Amazing how ignorant people are of Trump's taxes, write-offs AND INCOME!!!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.

Trumps ONLY qualification is that he is supposed to be an amazing businessman. Someone who lost a billion dollars in one year

He claims not paying taxes makes him smart

How smart do you have to be to lose a billion dollars?

It won't be long before all of Trump's losses in the nineties will be blamed on Bill Clinton.

I did very well in the 90s

What happened to Trump?
You're a God Damned liar.

95 was a terrible year in the market.

Maybe in your country.

Trump says we should vote for him because he is such a great businessman

A businessman who loses a billion dollars in just one year
And that is based on what evidence?
He hasn't released his returns?
Where did you get this lie from?

Seems we have a leak

Trump himself is not denying it, just bitching that it was leaked
Nope....not a leak. Hillary probably got the info from the IRS. She can't actually say anything about what she actually knows and where she got the information because it's a federal offense for anyone to leak information about a tax return that is under audit.

He has the right to object to anyone releasing his returns to the public in an attempt to embarrass him. I suspect after the election he's going to sue the IRS.

It's not like being criminally involved with the IRS audits is something these guys haven't done before.
Hillary cheats on everything.
She knows what's in his return even though it's against the law for the IRS to release them to her.
She knew the questions in advance before the debate as well.
The organizers admitted Friday that Trump's mic was defective as well. Hillary knew it. Trump knew it. The audience knew it. The moderator didn't do shit to correct it.

Total setup.
Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?
It is if you are drawing a handsome salary from said corporation. But all this is based on assumptions by dishonest people with an ax to grind.

Trump's real estate ventures lost tens of millions of dollars.

Successful businessmen MAKE money. They don't lose it.

Again... you didn't read evidently close enough... a symptom of idiots!!!

Donald Trump’s latest personal financial disclosure, made public on Wednesday morning, revealed surprising increases in revenue on some of his properties. The Office of Government Ethics document, filed with the Federal Elections Committee, followed an announcement from Trump on Tuesday saying his new report would show he raked in $557 million of income since 2015. The disclosure, submitted annually by presidential candidates, covers a period of more than 12 months – from the first day of the preceding year, to the time the candidate files (January 2015 to May 2016, in this case).
Donald Trump Reports 50% Increase In Income, Staggering Uptick In Revenues From Select Properties
How about expenses?
Not bad for a broke guy that only has failures under his belt. But leftist won't care about any tax facts, who wrote the laws or why. They are hypnotized and follow their master's demand.
Only Trump would tell the world that he is "smart" for not paying taxes. What does that tell us about the rest of us who do pay our taxes? Are we stupid???

Hey you had NO problem with Obama hiring the following person who called YOU STUPID!!!
Like the architect for Obamacare,Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Jonathan Gruber ...suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn't know what was in the law or how its financing worked, and that this helped it win approval.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said.
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
Gruber made the comment while discussing how the law was "written in a tortured way" to avoid a bad score from the Congressional Budget Office. He suggested that voters would have rejected ObamaCare if the penalties for going without health insurance were interpreted as taxes, either by budget analysts or the public.
While analysts expect the market to stabilize once premiums rise and more young, healthy people sign up, some observers have not ruled out the possibility of a collapse of the market, known in insurance parlance as a “death spiral.”
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass
I thought we were discussing Trump not paying taxes? Why won't he disclose his tax returns? I would like an answer to that

He has said and we ALL agree... As soon as Hillary shows her 30,000 “private” emails.
All of a sudden you are concerned about emails? You didn't seem to care about lost emails when the Bush administration lost millions of them. Of course it wouldn't be about politics would it?
I am sure you never uttered a peep when dozens of Americans were killed at foreign embassies during the Bush years, but when 4 people died when a democrat was President its major news- right hypocrite
Here's why dimocraps are such SCUM. (among many other reasons)

First, the New Yawk SLIMES obtained those records ILLEGALLY.

Second, they presented them with THEIR EXPLANATION. They made them say what THEY wanted them to say.

