Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

Don't worry they'll figure it out LOL. And it'll only cost you forty billion dollars LOL idiots. Oops brainwashed functional idiots. we need an ID card and enforcement, what the f*** is wrong with you people...
The pro illegal alien crowd has had 33 years since the 1986 amnesty to keep your promise to solve this problem

That was an empty promise

If you want to finesse this issue after all these years without building the wall go ahead

But amnesty for any illegal alien including dreamers is off the table till the illegals stop coming
promises blocked every step of the way by Republicans. It's pretty obvious your masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.
Bush put more effort into passing amnesty than obama did

But your side has always demanded amnesty up front while you fine tune your newest big idea

And that is not acceptable

Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
the wall is there a incredibly expensive piece of crap they won't do a damn thing. All they have to do is throw a rope over the top of it and climb or many many other ways they've proven they can do it. People who want jobs will get here if they can hold a job which your stupid party makes possible. Where did I demand citizenship dingbat? Give the Worthy papers or an ID card and then enforce the goddamn laws. The wall is a joke just like you, brainwashed functional moron.
Illegals cannot scale the wall in large numbers

Nor can the average person do it quickly
Don't worry they'll figure it out LOL. And it'll only cost you forty billion dollars LOL idiots. Oops brainwashed functional idiots. we need an ID card and enforcement, what the f*** is wrong with you people...
The pro illegal alien crowd has had 33 years since the 1986 amnesty to keep your promise to solve this problem

That was an empty promise

If you want to finesse this issue after all these years without building the wall go ahead

But amnesty for any illegal alien including dreamers is off the table till the illegals stop coming
They basically have stopped coming. Basically all the ones trying to get in now are refugees from the GOP War on Drugs warzones and the incredible drought in Central America. Trump's reaction? Cut aid. Great job!
The reason so many illegals are now arriving as refugees is because they have been coached up by leftwing activists to exploit the refugee loophole
It's a conspiracy!!!. Who needs evidence LOL
Don't worry they'll figure it out LOL. And it'll only cost you forty billion dollars LOL idiots. Oops brainwashed functional idiots. we need an ID card and enforcement, what the f*** is wrong with you people...
The pro illegal alien crowd has had 33 years since the 1986 amnesty to keep your promise to solve this problem

That was an empty promise

If you want to finesse this issue after all these years without building the wall go ahead

But amnesty for any illegal alien including dreamers is off the table till the illegals stop coming
promises blocked every step of the way by Republicans. It's pretty obvious your masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.
Bush put more effort into passing amnesty than obama did

But your side has always demanded amnesty up front while you fine tune your newest big idea

And that is not acceptable

Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

I'd be all for that.
The problem is your facts are all garbage, brainwashed emotional moron... The entire world outside your bubble of GOP bologna agrees you are as good as insane along with your propaganda machine. All you know is phony scandals and misinformation and Hate based on character assassination based on nothing.

So, what is your favorite "fact" to support your claim?

This is a trick question. I know that you cannot seriously and honestly give me one fact to support your bullshit.


Most likely, you go for the shotgun logical fallacy.

Second most likely, personal attacks fallacy.
that everything you know is garbage propaganda? How about hundreds of phony scandals against Hillary Obama Lois Lerner the FBI etcetera etc they've all been investigated and nothing has been found except your garbage propaganda repeated endlessly and never retracted even when fully discredited. there are so many phony scandals you have to have the deep State gigantic conspiracy. Total idiotic disrespect for all our institutions including journalism. Absolute idiocy super duper.

Exactly as I called it. Instead of giving me one "fac"t, as I clearly asked for, so that I could seriously address it,

you put forth a whole shit can of vaguely defined accusations, so that we could NOT seriously address them.

That is the dictionary definition of the Shotgun Argument Logical Fallacy just as I predicted.

