Am I the only one?

who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

It's being politicized because he and Trump did not get along. Don't forget that ten years ago the same people now praising McCain threw every insult in the book at him.
Lets go back to the 2000 Republican primary...McCain's attempt to attract independent and Democrat voters in a primary open to the whole electorate...but the effect was swamped by Republican core voters who believed their values were threatened by McCain. In an unusually bitter concession speech on Saturday night McCain complained.

Bush went on to beat McCain and become president. McCain spent the next 8 years being a thorn in the side of president Bush.
Great point^^^^^McCain was the most vindictive hateful self centered man in Washington...his passing is our glory....MAGA!!!!!
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

The media instantly promotes any Republican who attacks Trump to sainthood.
Trumpettes hate the miitary as evident in their support of draft dodger who called POWs not worthy.
You, on the other hand, praise a man who killed 135 of his shipmates.
The Forest Fire was part of the Damage Control training when I was in.............I'm sure it still is today............I would imagine......

The Fire killed the men..............The missile that misfired on the wing was no intentional wrong doing............But it caused a chain reaction that spread...........First Fire Crews that attacked the fire on the Flight deck were killed when the bombs went off on other aircraft...................

Now with the main fire fighters dead.........the rest of the ship fought the fire but not many were properly they sprayed water on fuel oil fires which caused it to spread................and so on

The incident made the Navy change it's policy ............After that everyone in the Navy was required to learn how to fight fires and have Damage Control Training........

A misfire killed the people...........not McCain.
Lets go back to the 2000 Republican primary...McCain's attempt to attract independent and Democrat voters in a primary open to the whole electorate...but the effect was swamped by Republican core voters who believed their values were threatened by McCain. In an unusually bitter concession speech on Saturday night McCain complained.

Bush went on to beat McCain and become president. McCain spent the next 8 years being a thorn in the side of president Bush.
Great point^^^^^McCain was the most vindictive hateful self centered man in Washington...his passing is our glory....MAGA!!!!!

The McCain all these phonies in Washington are praising, did not exist. This ^^^ is the real McCain, a bitter self centered backstabber.

When McCain's pathetic 2008 campaign was in the toilet he threw president Bush under the bus and tried to adopt Obama's positions on the issues. Still McCain couldn't fill a high school gym at his campaign stops. When he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate, she energized the base and 10's of thousands were showing up to her campaign events, meanwhile McCain still couldn't attract more than a few hundred. So McCain ditched his own campaign stops and tagged along with Sarah Palin.

When McCain lost...predictably he blamed it all on Sarah Palin.
The McCain all these phonies in Washington are praising, did not exist. This ^^^ is the real McCain, a bitter self centered backstabber.

When McCain's pathetic 2008 campaign was in the toilet he threw president Bush under the bus and tried to adopt Obama's positions on the issues. Still McCain couldn't fill a high school gym at his campaign stops. When he selected Sarah Palin as his running mate, she energized the base and 10's of thousands were showing up to her campaign events, meanwhile McCain still couldn't attract more than a few hundred. So McCain ditched his own campaign stops and tagged along with Sarah Palin.

When McCain lost...predictably he blamed it all on Sarah Palin
It was sickening to watch all of those swampers faun over his casket and stand at the podium and lie about his life and career.....just sickening as hell but very telling....
John McCain's death dominated Phoenix news all week and for the most part I cared and followed the proceedings and what I missed live I caught up some on YouTube. However once things switched from here in Arizona to Washington it wasn't the same. Larry Fitzgerald and Joe Biden's eulogies on Thursday in the Phoenix service were much more heartfelt than those by Bush and Obama back in Washington.
Lets go back to the 2000 Republican primary...McCain's attempt to attract independent and Democrat voters in a primary open to the whole electorate...but the effect was swamped by Republican core voters who believed their values were threatened by McCain. In an unusually bitter concession speech on Saturday night McCain complained.

Bush went on to beat McCain and become president. McCain spent the next 8 years being a thorn in the side of president Bush.

I agree with all you said and more!
The more was McCain didn't care what the concessions were i.e. ACA,NAFTA, etc. as long as he appeared "bi-partisan".
While I'm all in favor of "bi-partisanship " the primary point it must follow basic principles like: does it improve America's common defense? Does it help make America better?
If both of these and several more principles are met, than make the policy...if it is principled.
Much of the "bi-partisan" really don't follow the above and other principles because frankly the Democrats are NOT interested in Making America Great but their re-election.
I’ll be glad when he’s finally planted and Fox News returns to its normal coverage of topics that matter.
NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

Where was this outpouring of praise for McCain...when he was still alive?

Where was it ten years ago?
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

The media instantly promotes any Republican who attacks Trump to sainthood.
Trumpettes hate the miitary as evident in their support of draft dodger who called POWs not worthy.
You, on the other hand, praise a man who killed 135 of his shipmates.
The Forest Fire was part of the Damage Control training when I was in.............I'm sure it still is today............I would imagine......

The Fire killed the men..............The missile that misfired on the wing was no intentional wrong doing............But it caused a chain reaction that spread...........First Fire Crews that attacked the fire on the Flight deck were killed when the bombs went off on other aircraft...................

