Am I the only athiest on here, who when...

...they read posts by the true-blue god botherers (ie, The Light), it only reinforces the fact there is no god? And if by some minor miracle it turns out that there is some sort of god out there, he or she would be sorely disappointed with the quality of his or her recruits

Am I the only person who thinks it's horrible to start a thread just to rag on someone's religion?

You are one of the very few on this thread how think that....
I really love that: Just look around and how can you say god did not make all of this?

Probably (sometimes) the way a house dog thinks about humans.

Maybe you could try to stifle your disdain for those you feel are less intelligent then you purely because of their beliefs.

Wonder what you think about Muslim's and their beliefs? Are they smart enough to be in the same room with you dude?
You can see viruses under a microscope

you can do experiments to prove what is IN air and that it exists (don't believe me? Go into a sealed room and get somebody to suck all the air out. See what happens..:tongue:

Satellites show that the Earth is of a round shape, and the position of the sun in the sky as well as astronomers and scientists have shown that the Earth revolves around the sun. There is ample evidence to support these FACTS. There is no evidence of a god, only faith...

Let's assume you know nothing about these facts. Don't you have to search for answers in all of these examples? You have to at least make an effort to discover. When it comes to air, viruses, the Earth, and the Sun you have to look for something that you may not have already known existed. It has to be discovered. Curiosity caused us to discover them. If you have no curiosity for why we're here then you won't discover anything.

The problem with your argument is that you believe nobody ever saw evidence that he existed..which isn't true because those who wrote some of the books of the Bible saw actual evidence that God exists. The parting of the Red Sea, the writing of the 10 Commandments, the resurrection of Christ. They saw it with their own eyes.

Or so they say.
And according to the bible they gained great status for the most part for what they said they saw.

And lived in fear of discovery....chased and hounded for their beliefs by the Sanhedrin. Some of them even went to Rome and were put to death.

Yeah...great status after their deaths maybe.
Let's assume you know nothing about these facts. Satellites don't exist, microscopes don't exist. Don't you have to search for answers in all of these examples on your own to know they really exist? You have to at least make an effort to discover. When it comes to air, viruses, the Earth, and the Sun you have to look for something that you may not have already known existed. It has to be discovered. Curiosity caused us to discover them. If you have no curiosity for why we're here then you won't discover anything.

The problem with your argument is that you believe nobody ever saw evidence that he existed..which isn't true because those who wrote some of the books of the Bible saw actual evidence that God exists. The parting of the Red Sea, the writing of the 10 Commandments, the resurrection of Christ. They saw it with their own eyes.

I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...
I really love that: Just look around and how can you say god did not make all of this?

Probably (sometimes) the way a house dog thinks about humans.

Maybe you could try to stifle your disdain for those you feel are less intelligent then you purely because of their beliefs.

Wonder what you think about Muslim's and their beliefs? Are they smart enough to be in the same room with you dude?

some are, just like some Christians are.

Some are lowlife scum, just like some christians.
Let's assume you know nothing about these facts. Satellites don't exist, microscopes don't exist. Don't you have to search for answers in all of these examples on your own to know they really exist? You have to at least make an effort to discover. When it comes to air, viruses, the Earth, and the Sun you have to look for something that you may not have already known existed. It has to be discovered. Curiosity caused us to discover them. If you have no curiosity for why we're here then you won't discover anything.

The problem with your argument is that you believe nobody ever saw evidence that he existed..which isn't true because those who wrote some of the books of the Bible saw actual evidence that God exists. The parting of the Red Sea, the writing of the 10 Commandments, the resurrection of Christ. They saw it with their own eyes.

I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...

They do not even have any real evidence that Jesus ever lived.

And I have never seen a ghost.
Let's assume you know nothing about these facts. Satellites don't exist, microscopes don't exist. Don't you have to search for answers in all of these examples on your own to know they really exist? You have to at least make an effort to discover. When it comes to air, viruses, the Earth, and the Sun you have to look for something that you may not have already known existed. It has to be discovered. Curiosity caused us to discover them. If you have no curiosity for why we're here then you won't discover anything.

The problem with your argument is that you believe nobody ever saw evidence that he existed..which isn't true because those who wrote some of the books of the Bible saw actual evidence that God exists. The parting of the Red Sea, the writing of the 10 Commandments, the resurrection of Christ. They saw it with their own eyes.

