Amend Florida's 'stand your ground' law, says lawyer for Markeis McGlockton's family

Have you ever used your weapon to dissuade someone w/o shooting?

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Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
At no point does it allow being violently attacked..... you can simply get in your car and move.
No, in Florida you can stand your ground and if feeling threatened pull out your weapon, shoot and then claim whether it's truthful or not, that you were in fear for your life.

Don't have to retreat, don't have to move.
He did not have to retreat

He did not have to fire either

How many times should a person be hit before they can defend themselves? In a liberal's mind.
I am not a liberal. The man with the gun had the upper hand. There was no need to shoot the guy. NO NEED.
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.

You can take your adrenaline argument and shove it! It doesn't hit your system in a matter of 3 seconds. You are just blowing smoke!
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.

Gardner was a 300+ pound tub of lard. All he had to do was let them put the cuffs on. He refused at which time they took him to the ground. Gardner brought about his own death by stupidity.
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.

Not true. Try again, dumbass!
Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.

Not true. Try again, dumbass!
Is true. Cause of death was heart attack. Look it up for youself drama queen.
Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.

Not true. Try again, dumbass!
Try again kunt. Charlottesville Victim Died of Heart Attack According to Mother - Supports On-Scene Video
If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

The white guy claimed he was in fear of his life and why would he not be? He was a lone white guy in a black neighborhood known for its crime and violence, had just been violently attacked and had no idea what his black attacker might do next? The police conducted an intensive investigation and concluded the white man was in reasonable fear of his life and justified in using deadly force. End of story.

Pardon me, but I think it is about time that people know, if they haven't figured it out for themselves, that you are simply a racist son of a bitch. Why don't you just admit it in a statement without trying to justify your hatred?
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.

Not true. Try again, dumbass!
Try again kunt. Charlottesville Victim Died of Heart Attack According to Mother - Supports On-Scene Video

Was her mother the coroner, dumbass? BTW, you spelled your insult incorrectly. How stupid is that?

I swear that some of you people get dumber by the minute.
Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
So did the fat chick in Charlottsville. But they are still charging the driver with murder...

We already discussed how wrong you are.
He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.

Not true. Try again, dumbass!
Try again kunt. Charlottesville Victim Died of Heart Attack According to Mother - Supports On-Scene Video

Was her mother the coroner, dumbass? BTW, you spelled your insult incorrectly. How stupid is that?

I swear that some of you people get dumber by the minute.
You were wrong. You got called. Deal with it...
Hopefully this case don't re-enforce any of that for which you just claimed. This was a bad case for stand your ground in my opinion, but it shouldn't be a case that determines the law's over all effectiveness, and hopefully it doesn't taint ones need to defend oneself if needed under such a law.
Not to worry that was sarcasm however bad precedence has already been set, in my opinion.

I was happy when Florida enacted the stand your ground law even though it was predicted that it would have disparate impact on people of color. That prediction seems to have been accurate but I stand by my statement that the problem is not in the language of the law as much as it is how it's been allowed to be implemented and exercised.
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He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.

Not true. Try again, dumbass!
Is true. Cause of death was heart attack. Look it up for youself drama queen.

So, you are claiming that not only are you stupid but you cannot read either?


The Central District Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Richmond has released the cause of death for the woman killed in the August 12 car attack following the Unite the Right Rally in downtown Charlottesville.

According to our partners at the Daily Progress, the medical examiner ruled her death to be due to blunt force injury.
Medical Examiner Rules Heyer Died from Blunt Force Injury

Now, bend over, pucker up and kiss my ass!
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.
If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.

Not true. Try again, dumbass!
Try again kunt. Charlottesville Victim Died of Heart Attack According to Mother - Supports On-Scene Video

Was her mother the coroner, dumbass? BTW, you spelled your insult incorrectly. How stupid is that?

I swear that some of you people get dumber by the minute.
You were wrong. You got called. Deal with it...

I'm holding a royal flush and you don't even have a pair. BTW, they have fake balls for those who have lost them. See your doctor!

Suck it up, dumbass!

Medical Examiner Rules Heyer Died from Blunt Force Injury

If the cause of death being a heart attack, is grounds to dismiss, or not being charged... Theyd have to drop the murder charges against the driver in Charlottesville. She died of a heart attack. Not from being run over.

Not true. Try again, dumbass!
Try again kunt. Charlottesville Victim Died of Heart Attack According to Mother - Supports On-Scene Video

Was her mother the coroner, dumbass? BTW, you spelled your insult incorrectly. How stupid is that?

I swear that some of you people get dumber by the minute.
You were wrong. You got called. Deal with it...

I'm holding a royal flush and you don't even have a pair. BTW, they have fake balls for those who have lost them. See your doctor!

Suck it up, dumbass!

Medical Examiner Rules Heyer Died from Blunt Force Injury
Two separate reports. Two separate accounts. I guess without the actual coroner's report...
How many times should a person be hit before they can defend themselves? In a liberal's mind.
Drejka didn't get hit. McGlockton got in between his wife and Drejka and then shoved him away from her.

By the way, your question about how many times is the very same one I asked of the people who didn't want domestic violence victims to go to the range and learn how to safely handle a weapon and possibly defend their lives.
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Personally, I believe the guy that shot that man should be in jail for manslaughter. He could have pulled his gun and NOT USED IT unless the man approached him again even with a gun aimed at him. THEN shoot his sorry ass. But the guy didn't approach him. Might have been some yelling going on, but he did not get closer once the gun was drawn.

Same with that guy who was choked to death by that cop that used the outlawed technique. Gardner, I think his name was. He was flat out murdered. Period.

Other than those two..most blacks are VIOLENT in nature. The MSM shows us all the time blacks attacking blacks in restuarants, on the street, in parks, EVERYWHERE. And they attacks other skin colors too. They are just VIOLENT. All the time. Mostly its thugs. They kill their own...and anyone else that they feel "disrespects" their thugness. Fuck them. They deserve what they get. But the man protecting his girlfriend...and had his kids with him..and yes, he did knock the guy over....he did not deserve to be shot at that time. Dude killed him. Murdered him. Period.

Well, except for the fact that Gardner died of a heart attack. Don't resist and they won't kick your ass, causing you to have a heart attack.
He wouldn't have died of a heart attack if he could have breathed!!

He shouldn't have resisted. Period. End of statement.
Did he resist? I don't remember the details. But if he was resisting, was it because he told them he could not breathe? And what about the cop using deadly force that was against policy but he used it anyway???
Gardner should not have died. Manslaughter.

Gardner was a 300+ pound tub of lard. All he had to do was let them put the cuffs on. He refused at which time they took him to the ground. Gardner brought about his own death by stupidity.
We will have to agree to disagee. They still used a move on him that they were told NOT to use. It resulted in a death. The cop probably didn't intend to kill him, but he did. To be let off was ridiculous.
The interesting thing about Heyers death is that trauma can induce a heart attack, or heart failure. And both have been reported. As such an improper, or prolonged chokehold could also cause a heart attack in an unfit person, or a person with a pre existing condition. The idea that a choke hold is not related in a death that occurs concurrently, or shortly after said choke hold is simply wishful thinking.

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