Dude. YOu lose.
Okay s*******, you believe or many GOP voters believe that 47% of the country don't pay taxes. Absolute idiocy. everybody pays taxes at about the same rate including the 1% and the four families that have more wealth than half or 80% of the country or whatever it is. Absolute garbage. Google the only tax graph you need to know and learn something for a change. Everything you know about Democratic politicians is a lie or conspiracy theory based on nothing, dumbass doop.
the wall will stop illegals for about 3 seconds. Just throw a rope over the top and climb. See the video viral. The only solution is a good ID card that can't be faked like other countries have and it works. The wall is stupid and won't work. The last time we checked, 94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35% own homes. Thanks GOP for this scam forever.
Your numbers for illrgal alien males employment rates are as laughable as the lib estimate of 12 million for the number of illegals in the country

So congress enacts a national Id card

Will liberals have the stomach to deport illegal aliens when you find them?

The answer is no

You want an open border that continues the flood of illegal aliens that libs them will give amnesty to
of course the whole point of every reasonable immigration bill is that there be amnesty for worthy hard-working illegals that your party invited in with no ID card or anything else forever. Of course the unworthy illegals will be deported. The point is to stop more from coming to get work here.

Liar. The point is that you want tens of millions of voters. That is the only point.
When I was born there were a hundred and fifty million people in this country and I certainly don't want any more than we have now. Your imaginary illegal voter crisis is just another piece of crap propaganda. I want an ID card and to get our country organized so people can't just come here and get a fake ID and do everything a citizen can do but vote. You want to continue that even if you don't know it. A wall is stupid and won't work. You can also use the ID card to stop your imaginary illegal voter crisis dumbass. Oops brainwashed functional dumbass....

You say you don't want more people, as you demand we give citizenship to millions of new people and ridicule the idea of a Wall to keep out unwanted people.

Are you really, really old?
It seems to me that alot of these posters are extreme biased Democrat's who have bought the lies for way to long. It yell's from their post everytime they write. I don't think Democrats at this stage could be fair and objective if they wanted to be, and this could be all due to their long term brainwashing in which has been on going for decades and decades now.
So, what is your favorite "fact" to support your claim?

This is a trick question. I know that you cannot seriously and honestly give me one fact to support your bullshit.


Most likely, you go for the shotgun logical fallacy.

Second most likely, personal attacks fallacy.
that everything you know is garbage propaganda? How about hundreds of phony scandals against Hillary Obama Lois Lerner the FBI etcetera etc they've all been investigated and nothing has been found except your garbage propaganda repeated endlessly and never retracted even when fully discredited. there are so many phony scandals you have to have the deep State gigantic conspiracy. Total idiotic disrespect for all our institutions including journalism. Absolute idiocy super duper.

Exactly as I called it. Instead of giving me one "fac"t, as I clearly asked for, so that I could seriously address it,

you put forth a whole shit can of vaguely defined accusations, so that we could NOT seriously address them.

That is the dictionary definition of the Shotgun Argument Logical Fallacy just as I predicted.

Dude. YOu lose.
Okay s*******, you believe or many GOP voters believe that 47% of the country don't pay taxes. Absolute idiocy. everybody pays taxes at about the same rate including the 1% and the four families that have more wealth than half or 80% of the country or whatever it is. Absolute garbage. Google the only tax graph you need to know and learn something for a change. Everything you know about Democratic politicians is a lie or conspiracy theory based on nothing, dumbass doop.
Your numbers for illrgal alien males employment rates are as laughable as the lib estimate of 12 million for the number of illegals in the country

So congress enacts a national Id card

Will liberals have the stomach to deport illegal aliens when you find them?

The answer is no

You want an open border that continues the flood of illegal aliens that libs them will give amnesty to
of course the whole point of every reasonable immigration bill is that there be amnesty for worthy hard-working illegals that your party invited in with no ID card or anything else forever. Of course the unworthy illegals will be deported. The point is to stop more from coming to get work here.

Liar. The point is that you want tens of millions of voters. That is the only point.
When I was born there were a hundred and fifty million people in this country and I certainly don't want any more than we have now. Your imaginary illegal voter crisis is just another piece of crap propaganda. I want an ID card and to get our country organized so people can't just come here and get a fake ID and do everything a citizen can do but vote. You want to continue that even if you don't know it. A wall is stupid and won't work. You can also use the ID card to stop your imaginary illegal voter crisis dumbass. Oops brainwashed functional dumbass....