Had Trump been able to present the Tax Returns with an explanation, this would be a different discussion.... Although, dimocrap scum are too stupid to understand Tax Returns (most of them don't file anyway) someone could explain them to dimocraps in crayon.

The SLIMES really needs to be brought to heel over this. What they did is a CRIME.

And every penny that Trump deucted was legal. During the Clinton Administration, you can bet they had fifty IRS Tax Lawyers going over those returns with a magnifying glass

I would certainly like someone to ask Hillary what this donation that was taken as a write off was about!!!
Seems kind of self serving to donate $1 million to a foundation named after yourself then take a tax deduction! How does that look?

View attachment 91860

It looks legal.
Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.

Trumps ONLY qualification is that he is supposed to be an amazing businessman. Someone who lost a billion dollars in one year

He claims not paying taxes makes him smart

How smart do you have to be to lose a billion dollars?

It won't be long before all of Trump's losses in the nineties will be blamed on Bill Clinton.

I did very well in the 90s

What happened to Trump?
You're a God Damned liar.

95 was a terrible year in the market.

Maybe in your country.

So now you're saying that the stock market crash in 95' never happened.

You're lucky you aren't standing in front of me right now.

I lost half of my savings in my 401k during that crash, you FUCK!!
But yet not one Anti-Trump comment has shown how with $557 million in revenue and say 60% operating expenses leaves $222 million taxable revenue oh minus the $50 million write off or STILL $172 million in reportable taxable income. At 30% tax rate leaves a $51 million tax bill for 2015.
So again you critics .... please explain!
Donald Trump’s latest personal financial disclosure, made public on Wednesday morning, revealed surprising increases in revenue on some of his properties. The Office of Government Ethics document, filed with the Federal Elections Committee, followed an announcement from Trump on Tuesday saying his new report would show he raked in $557 million of income since 2015. The disclosure, submitted annually by presidential candidates, covers a period of more than 12 months – from the first day of the preceding year, to the time the candidate files (January 2015 to May 2016, in this case).
Donald Trump Reports 50% Increase In Income, Staggering Uptick In Revenues From Select Properties
There you go attacking Trump again. When are you going to demonstrate that you aren't a Democrat douche bag?

Of course I am attacking Trump. He is a crook.

Am I supposed to absolve him of his long history of exploitation and crony capitalism? Would that make you happy?
Trump is a crook? Is Hillary some kind of angel? Why is only Trump worthy of your attention? The answer is that you're a douche bag Hillary apologist.
Here's why dimocraps are such SCUM. (among many other reasons)

First, the New Yawk SLIMES obtained those records ILLEGALLY.

Second, they presented them with THEIR EXPLANATION. They made them say what THEY wanted them to say.

Had Trump been able to present the Tax Returns with an explanation, this would be a different discussion.... Although, dimocrap scum are too stupid to understand Tax Returns (most of them don't file anyway) someone could explain them to dimocraps in crayon.

The SLIMES really needs to be brought to heel over this. What they did is a CRIME.

And every penny that Trump deucted was legal. During the Clinton Administration, you can bet they had fifty IRS Tax Lawyers going over those returns with a magnifying glass

I would certainly like someone to ask Hillary what this donation that was taken as a write off was about!!!
Seems kind of self serving to donate $1 million to a foundation named after yourself then take a tax deduction! How does that look?

View attachment 91860
since they don't financially benefit from the foundation how is it anything but charity?
There you go attacking Trump again. When are you going to demonstrate that you aren't a Democrat douche bag?

Of course I am attacking Trump. He is a crook.

