
You are 100 percent correct and that's why women like tipsy, terri4trump, claudette, molly and others sound so silly when they try posting white male opinion. Just like blacks and people of color internalize racism and adopt the ideology of racists, there are women that internalize sexism and adopt male opinions that are detrimental to them as women.
Show where I posted white male opinions. You can’t because it didn’t happen. You, on the other hand, tell whites how to live, what to do, not to do, how to act or talk to blacks, how whites know nothing about blacks, yet you know EVERYTHING about whites. You are to be pitied.

When has any of this actually occurred? I don't recall IM2 giving me instructions about how to be white, and I hope that I have never given him any instructions on how to be black. Not a day goes by without some bimbo posting about the murder rate among "inner city" residents (read "black") in Chicago, a place that most of them have never been to, and how this "problem" must be cleared up before anyone can talk about the activities of the white-supremacist movement, as if they ever gave a damn about black people dying in Chicago. They also post about how black guys should pull their pants up. I live in a very diverse community, not only black and white, but South and Central American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African. I have never seen a man of any ethnicity with his ass hanging out.

Many of these same bimbos post disgusting and degrading comments about women and our sexuality, many of the "keep your knees together, slut" variety, when there is no indication that they themselves have lived their lives with their penises safely tucked away inside a closed zipper unless called upon to give their wives pleasure in marriage.
IM2 is always telling whites what they are or are not doing right. I have not commented at all on any of your "bimbo" remarks. IM2 mentioned me in regarding "white male opinions" which is far from the truth but he never shows proof of his bullshit posts, because he is lying.

IM2's remarks oftentimes make good points. He offers his perspective, which has to be different than a white perspective (and I said "a," not "the"). No one can have a decent and civil conversation about any social issue without people offering their individual perspectives. You don't have to comment on my "bimbo" remarks. The ones who make nasty comments about blacks, or about women, or both, know who they are.

I have never referred to all whites in any of my comments. I have specifically pointed out whites who are racists. The very whites who cry about me blaming all whites have no problem blaming or asserting things on all blacks while demanding that we understand that not all whites are racists. Not all blacks are jobless. Not all blacks are uneducated or don't take education seriously. Not all blacks sit around waiting for a handout. Not all blacks are on welfare. Not all blacks commit crimes. Not all blacks have kids outside of marriage. Not all black men abandon their children. Single black men do raise children. Single black women have boyfriends that help raise children and single black men have girlfriends doing the same. No blacks are blaming whites for failure when they talk about racism, because racism denies opportunities, meaning you don't even get the chance to fail. So then while the white racists here put all these things on all blacks, we must always say not all white people. Sorry, but that's where white supremacy has to end. You don't get to do these things to us, then demand special treatment.
Where did I mention all whites? You are a liar.
I live in a very diverse community, not only black and white, but South and Central American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African. I have never seen a man of any ethnicity with his ass hanging out.

Says Stevie wonder........diverse community? So do I and many people......and I see this ALL the time...did you have a point to make?


And how does a photo of the occasional wigger here and there disprove what I said?

Hint: It doesn't.
For a skinny white boy, IM2 claims to know a bit too much about MLK
Too bad I'm not white and I have worked out far too long to be skinny. I am 58 years old. I think boy let me a long time ago. Why do you whites seem to think that crazy shit? Are you so delusional that you actually believe blacks just love living under the racism of whites in America?
Damn, we're the same age. I'll turn 59 next month. How the heck did you turn out so racist and dumb? I'm intelligent and don't have a racist bone in my body. We're completely polar opposites in so many ways. Interesting.
I'm not the racist here junior. That would be you. Same with the dumb.

You are not only a are an extreme racist.
Again pointing out racism is not racism. So as long as whites like you exist, your racism will be pointed out. You will keep whining about that being racism hoping that I'll shut up.

I have given up all hope you'll shut up.

Now, I am hoping you hit a guard rail and go through the windshield of your car.

You'll be the extreme racist splattered on a telephone poll.
For all these people that want to tell us about Dr. King and all the right wing experts on black people.

Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Trump's Shit Up

Of course, the statement from Donald Trump's White House on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day would contain bullshit and bluster. The bluster is that Trump, who, with his terrible father, once excluded African Americans from their precious Queens condos, is making life better for black Americans when Barack Obama lit that economic fire that Trump has just not extinguished. The bullshit is this line: "The premise—and promise—of King’s dream is that we don’t need to replace or transform our Nation’s shared ideals to make our country a better place."