You say you don't want more people, as you demand we give citizenship to millions of new people and ridicule the idea of a Wall to keep out unwanted people.

Are you really, really old?
It seems to me that alot of these posters are extreme biased Democrat's who have bought the lies for way to long. It yell's from their post everytime they write. I don't think Democrats at this stage could be fair and objective if they wanted to be, and this could be all due to their long term brainwashing in which has been on going for decades and decades now.
It is called reality everywhere in the world but dupe world, Dupe. It's been going on since journalism was invented, in other words seeking the truth. Which your media and the orange clown have no interest in...
The pro illegal alien crowd has had 33 years since the 1986 amnesty to keep your promise to solve this problem

That was an empty promise

If you want to finesse this issue after all these years without building the wall go ahead

But amnesty for any illegal alien including dreamers is off the table till the illegals stop coming
promises blocked every step of the way by Republicans. It's pretty obvious your masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.
Bush put more effort into passing amnesty than obama did

But your side has always demanded amnesty up front while you fine tune your newest big idea

And that is not acceptable

Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
promises blocked every step of the way by Republicans. It's pretty obvious your masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.
Bush put more effort into passing amnesty than obama did

But your side has always demanded amnesty up front while you fine tune your newest big idea

And that is not acceptable

Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
We tried amnesty in 1986 and it didnt work
Bush put more effort into passing amnesty than obama did

But your side has always demanded amnesty up front while you fine tune your newest big idea

And that is not acceptable

Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
We tried amnesty in 1986 and it didnt work
Because Republicans blocked the ID card and enforcement as always...
Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
We tried amnesty in 1986 and it didnt work
Because Republicans blocked the ID card and enforcement as always...
This bullcrap talking point to try and justify a flood of cheap labor into the country, in which is truly not needed is exactly that BULLCRAP. American's will work, but they are treated like an ameba by their own in suggesting that they won't work when of course if given the chance they will. It's a lie that American's won't work, and so these illegals or foriegn people have to be brought in otherwise to fill the void. It's all a scam, and it has been a scam for way to long now.
Ok, but jobs and work is what American's need most, and not just stocks that benefit a class of people that make up a small number of the overall numbers that are needed to make this nation strong be it through in and through out again.

I don't think we need anymore jobs. We have more than enough as it is. Novembers jobs report certainly added to it.
I agree we don't need more jobs but we do need better jobs with better pay, and better benefits. We have far too many American workers who have to rely on government help to support their families. The problem of course, is that American workers are no longer the most skilled workers in the world and thus it is hard to justify higher pay without higher productivity.

There are good jobs around, but the real problem are the drugs we have in this country. Better jobs usually have drug screening as a condition of employment, and lower paying jobs don't. So people opt to work for less money so they can continue smoking pot.

I had tenants like that a few years ago. It was a young couple. Good kids, paid rent albeit late which I didn't care about. But they both worked fast food jobs because they loved their pot and couldn't give it up for anything. When my employer looks for new employees, the same thing. People are interested in the job, but can't pass a drug test. It's the same story at just about any company. I talk to people from many different industries.

To add insult to injury, states are legalizing pot, but just because it's legal doesn't mean companies don't do drug testing.
Where Pot is legal, most companies drop their zero tolerance and just disregard Pot use. However, they draw the line with hard drugs such cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth. With 34 states allowing medical use, which just requires a form filled out by a doctor and 10 allowing unrestricted use by adults, Pot is fast becoming accepted on the same level as alcohol.

Most people can control the use of Pot, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, etc so it does not interfere with their work. However, some people have addictive personalities and they are very likely to become addicted. Hard drugs are in a different category all together. Continuous use almost guarantees addiction for most people.

And I worry about that.

