Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
No one is doing the illegals wrong, nor do they want to do any of them wrong, but we mustn't give the exploiters of cheap labor easy access to such a thing as cheap labor. They are the ones doing them wrong, and doing American's wrong in the process.
whatever you can go on forever with all this crap. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this ridiculous GOP scam forever. Just like every other modern country that has this problem. You're a bunch of brainwashed functional morons who only care about a ridiculously expensive un American wall that will do nothing.

Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card

No such thing.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.

1. The GOP, did not invite them. THat is you just talking shit.

2. The GOP, does not have the Authority to just ignore the law, so even if they did invite them, that would not justify their being here. You know that, so that is just you talking shit.

3. Deporting people who are here illegally, is completely humane and civilized. It is absurd for you to claim it is not. That is just you talking shit.

4. It might not happen. That is not a reason for me to not demand it of my government, and our leaders. It is only their fucking jobs. You know that, but your pretense otherwise, is just you talking shit.

5. The wall would work, which is why your rich leadership, is so against it. You know that, that is just you talking shit.

6. Passing amnesty and id cards will not end anything. IT will just be a step forward into the turning of this country into a Third World shithole. YOu know that. You are just talking shit.
It works in every other modern country that has this problem, brainwashed functional moron.

Cool the way you just dropped all your other points.

Give me your best example of another "modern country" that used amnesty to "works" this problem.
They all have ID cards and enforcement so they don't need amnesty dingbat. We do thanks to the scumbag lying GOP who have been running this cheap easily bullied labor scam forever. Only the brainwash makes it possible.. and you brainwashed functional racists will never throw 12 million hardworking people out of the country. Icaramba...
There are good jobs around, but the real problem are the drugs we have in this country. Better jobs usually have drug screening as a condition of employment, and lower paying jobs don't. So people opt to work for less money so they can continue smoking pot.

I had tenants like that a few years ago. It was a young couple. Good kids, paid rent albeit late which I didn't care about. But they both worked fast food jobs because they loved their pot and couldn't give it up for anything. When my employer looks for new employees, the same thing. People are interested in the job, but can't pass a drug test. It's the same story at just about any company. I talk to people from many different industries.

To add insult to injury, states are legalizing pot, but just because it's legal doesn't mean companies don't do drug testing.
Where Pot is legal, most companies drop their zero tolerance and just disregard Pot use. However, they draw the line with hard drugs such cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth. With 34 states allowing medical use, which just requires a form filled out by a doctor and 10 allowing unrestricted use by adults, Pot is fast becoming accepted on the same level as alcohol.

Most people can control the use of Pot, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, etc so it does not interfere with their work. However, some people have addictive personalities and they are very likely to become addicted. Hard drugs are in a different category all together. Continuous use almost guarantees addiction for most people.

And I worry about that.

Let me ask you directly..... do you, yes or no, think that those on pot are as productive as those who are not?
Your question can't be answered yes or no because it depends on the person and the situation. I have a son in Florida who suffered from chronic back pain for several years such that he could not hold down a steady job. His doctor put him on a narcotics which relieved the plain but was leading him into addiction. His doctor suggested he start Marijuana and phase out the narcotic which he was able to do. For several years he used Marijuana to reduce the pain such that he was able to work. Last year he had an operation that fixed his back. He has now almost completed phased out the use Marijuana except for an occasion party or gathering with friends. So in the case of my son, the answer is an absolute yes. It literally saved his life. I have a neighbor that abuses Marijuana, stays high most of time and drifts from job to job. In his case, the answer is no.

It's just like alcohol. Some people can drink moderately their entire life with no real ill effect. For others, it's deadly. Some people are easily addicted and other aren't.

I've seen people who drank sometimes, drank all the time, drank constantly. Never at work, and it had no effect whatsoever on their performance.

Yes there are exceptions to every rule.

However, if you look at an over all view.... do you, yes or not, think that those on pot, over all, are as productive as those who are not?

Every single person I know that is a hard worker, is someone who is clean.

Equally, every single person I know, that barely does jack squat.... is a pot user.

Now I don't know about everyone. There are many the do an average job, and maybe they use pot, I don't know.

But I typically get to know the people who are top tier, because I want those people working with me. I also tend to get to know the people who are garbage, because I have to figure out how to have them removed or fired.

I can think of maybe 5 people off the top of my head, that I guessed, based on the fact they were terrible employees, that they were pot users, and they all were. All of them. Nice thing about pot being legalized most places, is that now the garbage in our society tend to admit it.

Now if people come in and do an average job, and use pot now and then, I don't know. If they are not at the top of the game, or the bottom, I tend to not deal with them.