King talked about transformation of America's ideals for his entire life. Hell, in one of his last speeches, he talked about how "With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood." Indeed, his entire bullet-shortened life was devoted to saying that the status quo was not to be accepted, and that if certain "shared ideals" got us to this point, those ideals needed to be shitcanned (my word, not his). He had no use for the noise of conciliation. "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus," he really did say (as opposed to all those fake quotes that float around Facebook memes.).

The above quotes are from a 1968 sermon. But I want to go back a decade, to his 1958 "Address Delivered at a Meeting Launching the SCLC Crusade for Citizenship at Greater Bethel AME Church" in Miami. In that speech, he assailed anyone who tried to prevent black people from exercising their right to vote (and he was very clear that it's a right, not a "privilege"). In doing so, King proved again that he would fuck up the shit of President Trump and the entire Republican Party. It was delivered on Lincoln's birthday as part of a big push by the Southern Christian Leadership Council to register voters.

Laying out how things should radically progress for black Americans, King said: "Let us make our intentions crystal clear. We must and we will be free. We want freedom now. We want the right to vote now. We do not want freedom fed to us in teaspoons over another 150 years. Under God we were born free. Misguided men robbed us of our freedom. We want it back; we would keep it forever. This is not idle chatter, for we know that sacrifice is involved, that brutality will be faced, that savage conduct will need to be endured, that slick trickery will need to be overcome, but we are resolutely prepared for all of this. We are prepared to meet whatever comes with love, with firmness and with unyielding nonviolence. We are prepared to press on unceasingly and persistently, to obtain our birthright and to hand it down to our children and to their children’s children."

And then, in one of those things that could have been written today, King lays the blame squarely at the feet of what we now call "red states" and on a political system invested in disenfranchisement: "Poor white men, women and children, bearing the scars of ignorance, deprivation, and poverty, are evidence of the fact that harm to one is injury to all. They, too, are victims of the one-party system that has developed in the South, a system that denies free political choice and real political expression to millions of white voters. With a limited electorate capable of being manipulated, reactionary men gained access to the highest legislative bodies of government. Today, because the Negro cannot vote, Congress is dominated by Southern Senators and representatives who are not elected in a fair nor in a legal manner. The strategic position of these men, as chairmen of the most important committees in House and Senate, enable them to filibuster and to bottle up legislation urgently needed for the economic and social welfare of all Americans, Negro and white. Hence, it may clearly be seen that it is not the Negro alone who suffers but the nation as a whole."

You got that, you cowardly motherfucking conservatives who desperately need to crush the radical Martin Luther King and remake him in your degraded image?

The Rude Pundit: Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Trump's Shit Up (2020 Edition)

I like this Rude Pundit.

There is a certain subset of white males, too arrogant and cowardly to be referred to as "men," who specialize in trying to tell others how to live, how to vote, how to love, what religion to practice, what their identities must consist of, and just about everything else. They pull the same shit on women of all skin tones as a group that they pull on African-Americans as a group.

What they don't want to have happen is for people who are not white heterosexual males to turn the tables and tell THEM how to live as a white heterosexual male. Which would be a hoot.

You are 100 percent correct and that's why women like tipsy, terri4trump, claudette, molly and others sound so silly when they try posting white male opinion. Just like blacks and people of color internalize racism and adopt the ideology of racists, there are women that internalize sexism and adopt male opinions that are detrimental to them as women.
Show where I posted white male opinions. You can’t because it didn’t happen. You, on the other hand, tell whites how to live, what to do, not to do, how to act or talk to blacks, how whites know nothing about blacks, yet you know EVERYTHING about whites. You are to be pitied.

When has any of this actually occurred? I don't recall IM2 giving me instructions about how to be white, and I hope that I have never given him any instructions on how to be black. Not a day goes by without some bimbo posting about the murder rate among "inner city" residents (read "black") in Chicago, a place that most of them have never been to, and how this "problem" must be cleared up before anyone can talk about the activities of the white-supremacist movement, as if they ever gave a damn about black people dying in Chicago. They also post about how black guys should pull their pants up. I live in a very diverse community, not only black and white, but South and Central American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African. I have never seen a man of any ethnicity with his ass hanging out.

