Am I the only one?

who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

The media instantly promotes any Republican who attacks Trump to sainthood.
Trumpettes hate the miitary as evident in their support of draft dodger who called POWs not worthy.
You, on the other hand, praise a man who killed 135 of his shipmates.

Stop lying dumbass!
NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

Yeah, we need another set of reasons not to like him. I've never heard of the ex wife.

Not surprised in the least. in fact I expect that sort of thing.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

The media instantly promotes any Republican who attacks Trump to sainthood.
Trumpettes hate the miitary as evident in their support of draft dodger who called POWs not worthy.
You, on the other hand, praise a man who killed 135 of his shipmates.

Stop lying dumbass!
It's not a lie. Plenty of his shipmates said he was responsible.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.

Of course I voted for Trump. And OF COURSE Trump has been married for 3 times! BUT Trump didn't have someone else pay medical bills...HE paid them.
Trump is a loud mouth. Trump is a braggart. Trump is obnoxious. All of those characteristics are what McCain was!
The difference though is Trump has truly put the country and his family first. McCain went into the Navy because his DAD was an admiral. McCain graduated 6th from the bottom!

I don't like a lot of Trump's characteristics. I didn't like my obnoxious bossy bosses too BUT they got things done and so has Trump.
McCain was a "swamp dweller". He ignorantly thought the MSM was on his side. I didn't like McCain from his 2004 stance BUT voted for McCain as the lesser of 2 evils in 2008.
But I just recently learned about McCain's dumping of his invalid wife AND Ross Perot's paying all her medical bills. Where was McCain during that time?

This episode with his wife that as I said I just learned after McCain's death was one more reason NOT to watch or to turn the sound down regarding his blown out of proportion
gag fest.

Why would Ross Perot pay the medical bills for a Navy dependent? Just curious...

Hey... I did a lot of checking on the Internet and all of the sources kept repeating the same line..."Perot paid the bills". They didn't source where they got that information.
Now in looking up Tricare the military spouses health benefits, it didn't make clear if the grossly expensive medical bills sustained by Carol McCain were covered.
So it appears something extraordinary such as what she sustained may not have been covered.
Hence Perot's payments.

Tricare didn't exist. Dependents back them were covered the same as the military member, by the military health care system.

My first child was born in a military hospital in 1984. My bill was about $10.00 to pay for my wife's meals The second child born in 1987? Same thing! Third child was covered by CHAMPUS in 1994 and was born in a civilian hospital because of overcrowding at the Navy hospital. My bill was zero.

These people have no clue and make crap up for the agenda. Military people who know better just laugh at them.
NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

Yeah, we need another set of reasons not to like him. I've never heard of the ex wife.

Not surprised in the least. in fact I expect that sort of thing.

I also hadn't heard this about his treatment of his first wife after her terrible car accident until recently.
But after voting for him as the lesser of two evils in 2008 I really became to dislike him more.
I knew about his ignorance how the MSM was using him i.e. building him up before the 2008 election...their favorite because they KNEW he didn't have a chance against Obama,
their favorite. And that was another reason not to trust this guy. He was so full of himself he NEVER understood the MSM's manipulation of him.
Again re-read the part about his 2004 birthday party with the "media elites" that went on AFTER his nomination to puff Obama and pummel McCain.
He never understood that nor does his daughter!
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

The media instantly promotes any Republican who attacks Trump to sainthood.
Trumpettes hate the miitary as evident in their support of draft dodger who called POWs not worthy.
You, on the other hand, praise a man who killed 135 of his shipmates.

Stop lying dumbass!
It's not a lie. Plenty of his shipmates said he was responsible.

If that is the case, his shipmates are lying. The Navy has a firefighting training film to show how screwed up the firefighting efforts were that day and how things have changed. Sitting in your plane when it gets hit by a Zuni rocket is not your fault no matter how ridiculous anyone's claims might be.

You just prefer the lie because it fits your agenda.
A senator dies from brain cancer and the Washington establishment politicizes his death as an opportunity to attack president Trump. Its blaringly obvious. Sickening really.

Worse than then Wellstone Memorial due to McCain's higher profile and the service being in DC.

Why does McCain deserve a higher profile than any other senator? Other than you know, being an opportunity to attack president Trump.

I suspect a great many people wanted to make sure he was dead. I once worked with a particularly hateful woman. When she quit, people were overjoyed - and dozens of folks showed up for her going away lunch.
NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.

Of course I voted for Trump. And OF COURSE Trump has been married for 3 times! BUT Trump didn't have someone else pay medical bills...HE paid them.
Trump is a loud mouth. Trump is a braggart. Trump is obnoxious. All of those characteristics are what McCain was!
The difference though is Trump has truly put the country and his family first. McCain went into the Navy because his DAD was an admiral. McCain graduated 6th from the bottom!

I don't like a lot of Trump's characteristics. I didn't like my obnoxious bossy bosses too BUT they got things done and so has Trump.
McCain was a "swamp dweller". He ignorantly thought the MSM was on his side. I didn't like McCain from his 2004 stance BUT voted for McCain as the lesser of 2 evils in 2008.
But I just recently learned about McCain's dumping of his invalid wife AND Ross Perot's paying all her medical bills. Where was McCain during that time?