Let me ask you directly..... do you, yes or no, think that those on pot are as productive as those who are not?
Your question can't be answered yes or no because it depends on the person and the situation. I have a son in Florida who suffered from chronic back pain for several years such that he could not hold down a steady job. His doctor put him on a narcotics which relieved the plain but was leading him into addiction. His doctor suggested he start Marijuana and phase out the narcotic which he was able to do. For several years he used Marijuana to reduce the pain such that he was able to work. Last year he had an operation that fixed his back. He has now almost completed phased out the use Marijuana except for an occasion party or gathering with friends. So in the case of my son, the answer is an absolute yes. It literally saved his life. I have a neighbor that abuses Marijuana, stays high most of time and drifts from job to job. In his case, the answer is no.

It's just like alcohol. Some people can drink moderately their entire life with no real ill effect. For others, it's deadly. Some people are easily addicted and other aren't.
Ok, but jobs and work is what American's need most, and not just stocks that benefit a class of people that make up a small number of the overall numbers that are needed to make this nation strong be it through in and through out again.

I don't think we need anymore jobs. We have more than enough as it is. Novembers jobs report certainly added to it.
I agree we don't need more jobs but we do need better jobs with better pay, and better benefits. We have far too many American workers who have to rely on government help to support their families. The problem of course, is that American workers are no longer the most skilled workers in the world and thus it is hard to justify higher pay without higher productivity.

There are good jobs around, but the real problem are the drugs we have in this country. Better jobs usually have drug screening as a condition of employment, and lower paying jobs don't. So people opt to work for less money so they can continue smoking pot.

I had tenants like that a few years ago. It was a young couple. Good kids, paid rent albeit late which I didn't care about. But they both worked fast food jobs because they loved their pot and couldn't give it up for anything. When my employer looks for new employees, the same thing. People are interested in the job, but can't pass a drug test. It's the same story at just about any company. I talk to people from many different industries.

To add insult to injury, states are legalizing pot, but just because it's legal doesn't mean companies don't do drug testing.
Where Pot is legal, most companies drop their zero tolerance and just disregard Pot use. However, they draw the line with hard drugs such cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth. With 34 states allowing medical use, which just requires a form filled out by a doctor and 10 allowing unrestricted use by adults, Pot is fast becoming accepted on the same level as alcohol.

Most people can control the use of Pot, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, etc so it does not interfere with their work. However, some people have addictive personalities and they are very likely to become addicted. Hard drugs are in a different category all together. Continuous use almost guarantees addiction for most people.

I know plenty of people addicted to pot, although it doesn't fit the classic definition of addiction. But when you sacrifice getting a job over pot, and not quit to get that better paying job, I call that addiction.

Businesses drug test to get lower workman's compensation rates. In my line of work, it's a government mandate. So I don't see why businesses in pot states would not do the same. And I sure as hell know that government doesn't accept a driver on the road unless they are randomly drug tested regardless which state they are driving in.
And I know a number of people who are addicted to alcohol. The laws in my state for alcohol and marijuana use are much the same, no sales to minors under 21, no use in public place, and no use while driving. The law further bans use in bars and restaurants.

Since the law has gone into effect there has been a dramatic decrease in the number of people sentenced for cannabis-related felonies. Law enforcement has been able to redirect their efforts to controlling hard drugs which has resulted in increased arrests. Early studies have shown no increase in violent crime, no increase in use among young people, no impact on "driving under the influence", and legal cannabis sales is taking hundreds of millions of dollars from street drug pushers while increasing state revenues.