Now all of this is just my personal experience. So it's possible I'm having the most luck of any person in meeting pot users and non-pot users. It could be. I don't know.
From what I have seen in my family and a number of other people, those that use it to extreme do so for one of two reason:
  • Physical, mental, or emotional disorders that causes problems in personal relationships, jobs, and school. There have been a number of studies that show pot does help but there are also studies that show while the drug may solve problems it also creates problems. So it becomes difficult to determine whether poor performance on the job or school is caused by the drug or the underlying problem. Addiction in this group is much higher than recreational users.
  • Few recreational users become addicted but are more likely use pot throughout their life.
Looking at drugs that lead to addiction, 6% of people who use alcohol at least once a week, will eventually become addicted. For Marijuana users it's 9%, 15% for cocaine, and 24% for heroin. However, the most likely substance to cause addiction is tobacco. Thirty-three percent reported symptoms of addiction when smoking at a rate of only one day a month, 49 percent by the time they were smoking one day a week, and 70 percent before they became daily smokers.
Nobody is addicted to marijuana except psychologically.
How do you stop them from coming in without a wall? Maybe we should line the military up on the border with shoot to kill orders.

Take way their reason for coming.

But, yes we should have our military defending our border, national defense is their purpose.
Because we have it good and they don't, hell no. Shoot them at the border.Make them stay in their own shit holes and fix their own damn problems.
Which you caused by your ridiculous endless war on drugs and doing nothing about global warming while their agriculture has dried up and blown away....
Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.

1. The GOP, did not invite them. THat is you just talking shit.

2. The GOP, does not have the Authority to just ignore the law, so even if they did invite them, that would not justify their being here. You know that, so that is just you talking shit.

3. Deporting people who are here illegally, is completely humane and civilized. It is absurd for you to claim it is not. That is just you talking shit.

4. It might not happen. That is not a reason for me to not demand it of my government, and our leaders. It is only their fucking jobs. You know that, but your pretense otherwise, is just you talking shit.

5. The wall would work, which is why your rich leadership, is so against it. You know that, that is just you talking shit.

6. Passing amnesty and id cards will not end anything. IT will just be a step forward into the turning of this country into a Third World shithole. YOu know that. You are just talking shit.
It works in every other modern country that has this problem, brainwashed functional moron.

Cool the way you just dropped all your other points.

Give me your best example of another "modern country" that used amnesty to "works" this problem.
They all have ID cards and enforcement so they don't need amnesty dingbat. We do thanks to the scumbag lying GOP who have been running this cheap easily bullied labor scam forever. Only the brainwash makes it possible.. and you brainwashed functional racists will never throw 12 million hardworking people out of the country. Icaramba...

So,they have enforcement, and we don't, and you want to give amnesty, which is the opposite of enforcement to copy the example that you won't give?

Mmmm, you are losing credibility fast here.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.

1. The GOP, did not invite them. THat is you just talking shit.

2. The GOP, does not have the Authority to just ignore the law, so even if they did invite them, that would not justify their being here. You know that, so that is just you talking shit.

3. Deporting people who are here illegally, is completely humane and civilized. It is absurd for you to claim it is not. That is just you talking shit.

4. It might not happen. That is not a reason for me to not demand it of my government, and our leaders. It is only their fucking jobs. You know that, but your pretense otherwise, is just you talking shit.

5. The wall would work, which is why your rich leadership, is so against it. You know that, that is just you talking shit.

6. Passing amnesty and id cards will not end anything. IT will just be a step forward into the turning of this country into a Third World shithole. YOu know that. You are just talking shit.
It works in every other modern country that has this problem, brainwashed functional moron.

Cool the way you just dropped all your other points.

Give me your best example of another "modern country" that used amnesty to "works" this problem.
They all have ID cards and enforcement so they don't need amnesty dingbat. We do thanks to the scumbag lying GOP who have been running this cheap easily bullied labor scam forever. Only the brainwash makes it possible.. and you brainwashed functional racists will never throw 12 million hardworking people out of the country. Icaramba...

So,they have enforcement, and we don't, and you want to give amnesty, which is the opposite of enforcement to copy the example that you won't give?

Mmmm, you are losing credibility fast here.
Amnesty and ID and enforcement is the only answer. Your wall is crap and ridiculously expensive to boot...
1. The GOP, did not invite them. THat is you just talking shit.

2. The GOP, does not have the Authority to just ignore the law, so even if they did invite them, that would not justify their being here. You know that, so that is just you talking shit.

3. Deporting people who are here illegally, is completely humane and civilized. It is absurd for you to claim it is not. That is just you talking shit.

4. It might not happen. That is not a reason for me to not demand it of my government, and our leaders. It is only their fucking jobs. You know that, but your pretense otherwise, is just you talking shit.

5. The wall would work, which is why your rich leadership, is so against it. You know that, that is just you talking shit.

6. Passing amnesty and id cards will not end anything. IT will just be a step forward into the turning of this country into a Third World shithole. YOu know that. You are just talking shit.
It works in every other modern country that has this problem, brainwashed functional moron.

