Alright Make Your Predictions, How Long Until ALL Charges Are Dropped For Trump?

Sorry I hurt your feelings loser.
Your Stalinist Marxist Leninist tactics are hurting EVERYONE.
You are too blinded by your indoctrinated HATRED to see that this LAWFARE is setting un-American, and quite frankly, UNCONSTITUTIONAL precedent that will ultimately affect YOU, dummy.
No, this is NOT a "win for the good guys".
Your Stalinist Marxist Leninist tactics are hurting EVERYONE.
You are too blinded by your indoctrinated HATRED to see that this LAWFARE is setting un-American, and quite frankly, UNCONSTITUTIONAL precedent that will ultimately affect YOU, dummy.
No, this is NOT a "win for the good guys".
Sure it is.

It shows that nobody is above the law.

Its not "lawfare", it's due process. As American as it gets.
Sure it is.

It shows that nobody is above the law.

Its not "lawfare", it's due process. As American as it gets.
No it's not.
Alvin is PERSECUTING Trump for a FEDERAL "CRIME" that he has no jurisdiction for. He DUSTED OFF a case the FEDS THROUGH IN THE GARAGE. He literally DUMPSTER DOVE a rejected case.
It's completely ABSURD!!!!!
But you don't care because your "team" is the one doing it.
That's expected from you demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie brainwashed ASSHOLES.

No it's not.
Alvin is PERSECUTING Trump for a FEDERAL "CRIME" that he has no jurisdiction for. He DUSTED OFF a case the FEDS THROUGH IN THE GARAGE. He literally DUMPSTER DOVE a rejected case.
It's completely ABSURD!!!!!
But you don't care because your "team" is the one doing it.
That's expected from you demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie brainwashed ASSHOLES.

Yep. The real objective is to ensure the DemocraP party becomes the only game in town.
See you left wingers still whine over that peaceful transfer of power.
I was not involved with the war in Iraq. Question again. Is Iraq better off now than when Hussein was alive in charge?

People in other countries may ask that about Trump.
People in other countries may ask that about Trump.
Americans' concerns are about our country.

Let's ask the same question one more time.

See you left wingers still whine over that peaceful transfer of power.
I was not involved with the war in Iraq. Question again. Is Iraq better off now than when Hussein was alive in charge?
Americans' concerns are about our country.

Let's ask the same question one more time.

See you left wingers still whine over that peaceful transfer of power.
I was not involved with the war in Iraq. Question again. Is Iraq better off now than when Hussein was alive in charge?

Gallup started listening to the voices of the Iraqi people shortly after the invasion and has been back to interview them every year since 2008. On the 20th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, we explore how Iraqis see their lives now and how their views have evolved over time.

The question of whether life in Iraq is better or worse now than 20 years ago has no definitive answer. In some ways, the data show the fallout and instability from the war have compounded the misery of millions. But there are modest signals that suggest all is not lost.

And what about the United States? Fuck Iraq!!! What do I give a fuck about Iraq??? Is America better off today than we were when Saddam was alive? Nope. We were $1 trillion dollars richer!!!

The United States Department of Defense's direct spending on Iraq totaled at least $757.8 billion, but also highlighting the complementary costs at home, such as interest paid on the funds borrowed to finance the wars.

Gallup started listening to the voices of the Iraqi people shortly after the invasion and has been back to interview them every year since 2008. On the 20th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, we explore how Iraqis see their lives now and how their views have evolved over time.

The question of whether life in Iraq is better or worse now than 20 years ago has no definitive answer. In some ways, the data show the fallout and instability from the war have compounded the misery of millions. But there are modest signals that suggest all is not lost.

And what about the United States? Fuck Iraq!!! What do I give a fuck about Iraq??? Is America better off today than we were when Saddam was alive? Nope. We were $1 trillion dollars richer!!!

The United States Department of Defense's direct spending on Iraq totaled at least $757.8 billion, but also highlighting the complementary costs at home, such as interest paid on the funds borrowed to finance the wars.
A wise poster would not change the topic. So why did you change the topic?
Americans' concerns are about our country.

Let's ask the same question one more time.

See you left wingers still whine over that peaceful transfer of power.
I was not involved with the war in Iraq. Question again. Is Iraq better off now than when Hussein was alive in charge?
Iraq was much better off before Saddam overthrew the government by hanging several of his opponents, and then getting involved with Ronnie RayGun and Pappa Bush. They had the most secular society in all the Arab world and women there had more rights too. Now they are like other Arab nations at war with themselves.
A wise poster would not change the topic. So why did you change the topic?
I answered your god damn question in great god damned details. I started with a fucking answer. NO. They are not better off. Besides, it's a stupid question. Who knows? Perhaps Saddam would have died of natural causes and saved us $1 trillion dollars. Perhaps it should have been left up to the Iraqi's to overthrow them. Turns out, it was a big fat mistake. I'm sorry. Mistake implies it was on accident. Haloburton made billions.

Ask Trump that stupid question and see what he says to you

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.

“Impeaching him?” Blitzer asked.

“Absolutely. For the war. For the war,” said Trump, referring to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies, and I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”

Asked about the remarks during a presidential debate eight years later, Trump said, “you do whatever you want – you call it whatever you want,” and reiterated his belief that the Bush administration lied.
Why do you never say this to Biden supporters? 🤡

Because Biden barely has any supporters much less worshippers. Democrats aren't attending biden rallies, they're not buying Biden merch, they're not hanging on his every word and believing everything he says and treating it like gospel. Only maga does that. Hence the cult label.
I was just thinking about this. I say by the way things are going now all of the current charges will be dropped by mid to late summer. I have absolutely no doubt that they'll keep coming up with new stuff to try and get him even after the election though.

They're going to drop 88 charges? Keep dreaming. My question to you is, why are you so invested in a criminal being let off? Why do you subscribe to the idea that there are two sets of laws in this country, one for the wealthy and powerful and one for the poor and powerless? It's almost like you would prefer a autocracy like Russia, over a democracy like the US. Hmmm.
Because Biden barely has any supporters much less worshippers. Democrats aren't attending biden rallies, they're not buying Biden merch, they're not hanging on his every word and believing everything he says and treating it like gospel. Only maga does that. Hence the cult label.
Actually, we know the Trump accomplishments. And the list is posted on this forum. That is why we want Trump to take charge of a Government who helps foreign citizens but refuses to help Citizens of the US.
Actually, we know the Trump accomplishments. And the list is posted on this forum. That is why we want Trump to take charge of a Government who helps foreign citizens but refuses to help Citizens of the US.

trump promised Mexico would pay for a Great Wall. Where is the great wall and why hasn’t Mexico payed for it?
trump promised Mexico would pay for a Great Wall. Where is the great wall and why hasn’t Mexico payed for it?
Before Biden stopped new construction on the wall, the Trump administration had built 458 miles of what it dubbed “border wall system,” according to final figures compiled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and provided to U.S. News.
The wall consists mostly of 18- to 30-foot steel bollards anchored in concrete. The barriers also feature sensors, lights, cameras and parallel roads in some places.
The vast majority of the 458 miles were constructed in places where some kind of barrier already existed, but most of the preexisting structures were far less imposing than the new wall and included fencing and rudimentary technical barriers.

Lady Liberty .is not involved in your Soviet show trials.
The demented LEFT can't meme.

ummmm.... that is not lady liberty.

that is lady justice.


& donny loves you long time.
I was just thinking about this. I say by the way things are going now all of the current charges will be dropped by mid to late summer. I have absolutely no doubt that they'll keep coming up with new stuff to try and get him even after the election though.
This is most definitely a keeper thread

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