Amazing how ignorant people are of Trump's taxes, write-offs AND INCOME!!!

Here's why dimocraps are such SCUM. (among many other reasons)

First, the New Yawk SLIMES obtained those records ILLEGALLY.

Second, they presented them with THEIR EXPLANATION. They made them say what THEY wanted them to say.

Had Trump been able to present the Tax Returns with an explanation, this would be a different discussion.... Although, dimocrap scum are too stupid to understand Tax Returns (most of them don't file anyway) someone could explain them to dimocraps in crayon.

The SLIMES really needs to be brought to heel over this. What they did is a CRIME.

And every penny that Trump deucted was legal. During the Clinton Administration, you can bet they had fifty IRS Tax Lawyers going over those returns with a magnifying glass

I would certainly like someone to ask Hillary what this donation that was taken as a write off was about!!!
Seems kind of self serving to donate $1 million to a foundation named after yourself then take a tax deduction! How does that look?

View attachment 91860
since they don't financially benefit from the foundation how is it anything but charity?
Oh wow.
you must have evidence nobody else does to believe the Clintons benefit financially from their foundation.

i mean it's not like the clinton's were cutting checks out of the chaarity's account to settle personal and business lawsuits

Hey I am pointing out reality. Bill Clinton get's paid by the Clinton Foundation at the minimum travel expenses and who knows what else!
Bill Clinton wrote a book in 2007 called Giving, for which he received an advance of about $5 million, according to the New York Times. The book was about charitable work and so is, in part, based on his work with the Clinton Foundation.

Similarly, he has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars delivering numerous speeches where he talks about his Clinton Foundation work. For example, Samsung Electronics paid Bill Clinton $450,000 to deliver the keynote address at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, during which he talked about how technology has affected his work in the developing world through the Clinton Foundation. Samsung has also donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation.
And foundation tax documents stipulate that the Clintons, "due to extraordinary security and other requirements," often need to travel first class or via charter plane.
A spokesperson said that in some cases, when the Clintons travel on foundation business, the foundation pays for their travel service directly.
What do the Clintons get out of their foundation?
[QUOTE="Onyx, post: 15433649, member: 56362"

Despite this, the taxpayers (not him) have to keep bailing his ass out. Now he is running for president despite there being dozens of strong allegations that he has broke dozens of unique laws.[/QUOTE]When did taxpayers bail him out? You didn't say.
The New York Times doesn't pay taxes either:

But the Times itself has “avoided” paying taxes — in 2014, for example.

As Forbes noted at the time:

for tax year 2014, The New York Times paid no taxes and got an income tax refund of $3.5 million even though they had a pre-tax profit of $29.9 million in 2014. In other words, their post-tax profit was higher than their pre-tax profit. The explanation in their 2014 annual report is, “The effective tax rate for 2014 was favorably affected by approximately $21.1 million for the reversal of reserves for uncertain tax positions due to the lapse of applicable statutes of limitations.” If you don’t think it took fancy accountants and tax lawyers to make that happen, read the statement again.

The New York Times Paid No Taxes in 2014 - Breitbart
when the times runs for president let us know
Doesn't it bother you that trump thinks he is smart for not paying taxes? What does that say about the rest of us dummies?

No, it doesn't at all. POLITICIANS made this system. They set up tax regulations to enable their cronies to avoid taxes. What Trump did is perfectly legal. Don't like it? Then perhaps you should reconsider your support of the Big Government Administrative State that sponsors such cronyism.

I bet you don't pay more than the minimum required by law, either.
Bottom Line: He has not released his taxes. We do not know who his creditors are or how much debt they own.

He is also a bully, a neo fascist, as are those who support him, and Trump is a demagogue, a charlatan and psychologically unfit to be POTUS.
Bottom line, guilty until proven innocent. The fact that you hate him so much makes him the best pick possible.
he could clear all these questions up just by releasing his tax returns as every other candidate has for 4 decades
Here's why dimocraps are such SCUM. (among many other reasons)

First, the New Yawk SLIMES obtained those records ILLEGALLY.

Second, they presented them with THEIR EXPLANATION. They made them say what THEY wanted them to say.

Had Trump been able to present the Tax Returns with an explanation, this would be a different discussion.... Although, dimocrap scum are too stupid to understand Tax Returns (most of them don't file anyway) someone could explain them to dimocraps in crayon.

The SLIMES really needs to be brought to heel over this. What they did is a CRIME.

And every penny that Trump deucted was legal. During the Clinton Administration, you can bet they had fifty IRS Tax Lawyers going over those returns with a magnifying glass

I would certainly like someone to ask Hillary what this donation that was taken as a write off was about!!!
Seems kind of self serving to donate $1 million to a foundation named after yourself then take a tax deduction! How does that look?

View attachment 91860
since they don't financially benefit from the foundation how is it anything but charity?
Oh wow.
you must have evidence nobody else does to believe the Clintons benefit financially from their foundation.

i mean it's not like the clinton's were cutting checks out of the chaarity's account to settle personal and business lawsuits

Hey I am pointing out reality. Bill Clinton get's paid by the Clinton Foundation at the minimum travel expenses and who knows what else!
Bill Clinton wrote a book in 2007 called Giving, for which he received an advance of about $5 million, according to the New York Times. The book was about charitable work and so is, in part, based on his work with the Clinton Foundation.