Many of these same bimbos post disgusting and degrading comments about women and our sexuality, many of the "keep your knees together, slut" variety, when there is no indication that they themselves have lived their lives with their penises safely tucked away inside a closed zipper unless called upon to give their wives pleasure in marriage.

In Wyandotte Country, Kansas.....about 65% of all babies born are born to unwed mothers. Of those 65%, 90% are black. Wyandotte County is about 40% black.
For all these people that want to tell us about Dr. King and all the right wing experts on black people.

Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Trump's Shit Up

Of course, the statement from Donald Trump's White House on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day would contain bullshit and bluster. The bluster is that Trump, who, with his terrible father, once excluded African Americans from their precious Queens condos, is making life better for black Americans when Barack Obama lit that economic fire that Trump has just not extinguished. The bullshit is this line: "The premise—and promise—of King’s dream is that we don’t need to replace or transform our Nation’s shared ideals to make our country a better place."

King talked about transformation of America's ideals for his entire life. Hell, in one of his last speeches, he talked about how "With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood." Indeed, his entire bullet-shortened life was devoted to saying that the status quo was not to be accepted, and that if certain "shared ideals" got us to this point, those ideals needed to be shitcanned (my word, not his). He had no use for the noise of conciliation. "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus," he really did say (as opposed to all those fake quotes that float around Facebook memes.).

The above quotes are from a 1968 sermon. But I want to go back a decade, to his 1958 "Address Delivered at a Meeting Launching the SCLC Crusade for Citizenship at Greater Bethel AME Church" in Miami. In that speech, he assailed anyone who tried to prevent black people from exercising their right to vote (and he was very clear that it's a right, not a "privilege"). In doing so, King proved again that he would fuck up the shit of President Trump and the entire Republican Party. It was delivered on Lincoln's birthday as part of a big push by the Southern Christian Leadership Council to register voters.

Laying out how things should radically progress for black Americans, King said: "Let us make our intentions crystal clear. We must and we will be free. We want freedom now. We want the right to vote now. We do not want freedom fed to us in teaspoons over another 150 years. Under God we were born free. Misguided men robbed us of our freedom. We want it back; we would keep it forever. This is not idle chatter, for we know that sacrifice is involved, that brutality will be faced, that savage conduct will need to be endured, that slick trickery will need to be overcome, but we are resolutely prepared for all of this. We are prepared to meet whatever comes with love, with firmness and with unyielding nonviolence. We are prepared to press on unceasingly and persistently, to obtain our birthright and to hand it down to our children and to their children’s children."

And then, in one of those things that could have been written today, King lays the blame squarely at the feet of what we now call "red states" and on a political system invested in disenfranchisement: "Poor white men, women and children, bearing the scars of ignorance, deprivation, and poverty, are evidence of the fact that harm to one is injury to all. They, too, are victims of the one-party system that has developed in the South, a system that denies free political choice and real political expression to millions of white voters. With a limited electorate capable of being manipulated, reactionary men gained access to the highest legislative bodies of government. Today, because the Negro cannot vote, Congress is dominated by Southern Senators and representatives who are not elected in a fair nor in a legal manner. The strategic position of these men, as chairmen of the most important committees in House and Senate, enable them to filibuster and to bottle up legislation urgently needed for the economic and social welfare of all Americans, Negro and white. Hence, it may clearly be seen that it is not the Negro alone who suffers but the nation as a whole."

You got that, you cowardly motherfucking conservatives who desperately need to crush the radical Martin Luther King and remake him in your degraded image?

The Rude Pundit: Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Trump's Shit Up (2020 Edition)

I like this Rude Pundit.

There is a certain subset of white males, too arrogant and cowardly to be referred to as "men," who specialize in trying to tell others how to live, how to vote, how to love, what religion to practice, what their identities must consist of, and just about everything else. They pull the same shit on women of all skin tones as a group that they pull on African-Americans as a group.

What they don't want to have happen is for people who are not white heterosexual males to turn the tables and tell THEM how to live as a white heterosexual male. Which would be a hoot.

You are 100 percent correct and that's why women like tipsy, terri4trump, claudette, molly and others sound so silly when they try posting white male opinion. Just like blacks and people of color internalize racism and adopt the ideology of racists, there are women that internalize sexism and adopt male opinions that are detrimental to them as women.
Show where I posted white male opinions. You can’t because it didn’t happen. You, on the other hand, tell whites how to live, what to do, not to do, how to act or talk to blacks, how whites know nothing about blacks, yet you know EVERYTHING about whites. You are to be pitied.

