Zone1 Am I the only one surprised when they see a commercial with all white people?

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FALSE! Inflation remained LOW throughout the entire time of the Trump administration.
Maybe the corporations wanted him to win a second term. I know corporations tend to like Republicans where labor does a lot better when Democrats are in charge.

Notice for 8 years you cried about Obama but inflation never went up on his watch.

So sorry, but you're trying to blame Biden for things that aren't his fault. Like you did Obama. Handed him a great recession that Bush created and then criticized him for not fixing it fast enough.

It's an election year next year. Inflation will be fixed by then. And no recession will happen even though you've been predicting one for how long now?
FALSE! Inflation remained LOW throughout the entire time of the Trump administration.

Here's something else I remember from Trump's time in office. He took credit for wages going up. Why did wages go up? Because Democrats raised minimum wage. How come raising minimum wage didn't cause inflation? I thought you guys said it causes inflation?

Trump printing and spending money caused inflation. And his handling of the pandemic caused inflation too. It also caused more deaths than should have happened. His MIShandling of the pandemic. It's one reason why he lost.
Maybe the corporations wanted him to win a second term. I know corporations tend to like Republicans where labor does a lot better when Democrats are in charge.

Notice for 8 years you cried about Obama but inflation never went up on his watch.

So sorry, but you're trying to blame Biden for things that aren't his fault. Like you did Obama. Handed him a great recession that Bush created and then criticized him for not fixing it fast enough.

It's an election year next year. Inflation will be fixed by then. And no recession will happen even though you've been predicting one for how long now?
Wow your tiny brain has been so thoroughly washed with propaganda...your constant Reichbabble is nonsensical.
Wow your tiny brain has been so thoroughly washed with propaganda...your constant Reichbabble is nonsensical.
Coming from you guys where wet is dry and cold is hot? Lies are truth?

I know who I'm voting for next year. And we have a Democratic governor in MI and she will cheat again so Trump loses again. Maybe you should nominate a deep state rino so we don't rig the next one?
Keep lying traitor.
The winners are never considered traitors. You see who's on trial right? Trump not Hillary. Not Biden. Thank you for abortion by the way. Now you'll never take back the Senate. May even lose the House next year.
The winners are never considered traitors. You see who's on trial right? Trump not Hillary. Not Biden. Thank you for abortion by the way. Now you'll never take back the Senate. May even lose the House next year.
Good, let the war come, traitor. Sooner the better liar.
Good, let the war come, traitor. Sooner the better liar.
That's why you're not going to win. 60% of Republican voters are Trump supporting anarchists. 39% want DeSantis. Like, less than 1% want the black, indian or woman.

Bush said it best

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, uh...shame on — shame on you. uh...Fool me — uh...the point is you can't get fooled again.”​

That's why you're not going to win. 60% of Republican voters are Trump supporting anarchists. 39% want DeSantis. Like, less than 1% want the black, indian or woman.

Bush said it best

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, uh...shame on — shame on you. uh...Fool me — uh...the point is you can't get fooled again.”​

The awaited leftist babblese. Like you know shit the tv didn't tell your lying ass.
The awaited leftist babblese. Like you know shit the tv didn't tell your lying ass.
I get my news from the same sources you do. Only I tend to get my news from CNN and ABC where you get your information from far right wing sources.

Let's put it this way. The sources I go to never talk about trannies. So they aren't far left sources. Your far right wing sources are always talking about trannies. As if you're obsessed with them.
There is little support for specific cuts in domestic spending, and much support for higher taxes on rich people and corporations.
Pay off the national debt and there will be support for spending. We can't continue to spend money we don't have. It is ridiculous that we are sending money to Ukraine and housing and supporting illegal immigrants when we don't have enough money to pay our own bills. SMFH
Pay off the national debt and there will be support for spending. We can't continue to spend money we don't have. It is ridiculous that we are sending money to Ukraine and housing and supporting illegal immigrants when we don't have enough money to pay our own bills. SMFH
There were billions of dollars in that spending bill for the progressives to put illegals up in hotels, feed them three meals a day (while they complain they don’t like the American style food), provide medical care, etc.

I would rather that money go to beefing up the border and making sure no more get in with their bogus asylum claims. Any leftover can go toward deporting the worst of them.
Pay off the national debt and there will be support for spending. We can't continue to spend money we don't have. It is ridiculous that we are sending money to Ukraine and housing and supporting illegal immigrants when we don't have enough money to pay our own bills. SMFH
The way to pay off the national debt is to restore steeply progressive taxation on rich people and corporations. For years public opinion surveys have indicated that this is what most Americans want.
I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.
I'm sure this is a BIG thing for people who are so shallow all they can see is skin color.
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