Am I supposed to absolve him of his long history of exploitation and crony capitalism? Would that make you happy?
Trump is a crook? Is Hillary some kind of angel? Why is only Trump worthy of your attention? The answer is that you're a douche bag Hillary apologist.
Hillary has released her tax returns for the past ten years. Trump refuses to, so what does he have to hide? Let him prove he isn't a crook by releasing his returns.
But yet not one Anti-Trump comment has shown how with $557 million in revenue and say 60% operating expenses leaves $222 million taxable revenue oh minus the $50 million write off or STILL $172 million in reportable taxable income. At 30% tax rate leaves a $51 million tax bill for 2015.
So again you critics .... please explain!
Donald Trump’s latest personal financial disclosure, made public on Wednesday morning, revealed surprising increases in revenue on some of his properties. The Office of Government Ethics document, filed with the Federal Elections Committee, followed an announcement from Trump on Tuesday saying his new report would show he raked in $557 million of income since 2015. The disclosure, submitted annually by presidential candidates, covers a period of more than 12 months – from the first day of the preceding year, to the time the candidate files (January 2015 to May 2016, in this case).
Donald Trump Reports 50% Increase In Income, Staggering Uptick In Revenues From Select Properties
does that not bother you? seems he might be playing a little fast and loose with his reporting. maybe you are right and we should be looking at that.

(also, the time has elapsed for his 1995 losses to still be used. that doesn't mean there weren't other losses, though, or that his income filings will reflect an uptick in businessrevenue - not business profit)
Amazing how ignorant people are of Trump's taxes, write-offs AND INCOME!!!

How so?

Most folks are far too busy with life, and earning their own livelihood, to worry about this shit.

For the Average Joe (or Jill), they only care about and ask a handful of questions, such as...

Are the candidates beholden to others?

Are the candidates in compliance with tax law?

Have the candidates resisted the temptation to illegally or unethically enrich themselves at the expense of the taxpayers?

If the answer is "Yes", then, most folks just move on, and go about their own lives.

Nothing whatsoever 'amazing' about that.

For those interested in penetrating further into a candidate's activities, they're certainly free to do so, however...

For most folks, further inquiry beyond such a basic sniff-test is unimportant - wasteful of time and energy, and boring as hell.

I mean... after all... they're just politicians... spoiled, rich, Elitists who have very little in common with your Average Joe (or Jill).

Last edited:
But yet not one Anti-Trump comment has shown how with $557 million in revenue and say 60% operating expenses leaves $222 million taxable revenue oh minus the $50 million write off or STILL $172 million in reportable taxable income. At 30% tax rate leaves a $51 million tax bill for 2015.
So again you critics .... please explain!
Donald Trump’s latest personal financial disclosure, made public on Wednesday morning, revealed surprising increases in revenue on some of his properties. The Office of Government Ethics document, filed with the Federal Elections Committee, followed an announcement from Trump on Tuesday saying his new report would show he raked in $557 million of income since 2015. The disclosure, submitted annually by presidential candidates, covers a period of more than 12 months – from the first day of the preceding year, to the time the candidate files (January 2015 to May 2016, in this case).
Donald Trump Reports 50% Increase In Income, Staggering Uptick In Revenues From Select Properties
does that not bother you? seems he might be playing a little fast and loose with his reporting. maybe you are right and we should be looking at that.

(also, the time has elapsed for his 1995 losses to still be used. that doesn't mean there weren't other losses, though, or that his income filings will reflect an uptick in businessrevenue - not business profit)
The base of Trump supporters couldn't care less what crimes he may have committed, including murder. Its awfully scary
This site is literally packed with convulsive liars.

I'm just gonna post pictures on my threads, because I'm fed up arguing with dishonest scumbags.
Trumps ONLY qualification is that he is supposed to be an amazing businessman. Someone who lost a billion dollars in one year

He claims not paying taxes makes him smart

How smart do you have to be to lose a billion dollars?

It won't be long before all of Trump's losses in the nineties will be blamed on Bill Clinton.

I did very well in the 90s

What happened to Trump?
You're a God Damned liar.

95 was a terrible year in the market.

Maybe in your country.

So now you're saying that the stock market crash in 95' never happened.

You're lucky you aren't standing in front of me right now.

I lost half of my savings in my 401k during that crash, you FUCK!!

You are confused.

