Alyssa Milano extends 'olive branch' to Trump supporters

Alyssa Milano extends 'olive branch' to Trump supporters after months of scathing rebukes
Alyssa Milano extends 'olive branch' to Trump supporters after months of scathing rebukes

After 4 years of calling for the deaths of Republicans and Trump, calling them everything from Nazi's to morons, suddenly she calls for peace and harmony.

This is yet another sign of how little regard for you they have.
You are nothing. Not even a virus to them.
You are required to forego any resentment you may have after her abuse (actually ALL the Left)

This is a perfect example of Moral Narcissism.
Absolutely ZERo regard for how her actions affected others.....only how they made her feel.
This is the Left.

Stealing elections will not cause them to lose any sleep.
I send the stupid witch only a rope
I'm boycotting this idiot woman =======whatever she is in, I won't watch.

If only ALL Conservatives would follow suit.
it's crazy how they get censored on Facebook and Twitter.....then......

Send out a link to ALL their family and freinds to visit them ON FACEBOOK or follow them on Twitter!
I guess to many conservatives it's more important to cry, whine and be a victim....then actually do something about it.
Someone gets it

Don't fall for this!! She's a Dimocrat operative.

Word on the street is, the Dimocrat party wants their people to constantly use terms like "united", "unity", "coming together", #ForwardTogether, etc.

They want Biden and the party to be credited for bringing Americans together. The hope is by making these claims, their party will be viewed as the uniters, and thus the GOP will be viewed as the dividers.

The truth is, this country is divided, and most Americans do not want to give in to their opposition. I for one will never unite with people who hate and who constantly protest this country's foundations. When I see someone carrying a sign that for instance claims ACAB (all cops are bastards) or that "America Was Never Great", etc etc. I have no desire to have anything to do with such people, and thus will never unite with them.

We need to once and for all fight this out, or split the country up. There is no "United" States of America" today.
She used up her fifteen minutes of fame a very long time ago. Why does anyone continue to pay any attention to her?
Alyssa Milano extends 'olive branch' to Trump supporters after months of scathing rebukes
Alyssa Milano extends 'olive branch' to Trump supporters after months of scathing rebukes

FUCK Alyssa Milano. She is a carbuncle on my ass. She is the waste dropping of my pet cockroach. May be contract a festering bone infection and suffer a slow and lingering decay as all her looks, fame, popularity and money she banged others for all fade away and get eaten up.
FUCK Alyssa Milano. She is a carbuncle on my ass. She is the waste dropping of my pet cockroach. May be contract a festering bone infection and suffer a slow and lingering decay as all her looks, fame, popularity and money she banged others for all fade away and get eaten up.

Even that reaction gives her a lot more attention that seems anywhere close to warranted.

Decades ago, she was a mildly-famous, very cute young actress. But that was decades ago.

Who is she, now, that anyone who isn't personally involved with her in some way should give her any attention at all?
She had no interest in finding common ground or working together for the last four years and if Trump had been reelected she would have had no interest in doing so for the next four years so I take her olive branch for exactly what it's worth nothing.

Milano is the stereotypical greedy, self-centered, spoiled Californian whose bubble will get broken one of these days big time as California quickly slides into economic ruin as Hollywood decays, to be followed by the big earthquake in LA that will knock all those fancy homes right off the hillsides of Bel Air and Beverly Hills.
To be sure, Bob, I'm not giving her attention, I'm cursing her.

Even to curse her is to give her far more attention than she is worth.

Of course, I am probably committing the same error in even bothering to argue the point.
Alyssa Milano can stick her branch where the sun don't shine.
Not to ask a silly question but why would ANYONE care what an actress or actor thinks? Especially someone like Milano who's never been anything but an actor "playing pretend" since she was 8 years old? She has about as much of a grasp of the real world as some fairy tale princess!
I’m not sure why it matters what Milano thinks, can anyone tell me why we need to be concerned about she thinks?

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