Similarly, he has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars delivering numerous speeches where he talks about his Clinton Foundation work. For example, Samsung Electronics paid Bill Clinton $450,000 to deliver the keynote address at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, during which he talked about how technology has affected his work in the developing world through the Clinton Foundation. Samsung has also donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation.
And foundation tax documents stipulate that the Clintons, "due to extraordinary security and other requirements," often need to travel first class or via charter plane.
A spokesperson said that in some cases, when the Clintons travel on foundation business, the foundation pays for their travel service directly.
What do the Clintons get out of their foundation?
so while doing the work of the foundation the clintons get travel expenses covered. wow. that must run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

have they settled personal lawsuits with the foundation money?

the clintons do not financially benefit from the clinton foundation
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny
Why doesn't he release his returns?
Two reasons.

  1. Because by-law he doesn't have to and his lawyers recommend that he doesn't.
  2. If he releases them, it just gives the media more stuff to lie about.

The tax returns would show the truth.
Which if went against your grain you wouldn't say a dang thing.
Bottom Line: He has not released his taxes. We do not know who his creditors are or how much debt they own.

He is also a bully, a neo fascist, as are those who support him, and Trump is a demagogue, a charlatan and psychologically unfit to be POTUS.
Bottom line, guilty until proven innocent. The fact that you hate him so much makes him the best pick possible.
he could clear all these questions up just by releasing his tax returns as every other candidate has for 4 decades
Every candidate was under audit? You are a stupid liar.
I would certainly like someone to ask Hillary what this donation that was taken as a write off was about!!!
Seems kind of self serving to donate $1 million to a foundation named after yourself then take a tax deduction! How does that look?

View attachment 91860
since they don't financially benefit from the foundation how is it anything but charity?
Oh wow.
you must have evidence nobody else does to believe the Clintons benefit financially from their foundation.

i mean it's not like the clinton's were cutting checks out of the chaarity's account to settle personal and business lawsuits

Hey I am pointing out reality. Bill Clinton get's paid by the Clinton Foundation at the minimum travel expenses and who knows what else!
Bill Clinton wrote a book in 2007 called Giving, for which he received an advance of about $5 million, according to the New York Times. The book was about charitable work and so is, in part, based on his work with the Clinton Foundation.

Similarly, he has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars delivering numerous speeches where he talks about his Clinton Foundation work. For example, Samsung Electronics paid Bill Clinton $450,000 to deliver the keynote address at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show, during which he talked about how technology has affected his work in the developing world through the Clinton Foundation. Samsung has also donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the foundation.
And foundation tax documents stipulate that the Clintons, "due to extraordinary security and other requirements," often need to travel first class or via charter plane.
A spokesperson said that in some cases, when the Clintons travel on foundation business, the foundation pays for their travel service directly.
What do the Clintons get out of their foundation?
so while doing the work of the foundation the clintons get travel expenses covered. wow. that must run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

have they settled personal lawsuits with the foundation money?

the clintons do not financially benefit from the clinton foundation

Yes they do. They've spent millions on personal travel, and have used the foundation to provide jobs for their permanent campaign staff in between election cycles. And then there is the little bit about Pay To Play pay offs for bullshit speeches.
No, it doesn't at all. POLITICIANS made this system. They set up tax regulations to enable their cronies to avoid taxes. What Trump did is perfectly legal. Don't like it? Then perhaps you should reconsider your support of the Big Government Administrative State that sponsors such cronyism.

I bet you don't pay more than the minimum required by law, either.

More of this bullshit.

Oh yeah, it is okay to engage in highly unethical and exploitative cronyism as long as it is legal...
Bottom Line: He has not released his taxes. We do not know who his creditors are or how much debt they own.

He is also a bully, a neo fascist, as are those who support him, and Trump is a demagogue, a charlatan and psychologically unfit to be POTUS.
Bottom line, guilty until proven innocent. The fact that you hate him so much makes him the best pick possible.
he could clear all these questions up just by releasing his tax returns as every other candidate has for 4 decades
Every candidate was under audit? You are a stupid liar.
being under audit has no bearing on whether or not he can release his returns. and nixon was under audit.

further, releasing his returns does not change them - so what impact could the release have on the audit?
No, it doesn't at all. POLITICIANS made this system. They set up tax regulations to enable their cronies to avoid taxes. What Trump did is perfectly legal. Don't like it? Then perhaps you should reconsider your support of the Big Government Administrative State that sponsors such cronyism.

I bet you don't pay more than the minimum required by law, either.

More of this bullshit.

Oh yeah, it is okay to engage in highly unethical and exploitative cronyism as long as it is legal...

If you're concerned about Ethics, take a closer look at hiLIARy, bub.
Not bad for a broke guy that only has failures under his belt. But leftist won't care about any tax facts, who wrote the laws or why. They are hypnotized and follow their master's demand.
Republicans have held both houses for years except for a couple of months the Democrats held both houses. That means the laws were written by Republicans.

And what have they done? Name a GOP policy in the last 40 years that has helped a majority of Americans. You can't. There aren't any. With such a lousy record, minions would have to be tards to vote for such an awful party.
If you're concerned about Ethics, take a closer look at hiLIARy, bub.

In the past I have supported her for death. Still do.

Right now I am looking at Donald. Nothing you say about Clinton would change the reality that Donald is one of the worse crooks in America.

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