SP500 Index Yearly Returns
Here's why dimocraps are such SCUM. (among many other reasons)

First, the New Yawk SLIMES obtained those records ILLEGALLY.

Second, they presented them with THEIR EXPLANATION. They made them say what THEY wanted them to say.

Had Trump been able to present the Tax Returns with an explanation, this would be a different discussion.... Although, dimocrap scum are too stupid to understand Tax Returns (most of them don't file anyway) someone could explain them to dimocraps in crayon.

The SLIMES really needs to be brought to heel over this. What they did is a CRIME.

And every penny that Trump deucted was legal. During the Clinton Administration, you can bet they had fifty IRS Tax Lawyers going over those returns with a magnifying glass

I would certainly like someone to ask Hillary what this donation that was taken as a write off was about!!!
Seems kind of self serving to donate $1 million to a foundation named after yourself then take a tax deduction! How does that look?

View attachment 91860
since they don't financially benefit from the foundation how is it anything but charity?
Oh wow.
Trump broke no laws. The NYT and rest of the media is structuring it as if he did. However, turns out that the NYT and other Clinton operatives may have broke the law in how they obtained the Clinton returns.
I don't care for Trump. His candidacy's only appeal to me is how he scares the crap out of the powers-that-be (both Republicans and Democrats) who have really screwed up this country. Thus these stories about his taxes never got a rise out of me. This latest development only goes to show the lengths those empowered are willing to go to prevent Americans from taking their country back.

I'm not all that trusting of Trump and see him more as a con artist. Yet I'm still undecided. Which only goes to show how little faith I have in Hillary's vision for America. However, I do hear that unlike most politicians she works well with members of both parties. But then again I think of them as equal opportunity organizations out to screw American. I usually resolve things by voting 3rd party, but I'm really trying to avoid that this year.
Trumps ONLY qualification is that he is supposed to be an amazing businessman. Someone who lost a billion dollars in one year

He claims not paying taxes makes him smart

How smart do you have to be to lose a billion dollars?

It won't be long before all of Trump's losses in the nineties will be blamed on Bill Clinton.

I did very well in the 90s

What happened to Trump?
You're a God Damned liar.

95 was a terrible year in the market.

Maybe in your country.

So now you're saying that the stock market crash in 95' never happened.

You're lucky you aren't standing in front of me right now.

I lost half of my savings in my 401k during that crash, you FUCK!!

Be honest, people.

Any of you see a stock market crash in 1995 in the above chart?

Or here?

SP500 Index Yearly Returns
Here's why dimocraps are such SCUM. (among many other reasons)

First, the New Yawk SLIMES obtained those records ILLEGALLY.

Second, they presented them with THEIR EXPLANATION. They made them say what THEY wanted them to say.

Had Trump been able to present the Tax Returns with an explanation, this would be a different discussion.... Although, dimocrap scum are too stupid to understand Tax Returns (most of them don't file anyway) someone could explain them to dimocraps in crayon.

The SLIMES really needs to be brought to heel over this. What they did is a CRIME.

And every penny that Trump deucted was legal. During the Clinton Administration, you can bet they had fifty IRS Tax Lawyers going over those returns with a magnifying glass

I would certainly like someone to ask Hillary what this donation that was taken as a write off was about!!!
Seems kind of self serving to donate $1 million to a foundation named after yourself then take a tax deduction! How does that look?

View attachment 91860

It looks legal.

Of course it "looks" legal. But when I started to look at the Clinton Foundation financials and the following:
Over 65% of operating expenses of the Clinton foundation goes for salaries,travel,meetings,trainings... and I would be surprised if Hillary didn't get some form of
that $70 million while less then 18% of expenses were "direct program" expenditures.
Check out the financials below!
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny
Why doesn't he release his returns?
Two reasons.

  1. Because by-law he doesn't have to and his lawyers recommend that he doesn't.
  2. If he releases them, it just gives the media more stuff to lie about.
Alt-Right Drumpf think right there, folks.

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