Now with the main fire fighters dead.........the rest of the ship fought the fire but not many were properly they sprayed water on fuel oil fires which caused it to spread................and so on

The incident made the Navy change it's policy ............After that everyone in the Navy was required to learn how to fight fires and have Damage Control Training........

A misfire killed the people...........not McCain.
McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

Where was this outpouring of praise for McCain...when he was still alive?

Where was it ten years ago?

Name anyone still alive & active that gets daily praise.

And Trump praising himself does not count.
who doesn’t care about Senator McCains funeral?

He didn’t represent me. He did many things that didn’t benefit this nation seemed to focus a lot on selling out those that voted for him for personal acclaim.

I respect him for the office. But the media is acting like Jesus Christ just died. This after saying vile and disgusting things about him. And they are using his death for cheap political attacks.

I am just tired of people who used him in life using him in death

NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

5 1/2 years apart & the effects of torture is a valid excuse.

What is your excuse for Trump? You voted for Trump. Trump cheated on every wife. He dumped wives for new wives.

And POS you have the nerve to talk about McCain?
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

Where was this outpouring of praise for McCain...when he was still alive?

Where was it ten years ago?

Name anyone still alive & active that gets daily praise.

And Trump praising himself does not count.
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

Where was this outpouring of praise for McCain...when he was still alive?

Where was it ten years ago?

Name anyone still alive & active that gets daily praise.

And Trump praising himself does not count.
I praise Trump every day.
We couldn’t have asked for a better president.
NO you aren't because McCain WAS a PHONY!!!

Here is what Ross Perot thought of McCain...

Carol McCain John McCain's first wife
She was the woman McCain dreamed of during his long incarceration and torture in Vietnam’s infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison and the woman who faithfully stayed at home looking after the children and waiting anxiously for news.
But when McCain returned to America in 1973 to a fanfare of publicity and a handshake from Richard Nixon, he discovered his wife had been disfigured in a terrible car crash three years earlier. Her car had skidded on icy roads into a telegraph pole on Christmas Eve, 1969.
Her pelvis and one arm were shattered by the impact and she suffered massive internal injuries.

She told The Mail on Sunday how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, 18 years his junior and the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune, just one month later.
he says. ‘My accident is well recorded. I had 23 operations, I am five inches shorter than I used to be and I was in hospital for six months.
It was just awful, but it wasn’t the reason for my divorce. ‘My marriage ended because John McCain didn’t want to be 40, he wanted to be 25.
You know that just does.’

But Ross Perot, who paid McCain's ex first wife's medical bills all those years ago, now believes the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory,’ he said.
After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history.’
The wife John McCain callously left behind | Daily Mail Online

Utter contempt for McCain and his MSM pandering is exemplified by his 2004 birthday party HE threw for himself!
Senator John McCain gathered at a restaurant uptown with some of the biggest stars in journalism to celebrate his birthday.
Among those mingling over cocktails and fine French food with Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, were Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Bob Schieffer, Maureen Dowd, Tim Russert
Guests at McCain's 2004 Birthday Party: Brokaw, Jennings, Schieffer, Dowd & Russert

So of course the BIASED MSM wanted McCain to be president!
Encouraged him to do so!
And McCain being the egomaniac that he was BELIEVED the MSM had his BACK!

No wonder McCain was so gullible after all he graduated NEARLY LAST in his class!

McCain was a blown up MSM Dodo bird. Designed by the MSM to run the worst candidate against Obama... the puffed McCain and then BAM when nominated totally turned the guns on him favoring Obama. BUT as McCain was wont to do... HE NEVER SAW IT COMING! He was so full of himself he totally defended the MSM!

No... I'm sorry I turned my back on the McCain funeral this morning. Shutting off any intrusion by this egotistical, truly naive and frankly ignorant son of the real hero...his DAD!

So don't feel like you are the only one speaking TRUTH to HYPOCRISY!!!!

McCain's dumping of his first wife was sad. However, they had been apart for over 5 years. Many of those returning from wzr have trouble in their marriages.

Anyone who has this problem with McCain certainly must have this problem 3 fold with Donald Trump. If you voted for Trump., you have no place trashing McCain for this action.
The trouble with McCain's marriage was that he didn't want to be married to a woman who was disfigured - a woman who remained loyal to him for 5 years while he was a POW. Yeah, those are some admirable "principles." They "shine."

But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

5 1/2 years apart & the effects of torture is a valid excuse.

What is your excuse for Trump? You voted for Trump. Trump cheated on every wife. He dumped wives for new wives.

And POS you have the nerve to talk about McCain?
You're praising McCain and calling Trump a scumbag when McCain's behavior was far worse.

Carol McCain - Wikipedia

McCain's marriage, however, began to falter due to her husband's partying away from home and extramarital affairs.[30]
But you voted for a man that hid under his bed during the Vietnam war & cheated on everyone of his wives. So shove your outrage up your ass. Being apart for over 5 years & both undergoing tragic events change people.
All you turds have been singing the praises of McCain who cheated on his first wife who was loyal to him the whole time he was a POW. You're hardly in a position to be criticizing Trump.

Where was this outpouring of praise for McCain...when he was still alive?

Where was it ten years ago?

Name anyone still alive & active that gets daily praise.

And Trump praising himself does not count.
I praise Trump every day.
We couldn’t have asked for a better president.

Actually most of us did.

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