Am I the only athiest on here, who when...

I know different. Sorry.

I guess you'll have to continue to live in ignorance. I guess the major roadblock isn't the evidence but your lack of desire to find it. You don't know and you don't want to know.

Sounds like a waste of time talking to you.

Some experts that dispute Intelligent Design actually think we were seeded here by space aliens. Can you believe that? Who's to say what God is? But these experts refuse to open their minds enough to look for the proof. They just know it can't be that God exists.

Here's the thing about a god existing or not existing to me: If there is such a super powerful entity or being I think there would be tangible proof and evidence all over the place (and please don't say to be me, look at children, the trees, flowers and sky - I can give you hundreds of examples of ugly, unpleasant things to counter that). I'm talking actual evidence that can be seen and explained. There isn't. Why? Because there is no god...gods have been used through the ages to explain the unexplainable, and now we are at an age - especially the past 100 years - where a lot of these things can be explained, the need for a god is becoming redundant....

So you want evidence yet you turn around and discount any that's out there.

Can't help you brother.
This thread isn't about Muslims. Christians seem particularly irked by atheists. Why don't they leave atheists alone? They seem challenged by them.
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What do you like about atheists? I like the way they make me think about religion in a new way.
Then, why hassle atheists? You believe in God, they don't, so what?
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Yeah, that makes sense. You don't care about them. Do atheists have rights? Do they have a right to keep their child free from prayer in public schools?
This thread isn't about Muslims. Christians seem particularly irked by atheists. Why don't they leave atheists alone? They seem challenged by them.

They are. Christians are just one of many flavors of stupid. An athiest that believes in the progress of the human species must speak out and challenge philosophy that stunts the growth we need so badly. We have wasted the last several thousand years bogged down with lies and fear. It is upon each of us to do what we can to get the human consciousness focused on truth. We may ultimately be doomed from an asteroid or a preditory alien species or if we make it long enough to the eventual death of our star the sun...but to have any chance of a gauranteed survival we must be able and willing to face reality.
Hmm. Religions developed autonomously, since early humans were too geographically disconnected and unable to compare stories.

So if you want point to something spontaneous and common and similar to all human experiences throughout history, it was some form of religion or another.

Funny how similar they are, and that there was no continent of atheists which advanced farther than the religious colonies, because they were not "bogged down."
Why do Christians care about atheists? Why not just leave them alone?

Folks like me do.

Problem is they won't leave us alone.

I guess talking to them means the same as we can't leave em alone.....I guess.

too bad all christians are not like you.
I guess those atheists banging on your door trying to convert you is pretty trying though.
Many christians think they are on some damned crusade or something.

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