This episode with his wife that as I said I just learned after McCain's death was one more reason NOT to watch or to turn the sound down regarding his blown out of proportion
gag fest.

Why would Ross Perot pay the medical bills for a Navy dependent? Just curious...

Hey... I did a lot of checking on the Internet and all of the sources kept repeating the same line..."Perot paid the bills". They didn't source where they got that information.
Now in looking up Tricare the military spouses health benefits, it didn't make clear if the grossly expensive medical bills sustained by Carol McCain were covered.
So it appears something extraordinary such as what she sustained may not have been covered.
Hence Perot's payments.

Tricare didn't exist. Dependents back them were covered the same as the military member, by the military health care system.

My first child was born in a military hospital in 1984. My bill was about $10.00 to pay for my wife's meals The second child born in 1987? Same thing! Third child was covered by CHAMPUS in 1994 and was born in a civilian hospital because of overcrowding at the Navy hospital. My bill was zero.

These people have no clue and make crap up for the agenda. Military people who know better just laugh at them.

So either way... the MSM didn't pick up and investigate thoroughly Ross Perot's claim he paid Carol McCain's medical bills or they did but didn't want to blow it up out of proportion
to save McCain's face.

I for one would like to have had a 3rd party validation of Perot's statement.

That being said though, Perot's sentiments about McCain were spot on, i.e. he was a glory hound. McCain admitted it! He admits he was a dumb ass who just wanted as
his first wife said... "‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.."
He was truly a MSM maggot willing to feed on crumbs thrown his way just to get more coverage.
To show you how much of a MSM SUCK up McCain was why did he invite the well known despised traitor John Kerry?
Kerry the guy that said.

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

This same Tokyo Rose Kerry who did this testimony in 1971 was invited.
The media instantly promotes any Republican who attacks Trump to sainthood.
Trumpettes hate the miitary as evident in their support of draft dodger who called POWs not worthy.
You, on the other hand, praise a man who killed 135 of his shipmates.

Stop lying dumbass!
It's not a lie. Plenty of his shipmates said he was responsible.

If that is the case, his shipmates are lying. The Navy has a firefighting training film to show how screwed up the firefighting efforts were that day and how things have changed. Sitting in your plane when it gets hit by a Zuni rocket is not your fault no matter how ridiculous anyone's claims might be.

You just prefer the lie because it fits your agenda.

McCain has never been asked to explain why he claims that the Zuni rocket struck his plane.
If a bomb or bombs subsequently fell from McCain’s plane as he has said, it seems to strongly suggests pilot error, and if a bomb or bombs did not fall from his plane, it suggests rash disregard for important facts in his accounts of the accident.

There is plenty more about this story that raises questions about McCain’s truthfulness and judgment. In the first hours after the fire, he apparently did not claim to have been injured. New York Times reporter R.W. Apple, who helicoptered out to the ship the day after the tragedy and sought out McCain as the “son and grandson of two noted admirals,” never mentioned him being wounded, although he reported on him more than on any other crew member. This would be an odd omission on Apple’s part if McCain indeed had been wounded, given that service wounds are usually highlighted in such reports during wartime. McCain’s own father, after seeing his son several weeks later, sent a letter to relatives and friends about the fire saying, “Happily for all of us, he [John] came through without a scratch.”2 A week after the fire, McCain made a statement in which he said that when he was on the hangar deck he noticed that he had a wound on his knee and small shrapnel cuts in his thigh and shoulder. He was not treated in sick bay, however, and he tells a story in “Faith of My Fathers” that seems to be at variance with the facts. He writes that he went to sick bay to have his wounds treated but when he got there, a “kid” who was “anonymous to me because the fire had burned off all of his identifying features” asked him if another pilot in the squadron was OK. When McCain replied that he was, the “kid” said “Thank God” and died before McCain’s eyes. McCain said that experience left him “unable to keep my composure,” and that is why he left sick bay without being treated.

Lt. j.g. Dave Dollarhide witnessed that encounter because he was in sick bay, having broken his hip escaping from his plane, which had been immediately to the left of McCain’s when the blaze started. Dollarhide knew McCain and also the “kid,” a young man whom McCain knew well because he was his own plane captain, Robert Zwerlein, who was terribly burned when the first bomb exploded on the ship. Notwithstanding McCain’s dramatic account of witnessing someone die before his eyes, Zwerlein did not die then but instead was evacuated to the hospital ship USS Repose, where he expired three days later. On the basis of Dollarhide’s account, if McCain left sick bay without being treated it was not because someone died before his eyes.
McCain’s actions after the fire show a determination to exit the ship as quickly as possible. When New York Times reporter Apple finished gathering his notes on the fire, McCain boarded a helicopter with him and flew to Saigon. Given that fires still burned on the ship and some of his fellow airmen were gravely wounded and dying, McCain’s assertion that he left the carrier for “some welcome R&R” in Saigon has a surreal air. Apple, now dead, said nothing in his news reports about inviting McCain to leave the ship, although he did report talking to him in Saigon later that day. McCain does not mention receiving permission to leave the still-burning ship. Merv Rowland, a commander and chief engineering officer of the Forrestal at the time of the fire, told me that he had not known that McCain left the ship within 30 hours of the fire and that he found this “extraordinary.” Rowland added that only the severely wounded were allowed to leave the ship and that no one, as far as he knew, would have been given permission to fly to Saigon for R&R. McCain’s quick flight off the Forrestal meant that he missed the memorial service for his dead comrades held the following day in the South China Sea.

