Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

Thank God!

There is nothing Obama Bin Lying Shit For Brains built that should not be utterly dismantled and turned to rubble.
Not one thing he did benefitted Taxpayers or The American Worker.

He weakened us Domestically and Abroad.

He strengthened and emboldened our enemies and crippled our allies.

You're a weapons-grade retard, aren't you?

"Clarification by snopes" is an oxymoron. Fake news.

Clinton resigned because he knew they were disbarring him, the end result is the same and so is the shame.

Yeah, Bill is totally shamed right now. LOL!
You can't shame these people.

The point is he resigned because it was less harmful to his image than being disbarred.

The assertion was that he was disbarred. The truth is that he was not. And I now see you're finally coming to realize that. Thanks!


"Clinton’s law license in Arkansas was suspended for five years, and he paid a $25,000 fine. The Supreme Court also barred Clinton from practicing law before the nation’s highest court."

so yeah, he was disbarred you retard.

Fact-Check: Yes, Bill Clinton Was Disbarred and Fined After Impeachment - Breitbart

You know who else had their law license removed?

Barak Obama.

Nice Use of FAKE STATISTICS by Fake Americans.
Record loss of manufacturing jobs.
Record number of children in poverty not seen since the great depression.
Record number of people on foodstamps. Peaked at around 48 Million.
Record number of bankruptcies, and business closures.
Record number of people who exhausted UI benefits and went off the Unemployment Statistics as Non Participants. Lowest percentage of our population is employed in our history.
Record National Debt more than doubled in 8 years from 9 Trillion to 20 Trillion in a 18 Trillion Dollar Economy.
Record Inflation of Health Care Costs and Insurance Premiums.
An Average GDP over 8 years of an impotent 1%.

Thank God Trump won and The Stock Market is getting a Trump Bounce.

Hillary ran on Obama's Failed Legacy and her and the Dems got their asses whipped losing some 1,000 offices, The Senate, The House, The Presidency, and Lost Control of 2\3rds of this country's state legislatures.

He gave Ransom Money and Nukes to Iran. He let ISIS kill 400,000 people, and he let Syria gas it's own children. He paid terrorists to overthrow Libya and Egypt, and he allowed Putin to take The Crimea, Our Uranium, and Build Bases In Syria, and sell the Iranians Weapons paid for with 33 Billion Obama gave The Largest State Sponsorer of Terrorism in the world. He armed and gave money to Al Nusra, The Muslim Brotherhood, HAMAS, The PLO, and AL Queada affiliates in Libya. He gave birth to ISIS.

Last but not least he stabbed Israel in the back on his way out the door.

Some legacy, huh?
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Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.
Did your parents feed you with a slingshot growing up?
Clinton resigned because he knew they were disbarring him, the end result is the same and so is the shame.

Yeah, Bill is totally shamed right now. LOL!
You can't shame these people.

The point is he resigned because it was less harmful to his image than being disbarred.

The assertion was that he was disbarred. The truth is that he was not. And I now see you're finally coming to realize that. Thanks!


"Clinton’s law license in Arkansas was suspended for five years, and he paid a $25,000 fine. The Supreme Court also barred Clinton from practicing law before the nation’s highest court."

so yeah, he was disbarred you retard.

Fact-Check: Yes, Bill Clinton Was Disbarred and Fined After Impeachment - Breitbart

You know who else had their law license removed?

Barak Obama.

Nice Use of FAKE STATISTICS by Fake Americans.


Another lie, debunked 1,000 times, and known to all but only the biggest of fucking dishonest and/or retard TrumpFuckers:

FALSE: Barack and Michelle Obama Lost Their Law Licenses
The Obamas’ Law Licenses
What Happened to Obama's Law License?
Barack and Michelle Obama Law Licenses are Voluntarily Retired and Inactive Status-Truth!
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

Every president has the right to defend himself from his critics. Especially when they lie about in this case.
Last edited:
Clinton resigned because he knew they were disbarring him, the end result is the same and so is the shame.

Yeah, Bill is totally shamed right now. LOL!
You can't shame these people.

The point is he resigned because it was less harmful to his image than being disbarred.

The assertion was that he was disbarred. The truth is that he was not. And I now see you're finally coming to realize that. Thanks!


"Clinton’s law license in Arkansas was suspended for five years, and he paid a $25,000 fine. The Supreme Court also barred Clinton from practicing law before the nation’s highest court."

so yeah, he was disbarred you retard.

Fact-Check: Yes, Bill Clinton Was Disbarred and Fined After Impeachment - Breitbart

You know who else had their law license removed?

Barak Obama.

Nice Use of FAKE STATISTICS by Fake Americans.
More false new!
A court official confirms that no public disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against Obama, contrary to a false Internet rumor. By voluntarily inactivating their licenses, the Obama's avoided a requirement to take continuing education classes and pay hundreds of dollars in annual fees. Both could practice law again if they chose to do so.

The Obamas’ Law Licenses
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

Every president has the right to defend himself from his critics. Especially when they lie about in this case.

He has all the rights of every American.

What you (and he) seem to ignore are his responsibilities.
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

He's already the most powerful man in the world.

And he is right to refuse to pander to fake news outlets, or waste time answering retarded questions about his sexual proclivities and bathroom habits.
I hate to break it to you snowflake, but we are way in the majority.

Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

He's already the most powerful man in the world.

And he is right to refuse to pander to fake news outlets, or waste time answering retarded questions about his sexual proclivities and bathroom habits.

Sure. And again, he will have to face the consequences of that.

Also, I'm REAL SURE you felt this way during the Clinton impeachment?
Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.

