
American CEOs are paid significantly higher than their international counterparts. American companies do not perform significantly better.

Neither do workers, probably even less so.

People have value, and nobody is going to pay somebody of little value a lot of money. They have to have value in some capacity. Conversely, nobody is going to overpay a worker either in most cases. CEO's, especially the best ones, are very rare; just as rare as that star quarterback, ace pitcher, beautiful and talented actress, or the great song writer. Because they are rare, they can make higher demands for compensation, because if you don't want to meet those demands, somebody else just might, and then those people get the talent.

In other words, take your job for instance. What if only you and a handful of people had the ability to do your job? What kind of money would you make? long as you could produce profit for a company, you might be able to ask for millions a year, and companies would have no choice but to take it.
Lots of bad ceos get paid like stars. Helps having the board loaded with other ceos who want raises.

The board finds other things just as important, like pleasing their stock holders, creating a product at a competitive price, and reducing waste while increasing production.

The board is also comprised of the major stock holders of a company. They are going to do what's best in their interest, and others want to see those people satisfied as well. If you had millions of dollars invested in company X, and you seen money wasted by overpaying CEO's or other management, you're going to get your money out of there and take it someplace else.
Funny theory you have. Why we have so many overpaid ceos then?

Who says they're If you think the job is so easy, and pays so much money, how much effort are you putting in to becoming a CEO yourself?
Facts make it clear.

CEO pay: Still not related to performance
We saw this coming when Trump gave his $1.5 trillion tax cut with a 40 percent cut in Corporate tax rates

Very little managed to trickle down to the workers
If you had good plans yourself you would not have to cheat to get elected. You are direct with your taxes and such. Right to the peasants. Screw the trickle, its a blood bath with you. But you do manage to gripe about the rich without doing a damn thing about it. For years and decades and more decades. The first two years of the Obama administration was there for the taking. Massive differences in seats against Repubs in the congress. You did nothing. You did add another nice big tax in Obamacare with even a soviet style penalty and we thank you. You did what you are programmed to do. Before the boomer generation dies out, the Obama pain pill will be used in lieu of hospital treatment for expense reasons. But you will be on agendas only dreamed about right now. The eco green movement will provide many jobs even if it doesn't work as advertised and it won't....for the Chinese.

The biggest problem with your wandering screed is the Golden Rule

He who has the gold, makes the rules

As it should be.

translation, biggest dog eats all others>>>


Who, in your opinion, should make the rules? Do not ignore the fact that the employee (he who does not have the "gold") has their choice of employers who will treat and pay them as much as they are worth.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Yeah, the obummer economy caused millions to lose their full time jobs, and now, thanks to Trump, that terrible situation is being reversed.

Of course obummer, your hero, had 8 years to fuck this country up. Trump has only had three years to correct that mess.

So, it's Obama who not only caused Corporations to hire people part time because of paying less in benefits.
But, it's also Obama who caused the Recession of 2007 - 2009?

Quit whining and playing the victim. No failed former President Barack Hussein Obama did not cause the 2007-2009 recession/ President Obama did cause the longest recovery in our history.
Now you are starting to understand. Yes, my widgets could move to China if I can't afford American wages and taxation. That's what's been happening since the 70's. As unions got more greedy, businesses moved away from them, even to the point out of the country.

So I have no idea where you dream up that the solution is to go back in time, and replicate what caused this problem in the first place.
Ah those greedy unions and our strong economic growth. That was so horrible. But ceos should make insane amounts shipping off jobs right? You are a funny one.

I love how you on the left always excoriate businesses. Back to the widget factory analogy: You and I own widget factories. We both need a highly talented and rare person to operate our finances, manage operations, oversee sales, and get new business.

So one comes along and applies to your company. He or she has a long history of success; taking companies that were just about to close, and making them profitable again, drawing new investors that allowed for expansion, reducing waste and adding productivity. This CEO wants 5 million a year. You refuse to pay that amount.

So now that CEO comes to my company, and I agree to pay him the 5 mil a year. Now he gets to work, and eventually takes your customers and brings them to my company. That's the reason I pay him 5 million a year, because he can make my company 10 million dollars more profitable a year.
That is the hope.....

The reality is that both CEOs probably do the same. If one happens to do better than the other, he will use it to justify a higher compensation.
American CEOs are paid significantly higher than their international counterparts. American companies do not perform significantly better.