Not long after McCain left, the Forrestal set off without him on its somber voyage to Subic Bay in the Philippines, where it would undergo initial repairs. He rejoined the ship a week later when it was docked at Subic Bay. There he gave an official statement and asked for a transfer to the aircraft carrier Oriskany.

Apple filed two stories about McCain’s time in Saigon. Apple’s first story said: “Today, hours after the fire that ravaged the flight deck and killed so many of his fellow crewmen, commander McCain sat in Saigon and shook his head. ‘It was such a great ship,’ he said.”4 Apple’s second story was filed three months later, just after McCain was shot down over Hanoi. In that story Apple wrote: “It was almost three months ago that the young, prematurely gray Navy pilot was sitting in a villa in Saigon, sipping a Scotch with friends and recalling the holocaust that he had managed to live through. He was John Sydney [sic — spelling is Sidney] McCain, 3rd, a lieutenant commander. The day before, he had watched from the cockpit of his Skyhawk attack plane as flames suddenly engulfed the flight deck of the Forrestal, on which his squadron was based. ‘It’s a difficult thing to say,’ he remarked after a long time. ‘But now that I’ve seen what the bombs and the napalm did to the people on our ship, I’m not so sure that I want to drop any more of that stuff on North Vietnam.’ ”5

The record suggests that after McCain left the burning Forrestal for the greater ease of Saigon, he saw his Navy career as being in jeopardy. Soon, he went to London, where his father, Adm. John S. McCain Jr., was stationed as commander in chief of the United States Naval Forces in Europe. Sen. McCain has written little about the fire, and his book does not mention any conversations with his father about bombs dropping from his plane on the Forrestal or his leaving the ship. However, it is difficult to imagine that he did not discuss the tragedy and his own personal difficulties because, by McCain’s own account, his father had intervened on his behalf before. After seeing the admiral in London, McCain went to the French Riviera, where he spent his nights gambling at the Palm Beach Casino.6 McCain’s book skips over the weeks after the Forrestal fire, but Timberg says that the young naval officer spent the months of August and September 1967 “unsure of his status.” Following McCain’s application for a transfer to the Oriskany, his orders were delayed, and in September he returned to his home in Jacksonville, Fla. There, an old friend, Chuck Larson, saw a change in McCain: The pilot was discouraged about his future. McCain confided to Larson that he might have to get out of the Navy because, in the words of the Timberg biography, “his past had become a burden” and “whenever he joined a new outfit he was dismayed that his reputation for mayhem had preceded him.”7 Aside from any questions about his Forrestal actions, McCain had, in his short Navy career, crashed two planes and flown a third into power lines in Spain because of, as he put it, “daredevil clowning.”
Investigating John McCain's Tragedy at Sea
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

The media instantly promotes any Republican who attacks Trump to sainthood.
Trumpettes hate the miitary as evident in their support of draft dodger who called POWs not worthy.
You, on the other hand, praise a man who killed 135 of his shipmates.
Sorry but your crap has been debunked a gazillion times. I heard your orange POS say what he did about POWs.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

The media instantly promotes any Republican who attacks Trump to sainthood.
Trumpettes hate the miitary as evident in their support of draft dodger who called POWs not worthy.
You, on the other hand, praise a man who killed 135 of his shipmates.
Sorry but your crap has been debunked a gazillion times. I heard your orange POS say what he did about POWs.
It hasn't been debunked, moron.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

No. You are not alone in this sentiment. We for a moment harbored sincere curiosity whether or not the Left was going to enshrine him visibly, mummified, like Stalin. Even the rotting dead can be politicized and weaponized these days. There is no shame to be seen in those doing it either.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

Where was this outpouring of praise for McCain...when he was still alive?
I would sure like to see Fridays and Saturdays cable news ratings...wall to wall McCain funeral with Trump bashing all the way through know their ratings must of been piss poor.....who could sit through all of that....Even Cindy McCain couldn't wait to get out of there....enough already it was embarrassing...all of that pomp and circumstance for a man that repeatedly lied to win elections and enriched himself with shady banking and land deals....his entire shady political career....he was scum from the very bottom of the swamp...and I'm happy he is no longer with us....
Lets go back to the 2000 Republican primary...McCain's attempt to attract independent and Democrat voters in a primary open to the whole electorate...but the effect was swamped by Republican core voters who believed their values were threatened by McCain. In an unusually bitter concession speech on Saturday night McCain complained.

Bush went on to beat McCain and become president. McCain spent the next 8 years being a thorn in the side of president Bush.

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