When has any of this actually occurred? I don't recall IM2 giving me instructions about how to be white, and I hope that I have never given him any instructions on how to be black. Not a day goes by without some bimbo posting about the murder rate among "inner city" residents (read "black") in Chicago, a place that most of them have never been to, and how this "problem" must be cleared up before anyone can talk about the activities of the white-supremacist movement, as if they ever gave a damn about black people dying in Chicago. They also post about how black guys should pull their pants up. I live in a very diverse community, not only black and white, but South and Central American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African. I have never seen a man of any ethnicity with his ass hanging out.

Many of these same bimbos post disgusting and degrading comments about women and our sexuality, many of the "keep your knees together, slut" variety, when there is no indication that they themselves have lived their lives with their penises safely tucked away inside a closed zipper unless called upon to give their wives pleasure in marriage.

In Wyandotte Country, Kansas.....about 65% of all babies born are born to unwed mothers. Of those 65%, 90% are black. Wyandotte County is about 40% black.

I don't know about all that. Especially since I worked in that country. Unwed doesn't mean no man around. Racism is a major problem in KCK. That's why the western part of town got developed while the middle part has stayed undeveloped for years.
I live in a very diverse community, not only black and white, but South and Central American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African. I have never seen a man of any ethnicity with his ass hanging out.

Says Stevie wonder........diverse community? So do I and many people......and I see this ALL the time...did you have a point to make?


And how does a photo of the occasional wigger here and there disprove what I said?

Hint: It doesn't.

It does because it isn't just the occasional so called wigger. Millions of white suburban kids sag. I've seen it myself.
Too bad I'm not white and I have worked out far too long to be skinny. I am 58 years old. I think boy let me a long time ago. Why do you whites seem to think that crazy shit? Are you so delusional that you actually believe blacks just love living under the racism of whites in America?
Damn, we're the same age. I'll turn 59 next month. How the heck did you turn out so racist and dumb? I'm intelligent and don't have a racist bone in my body. We're completely polar opposites in so many ways. Interesting.
I'm not the racist here junior. That would be you. Same with the dumb.

You are not only a are an extreme racist.
Again pointing out racism is not racism. So as long as whites like you exist, your racism will be pointed out. You will keep whining about that being racism hoping that I'll shut up.

I have given up all hope you'll shut up.

Now, I am hoping you hit a guard rail and go through the windshield of your car.

You'll be the extreme racist splattered on a telephone poll.

The only extreme racist here is you son. You should not wish death on people, because karma is a serious thing.
It does because it isn't just the occasional so called wigger. Millions of white suburban kids sag. I've seen it myself.

I live in a Democrat stronghold Urban City area.

I can't recall seeing a white guy sagging. But I see black guys sagging nearly every day.
I guess it depends on where you live.

You live up in the Appalachian mountains somewhere?
But I guess i wouldn't be surprised. There are as many moron whites as there are moron blacks.
Welcome to the Idiocracy.
It does because it isn't just the occasional so called wigger. Millions of white suburban kids sag. I've seen it myself.

I live in a Democrat stronghold Urban City area.

I can't recall seeing a white guy sagging. But I see black guys sagging nearly every day.
I guess it depends on where you live.

You live up in the Appalachian mountains somewhere?
But I guess i wouldn't be surprised. There are as many moron whites as there are moron blacks.
Welcome to the Idiocracy.
White people copy every single style Black people make up. Sagging is no different.

If King was still alive I can't imagine him listening to rap music and driving a hoopty.
If King was still alive I can't imagine him listening to rap music and driving a hoopty.
There are a lot of things you can't imagine about King. Like who he really was, for example.
For all these people that want to tell us about Dr. King and all the right wing experts on black people.

Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Trump's Shit Up

Of course, the statement from Donald Trump's White House on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day would contain bullshit and bluster. The bluster is that Trump, who, with his terrible father, once excluded African Americans from their precious Queens condos, is making life better for black Americans when Barack Obama lit that economic fire that Trump has just not extinguished. The bullshit is this line: "The premise—and promise—of King’s dream is that we don’t need to replace or transform our Nation’s shared ideals to make our country a better place."