Neither do workers, probably even less so.

People have value, and nobody is going to pay somebody of little value a lot of money. They have to have value in some capacity. Conversely, nobody is going to overpay a worker either in most cases. CEO's, especially the best ones, are very rare; just as rare as that star quarterback, ace pitcher, beautiful and talented actress, or the great song writer. Because they are rare, they can make higher demands for compensation, because if you don't want to meet those demands, somebody else just might, and then those people get the talent.

In other words, take your job for instance. What if only you and a handful of people had the ability to do your job? What kind of money would you make? long as you could produce profit for a company, you might be able to ask for millions a year, and companies would have no choice but to take it.
American CEOs claim to be rare. But they are no more rare than CEOs in international corporations. Yet, they are paid significantly higher.

Over the last three decades, American CEOs have seen significant increases in their compensation. Yet, American companies have not done significantly better
A high top tax rate is the only weapon against this besides government regulation. 90% under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy, Reagan left us with 28% and there you go, highest CEO pay by far, worst inequality and upward Mobility ever by far. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...
Neither do workers, probably even less so.

People have value, and nobody is going to pay somebody of little value a lot of money. They have to have value in some capacity. Conversely, nobody is going to overpay a worker either in most cases. CEO's, especially the best ones, are very rare; just as rare as that star quarterback, ace pitcher, beautiful and talented actress, or the great song writer. Because they are rare, they can make higher demands for compensation, because if you don't want to meet those demands, somebody else just might, and then those people get the talent.

In other words, take your job for instance. What if only you and a handful of people had the ability to do your job? What kind of money would you make? long as you could produce profit for a company, you might be able to ask for millions a year, and companies would have no choice but to take it.
Lots of bad ceos get paid like stars. Helps having the board loaded with other ceos who want raises.

The board finds other things just as important, like pleasing their stock holders, creating a product at a competitive price, and reducing waste while increasing production.

The board is also comprised of the major stock holders of a company. They are going to do what's best in their interest, and others want to see those people satisfied as well. If you had millions of dollars invested in company X, and you seen money wasted by overpaying CEO's or other management, you're going to get your money out of there and take it someplace else.
Funny theory you have. Why we have so many overpaid ceos then?

Who says they're If you think the job is so easy, and pays so much money, how much effort are you putting in to becoming a CEO yourself?
Facts make it clear.

CEO pay: Still not related to performance

They sure do.

Why Do CEOs Make so Much Money? | Doug McCullough
Lots of bad ceos get paid like stars. Helps having the board loaded with other ceos who want raises.

The board finds other things just as important, like pleasing their stock holders, creating a product at a competitive price, and reducing waste while increasing production.

The board is also comprised of the major stock holders of a company. They are going to do what's best in their interest, and others want to see those people satisfied as well. If you had millions of dollars invested in company X, and you seen money wasted by overpaying CEO's or other management, you're going to get your money out of there and take it someplace else.
Funny theory you have. Why we have so many overpaid ceos then?

Who says they're If you think the job is so easy, and pays so much money, how much effort are you putting in to becoming a CEO yourself?
Facts make it clear.

CEO pay: Still not related to performance

They sure do.

Why Do CEOs Make so Much Money? | Doug McCullough
Your link doesn’t seem to have facts or numbers. Just opinion...
Sure they can, but how many actually do? The point being that union bosses are extremely well paid, and probably don't have a quarter of education and experience that a CEO does. But you people on the left never complain about pay with your own people.

Let me ask: Do you think it's proper that a star pitcher make 6 million a year, while the beer vendor makes ten bucks an hour, or the popcorn man, or the parking lot attendant? Do you think it's fair when the baseball team owner makes more than all of them combined?

I was a fan of the show Big Bang Theory. So I looked up some information about the cast. Turns out the star actors and actresses on that show earned a million dollars an episode. Plus they get other residuals such as rerun money on other networks. How much work goes into making a half-hour show when you exclude commercials? They work about ten minutes an episode each.

So how much is the lighting crew paid, the hair dressers, the makeup artists, the stage crew?