I firmly believe, that laws that don't work and are not supported by the public should not be on the books. They make a mockery of law enforcement and the judicial system and serve no real purpose. Restrictions against marijuana use in Washington was one such law.
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Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
We tried amnesty in 1986 and it didnt work
Because Republicans blocked the ID card and enforcement as always...
This bullcrap talking point to try and justify a flood of cheap labor into the country, in which is truly not needed is exactly that BULLCRAP. American's will work, but they are treated like an ameba by their own in suggesting that they won't work when of course if given the chance they will. It's a lie that American's won't work, and so these illegals or foriegn people have to be brought in otherwise to fill the void. It's all a scam, and it has been a scam for way to long now.
Not bull crap how they are paid....whatever you bogged down in the trees and missing the forest. Pass the goddamn Democratic immigration bill with amnesty for the worthy and an ID card and end the whole goddamn problem. as it is it's obvious to anyone the GOP actually loves the cheap easily bullied labor and distracting you with garbage walls and unconstitutional harassment laws..
I don't think we need anymore jobs. We have more than enough as it is. Novembers jobs report certainly added to it.
I agree we don't need more jobs but we do need better jobs with better pay, and better benefits. We have far too many American workers who have to rely on government help to support their families. The problem of course, is that American workers are no longer the most skilled workers in the world and thus it is hard to justify higher pay without higher productivity.

There are good jobs around, but the real problem are the drugs we have in this country. Better jobs usually have drug screening as a condition of employment, and lower paying jobs don't. So people opt to work for less money so they can continue smoking pot.

I had tenants like that a few years ago. It was a young couple. Good kids, paid rent albeit late which I didn't care about. But they both worked fast food jobs because they loved their pot and couldn't give it up for anything. When my employer looks for new employees, the same thing. People are interested in the job, but can't pass a drug test. It's the same story at just about any company. I talk to people from many different industries.

To add insult to injury, states are legalizing pot, but just because it's legal doesn't mean companies don't do drug testing.
Where Pot is legal, most companies drop their zero tolerance and just disregard Pot use. However, they draw the line with hard drugs such cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth. With 34 states allowing medical use, which just requires a form filled out by a doctor and 10 allowing unrestricted use by adults, Pot is fast becoming accepted on the same level as alcohol.

Most people can control the use of Pot, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, etc so it does not interfere with their work. However, some people have addictive personalities and they are very likely to become addicted. Hard drugs are in a different category all together. Continuous use almost guarantees addiction for most people.

And I worry about that.

Let me ask you directly..... do you, yes or no, think that those on pot are as productive as those who are not?
Your question can't be answered yes or no because it depends on the person and the situation. I have a son in Florida who suffered from chronic back pain for several years such that he could not hold down a steady job. His doctor put him on a narcotics which relieved the plain but was leading him into addiction. His doctor suggested he start Marijuana and phase out the narcotic which he was able to do. For several years he used Marijuana to reduce the pain such that he was able to work. Last year he had an operation that fixed his back. He has now almost completed phased out the use Marijuana except for an occasion party or gathering with friends. So in the case of my son, the answer is an absolute yes. It literally saved his life. I have a neighbor that abuses Marijuana, stays high most of time and drifts from job to job. In his case, the answer is no.

It's just like alcohol. Some people can drink moderately their entire life with no real ill effect. For others, it's deadly. Some people are easily addicted and other aren't.

I've seen people who drank sometimes, drank all the time, drank constantly. Never at work, and it had no effect whatsoever on their performance.

Yes there are exceptions to every rule.

However, if you look at an over all view.... do you, yes or not, think that those on pot, over all, are as productive as those who are not?

Every single person I know that is a hard worker, is someone who is clean.

Equally, every single person I know, that barely does jack squat.... is a pot user.

Now I don't know about everyone. There are many the do an average job, and maybe they use pot, I don't know.

But I typically get to know the people who are top tier, because I want those people working with me. I also tend to get to know the people who are garbage, because I have to figure out how to have them removed or fired.

I can think of maybe 5 people off the top of my head, that I guessed, based on the fact they were terrible employees, that they were pot users, and they all were. All of them. Nice thing about pot being legalized most places, is that now the garbage in our society tend to admit it.

Now if people come in and do an average job, and use pot now and then, I don't know. If they are not at the top of the game, or the bottom, I tend to not deal with them.

