Am I the only athiest on here, who when...

S'okay, dude. Many religions inflicted holocausts. You athesists want to inflict yours.

The resemblance is breath-taking.

the tea baggers are covering that very well thank you.
Be aftaid, be American.
Take over that country because they beat their wives!
And virtually every bagger supported the Iraq invasion.

Yes they all beat their wives and want to kill people.

And Muslims don't? Seems they do it alot.
One of the criterieas used for the manuscripts included in the New Testament was that they originated with first hand witnesses or perrsons recording the testimony of first hand witnesses. It was because of his first hand experience that the letters wrritten by the Apostle Paul were incorporated into the New Testament--this despite the fact that he had previously been a sworn enemy of Christians and had devoted all his time and energy to eradicate them. Even the newest manuscripts written toward or at the end of the First Century have been deemed worthy by accomplished Biblical scholars because insufficient time had passed for any kind of consistent legends to have emerged.

The early Church fathers were deeply devoted to Orthodoxy and meticulous in their choice of manuscripts that would be trusted as orthodox. Many many early manuscripts didn't make the cut. A few that were considered valuable but which they were unable to verify total authenticity they incorporated into a collection dubbed the Apochrypha. The Jews closed the Old Testament almost 400 years B.C. because they were so widely dispersed and did not want to corrupt the ancient texts with unreliable or unorthodox material.

The New Testament has never been canonized or formally closed but has become closed due to use over the millenia. In my opinion scripture has been written throughout all that time and continues to be written today, but the newer stuff won't ever make it into the Book. And that's cool. The Book is amazing literature as is.
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

Being an Atheist is nothing to brag about, poor you.
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

Being an Atheist is nothing to brag about, poor you.
You're just jealous! :eusa_shhh:
This thread isn't about Muslims. Christians seem particularly irked by atheists. Why don't they leave atheists alone? They seem challenged by them.

How dare we discuss it....right?


Somebody starts a thread with the obvious intent to accuse or criticize or otherwise insult those who believe in God by whatever name, but they are being open minded and virtuous.

I suppose Muslims or other non-Christian believers are are authorized to chime in so long as they bash Chrsitians a bit.

But if Christians participate, we are 'ramming something down somebody's throat.' It's a bit mind boggling isn't it. :)

Anyhow time to leave so shutting down here. Bacjk tonight sometime.
This thread isn't about Muslims. Christians seem particularly irked by atheists. Why don't they leave atheists alone? They seem challenged by them.

How dare we discuss it....right?


Somebody starts a thread with the obvious intent to accuse or criticize or otherwise insult those who believe in God by whatever name, but they are being open minded and virtuous.

I suppose Muslims or other non-Christian believers are are authorized to chime in so long as they bash Chrsitians a bit.

But if Christians participate, we are 'ramming something down somebody's throat.' It's a bit mind boggling isn't it. :)

Anyhow time to leave so shutting down here. Bacjk tonight sometime.

Later Fox have a good one.
Come to think of it the only atheists I have ever met I have not met. Just chatted on political boards with them.

Are we supposed to have atheist churches and meetings and such? We can get out of taxes too?
If I missed out on all that I am going to be pissed, they should teach atheism in schools!

They already do.

Yeah? Example.

Just because they do not teach God doesn't not mean they teach that there is no god.
Am I the only athiest on here?

...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

No,...Thank God!!!! :lol: :evil:/:eusa_pray:

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
This thread isn't about Muslims. Christians seem particularly irked by atheists. Why don't they leave atheists alone? They seem challenged by them.

How dare we discuss it....right?


Somebody starts a thread with the obvious intent to accuse or criticize or otherwise insult those who believe in God by whatever name, but they are being open minded and virtuous.

I suppose Muslims or other non-Christian believers are are authorized to chime in so long as they bash Chrsitians a bit.

But if Christians participate, we are 'ramming something down somebody's throat.' It's a bit mind boggling isn't it. :)

Anyhow time to leave so shutting down here. Bacjk tonight sometime.

This is a thread about atheism. My question is why do Christians care if atheists have their views?

Why do you care? I'm curious.

Can non-christians discuss christianity without it being labeled 'bashing'? Can christians discuss atheism without bashing?

I have a great respect and kind regard for most Christians, and I feel irked by minority of Christians.

Can I discuss the specific Chrstians who irk me without the rest of you taking offense?

I'm talking about the church in Las Vegas who supported Martin Ssempa, the proponent of the kill gays bill in Uganda, for example.

Do I have a right to express my concern without offending mainstream Christians?

