Am I the only athiest on here, who when...

Why do Christians care about atheists? Why not just leave them alone?

Folks like me do.

Problem is they won't leave us alone.

I guess talking to them means the same as we can't leave em alone.....I guess.

too bad all christians are not like you.
I guess those atheists banging on your door trying to convert you is pretty trying though.
Many christians think they are on some damned crusade or something.

I wish all Christians were like Quakers.
If there was a golden age of atheism, how come it hasn't happened by now? How come it won't happen until atheists can shove all of religion over a cliff?

What makes you think it won't happen in the future? And I don't know if it will, but if it does happen, it will be because the religions have lost the argument, or mankind knows most of the answers in life. But that's unlikely, given that people have always used religion to explain the unknown.
NPR says 30% of all twenty somethings don't identify with an organized religion. The reason? Too conservative. It used to be that 95% of Americans said that religion was important to them. It's something to think about.

I find myself in the middle on these discussions about atheists and religious. I'm a Buddhist, so technically I'm an atheist. I don't believe in God. I identify with people who practice a spiritual path.
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If there was a golden age of atheism, how come it hasn't happened by now? How come it won't happen until atheists can shove all of religion over a cliff?

What makes you think it won't happen in the future? And I don't know if it will, but if it does happen, it will be because the religions have lost the argument, or mankind knows most of the answers in life. But that's unlikely, given that people have always used religion to explain the unknown.

Well, what does that say then?

Is atheism compatible with the natural state of most humans?

For a "sect" that looks down it's nose about proseletyzing, atheists always seem to want to pick a fight with a religion and win "the argument."
In their homeland, Muslims kill atheists and Christians.

If I were an atheist, I'd settle for a tongue lashing from a Catholic who laughs at the atheist notion that atheists must take over the world and banish religion in order for the world to be a better place.
In their homeland, Muslims kill atheists and Christians.

If I were an atheist, I'd settle for a tongue lashing from a Catholic who laughs at the atheist notion that atheists must take over the world and banish religion in order for the world to be a better place.

Did you know that there are some Christians who think that they must take over the world?
Most religions have a creation story. Several had crusades, inquisitions (which atheists belittle). I think it's quaint that atheists have their own version of that, a holocaust, if you will, up their sleeves to put down religion once and for all and make the world right.
Most religions have a creation story. Several had crusades, inquisitions (which atheists belittle). I think it's quaint that atheists have their own version of that, a holocaust, if you will, up their sleeves to put down religion once and for all and make the world right.

What are you talking about? You have some strange ideas about atheists. How many atheists do you actually know?
This thread isn't about Muslims. Christians seem particularly irked by atheists. Why don't they leave atheists alone? They seem challenged by them.

They are. Christians are just one of many flavors of stupid. An athiest that believes in the progress of the human species must speak out and challenge philosophy that stunts the growth we need so badly. We have wasted the last several thousand years bogged down with lies and fear. It is upon each of us to do what we can to get the human consciousness focused on truth. We may ultimately be doomed from an asteroid or a preditory alien species or if we make it long enough to the eventual death of our star the sun...but to have any chance of a gauranteed survival we must be able and willing to face reality.

Most religions have a creation story. Several had crusades, inquisitions (which atheists belittle). I think it's quaint that atheists have their own version of that, a holocaust, if you will, up their sleeves to put down religion once and for all and make the world right.

What are you talking about? You have some strange ideas about atheists. How many atheists do you actually know?

Uhh, not strange, at all.

The "no more religion" meme is everywhere you find atheists.
This thread isn't about Muslims. Christians seem particularly irked by atheists. Why don't they leave atheists alone? They seem challenged by them.

They are. Christians are just one of many flavors of stupid. An athiest that believes in the progress of the human species must speak out and challenge philosophy that stunts the growth we need so badly. We have wasted the last several thousand years bogged down with lies and fear. It is upon each of us to do what we can to get the human consciousness focused on truth. We may ultimately be doomed from an asteroid or a preditory alien species or if we make it long enough to the eventual death of our star the sun...but to have any chance of a gauranteed survival we must be able and willing to face reality.

Most religions have a creation story. Several had crusades, inquisitions (which atheists belittle). I think it's quaint that atheists have their own version of that, a holocaust, if you will, up their sleeves to put down religion once and for all and make the world right.

What are you talking about? You have some strange ideas about atheists. How many atheists do you actually know?

Uhh, not strange, at all.

The "no more religion" meme is everywhere you find atheists.

Where do you find atheists? Where do they hang out?
Hmm. Religions developed autonomously, since early humans were too geographically disconnected and unable to compare stories.

So if you want point to something spontaneous and common and similar to all human experiences throughout history, it was some form of religion or another.

