Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

You can call Hillary a lot of things. Stupid isn't one of them. And if we know she's stupid, we know trump couldn't get more votes than a stupid person.

She indeed is intellectually vapid, and she is that in the extreme. She is, or would have been jut one more tool of World Corporations. Trump may be as well, but we'll have to wait and see.
As I stated elsewhere he was only marginally less of a shit sandwich than she was, she ran a shit campaign.

What a stupid fucking thing to say. She's a Wellesley grad with a Yale law degree. She's been senator, Secretary of State, and an advisor to two presidents. She started as a daughter to a small business owner.

Meanwhile, trump inherited hundreds of millions from his father and performed no better than the market in the 35 years since.

She failed in her law career and has been fired, she was a do-nothing Senator, the worst SOS ever, and an advisor to her husband who by all accounts, didn't listen to her at all.

I guess to YOU maybe she seems smart.

"Failed" in her law career? Lol! You couldn't be more wrong.

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Was Disbarred

Ok, last time.

I never said she was disbarred you fucking moron.

Your inability to read is make no it impossible to argue with you. I'm getting a headache trying to discuss with you, educate you, and answer your idiotic and irrelevant questions. You are dismissed.

So who told you that you could dismiss anybody? Whoever it was lied to you.
You can call Hillary a lot of things. Stupid isn't one of them. And if we know she's stupid, we know trump couldn't get more votes than a stupid person.

She indeed is intellectually vapid, and she is that in the extreme. She is, or would have been jut one more tool of World Corporations. Trump may be as well, but we'll have to wait and see.
As I stated elsewhere he was only marginally less of a shit sandwich than she was, she ran a shit campaign.

What a stupid fucking thing to say. She's a Wellesley grad with a Yale law degree. She's been senator, Secretary of State, and an advisor to two presidents. She started as a daughter to a small business owner.

Meanwhile, trump inherited hundreds of millions from his father and performed no better than the market in the 35 years since.

She failed in her law career and has been fired, she was a do-nothing Senator, the worst SOS ever, and an advisor to her husband who by all accounts, didn't listen to her at all.

I guess to YOU maybe she seems smart.

"Failed" in her law career? Lol! You couldn't be more wrong.

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Was Disbarred

Ok, last time.

I never said she was disbarred you fucking moron.

Your inability to read is make no it impossible to argue with you. I'm getting a headache trying to discuss with you, educate you, and answer your idiotic and irrelevant questions. You are dismissed.

She wasn't fired, either. She in no discernible way "failed" as a lawyer.
"Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court"
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ordered former President Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court on Monday and gave him 40 days to contest the order.

The court did not explain its reasons, but Supreme Court disbarment often follows disbarment in lower courts.

In April, Clinton's Arkansas law license was suspended for five years and he paid a $25,000 fine. The original disbarment lawsuit was brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court followed its standard rules in the Clinton case, which include suspending Clinton from practice in the court and giving him 40 day to show why he should not be permanently disbarred.

Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court

Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

You'll have to do better son.
Your dear leader claims 20 million covered by the UACA, now you claim that not only will 30 million lose health care, but will be removed form the abode and thrown into the streets. So tell us master DRAMA QUEEN, how long before Trump lines up 100 million to be shot and placed in mass graves? A month, two? ROFLMFAO

It probably won't be that bad. But tell me, does it need to get to that before you stop blindly defending him and realize you've been conned by a lifelong con artist?

No, I got exactly what I voted for, the hildabitch will never make a supreme court nomination. The destruction of your dear leaders "legacy" will be pure gravy.

And Trump will nominate Vince McMahon. Again, WHAT DO YOU STAND TO GAIN?

Ok, "journalist", prove that claim.

Prove what claim? That trump will nominate unqualified people? Christ look at his cabinet nominations! A brain surgeon with zero public works experience as HUD secretary? A tycoon with billions in overseas conflicts as Sec of State? Are you taking crazy pills?

"And Trump will nominate Vince McMahon. Again, WHAT DO YOU STAND TO GAIN?"

Prove it child.
"Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court"
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ordered former President Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court on Monday and gave him 40 days to contest the order.

The court did not explain its reasons, but Supreme Court disbarment often follows disbarment in lower courts.

In April, Clinton's Arkansas law license was suspended for five years and he paid a $25,000 fine. The original disbarment lawsuit was brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court followed its standard rules in the Clinton case, which include suspending Clinton from practice in the court and giving him 40 day to show why he should not be permanently disbarred.

Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court

Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

You'll have to do better son.

Lol, from your link:

"While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it's not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton's license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred"
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.

Fake news does shit like this:

cnn apologizes to assange

CNN Apologizes To Julian Assange | The Sean Hannity Show
3 days ago - CNN has issued an apology and retraction after one of its analysts baselessly accused WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of being a pedophile ...

CNN apologizes to Assange after commentator calls him 'pedophile ...
Jan 5, 2017 - CNN issued an apology after one of its paid commentators called WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange "a pedophile" during a live broadcast ...

"We Regret The Error": CNN Apologizes To Assange For Pedophilia ...
5 days ago - It didn't take much for CNN to fold after Wikileaks threatened to sue it for defamation ... CNN apologizes to Julian Assange after former CIA Dep.

CNN apologizes to Wikileaks after threatening to sue over ... - TheBlaze
Jan 4, 2017 - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stands on the balcony of the Ecuadorean Embassy to addresses waiting supporters and media in London, ...

CNN says after paid ex-CIA analyst calls Julian Assange a ... -
7 days ago - CNN has all but apologized to Julian Assange after Phil Mudd, a paid analyst, ... CNN apologizes to Julian Assange after former CIA Dep.
She indeed is intellectually vapid, and she is that in the extreme. She is, or would have been jut one more tool of World Corporations. Trump may be as well, but we'll have to wait and see.
As I stated elsewhere he was only marginally less of a shit sandwich than she was, she ran a shit campaign.

What a stupid fucking thing to say. She's a Wellesley grad with a Yale law degree. She's been senator, Secretary of State, and an advisor to two presidents. She started as a daughter to a small business owner.

Meanwhile, trump inherited hundreds of millions from his father and performed no better than the market in the 35 years since.

She failed in her law career and has been fired, she was a do-nothing Senator, the worst SOS ever, and an advisor to her husband who by all accounts, didn't listen to her at all.

I guess to YOU maybe she seems smart.

"Failed" in her law career? Lol! You couldn't be more wrong.

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Was Disbarred

Ok, last time.

I never said she was disbarred you fucking moron.

Your inability to read is make no it impossible to argue with you. I'm getting a headache trying to discuss with you, educate you, and answer your idiotic and irrelevant questions. You are dismissed.

So who told you that you could dismiss anybody? Whoever it was lied to you.

I can dismiss anyone I want to and I often have to. The left here, who have, at their very best, been liars both to themselves and the public. Now add the severe butthurt that they suffered because they didn't get their way and you and have a disturbed mental process that is pointless to argue with. Even in boredom, I quickly get tired of that level of stupid.
"Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court"
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ordered former President Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court on Monday and gave him 40 days to contest the order.

The court did not explain its reasons, but Supreme Court disbarment often follows disbarment in lower courts.

In April, Clinton's Arkansas law license was suspended for five years and he paid a $25,000 fine. The original disbarment lawsuit was brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court followed its standard rules in the Clinton case, which include suspending Clinton from practice in the court and giving him 40 day to show why he should not be permanently disbarred.

Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court

Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

You'll have to do better son.

Lol, from your link:

"While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it's not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton's license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred"

LOL, from my link, Bill was disbarred from practicing before the Supreme Court.
You're young aren't you?
She indeed is intellectually vapid, and she is that in the extreme. She is, or would have been jut one more tool of World Corporations. Trump may be as well, but we'll have to wait and see.
As I stated elsewhere he was only marginally less of a shit sandwich than she was, she ran a shit campaign.

What a stupid fucking thing to say. She's a Wellesley grad with a Yale law degree. She's been senator, Secretary of State, and an advisor to two presidents. She started as a daughter to a small business owner.

Meanwhile, trump inherited hundreds of millions from his father and performed no better than the market in the 35 years since.

She failed in her law career and has been fired, she was a do-nothing Senator, the worst SOS ever, and an advisor to her husband who by all accounts, didn't listen to her at all.

I guess to YOU maybe she seems smart.

"Failed" in her law career? Lol! You couldn't be more wrong.

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Was Disbarred

Remove your emotions, it clouds your ability to comprehend what you read. Nobody said she was Bill on the other hand ;)

I'm pretty sure she cannot comprehend anything past the 3rd or 4th grade. It explains why she's a Hillary supporter that's for sure.

Wasn't disbarred, wasn't fired. Matter of fact, you Trump Humpers passed around a myth that she freed a child rapist while acting as his defense lawyer. In other words, you bitched about her being TOO good at her job!
"Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court"
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ordered former President Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court on Monday and gave him 40 days to contest the order.