How about my concern about LDS politically organizing against marriage equality from the pulpit? Do I have a right to question whether LDS should keep it's tax free status? Does it personally offend you, as a Christian, if I do? Why or why not?

I am really trying to understand why some Christians take offense and feel they must defend all of Christendom when the unusual deeds of a few are brought to their attention.

I'm just thinking about in my own situation. Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka are committing acts of violence. I am quite concerned about this. I don't personally feel it is an insult to me as a Buddhist if someone points out to me the wrongs being committed in Sri Lanka by Buddhist monks. Nor do I feel that these monks represent Buddhism, a non-violent religion. If I lived in Sri Lanka, I would do all I could to stop the violence. As it it now, I pray for it to end.

It seems some Christian posters say that I paint ALL Christians with the same brush. I don't. I never use the term "ALL". When I talk about Christians who worry me I have specific examples in mind. Some of the organizations listed by SPLC as hate groups FOR EXAMPLE.

I have listed Christian churches and church groups who are interested in equal rights for all people, including GLBT. I am heartened and grateful to these loviing people for their support.
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How dare we discuss it....right?


Somebody starts a thread with the obvious intent to accuse or criticize or otherwise insult those who believe in God by whatever name, but they are being open minded and virtuous.

I suppose Muslims or other non-Christian believers are are authorized to chime in so long as they bash Chrsitians a bit.

But if Christians participate, we are 'ramming something down somebody's throat.' It's a bit mind boggling isn't it. :)

Anyhow time to leave so shutting down here. Bacjk tonight sometime.

This is a thread about atheism. My question is why do Christians care if atheists have their views?....
Most Christians I know don't. What they do care about is atheists proselytizing to them as do atheists care about any religion proselytizing to them.

See how that works?
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

You're not the only atheist here.
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

You're not the only atheist here.

Are you bragging or complaining Sky
This video is on the youtube homepage right now. It's pretty good.

This video is on the youtube homepage right now. It's pretty good.

The video said in so many words that more intelligent people tend to take longer to form a belief. I didn't form my beliefs until I was in my 40s. I suspected but didn't truly believe.

Also it says that if you believe in God you're simple-minded. This is horseshit. I feel I have seen enough evidence that God exists to form a belief. However I haven't seen enough evidence that Obama can tell the truth to form a belief that he can.:cool:

Also...anyone who votes for a Democrat just because they supposedly help the people is a simple-minded person. They really don't care what they do, no amount of evil, no amount of dishonesty or deceit, all of it is A-OK as long as they continue to proclaim they "Help The People" including screwing over millions in the name of change and progress. They ignore all that.
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This video is on the youtube homepage right now. It's pretty good.

The video said in so many words that more intelligent people tend to take longer for form a belief. I didn't form my beliefs until I was in my 40s. I suspected but didn't truly believe.

Also it says that if you believe in God you're simple-minded. This is horseshit. I feel I have seen enough evidence that God exists to form a belief.

I guess we have different interpretations of the video; I didn't get that out of it. Faith and intellect are two separate things, imo. Intelligent people can and do believe in God.

His point is about some religious people trying to turn their faith into a logically-sound argument for the existence of God or gods. Faith and logic are mutually exclusive in this kind of argument. While an atheist can't prove the non-existence of some kind of god (whatever that word means), they can disprove the specific theistic claims made by a believer about their God... if the topic comes up and the believer tries to turn their faith into fact. I think that's why Dr Grump used The Light as an example in the OP.

The 2:15 mark in the video was the most interesting part to me, where he talks about agnosticism--how a believer in a god can technically be agnostic.
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...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

That is like the saddest post I've ever seen. Isn't there somewhere where it is written that once someone rejects the truth and continues to hear it, their heart grows harder and the darkness gets worse? I think that's written somwhere, isn't it?

Can't be referring to me..there's no darkness in my heart...
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

You're not the only atheist here.

Are you bragging or complaining Sky

Neither. Several other posters are identified as atheist. Just sayin'...

Somebody starts a thread with the obvious intent to accuse or criticize or otherwise insult those who believe in God by whatever name, but they are being open minded and virtuous.

I suppose Muslims or other non-Christian believers are are authorized to chime in so long as they bash Chrsitians a bit.

But if Christians participate, we are 'ramming something down somebody's throat.' It's a bit mind boggling isn't it. :)

Anyhow time to leave so shutting down here. Bacjk tonight sometime.

This is a thread about atheism. My question is why do Christians care if atheists have their views?....
Most Christians I know don't. What they do care about is atheists proselytizing to them as do atheists care about any religion proselytizing to them.

See how that works?

Atheists don't proselytize. Christians do.

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