No president has ever lost to this degree in the popular vote and won the EC. That this is the difference seems to escape you.
304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Garydog explains how the shit-hole state of Ca. should dictate how the country is run. Really, the largest cities in Ca. After all, Ca. is doing so well. You can see that by the zombie apocalypse on the streets, the filth, the chaos, the debt and tax on taxes.

He also explains how candidates should chase the popular vote when it doesn't matter. That and if the rules were changed, they'd chase the EC instead, just cuz.

Way to go Clinton. Congrats.

Yeah, let's not have CA dictate how the country is run. Let Ohio do it. You are clinically fucking retarded. Do you even know what democracy is??

Yeah, it's how representatives to our republic are elected. Any questions?
Last edited:
304-227 say we're not.

I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Poor little child, you had no problem with it being what made every other presidents election legitimate, but hey, if you don't like the way our country works, feel free to employ Article 5, or even a simpler solution, just leave for one of those other industrialized nations you seem to prefer. Of course I think they guy you're using as your avatar would bitch slap the hell out of you for your fucked up attitude.

No president has ever lost to this degree in the popular vote and won the EC. That this is the difference seems to escape you.

Well loser, that has no bearing on your reality, does it? Do you need some cheese to go along with the whine?
Yeah, Bill is totally shamed right now. LOL!
You can't shame these people.

The point is he resigned because it was less harmful to his image than being disbarred.

The assertion was that he was disbarred. The truth is that he was not. And I now see you're finally coming to realize that. Thanks!


"Clinton’s law license in Arkansas was suspended for five years, and he paid a $25,000 fine. The Supreme Court also barred Clinton from practicing law before the nation’s highest court."

so yeah, he was disbarred you retard.

Fact-Check: Yes, Bill Clinton Was Disbarred and Fined After Impeachment - Breitbart

You know who else had their law license removed?

Barak Obama.

Nice Use of FAKE STATISTICS by Fake Americans.
More false new!
A court official confirms that no public disciplinary proceeding has ever been brought against Obama, contrary to a false Internet rumor. By voluntarily inactivating their licenses, the Obama's avoided a requirement to take continuing education classes and pay hundreds of dollars in annual fees. Both could practice law again if they chose to do so.

The Obamas’ Law Licenses

Actually they were forced to volunteer their licenses away in a deal that would allow them to avoid embarrassment over a particular issue.

And in that deal, they were allowed to reapply for their licenses after a later date.
But, thanks for posting the "cover story'.

Please list the number of presidents who have ever volunteered to have their law licenses revoked.
Just so some of you numb nuts libs cannot claim you are unaware of this fact.

There have been 5 presidential elections where the winner won the Electoral Vote but not the Popular Vote.
Trump is not the first, nor will he be the last.
Trump fears a free press

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense
The press declared war on Trump during the elections, why shouldn't he defend himself? Ewe dew believe in free speech dew ewe knot?
The job of the president is not to defend himself but to defend the nation. When a president starts retaliating for personal attacks and uses the office of the president to do so, he is misusing the power of the office.

When Trump's opponents said that he does not have the temperament for the office, this is exactly what they were talking about. Trump can not resist the urge to escalate every incident into a battle.

When he was running for president he was the outsider, lacking in power or prestige. Within days he will become the most powerful man in the country and possibly the world, no longer an outsider, but Mister Insider whose successful will depend on how wisely he uses that power and prestige.

Every president has the right to defend himself from his critics. Especially when they lie about in this case.
Having the right, and taking action is quite different. Frankly, I hope he does lash out against every critic, and brings the full force of his office down upon them. Silencing the opposition in the media seems to be very important to him, but that will not happen. Nixon made that mistake and we all know where that led.
I see. You don't understand how the EC works. That or you don't have a working understanding of the definition of "majority".

I know exactly how the EC works, I also understand that the only majority that counts are within State lines. It's you regressives that don't understand our form of government and give credence to irrelevant shit.


Are you aware of the origins of the electoral college? It's a compromise with slaveholding states that was instituted along with the three-fifths compromise. If anything's "regressive" it's the EC. No industrialized nation on earth aside form ours elects a president in such a way. It's undemocratic and it's a relic of a time when Virginia plantation owners wanted to increase their representation in national elections using their unwilling slaves as quota points.

Enjoy clinging to THAT legacy as your legitimacy for Trump's presidency.

Garydog explains how the shit-hole state of Ca. should dictate how the country is run. Really, the largest cities in Ca. After all, Ca. is doing so well. You can see that by the zombie apocalypse on the streets, the filth, the chaos, the debt and tax on taxes.

He also explains how candidates should chase the popular vote when it doesn't matter. That and if the rules were changed, they'd chase the EC instead, just cuz.

Way to go Clinton. Congrats.

Yeah, let's not have CA dictate how the country is run. Let Ohio do it. You are clinically fucking retarded. Do you even know what democracy is??

Yeah, it's how representatives to our republic are elected. Any questions?

No, it's not. House members, Senate members, governors, state legislators, and even governors are ALL elected by way of popular vote. Without exception. It did not use to be that way for all representatives, but direct-election was deemed more democratic about 100 years ago and now senators are voted on by the people, too.

As usual, progressives drag you regressives kicking and screaming into the future. Sorry your lunch counters got darker and your women got more uppity.
According to polls. You know, the polls that said Hillary was going to win.

The polls had her up by 5 points, nationwide. She won by 2 points. That's within the margin of error.

Won what?

The popular vote, and thus Trump lost any claim to a presidential mandate.

That's also why he has the lowest approval rating of any prez-elect.


Yeah, that mythical popular vote and 7 bucks can get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. The EC wasn't even close, 304-227, 30 States, that's a mandate.

It gets Trump ZERO presidential mandate is what it gets. Maybe this is your first election in America?

LOL, we have the Senate, the House and the Executive Office. Yup, that's a "mandate".

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