The court did not explain its reasons, but Supreme Court disbarment often follows disbarment in lower courts.

In April, Clinton's Arkansas law license was suspended for five years and he paid a $25,000 fine. The original disbarment lawsuit was brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court followed its standard rules in the Clinton case, which include suspending Clinton from practice in the court and giving him 40 day to show why he should not be permanently disbarred.

Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court

Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

You'll have to do better son.

Lol, from your link:

"While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it's not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton's license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred"

LOL, from my link, Bill was disbarred from practicing before the Supreme Court.
You're young aren't you?

So you didn't read your link? Your quote was from the debunked report. Mine was from the clarification by snopes.

I won't guess at your age but I imagine it's higher than you IQ.
cnn fake news

I find it hilarious that CNN says Trump "nailed his first press conference" HAHAHAHAHAHA

Fucking fake news, always good for a laugh:

Trump berates CNN reporter: 'You are fake news' | TheHill
1 day ago - You are fake news," Trump responded, before calling on a reporter from Breitbart. CNN on Tuesday night reported that intelligence officials had ...

Trump: CNN in 'total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS' | TheHill
4 hours ago - CNN is in a total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS because their ratings are tanking since election and their credibility will soon be gone!

Trump nailed his first press conference -
11 hours ago - Trump calls intel report 'fake news' 00:58. Un-presidential? Yes. Unpopular? I suspect not. The media has to accept that popular attitudes ...

Trump cranks up war on 'fake news' CNN by meeting AT&T bosses ...
3 hours ago - A day after unleashing a furious tirade against CNN, President-elect Donald Trump meets with the head of telecom giant AT&T, which is ...

Trump Blasts CNN's "FAKE NEWS", Says "Credibility Will Soon Be ...
5 hours ago - CNN is in a total meltdown with their FAKE NEWS because their ratings are tanking since election and their credibility will soon be gone!

UGLY: CNN Buries Buzzfeed Over Fake Trump Story | Daily Wire
17 hours ago - As the Daily Wire has chronicled, CNN has repeatedly exposed itself over the last year as an overtly biased news source, but the egregiously ...

Trump Calls CNN 'Fake News' - Video -

upload_2017-1-12_10-31-9.jpeg▶ 0:39
23 hours ago
President-elect Donald J. Trump had sharp words for a CNN reporter: “Your organization's terrible. ... You are ...

'You Are Fake News!': Trump and CNN's Jim Acosta Get Into Shouting ...
1 day ago - During President-elect Donald Trump's press conference today, Trump took aim at “fake news” regarding the release of an unverified dossier ...

CNN RATTLED: Jake Tapper Scrambles to Defend 'fake news' report ...
21 hours ago - After the press conference, Tapper attempted to differentiate between his network's reporting and Buzzfeed's, the latter of which published a ...
"Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court"
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ordered former President Clinton disbarred from practicing law before the high court on Monday and gave him 40 days to contest the order.

The court did not explain its reasons, but Supreme Court disbarment often follows disbarment in lower courts.

In April, Clinton's Arkansas law license was suspended for five years and he paid a $25,000 fine. The original disbarment lawsuit was brought by a committee of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court followed its standard rules in the Clinton case, which include suspending Clinton from practice in the court and giving him 40 day to show why he should not be permanently disbarred.

Clinton Disbarred From Practice Before Supreme Court

Bill Clinton was Fined, Disbarred Over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal

You'll have to do better son.

Lol, from your link:

"While Clinton can no longer practice law in front of the highest court, it's not accurate to say that he was disbarred from either the Supreme Court or from practicing law in Arkansas. Clinton's license was suspended in Arkansas, but he was not disbarred"

LOL, from my link, Bill was disbarred from practicing before the Supreme Court.
You're young aren't you?

So you didn't read your link? Your quote was from the debunked report. Mine was from the clarification by snopes.

I won't guess at your age but I imagine it's higher than you IQ.

(sigh) Was Clinton disbarred from practicing before the SC?
Trump fears a free press

There is no such thing like "free press", the owners of the MSM decide what lies are printed in their media, and the presstitutes have to obey their masters.

Trump was elected despite this lying press, and now he can apply anti-trust-laws to destroy these oligarchs with double citizenship that created a monopoly and now control American media.