But you people on the left have no problem going to a basketball game or movie. Those are multi-millionaire you approve of.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.
I have seen libs argue that trade with china is good because it lifted millions of chinese out of poverty

They are completely out of touch with reality

They are also the people here (and other places) who bitch about Trump's tariffs, even though they actually bring more work back to America, and perhaps contribute to increasing wages. But the left cries about how much more those tariffs are costing US consumers.
If the trump tariffs are only hurting Americans why do the chinese dictators want them removed?

Because of decreased sales.

The reason American producers have a hard time competing with China is because of price. The lower price always gets the customers. The tariffs increase the price of Chinese goods, making it less competitive for American made products.
I know price is important

Thats why we need tariffs

At some point consumers will switch to American made products
China sends us their resources for almost nothing, what’s the problem?

What resources do we (the USA) import from China?

Do you mean products?
What don’t we import from China? That would be a shorter list. Don’t they put their resources into products? Dont they sell us steel? Your question seems dumb...
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.
I have seen libs argue that trade with china is good because it lifted millions of chinese out of poverty

They are completely out of touch with reality

They are also the people here (and other places) who bitch about Trump's tariffs, even though they actually bring more work back to America, and perhaps contribute to increasing wages. But the left cries about how much more those tariffs are costing US consumers.
If the trump tariffs are only hurting Americans why do the chinese dictators want them removed?

Because of decreased sales.

The reason American producers have a hard time competing with China is because of price. The lower price always gets the customers. The tariffs increase the price of Chinese goods, making it less competitive for American made products.
I know price is important

Thats why we need tariffs

At some point consumers will switch to American made products
Tariffs have never worked...
Now you are starting to understand. Yes, my widgets could move to China if I can't afford American wages and taxation. That's what's been happening since the 70's. As unions got more greedy, businesses moved away from them, even to the point out of the country.

So I have no idea where you dream up that the solution is to go back in time, and replicate what caused this problem in the first place.
Ah those greedy unions and our strong economic growth. That was so horrible. But ceos should make insane amounts shipping off jobs right? You are a funny one.

I love how you on the left always excoriate businesses. Back to the widget factory analogy: You and I own widget factories. We both need a highly talented and rare person to operate our finances, manage operations, oversee sales, and get new business.

So one comes along and applies to your company. He or she has a long history of success; taking companies that were just about to close, and making them profitable again, drawing new investors that allowed for expansion, reducing waste and adding productivity. This CEO wants 5 million a year. You refuse to pay that amount.

So now that CEO comes to my company, and I agree to pay him the 5 mil a year. Now he gets to work, and eventually takes your customers and brings them to my company. That's the reason I pay him 5 million a year, because he can make my company 10 million dollars more profitable a year.
That is the hope.....

The reality is that both CEOs probably do the same. If one happens to do better than the other, he will use it to justify a higher compensation.
American CEOs are paid significantly higher than their international counterparts. American companies do not perform significantly better.

Neither do workers, probably even less so.

People have value, and nobody is going to pay somebody of little value a lot of money. They have to have value in some capacity. Conversely, nobody is going to overpay a worker either in most cases. CEO's, especially the best ones, are very rare; just as rare as that star quarterback, ace pitcher, beautiful and talented actress, or the great song writer. Because they are rare, they can make higher demands for compensation, because if you don't want to meet those demands, somebody else just might, and then those people get the talent.

In other words, take your job for instance. What if only you and a handful of people had the ability to do your job? What kind of money would you make? long as you could produce profit for a company, you might be able to ask for millions a year, and companies would have no choice but to take it.
American CEOs claim to be rare. But they are no more rare than CEOs in international corporations. Yet, they are paid significantly higher.

Over the last three decades, American CEOs have seen significant increases in their compensation. Yet, American companies have not done significantly better

So what does employees pay have to do with what a CEO makes? It's totally irrelevant.
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.

Who gets better pay? The point is that everybody gets paid what they are worth, not based on what the main players make. You complain about Chinese made products, but I'm willing to bet you would never pay $3,000 for a flat screen television made in the US compared to a similar television made overseas for $1,200.

Producers only produce products Americans want, and we as the American consumers demand cheap products, regardless where they are made, or even the quality of the item.

When you and all those people at Walmart demand better made US products, that's when you'll see them on the shelves. Until that time, you can't complain about workers wages and then run out to Target and buy a 50 foot string of Christmas lights for eight bucks because it's made in India.
Products made on America will cost more

But not $3000 for a flatscreen tv

My figures may not be accurate, but it still points to the problem we have in this country. I bought an iPhone X last year. I paid about a thousand bucks for it.

