Amazing how ignorant people are of Trump's taxes, write-offs AND INCOME!!!

Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?
It is if you are drawing a handsome salary from said corporation. But all this is based on assumptions by dishonest people with an ax to grind.

dishonest people who also do not understand how our economy actually works.
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.
you bet my issue is with the tax code - and trump has promised to make it even more lopsided in favor of mega-million real estate moguls.
When did he say that? Oh that's right, you're a lefty, you can't tell the truth.
You're honestly saying that you believe trump's tax proposals do not largely benefit the rich?
Where can we find this truth? You forgot to say.

His broke ass campaign comes to mind.

The conclusion was reaching on a variety of things. You can find several dozen unique sources if you look them up on google.

And you with your Ukrainian statement are a blemish on Ukrainian people!
My Ukrainian daughter-in-law now a Legal Immigrant finds your hatred of America very sad!
She like I'm sure is embarrassed by your statement "America is blinded by flags, fireworks, and founding fathers." Is so sad!
America is the world's most exceptional country because it is made up of "exceptional people" from all over the world that couldn't in their countries fulfill their
aspirations. That's why most "legal immigrants" to America are saddened by ignorant people like you that say "Americans are blinded"! That is very sad.
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.
you bet my issue is with the tax code - and trump has promised to make it even more lopsided in favor of mega-million real estate moguls.
When did he say that? Oh that's right, you're a lefty, you can't tell the truth.
You're honestly saying that you believe trump's tax proposals do not largely benefit the rich?

Yes, comrade, and you're not a socialist ... LOL

But I see what you're saying, all those jobs don't help anyone but the rich. Who wants to work?
This is too funny. The same people who are now defending Trump possibly paying NO federal income tax for 20

years are those who endlessly rant about how even the poor should pay some amount of taxes,

for that 'skin in the game' thing? Eh?

The poor should have 'skin in the game', while the billionaire Trump should get off scot free...

When rich people pay no tax, that tax is simply deferred. For instance, lets say that someone made 5 million profit in one year. He can take that 5 million, and put it back into the business. The government actually WANTS that to happen, because that is an investment in the economy. But guess what? That 5 million investment actually added to the value of the business, and that will be taxed in the future.

And you with your Ukrainian statement are a blemish on Ukrainian people!

So a famous motto used by millions of Ukranians is a blemish on the Ukrainian people? Even though there are still Ukranians which say it?

By the way, the phrase beneath it is not a translation.

My Ukrainian daughter-in-law now a Legal Immigrant finds your hatred of America very sad!
She like I'm sure is embarrassed by your statement "America is blinded by flags, fireworks, and founding fathers." Is so sad!
America is the world's most exceptional country because it is made up of "exceptional people" from all over the world that couldn't in their countries fulfill their
aspirations. That's why most "legal immigrants" to America are saddened by ignorant people like you that say "Americans are blinded"! That is very sad.

What is this?

I thought we were talking about taxes.
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.
you bet my issue is with the tax code - and trump has promised to make it even more lopsided in favor of mega-million real estate moguls.
When did he say that? Oh that's right, you're a lefty, you can't tell the truth.
You're honestly saying that you believe trump's tax proposals do not largely benefit the rich?

Of course they benefit the RICH you dummy! And I'm hoping as you idiots that are TOO Dumb or too lazy to become rich to be able to benefit also!
Why is it you idiots want to STEAL from people rather then earn it yourself!
You want to become rich? Are you willing to pay the price? If so I have 4 distinct business opportunities that if you want to participate and work hard will make you
a millionaire! But people like you rather sit around and gripe and complain rather then perform!
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.
you bet my issue is with the tax code - and trump has promised to make it even more lopsided in favor of mega-million real estate moguls.
When did he say that? Oh that's right, you're a lefty, you can't tell the truth.
You're honestly saying that you believe trump's tax proposals do not largely benefit the rich?

they would benefit all americans who pay taxes, rich and poor.
And you with your Ukrainian statement are a blemish on Ukrainian people!

So a famous motto used by millions of Ukranians is a blemish on the Ukrainian people? Even though there are still Ukranians which say it?

By the way, the phrase beneath it is not a translation.

My Ukrainian daughter-in-law now a Legal Immigrant finds your hatred of America very sad!
She like I'm sure is embarrassed by your statement "America is blinded by flags, fireworks, and founding fathers." Is so sad!
America is the world's most exceptional country because it is made up of "exceptional people" from all over the world that couldn't in their countries fulfill their
aspirations. That's why most "legal immigrants" to America are saddened by ignorant people like you that say "Americans are blinded"! That is very sad.

What is this?

I thought we were talking about taxes.
I know the translation dummy! Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду! is Ukrainian for "
"Death to anyone who hinders the obtaining of freedom working people!" I was commenting on your "blinded by flags" idiocy!
But once again you didn't read closely enough. Jumped to conclusions. Didn't understand simple english. Sad!
Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?
It is if you are drawing a handsome salary from said corporation. But all this is based on assumptions by dishonest people with an ax to grind.

Trump's real estate ventures lost tens of millions of dollars.

Successful businessmen MAKE money. They don't lose it.
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.

Trumps ONLY qualification is that he is supposed to be an amazing businessman. Someone who lost a billion dollars in one year

He claims not paying taxes makes him smart

How smart do you have to be to lose a billion dollars?
Trump says we should vote for him because he is such a great businessman

A businessman who loses a billion dollars in just one year
And that is based on what evidence?
He hasn't released his returns?
Where did you get this lie from?