He realizes they will bring down his Presidency. By declaring war on the press even before he assumes office, Trump is laying the groundwork for a "The press is out to get me" defense

Who cares about this old legacy media in the age of Internet?
Can Trump not do without these dishonest middlemen that distort what he says?
Of course he can, he can do this via Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and there is still some decent media in the USA that will gain popularity.

CNN and other shit-media will be bankrupt in a couple of years.
She indeed is intellectually vapid, and she is that in the extreme. She is, or would have been jut one more tool of World Corporations. Trump may be as well, but we'll have to wait and see.
As I stated elsewhere he was only marginally less of a shit sandwich than she was, she ran a shit campaign.

What a stupid fucking thing to say. She's a Wellesley grad with a Yale law degree. She's been senator, Secretary of State, and an advisor to two presidents. She started as a daughter to a small business owner.

Meanwhile, trump inherited hundreds of millions from his father and performed no better than the market in the 35 years since.

She failed in her law career and has been fired, she was a do-nothing Senator, the worst SOS ever, and an advisor to her husband who by all accounts, didn't listen to her at all.

I guess to YOU maybe she seems smart.

"Failed" in her law career? Lol! You couldn't be more wrong.

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Was Disbarred

Ok, last time.

I never said she was disbarred you fucking moron.

Your inability to read is make no it impossible to argue with you. I'm getting a headache trying to discuss with you, educate you, and answer your idiotic and irrelevant questions. You are dismissed.

She wasn't fired, either. She in no discernible way "failed" as a lawyer.

Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior
Semantics is ALWAYS the refuge of the weak.

"On October 1, 2001, Clinton’s U.S. Supreme Court law license was suspended, with 40 days to contest his disbarment. On November 9, 2001, the last day for Clinton to contest the disbarment, he opted to resign from the Supreme Court Bar, surrendering his license, rather than facing penalties related to disbarment."

Lost Law Licenses: Presidents Obama, Clinton, and Nixon - LewRockwell
Your butthurt has made your brain malfunction.

I at least know how to count. 3 million more is ........well.........more.

Again probably wasting my time talking to an idiot, and worse, a stubborn idiot but seeing as how I'm bored, I'll grant you the attention you do not deserve.

We have all three branches of government, plus the vast majority of state governorships, and the vast majority of state legislatures. All you have is 3 million illegal aliens in California and a severe case of butthurt. Go ahead and see how much you can accomplish with that you dumbass.

You think 3 million illegal aliens voted. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.......HAHA

The point that your tiny malfunctioning brain can't seem to grasp is that you are the ones in the minority.

Trump lost the popular vote by three million. 74 million voted for someone other than trump compared to 62 mill for, and even the democratic senate races were won on popular vote, nationwide. Also, 70% have an unfavorable view of trump right now.

Minority of WHAT??

304-227 the only votes that count. LOSER.
Your butthurt has made your brain malfunction.

I at least know how to count. 3 million more is ........well.........more.

Again probably wasting my time talking to an idiot, and worse, a stubborn idiot but seeing as how I'm bored, I'll grant you the attention you do not deserve.

We have all three branches of government, plus the vast majority of state governorships, and the vast majority of state legislatures. All you have is 3 million illegal aliens in California and a severe case of butthurt. Go ahead and see how much you can accomplish with that you dumbass.
You also have a president-elect with the worst approval rating EVER.


According to polls. You know, the polls that said Hillary was going to win.

The polls had her up by 5 points, nationwide. She won by 2 points. That's within the margin of error.

Won what?
Semantics is ALWAYS the refuge of the weak.

"On October 1, 2001, Clinton’s U.S. Supreme Court law license was suspended, with 40 days to contest his disbarment. On November 9, 2001, the last day for Clinton to contest the disbarment, he opted to resign from the Supreme Court Bar, surrendering his license, rather than facing penalties related to disbarment."

Lost Law Licenses: Presidents Obama, Clinton, and Nixon - LewRockwell

The fuck is Lew LMAO!

AP FACT CHECK: Trump says Bill Clinton lost law license

Trump’s facts are, at best, jumbled. In 1998, lawyers for Bill Clinton settled with former Arkansas state employee Paul Jones for $850,000 in her four-year lawsuit alleging sexual harassment. Clinton did not acknowledge wrongdoing in the settlement. But Trump erred in describing the legal consequences of that case. In a related case before the Arkansas State Supreme Court, Clinton was fined $25,000 and his Arkansas law license was suspended for five years. Clinton also faced disbarment before the U.S. Supreme Court, but he opted to resign from the court’s practice instead of facing any penalties.

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