How Much Would a 'Made in America' iPhone Cost? Too Much. | Mark J. Perry

When my 6 dies I'll get a new one.
It does everything I want it to do. Takes pics,lets me surf the net while waiting for my gas guzzling truck to be washed and I can even make phone calls with it.
WTF else do ya need?

Totally understand. I would have kept my 6 if not for the battery dying. It was a great phone. Don't get me wrong, I like my iPhone X, but outside of picture quality, it doesn't do that much more than my 6. But I must confess, I do like Virtual Reality, and it does produce a clearer picture for that. My 6 was more blurry.

But depending on what you do with it, the new iPhones only have one jack for charging and audio output. That's one thing I do miss about the 6. It had a port for each, the audit and the charge. So you could listen to Pandora and keep the phone charging at the same time. I can't do that with my X. I either listen to music and charge it later, or if I really need a charge, just not listen to music. I must say though, the battery in the X is three times longer duration than the 6.
It does not cost too much to replace the battery
Ah those greedy unions and our strong economic growth. That was so horrible. But ceos should make insane amounts shipping off jobs right? You are a funny one.

I love how you on the left always excoriate businesses. Back to the widget factory analogy: You and I own widget factories. We both need a highly talented and rare person to operate our finances, manage operations, oversee sales, and get new business.

So one comes along and applies to your company. He or she has a long history of success; taking companies that were just about to close, and making them profitable again, drawing new investors that allowed for expansion, reducing waste and adding productivity. This CEO wants 5 million a year. You refuse to pay that amount.

So now that CEO comes to my company, and I agree to pay him the 5 mil a year. Now he gets to work, and eventually takes your customers and brings them to my company. That's the reason I pay him 5 million a year, because he can make my company 10 million dollars more profitable a year.
That is the hope.....

The reality is that both CEOs probably do the same. If one happens to do better than the other, he will use it to justify a higher compensation.
American CEOs are paid significantly higher than their international counterparts. American companies do not perform significantly better.

Neither do workers, probably even less so.

People have value, and nobody is going to pay somebody of little value a lot of money. They have to have value in some capacity. Conversely, nobody is going to overpay a worker either in most cases. CEO's, especially the best ones, are very rare; just as rare as that star quarterback, ace pitcher, beautiful and talented actress, or the great song writer. Because they are rare, they can make higher demands for compensation, because if you don't want to meet those demands, somebody else just might, and then those people get the talent.

In other words, take your job for instance. What if only you and a handful of people had the ability to do your job? What kind of money would you make? long as you could produce profit for a company, you might be able to ask for millions a year, and companies would have no choice but to take it.
American CEOs claim to be rare. But they are no more rare than CEOs in international corporations. Yet, they are paid significantly higher.

Over the last three decades, American CEOs have seen significant increases in their compensation. Yet, American companies have not done significantly better

So what does employees pay have to do with what a CEO makes? It's totally irrelevant.
Payroll is limitless? Really?
You assume that people would get raises if a CEO pay was cut.

That money most would most likely go to the stockholders

And what percentage of the population of the US works for companies with CEOs that get the highest pay?
So now it’s not unlimited?

Answer the question.

What some CEO makes has never had any effect on what I can make and I daresay that is true for most people

He will make more if he can force you and your coworkers to accept less

How does that work?
Multiple ways

Blocking union membership, hiring temporary and contract personnel, cutting benefits, threatening employees

Uh.....if you're any good at what you do you go to the companies competitors.
I was never in a Union as a machinist and always made top dollar.
If I felt I Was underpaid I went to the boss and told them what I wanted. If they refused I went back to work and started looking for a job that would pay me based on my abilities.
Nine times out of ten when I gave them my resignation they agreed to my terms.
Whether I stayed or not was up to me.
I didnt need or want someone to go to bat for me,I handled it on my own.
Dems are Pussy's that need help to make it in the real world.
In my opinion that would make me a pussy as well.
So now it’s not unlimited?

Answer the question.