I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...


Guess you never watched Discovery Channel.
Let's assume you know nothing about these facts. Satellites don't exist, microscopes don't exist. Don't you have to search for answers in all of these examples on your own to know they really exist? You have to at least make an effort to discover. When it comes to air, viruses, the Earth, and the Sun you have to look for something that you may not have already known existed. It has to be discovered. Curiosity caused us to discover them. If you have no curiosity for why we're here then you won't discover anything.

The problem with your argument is that you believe nobody ever saw evidence that he existed..which isn't true because those who wrote some of the books of the Bible saw actual evidence that God exists. The parting of the Red Sea, the writing of the 10 Commandments, the resurrection of Christ. They saw it with their own eyes.

I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...


Guess you never watched Discovery Channel.

I do, they find plenty of evidence of humans worshipping a variety of Gods, no no evidence that any of them were real.
Let's assume you know nothing about these facts. Satellites don't exist, microscopes don't exist. Don't you have to search for answers in all of these examples on your own to know they really exist? You have to at least make an effort to discover. When it comes to air, viruses, the Earth, and the Sun you have to look for something that you may not have already known existed. It has to be discovered. Curiosity caused us to discover them. If you have no curiosity for why we're here then you won't discover anything.

The problem with your argument is that you believe nobody ever saw evidence that he existed..which isn't true because those who wrote some of the books of the Bible saw actual evidence that God exists. The parting of the Red Sea, the writing of the 10 Commandments, the resurrection of Christ. They saw it with their own eyes.

I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...

They do not even have any real evidence that Jesus ever lived.

And I have never seen a ghost.

well, yes and no... the dead sea scrolls seem to indicate the possibility of an essene who may have been the person who became known as jesus.

but there was never a jew named jesus. that would have been a roman name.
Let's assume you know nothing about these facts. Satellites don't exist, microscopes don't exist. Don't you have to search for answers in all of these examples on your own to know they really exist? You have to at least make an effort to discover. When it comes to air, viruses, the Earth, and the Sun you have to look for something that you may not have already known existed. It has to be discovered. Curiosity caused us to discover them. If you have no curiosity for why we're here then you won't discover anything.

The problem with your argument is that you believe nobody ever saw evidence that he existed..which isn't true because those who wrote some of the books of the Bible saw actual evidence that God exists. The parting of the Red Sea, the writing of the 10 Commandments, the resurrection of Christ. They saw it with their own eyes.

I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...

They do not even have any real evidence that Jesus ever lived.

And I have never seen a ghost.

Is there anyone in history that we know existed yet there is no physical evidence they did?

What evidence of someone's existence do we have on those you will accept? Could it be their works.

Isn't the words that his Disciples took down evidence of his existence? Whether or not he was the Christ used to be the question. Now you're claiming he never existed in the first place. I say the Gospels are his works. The movement that he started proves he existed. Do you claim that Mohammad and Buddha never existed now or do you confine it only to Jesus?
Nothing has been found with regard to a God..


Guess you never watched Discovery Channel.

That's right, Nothing. Supposing certain archialogical things are related to a god is one thing - them actually being proof of a god, is a completely other thing.

And I don't get discovery....
I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...

They do not even have any real evidence that Jesus ever lived.

And I have never seen a ghost.

well, yes and no... the dead sea scrolls seem to indicate the possibility of an essene who may have been the person who became known as jesus.

but there was never a jew named jesus. that would have been a roman name.

Jesus is the English or King James version of his name. His name was actually Yahshua
Nothing has been found with regard to a God...


Guess you never watched Discovery Channel.

That's right, Nothing. Supposing certain archialogical things are related to a god is one thing - them actually being proof of a god, is a completely other thing.

And I don't get discovery....[/QUOTE]

I know different. Sorry.

I guess you'll have to continue to live in ignorance. I guess the major roadblock isn't the evidence but your lack of desire to find it. You don't know and you don't want to know.

Sounds like a waste of time talking to you.

Some experts that dispute Intelligent Design actually think we were seeded here by space aliens. Can you believe that? Who's to say what God is? But these experts refuse to open their minds enough to look for the proof. They just know it can't be that God exists.
I am still sticking with the swag that humans are the result of an alien HS kids science project that got a failing grade.