King talked about transformation of America's ideals for his entire life. Hell, in one of his last speeches, he talked about how "With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood." Indeed, his entire bullet-shortened life was devoted to saying that the status quo was not to be accepted, and that if certain "shared ideals" got us to this point, those ideals needed to be shitcanned (my word, not his). He had no use for the noise of conciliation. "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus, but a molder of consensus," he really did say (as opposed to all those fake quotes that float around Facebook memes.).

The above quotes are from a 1968 sermon. But I want to go back a decade, to his 1958 "Address Delivered at a Meeting Launching the SCLC Crusade for Citizenship at Greater Bethel AME Church" in Miami. In that speech, he assailed anyone who tried to prevent black people from exercising their right to vote (and he was very clear that it's a right, not a "privilege"). In doing so, King proved again that he would fuck up the shit of President Trump and the entire Republican Party. It was delivered on Lincoln's birthday as part of a big push by the Southern Christian Leadership Council to register voters.

Laying out how things should radically progress for black Americans, King said: "Let us make our intentions crystal clear. We must and we will be free. We want freedom now. We want the right to vote now. We do not want freedom fed to us in teaspoons over another 150 years. Under God we were born free. Misguided men robbed us of our freedom. We want it back; we would keep it forever. This is not idle chatter, for we know that sacrifice is involved, that brutality will be faced, that savage conduct will need to be endured, that slick trickery will need to be overcome, but we are resolutely prepared for all of this. We are prepared to meet whatever comes with love, with firmness and with unyielding nonviolence. We are prepared to press on unceasingly and persistently, to obtain our birthright and to hand it down to our children and to their children’s children."

And then, in one of those things that could have been written today, King lays the blame squarely at the feet of what we now call "red states" and on a political system invested in disenfranchisement: "Poor white men, women and children, bearing the scars of ignorance, deprivation, and poverty, are evidence of the fact that harm to one is injury to all. They, too, are victims of the one-party system that has developed in the South, a system that denies free political choice and real political expression to millions of white voters. With a limited electorate capable of being manipulated, reactionary men gained access to the highest legislative bodies of government. Today, because the Negro cannot vote, Congress is dominated by Southern Senators and representatives who are not elected in a fair nor in a legal manner. The strategic position of these men, as chairmen of the most important committees in House and Senate, enable them to filibuster and to bottle up legislation urgently needed for the economic and social welfare of all Americans, Negro and white. Hence, it may clearly be seen that it is not the Negro alone who suffers but the nation as a whole."

You got that, you cowardly motherfucking conservatives who desperately need to crush the radical Martin Luther King and remake him in your degraded image?

The Rude Pundit: Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Trump's Shit Up (2020 Edition)

I like this Rude Pundit.

There is a certain subset of white males, too arrogant and cowardly to be referred to as "men," who specialize in trying to tell others how to live, how to vote, how to love, what religion to practice, what their identities must consist of, and just about everything else. They pull the same shit on women of all skin tones as a group that they pull on African-Americans as a group.

What they don't want to have happen is for people who are not white heterosexual males to turn the tables and tell THEM how to live as a white heterosexual male. Which would be a hoot.

You are 100 percent correct and that's why women like tipsy, terri4trump, claudette, molly and others sound so silly when they try posting white male opinion. Just like blacks and people of color internalize racism and adopt the ideology of racists, there are women that internalize sexism and adopt male opinions that are detrimental to them as women.
Show where I posted white male opinions. You can’t because it didn’t happen. You, on the other hand, tell whites how to live, what to do, not to do, how to act or talk to blacks, how whites know nothing about blacks, yet you know EVERYTHING about whites. You are to be pitied.

When has any of this actually occurred? I don't recall IM2 giving me instructions about how to be white, and I hope that I have never given him any instructions on how to be black. Not a day goes by without some bimbo posting about the murder rate among "inner city" residents (read "black") in Chicago, a place that most of them have never been to, and how this "problem" must be cleared up before anyone can talk about the activities of the white-supremacist movement, as if they ever gave a damn about black people dying in Chicago. They also post about how black guys should pull their pants up. I live in a very diverse community, not only black and white, but South and Central American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African. I have never seen a man of any ethnicity with his ass hanging out.

Many of these same bimbos post disgusting and degrading comments about women and our sexuality, many of the "keep your knees together, slut" variety, when there is no indication that they themselves have lived their lives with their penises safely tucked away inside a closed zipper unless called upon to give their wives pleasure in marriage.

In Wyandotte Country, Kansas.....about 65% of all babies born are born to unwed mothers. Of those 65%, 90% are black. Wyandotte County is about 40% black.

