Alright Make Your Predictions, How Long Until ALL Charges Are Dropped For Trump?

Bovine ^ is spreading more manure. You are gaslighting yet again.
Still not up the Herculean task of learning the Board’s remarkably way to use and user friendly “quote function.”

Also, it’s apparent you don’t know the meaning of the term “gaslighting.”
Still not up the Herculean task of learning the Board’s remarkably way to use and user friendly “quote function.”

Also, it’s apparent you don’t know the meaning of the term “gaslighting.”
Your mind is spazzing again. Stop the gaslighting.
Your mind is spazzing again. Stop the gaslighting.
If you need help, just ask. Lots of people much smarter than you can ever hope to be would be happy to try to educate you.

“Gaslighting” has a good deal to do with having some poor person question themselves over their perceptions. Fooling them into it.

I haven’t done any such thing. Nor do I need to. Now, BACK ON TOPIC (even though it offends you to be on topic)

The NY County case is a crock. On its face! If you had any ability to see reality, you’d concede that point. But, it is the one case where the persecutors are most likely to obtain a conviction. Or, is that me “gaslighting,” you, too? Because that is what I predicted, here.

Get on topic. Stop trolling. Try to be coherent. Also, learn the quote function.
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I was just thinking about this. I say by the way things are going now all of the current charges will be dropped by mid to late summer. I have absolutely no doubt that they'll keep coming up with new stuff to try and get him even after the election though.
Do you mean just the current, or does this include the next round of shit they'll make up after all of this inevitably fails?

They're obviously not going to stop..7 years later.
Do you mean just the current, or does this include the next round of shit they'll make up after all of this inevitably fails?

They're obviously not going to stop..7 years later.
Nothing you Red hats say ever comes to fruition. The only thing we can depend on is your non stop whining about your losing.
Nothing you Red hats say ever comes to fruition. The only thing we can depend on is your non stop whining about your losing.
You'd think after 7 years of coming up with bupkis they'd figure out there's no there there; But you'd be wrong.
Its the only way he can beat the charges. He can order the federal charges against him dropped (likely leading to immediate impeachment) and state charges may be suspended while he is in office.

Plus its his sole source of income now.
He has the Bible sales that you libs bitch about.
I wonder what despicable racist the MAGA faithful will flock to once Trump is gone

First, all Republican policies are racist. No, I take that back. They are anti poor. Just so happens there are a lot of poor black people. So Republican policies don't work for blacks, unless you're Ben Carson and was lucky enough to be an idiot savant when it comes to being a doctor. Something that pays a lot. Goo 4 U Ben. But what about your people from the poor community you came from?

2nd, the GOP has always been made up of two groups. The Corporatists (who love hiring illegals and sending jobs overseas and tax breaks to the rich) and the Racists (uneducated blue collar white deplorables)

3. A part of me wants Republicans to win so they can show us how they are going to bring those jobs back home. I mean those good paying jobs. But the problem is, Trump didn't do shit for poor people but he says he's better than Abe Lincoln and the poor never did better than under him.

4. Here's what Trump is taking credit for. Remember Obama handed him a good economy and he passed a tax break to all. It should have created a bigger boom. One that covid couldn't destroy. Instead it caused inflation and doubled the debt.

5. Bush gave Clinton's surplus away. Imagine if Trump didn't pass his tax break to all. And how come people didn't have any savings to get them through the lock down?

And leave us with four more LONG years' worth of far Left Communist rule. In that time I would hope either Russia or China would have the courage to turn their keys and put this once proud country out of its misery.
If you are miserable, leave. A lot of liberals are leaving too. Immigrants don't want to come and we need them. We can't do this with only goobers like you.

Let me give you an example. My dad came here and was a cook. Got a great job at Ford because no whites or blacks would do it. Got up at 3am. His son, my brother, became a VP in a fortune 500 company. Do you see? We need immigrants to come because they work hard and want better for their kids.

Can you black and white Americans honestly say you do too? No you don't. You don't take school seriously. You want to be social media influencers and gamers. You live in your parents basements playing xbox. Employers have to hire illegals because your kids won't work for $10 hr. I could go on and on.

There is no data from a U.S. federal agency that explains the true extent of Americans leaving the states for life abroad. As of 2020, the State Department estimated that 9 million U.S. citizens lived overseas, but according to a department spokesperson, the agency no longer provides these estimates.

Remember, a lot of these people leaving are leaving with money. They can't afford to retire here but they should remember they couldn't have made that money in the country they are moving to.

And are they moving somewhere with socialized medicine?
The entire goal of all of this, presented in one sentence. Appreciate that.

The entire goal of all of this, presented in one sentence. Appreciate that.

Didn't Trump want to "lock Hillary up"? Didn't YOU?

And what about this

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.

Do you agree with Trump here?
Didn't Trump want to "lock Hillary up"? Didn't YOU?

And what about this

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.

Do you agree with Trump here?
Joe was Lot then the Sodom and Gomorrah queen. Understand.
Joe was Lot then the Sodom and Gomorrah queen. Understand.

That's what the bible was invented for. So you can draw from it. Compare bad people to Lot or Sodom. No I don't understand fool. Do you understand what I showed you? Want to discuss it? I'll start.

a. Don't cry that we're trying to lock Trump up. You wanted to lock Hillary up member?

b. Trump wanted Nancy to impeach Bush for lying us into Iraq? Wow! So was Trump for a witch hunt on Bush? That comment Trump made where he said Nancy should have impeached Bush, sort of makes me not feel bad about Nancy impeaching Trump, twice.

c. I think Trump thought he could get away with all these crimes. Probably would have if he

1. Didn't run again
2. Didn't steal those documents and try to sell them
3. Won in 2020.
First, all Republican policies are racist. No, I take that back. They are anti poor. Just so happens there are a lot of poor black people. So Republican policies don't work for blacks, unless you're Ben Carson and was lucky enough to be an idiot savant when it comes to being a doctor. Something that pays a lot. Goo 4 U Ben. But what about your people from the poor community you came from?

2nd, the GOP has always been made up of two groups. The Corporatists (who love hiring illegals and sending jobs overseas and tax breaks to the rich) and the Racists (uneducated blue collar white deplorables)

3. A part of me wants Republicans to win so they can show us how they are going to bring those jobs back home. I mean those good paying jobs. But the problem is, Trump didn't do shit for poor people but he says he's better than Abe Lincoln and the poor never did better than under him.

4. Here's what Trump is taking credit for. Remember Obama handed him a good economy and he passed a tax break to all. It should have created a bigger boom. One that covid couldn't destroy. Instead it caused inflation and doubled the debt.

5. Bush gave Clinton's surplus away. Imagine if Trump didn't pass his tax break to all. And how come people didn't have any savings to get them through the lock down?

1. What GOP policies are anti anything or anyone? Be specific.

2. The GOP is made up from all segments of society.

3. Trump had inflation under 2%, that helped everyone. Biden's moronic policies raised prices 20% or so, and that hurt everyone, but the poor most.

4. Trump's GDP was fine, he wanted 5%growth. We agree that cutting taxes while not cutting spending is stupid.

5. Also agree that the Bush tax cuts after Newt and Bubba had a surplus was idiotic.

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