Prove me wrong.

If I was going to live long enough I might have to start a chusch based on that and get tax exempt status.

Maybe we can get actual verified reservations in heaven from those aliens?
Like with the mormans a PIN will be required for admittance though.
And Disney world will be where the aliens return to earth.
I do not know when but the holy texts (yet to be written) tell us it will be soon, the signs are all there for all to see.
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I know different. Sorry.

I guess you'll have to continue to live in ignorance. I guess the major roadblock isn't the evidence but your lack of desire to find it. You don't know and you don't want to know.

Sounds like a waste of time talking to you.

Some experts that dispute Intelligent Design actually think we were seeded here by space aliens. Can you believe that? Who's to say what God is? But these experts refuse to open their minds enough to look for the proof. They just know it can't be that God exists.

And to think I thought we were having a good discussion here.

You see, Mud, the problem with your hypothesis is that is has been tainted by human hands. What you talk of happened at a time when there were no sure-fire methods of recording events. It's like the old "to the victor go the spoils".

I've told this story a few times, and I can only go on my Year 1 history teacher for its veracity. She told me that one of her best friends at teacher's college taught history in Spain. (BTW, this was when I was at school in England in the last 1970s.). We were taught at our school that in 1588 the Spanish Armada sailed against England, Frances Drake blew them out of the water and a storm finished them off. That was over 400 years ago. In Spain, according my teacher, they are taught the Armada never sailed. So if history can be sullied over 400 years ago, what chances of getting an honest, provable, take on something that happened over 2000 years ago? And it appears most witnesses in the new testament heard it fourth or fifth hand at best...
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I know different. Sorry.

I guess you'll have to continue to live in ignorance. I guess the major roadblock isn't the evidence but your lack of desire to find it. You don't know and you don't want to know.

Sounds like a waste of time talking to you.

Some experts that dispute Intelligent Design actually think we were seeded here by space aliens. Can you believe that? Who's to say what God is? But these experts refuse to open their minds enough to look for the proof. They just know it can't be that God exists.

Here's the thing about a god existing or not existing to me: If there is such a super powerful entity or being I think there would be tangible proof and evidence all over the place (and please don't say to be me, look at children, the trees, flowers and sky - I can give you hundreds of examples of ugly, unpleasant things to counter that). I'm talking actual evidence that can be seen and explained. There isn't. Why? Because there is no god...gods have been used through the ages to explain the unexplainable, and now we are at an age - especially the past 100 years - where a lot of these things can be explained, the need for a god is becoming redundant....
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Let's assume you know nothing about these facts. Satellites don't exist, microscopes don't exist. Don't you have to search for answers in all of these examples on your own to know they really exist? You have to at least make an effort to discover. When it comes to air, viruses, the Earth, and the Sun you have to look for something that you may not have already known existed. It has to be discovered. Curiosity caused us to discover them. If you have no curiosity for why we're here then you won't discover anything.

The problem with your argument is that you believe nobody ever saw evidence that he existed..which isn't true because those who wrote some of the books of the Bible saw actual evidence that God exists. The parting of the Red Sea, the writing of the 10 Commandments, the resurrection of Christ. They saw it with their own eyes.

I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...

They do not even have any real evidence that Jesus ever lived.

And I have never seen a ghost.

The Jewish Scholar Flavius Joesphus mentions about 20 prophets named "Jesus". He also talks about a brother named James. This is where things get dodgy and suspicious. It looks as if someone added that Flavius recognized Jesus of Nazerath as the one true Messiah. That's because Joesphus hated messiahs (and was jewish after all).
I agree that people have to search for these answers...and they find them.

Nothing has been found with regard to a God...

They do not even have any real evidence that Jesus ever lived.

And I have never seen a ghost.

The Jewish Scholar Flavius Joesphus mentions about 20 prophets named "Jesus". He also talks about a brother named James. This is where things get dodgy and suspicious. It looks as if someone added that Flavius recognized Jesus of Nazerath as the one true Messiah. That's because Joesphus hated messiahs (and was jewish after all).

the Jews wanted a war god messiah, not a lilly livered pacifist!
Like in Judges, to deliver them from the Romans.

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