Cool the way you just dropped all your other points.

Give me your best example of another "modern country" that used amnesty to "works" this problem.
They all have ID cards and enforcement so they don't need amnesty dingbat. We do thanks to the scumbag lying GOP who have been running this cheap easily bullied labor scam forever. Only the brainwash makes it possible.. and you brainwashed functional racists will never throw 12 million hardworking people out of the country. Icaramba...

So,they have enforcement, and we don't, and you want to give amnesty, which is the opposite of enforcement to copy the example that you won't give?

Mmmm, you are losing credibility fast here.
Amnesty and ID and enforcement is the only answer. Your wall is crap and ridiculously expensive to boot...

YOur inability to support your claim of examples, is accepted as an admission of knowing that you are in the wrong.
Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
How do you stop them from coming in without a wall? Maybe we should line the military up on the border with shoot to kill orders.
Liberals do not want to stop illegals from coming in

Nor do they want to deport them
Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
No one is doing the illegals wrong, nor do they want to do any of them wrong, but we mustn't give the exploiters of cheap labor easy access to such a thing as cheap labor. They are the ones doing them wrong, and doing American's wrong in the process.
It is the government responsibility to enforce our immigration laws

Not private employers
They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
How do you stop them from coming in without a wall? Maybe we should line the military up on the border with shoot to kill orders.
ID card and enforcement so they cannot work. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing they can get over it under it around it. Brainwashed idiocy to distract the Chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
Why not E-Verify?
They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
How do you stop them from coming in without a wall? Maybe we should line the military up on the border with shoot to kill orders.
Liberals do not want to stop illegals from coming in

Nor do they want to deport them
Of course they do.

Just the criminals...
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
How do you stop them from coming in without a wall? Maybe we should line the military up on the border with shoot to kill orders.
ID card and enforcement so they cannot work. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing they can get over it under it around it. Brainwashed idiocy to distract the Chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
Why not E-Verify?
fine enforce the damn thing.
How do you stop them from coming in without a wall? Maybe we should line the military up on the border with shoot to kill orders.

Take way their reason for coming.

But, yes we should have our military defending our border, national defense is their purpose.
Because we have it good and they don't, hell no. Shoot them at the border.Make them stay in their own shit holes and fix their own damn problems.

If you get a chance could you actually respond to what I wrote?

Take away stuff that makes everyone on the planet want to be an American, again I say hell no. Don't let them in unless they got something we want.
They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
No one is doing the illegals wrong, nor do they want to do any of them wrong, but we mustn't give the exploiters of cheap labor easy access to such a thing as cheap labor. They are the ones doing them wrong, and doing American's wrong in the process.
It is the government responsibility to enforce our immigration laws

Not private employers
It is private employer's responsibility to obey and follow the immigration law's. Plain and simple.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
No one is doing the illegals wrong, nor do they want to do any of them wrong, but we mustn't give the exploiters of cheap labor easy access to such a thing as cheap labor. They are the ones doing them wrong, and doing American's wrong in the process.
It is the government responsibility to enforce our immigration laws

Not private employers
It is private employer's responsibility to obey and follow the immigration law's. Plain and simple.
If anemployer KNOWINGLY hires illegals they should be sanctioned

But the primary blame belongs to the aliens themselves and congress
How do you stop them from coming in without a wall? Maybe we should line the military up on the border with shoot to kill orders.

Take way their reason for coming.

But, yes we should have our military defending our border, national defense is their purpose.
Because we have it good and they don't, hell no. Shoot them at the border.Make them stay in their own shit holes and fix their own damn problems.

If you get a chance could you actually respond to what I wrote?

Take away stuff that makes everyone on the planet want to be an American, again I say hell no. Don't let them in unless they got something we want.


I was talking about jobs and welfare. They come because there are more then enough American companies willing to pay them once they get here and we never do anything about that side of the problem.
Take away stuff that makes everyone on the planet want to be an American, again I say hell no. Don't let them in unless they got something we want.

What they got is cheap labor and Mr Businessman loves His cheap labor far more than He loves His country.
How do you stop them from coming in without a wall? Maybe we should line the military up on the border with shoot to kill orders.

Take way their reason for coming.

But, yes we should have our military defending our border, national defense is their purpose.
Because we have it good and they don't, hell no. Shoot them at the border.Make them stay in their own shit holes and fix their own damn problems.

If you get a chance could you actually respond to what I wrote?

Take away stuff that makes everyone on the planet want to be an American, again I say hell no. Don't let them in unless they got something we want.


I was talking about jobs and welfare. They come because there are more then enough American companies willing to pay them once they get here and we never do anything about that side of the problem.
Welfare should be for Americans only not illegals and their anchor babies.
Nothing you can do to stifle employers without hurting employees. Except perhaps national id.

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