Which is why better and more comprehensive sex education should be available to all, as should access to birth control be. What does race have anything to do with this?

Moreover, this has nothing to do with the scumbags who make cheap cracks about women, including the likes of "keep your knees together, slut" and mouth off about "morality." In other words, the filthy boys who probably had much worse careers in bedrooms and the back seats of cars. A slut who calls another person a slut is a joke.
Show where I posted white male opinions. You can’t because it didn’t happen. You, on the other hand, tell whites how to live, what to do, not to do, how to act or talk to blacks, how whites know nothing about blacks, yet you know EVERYTHING about whites. You are to be pitied.

When has any of this actually occurred? I don't recall IM2 giving me instructions about how to be white, and I hope that I have never given him any instructions on how to be black. Not a day goes by without some bimbo posting about the murder rate among "inner city" residents (read "black") in Chicago, a place that most of them have never been to, and how this "problem" must be cleared up before anyone can talk about the activities of the white-supremacist movement, as if they ever gave a damn about black people dying in Chicago. They also post about how black guys should pull their pants up. I live in a very diverse community, not only black and white, but South and Central American, Asian, Middle Eastern, and African. I have never seen a man of any ethnicity with his ass hanging out.

Many of these same bimbos post disgusting and degrading comments about women and our sexuality, many of the "keep your knees together, slut" variety, when there is no indication that they themselves have lived their lives with their penises safely tucked away inside a closed zipper unless called upon to give their wives pleasure in marriage.
IM2 is always telling whites what they are or are not doing right. I have not commented at all on any of your "bimbo" remarks. IM2 mentioned me in regarding "white male opinions" which is far from the truth but he never shows proof of his bullshit posts, because he is lying.

IM2's remarks oftentimes make good points. He offers his perspective, which has to be different than a white perspective (and I said "a," not "the"). No one can have a decent and civil conversation about any social issue without people offering their individual perspectives. You don't have to comment on my "bimbo" remarks. The ones who make nasty comments about blacks, or about women, or both, know who they are.

I have never referred to all whites in any of my comments. I have specifically pointed out whites who are racists. The very whites who cry about me blaming all whites have no problem blaming or asserting things on all blacks while demanding that we understand that not all whites are racists. Not all blacks are jobless. Not all blacks are uneducated or don't take education seriously. Not all blacks sit around waiting for a handout. Not all blacks are on welfare. Not all blacks commit crimes. Not all blacks have kids outside of marriage. Not all black men abandon their children. Single black men do raise children. Single black women have boyfriends that help raise children and single black men have girlfriends doing the same. No blacks are blaming whites for failure when they talk about racism, because racism denies opportunities, meaning you don't even get the chance to fail. So then while the white racists here put all these things on all blacks, we must always say not all white people. Sorry, but that's where white supremacy has to end. You don't get to do these things to us, then demand special treatment.
Where did I mention all whites? You are a liar.

Your posts just refer generally to "whites" and "blacks" without distinguishing between people according to conduct, so the word "all" is implied. Step back from generalizations. I cannot recall any comment that IM2 has made that I would construe as telling me how to be "white." If he had, I certainly would have replied with some rude advice on what he should go do with himself.

In contrast, I have read many posts by whites telling people how to be white, how to be black, how to be a woman, how to be an American, etc. How to be a "real" something or other. All of which shows unmitigated gall worthy of the middle finger and an invitation to GFY.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
It does because it isn't just the occasional so called wigger. Millions of white suburban kids sag. I've seen it myself.

I live in a Democrat stronghold Urban City area.

I can't recall seeing a white guy sagging. But I see black guys sagging nearly every day.
I guess it depends on where you live.

You live up in the Appalachian mountains somewhere?
But I guess i wouldn't be surprised. There are as many moron whites as there are moron blacks.
Welcome to the Idiocracy.
By now King would be on skid row with the rest of the drunks.

So he'd be sitting right next to you. You crack me up. A white racist female. That's about as stupid as it comes. Like white men think you are equal to them.

You wish.

You don't seem to know a damn thing about urban areas. Which would back the claim by another that YOU are a punk white boy snowflake, here to stoke tension and berate Trump while pretending to be a black person.....just as 'RightWinger" fakes his username here. It's what you snowflakes do.

It must really cause you to soil your panties that blacks are leaving the democrat plantation in droves.

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