Ambition Replaced Achievement


Sep 23, 2010
Do not confuse ambition with achievement. The one has nothing to do with the other. Ambition rewards ambitious government officials while achievers are sent off to the poorhouse. After ambition replaced achievement sloth became the most lavishly compensated personalty trait of all as personal political power and exorbitant incomes for doing nothing made a mockery out of public service.

About forty or so years ago the government embarked on a public relations campaign with the help of the Ministry of Propaganda. The Fourth & Fifth Estates (print journalism & television) told us that in order to attract the best people to government taxpayers must throw tons of money at them. The argument for gluttony at the public feed tub basically said that greedy people in government would improve government.

At the same time the best people began grabbing every tax dollar they could lay their hands on, military men and women, who actually defend this country, were told they already had it too good. You can see the culmination of the “best people” policy in the VA scandal. Every parasite, every illegal alien, is entitled to the best healthcare while veterans are left to die.

As the years rolled by, ambitious people grew the government like Topsy —— then called it achievement. Daniel Greenfield nails the topic pretty good:

Obama and Hillary don't just suffer from a shortage of accomplishments. They're also burdened with a surplus of failures. Benghazi worries so many Hillary supporters because there is nothing to balance it against. There is no, "But look at all the good she did." Hillary didn't do any good. She didn't do much of anything except tour countries and pose for photos.


So don't cry for Hillary and don't write off Obama. Achievement of the old kind is very overrated. It's not about how high your GPA is but how many politically correct extracurriculars you have. In politics, just like in college, diversity and style increasingly count for more than achievement.

Post-American politics are also post-achievement politics. The morality of progressivism is more important than the substance of progress.


Hillary's lack of achievement as Secretary of State gives her a purity that she lacked when she went from the Senate to the campaign trail. It's easier for the left to project its visions onto a blank space that spent a few years touring the world than on Senator Clinton who had actual political positions. Like Obama, she is free to be anything. She too can lower the oceans or raise them, fix all the things that her predecessor broke and usher in a new age of world peace.

If Hillary Clinton had successfully brought peace to the Middle East or negotiated an important territorial accord in Asia, those things would actually disqualify her. They would be real world achievements that could be critiqued and taken apart. They would highlight her flaws as a real diplomat and a real human being. But having done nothing, even while four Americans were dying, she is flawless. A perfect void of nothingness that the left can project everything on.


Hillary's accomplishment is being Hillary. She deserves to be the nominee because she's Hillary.

I would add that selling the public something it does not want is achievement to liberals. They see selling as the greatest accomplishment of all. Every tax dollar they can steal is a fair sales commission in their eyes. Interestingly, they require the force of government to sell their products. In that sense they fail at their chosen profession, too. They achieve nothing for all of their ambition.

To be fair, super salesman Barack Taqiyya does have a dubious sale to his credit. Dubious because calling it a Peace Prize is a misnomer to begin with. The PP is often awarded for salesmanship rather than achievement, or to put it more succinctly it is based on selling the absence of war rather than predicated on preventing governments from engaging in institutional murder.

The politics of the left are narcissistic. Its members are less concerned with changing the world than with being good people by wanting to change the world. That's what Obama received his premature Nobel Peace Prize for, not for what he did, but for what he talked about doing.

The Post-Achievement Politics of Obama and Hillary
Monday, June 02, 2014
Posted by Daniel Greenfield

Sultan Knish: The Post-Achievement Politics of Obama and Hillary

Finally, for all Barack Taqiyya’s failures he still sees himself as is the super salesman that sold HillaryCare II. Never mind that Democrats in Congress rammed it down the public’s throat:

Berry recounted meetings with White House officials, reminiscent of some during the Clinton days, where he and others urged them not to force Blue Dogs “off into that swamp” of supporting bills that would be unpopular with voters back home.

“I’ve been doing that with this White House, and they just don’t seem to give it any credibility at all,” Berry said. “They just kept telling us how good it was going to be. The president himself, when that was brought up in one group, said, ‘Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me.’ We’re going to see how much difference that makes now.”

January 25, 2010
Berry: Obama said "big difference" between '10 and '94 is "me"

Berry: Obama said "big difference" between '10 and '94 is "me" - On Congress -
Grabbing authority while avoiding responsibility is the way to move up in every institution. Government alone makes it a virtue. That’s why nobody ever gets fired. Notice that Clinton is saying she had authority but no responsibility; a sure sign of ambition unconnected to achievement:

[ame=]ABC's Diane Sawyer Calls Out Clinton For Ducking Responsibility On Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]​

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