Seems we have a leak

Trump himself is not denying it, just bitching that it was leaked

Trump's hardcore supporters won't be moved an inch by all of this, but he can't win the election with the hardcores alone.
Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.
you bet my issue is with the tax code - and trump has promised to make it even more lopsided in favor of mega-million real estate moguls.
When did he say that? Oh that's right, you're a lefty, you can't tell the truth.
You're honestly saying that you believe trump's tax proposals do not largely benefit the rich?

Yes, comrade, and you're not a socialist ... LOL

But I see what you're saying, all those jobs don't help anyone but the rich. Who wants to work?
donald trump's proposals will cost jobs, not create them
Not bad for a broke guy that only has failures under his belt. But leftist won't care about any tax facts, who wrote the laws or why. They are hypnotized and follow their master's demand.
Only Trump would tell the world that he is "smart" for not paying taxes. What does that tell us about the rest of us who do pay our taxes? Are we stupid???
The MSM and idiots galore are having an organism! Trump had according this article:

The Times, which hired tax experts to analyze the records, determined that “tax rules that are especially advantageous to wealthy filers would have allowed Mr. Trump to use his $916 million loss to cancel out an equivalent amount of taxable income over an 18-year period” -- more than $50 million a year.

Bombshell report on Trump taxes sends GOP nominee reeling

Now think just for a moment. Trump had according to the above "experts" then $50 million a year in
Taxable income to not pay taxes on! OH MY GOODNESS!!!

Let's see.. Assume Trump had businesses with total assets of $2 billion for those last 18 years.
And if Trump earned the average annual returns in long-term real estate investing vary by the area of concentration in the sector. Average 20-year returns in the commercial real estate slightly outperform the S&P 500 Index, running at around 9.5%.

Investopedia What average annual return is typical for a long term investment in the real estate sector?

Average real estate holdings of $2 billion over 18 years at 9.5% equals $190 million a year!
$190 million in ROI (for you dummies... Return on Investment) with operating expenses of 50%
leaves $95 million taxable income LESS the notorious $50 million TAX LOSS carry forward LEAVES
$45 million TAXABLE INCOME you idiots!

Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.

Trumps ONLY qualification is that he is supposed to be an amazing businessman. Someone who lost a billion dollars in one year

He claims not paying taxes makes him smart

How smart do you have to be to lose a billion dollars?

It won't be long before all of Trump's losses in the nineties will be blamed on Bill Clinton.
Trump said not paying income taxes made him smart.

Running businesses that are so unprofitable they don't generate any taxable income is 'smart'?
It is if you are drawing a handsome salary from said corporation. But all this is based on assumptions by dishonest people with an ax to grind.

Trump's real estate ventures lost tens of millions of dollars.

Successful businessmen MAKE money. They don't lose it.

Again... you didn't read evidently close enough... a symptom of idiots!!!

Donald Trump’s latest personal financial disclosure, made public on Wednesday morning, revealed surprising increases in revenue on some of his properties. The Office of Government Ethics document, filed with the Federal Elections Committee, followed an announcement from Trump on Tuesday saying his new report would show he raked in $557 million of income since 2015. The disclosure, submitted annually by presidential candidates, covers a period of more than 12 months – from the first day of the preceding year, to the time the candidate files (January 2015 to May 2016, in this case).
Donald Trump Reports 50% Increase In Income, Staggering Uptick In Revenues From Select Properties
Why doesn't Trump release his tax returns and straighten this all out

What we do know......Trump the great businessman lost a billion dollars in just one year

He is now a serial moocher who refuses to pay taxes

Freeloader Donny

Did he break any tax laws? He gets audited every year. If he was cheating, the Obama IRS would have already made that public.

Your issue is not with Trump, its with the tax code that allows the very rich to avoid taxes on some income. Now, who wrote the tax code? Do you know? Congress, and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years------------------------------------------------------sooooo, the tax code that you so hate was written by the party that you so love. Said another way, you are an idiot.
you bet my issue is with the tax code - and trump has promised to make it even more lopsided in favor of mega-million real estate moguls.
When did he say that? Oh that's right, you're a lefty, you can't tell the truth.
You're honestly saying that you believe trump's tax proposals do not largely benefit the rich?

they would benefit all americans who pay taxes, rich and poor.
and they far and away benefit the rich more - especially those with pass through income
Not bad for a broke guy that only has failures under his belt. But leftist won't care about any tax facts, who wrote the laws or why. They are hypnotized and follow their master's demand.
Only Trump would tell the world that he is "smart" for not paying taxes. What does that tell us about the rest of us who do pay our taxes? Are we stupid???

He had to lose money to avoid paying taxes. Apparently in some rightwing magic kingdom, losing millions is how you demonstrate how smart you are.
I know the translation dummy! Смерть всім, хто стоїть на перешкоді здобуття вільності трудовому люду! is Ukrainian for "
"Death to anyone who hinders the obtaining of freedom working people!"

And for whatever reason that statement is a blemish on Ukrainians?

So.... A good life for working class oppressors?

I was commenting on your "blinded by flags" idiocy!
But once again you didn't read closely enough. Jumped to conclusions. Didn't understand simple english. Sad!

Uh yeah.

America is a brainwashed nation. Blind patriotism has made us willfully ignorant to an evil and abusive government, which as a result enables massive support for state imperialism and population control.

Not to mention how it has propped up the worst case of tribalism in human history.

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