What some CEO makes has never had any effect on what I can make and I daresay that is true for most people

He will make more if he can force you and your coworkers to accept less

How does that work?
Multiple ways

Blocking union membership, hiring temporary and contract personnel, cutting benefits, threatening employees

Uh.....if you're any good at what you do you go to the companies competitors.
I was never in a Union as a machinist and always made top dollar.
If I felt I Was underpaid I went to the boss and told them what I wanted. If they refused I went back to work and started looking for a job that would pay me based on my abilities.
Nine times out of ten when I gave them my resignation they agreed to my terms.
Whether I stayed or not was up to me.
I didnt need or want someone to go to bat for me,I handled it on my own.
Dems are Pussy's that need help to make it in the real world.
In my opinion that would make me a pussy as well.
Everyone has to sign a non compete now bro. Workers are hosed.
A high top tax rate is the only weapon against this besides government regulation. 90% under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy, Reagan left us with 28% and there you go, highest CEO pay by far, worst inequality and upward Mobility ever by far. Thanks GOP and silly dupes...

Your apparent ignorance about tax rates proves that you are incapable of learning. In which case I sincerely feel sorry for you and plead that you get the help you need.

If you simply refuse to accept FACTS, then you are a fool and merit no consideration by anyone. Why?
And they get workers better pay and don’t ship jobs off to China. So awful.
I have seen libs argue that trade with china is good because it lifted millions of chinese out of poverty

They are completely out of touch with reality

They are also the people here (and other places) who bitch about Trump's tariffs, even though they actually bring more work back to America, and perhaps contribute to increasing wages. But the left cries about how much more those tariffs are costing US consumers.
If the trump tariffs are only hurting Americans why do the chinese dictators want them removed?

Because of decreased sales.

The reason American producers have a hard time competing with China is because of price. The lower price always gets the customers. The tariffs increase the price of Chinese goods, making it less competitive for American made products.
I know price is important

Thats why we need tariffs

At some point consumers will switch to American made products

That's the hope at least. I don't care for tariffs for accomplishing that, but we can't change the mood of consumers who continue to ignore quality and where products are made over price. Price of goods is now, and probably will always be the first consideration in products purchased.

Walmart is not number one because they carry American made goods at a premium price. And even they are now threatened by Amazon who not only has comparable prices, but delivers the products right to your porch, usually by the next day. We have no stores in the immediate area, so I use Amazon for just about everything.

There are three things in manufacturing that are important to Americans, but we can't have all three at once.

* Lowest priced goods
* Healthy profit growth for our IRA's and personal investments.
* Good paying jobs with good benefits.

We as a society, collectively chose lower prices and healthy returns on our investments. With those two things being paramount of our interests, we can't have great paying jobs with benefits at the same time.
I love how you on the left always excoriate businesses. Back to the widget factory analogy: You and I own widget factories. We both need a highly talented and rare person to operate our finances, manage operations, oversee sales, and get new business.

So one comes along and applies to your company. He or she has a long history of success; taking companies that were just about to close, and making them profitable again, drawing new investors that allowed for expansion, reducing waste and adding productivity. This CEO wants 5 million a year. You refuse to pay that amount.

So now that CEO comes to my company, and I agree to pay him the 5 mil a year. Now he gets to work, and eventually takes your customers and brings them to my company. That's the reason I pay him 5 million a year, because he can make my company 10 million dollars more profitable a year.
That is the hope.....

The reality is that both CEOs probably do the same. If one happens to do better than the other, he will use it to justify a higher compensation.
American CEOs are paid significantly higher than their international counterparts. American companies do not perform significantly better.

Neither do workers, probably even less so.

People have value, and nobody is going to pay somebody of little value a lot of money. They have to have value in some capacity. Conversely, nobody is going to overpay a worker either in most cases. CEO's, especially the best ones, are very rare; just as rare as that star quarterback, ace pitcher, beautiful and talented actress, or the great song writer. Because they are rare, they can make higher demands for compensation, because if you don't want to meet those demands, somebody else just might, and then those people get the talent.

In other words, take your job for instance. What if only you and a handful of people had the ability to do your job? What kind of money would you make? long as you could produce profit for a company, you might be able to ask for millions a year, and companies would have no choice but to take it.
American CEOs claim to be rare. But they are no more rare than CEOs in international corporations. Yet, they are paid significantly higher.

Over the last three decades, American CEOs have seen significant increases in their compensation. Yet, American companies have not done significantly better

So what does employees pay have to do with what a CEO makes? It's totally irrelevant.
Payroll is limitless? Really?

Where did I even imply that?

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