Am I the only athiest on here, who when...

In their homeland, Muslims kill atheists and Christians.

If I were an atheist, I'd settle for a tongue lashing from a Catholic who laughs at the atheist notion that atheists must take over the world and banish religion in order for the world to be a better place.

Did you know that there are some Christians who think that they must take over the world?

Those "Christians" are going against Christ's teachings. That's all need be said.
Am I the only person who thinks it's horrible to start a thread just to rag on someone's religion?

he's not ragging on any particular religion. he's stating that he doesn't believe in any religion.

is that any worse than the threads that pronounce that if you don't say the right prayers then you go to hell?

Funny, I don't remember any of those threads.....and yes, he's ragging on religion.

FYI, yes, I find it just as horrible to start a thread just to say "non-believers" are going to hell. I just don't remember seeing any thread of that sort. Maybe I just ignored it?

I do still remember Huggy's post saying all Christians should be locked inside their churches and burned. It's so nice to see that hatred of religious people hasn't decreased one iota on this board.

I thought Huggy said to burn all but the churches?
S'okay, dude. Many religions inflicted holocausts. You athesists want to inflict yours.

The resemblance is breath-taking.

I wouldn't know about "you athiests". I've never sat down and talked with any group of athiests. I've never been to an "athiest" web site. The subject rarely comes up with my friends. I like to think my conclusions on the subject are my own. Did you bother to read my reply on how religion and atheism came to be? It is my own conclusion augmented by studying the subject from the input of thousands of documentaries and articles over the last 55 years..

I guess if you are a cockroach...the pest control guy looks like a holocost.
Come to think of it the only atheists I have ever met I have not met. Just chatted on political boards with them.

Are we supposed to have atheist churches and meetings and such? We can get out of taxes too?
If I missed out on all that I am going to be pissed, they should teach atheism in schools!
S'okay, dude. Many religions inflicted holocausts. You athesists want to inflict yours.

The resemblance is breath-taking.

I wouldn't know about "you athiests". I've never sat down and talked with any group of athiests. I've never been to an "athiest" web site. The subject rarely comes up with my friends. I like to think my conclusions on the subject are my own. Did you bother to read my reply on how religion and atheism came to be? It is my own conclusion augmented by studying the subject from the input of thousands of documentaries and articles over the last 55 years..

I guess if you are a cockroach...the pest control guy looks like a holocost.

Keep going.
he's not ragging on any particular religion. he's stating that he doesn't believe in any religion.

is that any worse than the threads that pronounce that if you don't say the right prayers then you go to hell?

Funny, I don't remember any of those threads.....and yes, he's ragging on religion.

FYI, yes, I find it just as horrible to start a thread just to say "non-believers" are going to hell. I just don't remember seeing any thread of that sort. Maybe I just ignored it?

I do still remember Huggy's post saying all Christians should be locked inside their churches and burned. It's so nice to see that hatred of religious people hasn't decreased one iota on this board.

I thought Huggy said to burn all but the churches?

Fine Sheila..make me the bad guy!!!:lol:
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I want to know where we meet to plan this Holocaust?
Are there atheist worship centers?

How many wars have been fought over religion? How been fought over not believing in anything?
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

That is like the saddest post I've ever seen. Isn't there somewhere where it is written that once someone rejects the truth and continues to hear it, their heart grows harder and the darkness gets worse? I think that's written somwhere, isn't it?
Come to think of it the only atheists I have ever met I have not met. Just chatted on political boards with them.

Are we supposed to have atheist churches and meetings and such? We can get out of taxes too?
If I missed out on all that I am going to be pissed, they should teach atheism in schools!

They already do.
I really love that: Just look around and how can you say god did not make all of this?

Probably (sometimes) the way a house dog thinks about humans.

Maybe you could try to stifle your disdain for those you feel are less intelligent then you purely because of their beliefs.

Wonder what you think about Muslim's and their beliefs? Are they smart enough to be in the same room with you dude?

some are, just like some Christians are.

Some are lowlife scum, just like some christians.

So...only some people are smart enough to be in the same room as you.

What a dick.
I know different. Sorry.

I guess you'll have to continue to live in ignorance. I guess the major roadblock isn't the evidence but your lack of desire to find it. You don't know and you don't want to know.

Sounds like a waste of time talking to you.

Some experts that dispute Intelligent Design actually think we were seeded here by space aliens. Can you believe that? Who's to say what God is? But these experts refuse to open their minds enough to look for the proof. They just know it can't be that God exists.

And to think I thought we were having a good discussion here.

You see, Mud, the problem with your hypothesis is that is has been tainted by human hands. What you talk of happened at a time when there were no sure-fire methods of recording events. It's like the old "to the victor go the spoils".

I've told this story a few times, and I can only go on my Year 1 history teacher for its veracity. She told me that one of her best friends at teacher's college taught history in Spain. (BTW, this was when I was at school in England in the last 1970s.). We were taught at our school that in 1588 the Spanish Armada sailed against England, Frances Drake blew them out of the water and a storm finished them off. That was over 400 years ago. In Spain, according my teacher, they are taught the Armada never sailed. So if history can be sullied over 400 years ago, what chances of getting an honest, provable, take on something that happened over 2000 years ago? And it appears most witnesses in the new testament heard it fourth or fifth hand at best...

I think it's at least 10th hand.

Every moment in history has been tainted by human hands. Every event biased by the person recording the event. So every event is suspect. Problem is you've closed your mind to the possibilities because of your own prejudices. Who knows for sure. But making up your mind before going into the search with an assumption that it's hogwash isn't gonna change your opinion. It's impossible for you to grasp because you're closed off to it. The difference in the Gospel is the Holy Spirit. That shiver that goes up your leg that you can't explain. But since you don't believe in it's existence you can't accept it.
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Why do Christians care about atheists? Why not just leave them alone?

Folks like me do.

Problem is they won't leave us alone.

I guess talking to them means the same as we can't leave em alone.....I guess.

Are you a Christian?

Why do Christians care if atheists exist? Atheists define themselves relative to religion.

I get the feeling you feel discussing Christianity is the same as trying to push it down everyone's throat.

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