Now all of this is just my personal experience. So it's possible I'm having the most luck of any person in meeting pot users and non-pot users. It could be. I don't know.
Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
We tried amnesty in 1986 and it didnt work
Because Republicans blocked the ID card and enforcement as always...
This bullcrap talking point to try and justify a flood of cheap labor into the country, in which is truly not needed is exactly that BULLCRAP. American's will work, but they are treated like an ameba by their own in suggesting that they won't work when of course if given the chance they will. It's a lie that American's won't work, and so these illegals or foriegn people have to be brought in otherwise to fill the void. It's all a scam, and it has been a scam for way to long now.
the GOP is who is letting them in by refusing an ID card for the millionth time. Nobody is asking them to come and in fact lately they aren't coming unless they are fleeing their shitholecountries due to the mainely GOP War on Drugs War zones and the drought from global warming, none of which do you people know about, brainwashed functional racist morons...
Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
We tried amnesty in 1986 and it didnt work
Because Republicans blocked the ID card and enforcement as always...
Republican voters reject blanket amnesty which immigration reform bills always begin with
Is USMESSAGEBOARD getting paid to run that disgusting picture of two hollly
They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
We tried amnesty in 1986 and it didnt work
Because Republicans blocked the ID card and enforcement as always...
This bullcrap talking point to try and justify a flood of cheap labor into the country, in which is truly not needed is exactly that BULLCRAP. American's will work, but they are treated like an ameba by their own in suggesting that they won't work when of course if given the chance they will. It's a lie that American's won't work, and so these illegals or foriegn people have to be brought in otherwise to fill the void. It's all a scam, and it has been a scam for way to long now.
the GOP is who is letting them in by refusing an ID card for the millionth time. Nobody is asking them to come and in fact lately they aren't coming unless they are fleeing their shitholecountries due to the mainely GOP War on Drugs War zones and the drought from global warming, none of which do you people know about, brainwashed functional racist morons...
we prefer to build the wall and stop them at the border

Improving E-Verify would do the same thing as a national ID card and we should do that also
Last edited:
They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...
We tried amnesty in 1986 and it didnt work
Because Republicans blocked the ID card and enforcement as always...
This bullcrap talking point to try and justify a flood of cheap labor into the country, in which is truly not needed is exactly that BULLCRAP. American's will work, but they are treated like an ameba by their own in suggesting that they won't work when of course if given the chance they will. It's a lie that American's won't work, and so these illegals or foriegn people have to be brought in otherwise to fill the void. It's all a scam, and it has been a scam for way to long now.
the GOP is who is letting them in by refusing an ID card for the millionth time. Nobody is asking them to come and in fact lately they aren't coming unless they are fleeing their shitholecountries due to the mainely GOP War on Drugs War zones and the drought from global warming, none of which do you people know about, brainwashed functional racist morons...

Why do you brainiacs care so much about this or anything else? The world will end due to global warming in the next decade or so according to some of the lame brains you guys woship. Time to live it up.

Talk about morons...
promises blocked every step of the way by Republicans. It's pretty obvious your masters love the cheap easily bullied labor.
Bush put more effort into passing amnesty than obama did

But your side has always demanded amnesty up front while you fine tune your newest big idea

And that is not acceptable

Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
Bush put more effort into passing amnesty than obama did

But your side has always demanded amnesty up front while you fine tune your newest big idea

And that is not acceptable

Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
Hey! Give us a repeal of birthright citizen ship, "UP FRONT", and we'll give you amnesty is 5 years.


Thats an interesting idea

But the left is unwilling to give anything in return for amnesty

They are greedy scum.
Amnesty is simply the intelligent thing to do along with a goddamn ID card. As opposed to all your right-wing idiocy ...

Well, you convinced me with your logic. You said it is "intelligent".

What could I possibly say to that?

Mmm, how about, IT IS NOT INTELLIGENT.
the GOP gave them forever to an open invitation to come into this country work pay taxes on homes everything but vote and get driver's licenses I suppose. It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong. it is never going to happen wake up and smell the coffee. So stop kicking the immigration problem down the road and allowing them to keep coming in. And no the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass amnesty and ID card and enforcement and get this God damn thing over and done with.
It is totally inhumane and uncivilized to throw out hard-working illegals who have done nothing wrong.

Illegal entry, employment fraud, identity theft.

Give 'em the boot.

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