Funny how similar they are, and that there was no continent of atheists which advanced farther than the religious colonies, because they were not "bogged down."

Knowing what life was like before knowledge and history was documented is difficult and requires some educated guesswork. That is still light years closer than ever, if ever, having direct knowledge of a god.

What we can surmise is that life was short, dangerous, intimidating and frightening in every way. It was camping your whole life with no equipment or certainty. Every decent meal ..if there ever was one was hard won and maybe even harder defended. We have all seen the lions and hyenas and crocodiles kill prey on TV. We were twice as slow as the youngest slowest sickest prey animal we see get dismembered on these nature shows.

What we did have was a slowly developing brain that allowed us to start planning. That would eventually be our only saving talent. We started steps... Just planning for the next hour.., the next night, ..then the next day. This evolution probably took a hundred thousand years to get through this phase. Disaster came usually suddenly and finally for those taken from the midst of those that survived. I doubt we were much more sophisticated than a child with downs syndrome for many thousands of centuries.

As we adapted to the process of rudimentary planning ..wonder ...questions...decisions entered into our thinking as a function of planning. What could we do to improve our chances? Just knowing we could make choices that would give us some chance of improving our lot and our survival. The first gods were probably our impressions of the predators that first preyed on us. They were superior to us in every way that mattered. We pondered their strengths and envied them. We we pondered their motives and feared them.

Occasionally we came across satiated predators and wondered why they did not attack and kill us. As we started living in small groups we developed some humanity such as sharing and thanking for sharing. We thanked the predators for not killing us on those occasions.

There were no gods as you believe them to be but there were also no humans strong enough to survive without regard for the superiority of the things that would kill them.

Atheists had to develop after humans had progressed past a fail safe condition where one man could survive on his own and contemplate the truth of his own existence. There were probably a few atheists before human wars but as before survival even against ourselves demanded a oneness of thought and purpose to live very long and pass on knowledge. Again from time to time we lived without fear of war and slavery and conscription. It took these moments in our history to free the mind from fear allowing the birth of the modern mind...and atheism.

I hope this brief explanation of my understanding of our development helps.
S'okay, dude. Many religions inflicted holocausts. You athesists want to inflict yours.

The resemblance is breath-taking.

the tea baggers are covering that very well thank you.
Be aftaid, be American.
Take over that country because they beat their wives!
And virtually every bagger supported the Iraq invasion.
...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

Am I the only person who thinks it's horrible to start a thread just to rag on someone's religion?

he's not ragging on any particular religion. he's stating that he doesn't believe in any religion.

is that any worse than the threads that pronounce that if you don't say the right prayers then you go to hell?

Funny, I don't remember any of those threads.....and yes, he's ragging on religion.

FYI, yes, I find it just as horrible to start a thread just to say "non-believers" are going to hell. I just don't remember seeing any thread of that sort. Maybe I just ignored it?

I do still remember Huggy's post saying all Christians should be locked inside their churches and burned. It's so nice to see that hatred of religious people hasn't decreased one iota on this board.
Am I the only person who thinks it's horrible to start a thread just to rag on someone's religion?

he's not ragging on any particular religion. he's stating that he doesn't believe in any religion.

is that any worse than the threads that pronounce that if you don't say the right prayers then you go to hell?

Funny, I don't remember any of those threads.....and yes, he's ragging on religion.

FYI, yes, I find it just as horrible to start a thread just to say "non-believers" are going to hell. I just don't remember seeing any thread of that sort. Maybe I just ignored it?

I do still remember Huggy's post saying all Christians should be locked inside their churches and burned. It's so nice to see that hatred of religious people hasn't decreased one iota on this board.

Every atheist believes the good of man can only happen when religion is banished.
he's not ragging on any particular religion. he's stating that he doesn't believe in any religion.

is that any worse than the threads that pronounce that if you don't say the right prayers then you go to hell?

Funny, I don't remember any of those threads.....and yes, he's ragging on religion.

FYI, yes, I find it just as horrible to start a thread just to say "non-believers" are going to hell. I just don't remember seeing any thread of that sort. Maybe I just ignored it?

I do still remember Huggy's post saying all Christians should be locked inside their churches and burned. It's so nice to see that hatred of religious people hasn't decreased one iota on this board.

Every atheist believes the good of man can only happen when religion is banished.

Wrongo! Real christians who try and live their lives as christ taught them (according to the bible) are fine people. I have many christian friends even a few preachers.
I also support my local church with food bank and humanitarian type of support. Nothing to missionaries though. Local stuff.

I have given the churches food bank maybe 2k worth of food so far this year. I forget exactly.
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