Amend Florida's 'stand your ground' law, says lawyer for Markeis McGlockton's family

Have you ever used your weapon to dissuade someone w/o shooting?

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That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.

Yes, and that is what motivated the police not to arrest in this case after a thorough investigation. They talked to all the witnesses, had experts view the video and came up with the only verdict they could have: Justifiable use of deadly force due to the shooter being in reasonable fear of his life.
Surely you jest. Please for the sake of the board read the florida law on self defense. You get off to a bad start with your first sentence. Trying to inject ability into your argument. One does not have to be armed to be a threat to your life. Many people are beaten to death. Kicked to death etc. Look at the trayvon case. Some people never learn. None so blind as he who will not see. All a bunch of irrelevant nonsense but it never stops on here.
Wasn't talking to you, my comment was specific to a comment by the poster to whom I was responding.
It is easy to see that most folks do not know the law and thus are incapable or rendering a good opinion. They just go with what they hear on the media. Have little experience in these matters and cannot think logically and above all cannot see this from the shooters viewpoint as in there life was not on the line like his was...a lone white guy in a black neighborhood who just been knocked flat on his back? Get real.
That alledged point of view is due to an irrational fear of black people. And he wasn't flat on his back, he was sitting there looking like he was on a picnic blanket.

Irrational fear of black people? Funny. This incident occurred in a black neighborhood full of violence and crimes of all sorts. Not that long ago in this same area where the famous pinellas bicycle trail runs a woman walking on the trail was pulled into the woods and beaten to death by a black teen. His excuse? She would not let go of her purse. If somehow this woman had been able to kill her assailant she might well have found herself on trial for murder in todays political climate.
Well, no doubt the primary factor for lynching was that blacks committed so many horrendous crimes especially rapes. Say what you will about vigilante justice: the crime rate was much lower in those days and one could walk down any street in America day or night without fear.
That's a very racist and incorrect statement.
Surely you jest. Please for the sake of the board read the florida law on self defense. You get off to a bad start with your first sentence. Trying to inject ability into your argument. One does not have to be armed to be a threat to your life. Many people are beaten to death. Kicked to death etc. Look at the trayvon case. Some people never learn. None so blind as he who will not see. All a bunch of irrelevant nonsense but it never stops on here.
Wasn't talking to you, my comment was specific to a comment by the poster to whom I was responding.
It is easy to see that most folks do not know the law and thus are incapable or rendering a good opinion. They just go with what they hear on the media. Have little experience in these matters and cannot think logically and above all cannot see this from the shooters viewpoint as in there life was not on the line like his was...a lone white guy in a black neighborhood who just been knocked flat on his back? Get real.
That alledged point of view is due to an irrational fear of black people. And he wasn't flat on his back, he was sitting there looking like he was on a picnic blanket.

Irrational fear of black people? Funny. This incident occurred in a black neighborhood full of violence and crimes of all sorts. Not that long ago in this same area where the famous pinellas bicycle trail runs a woman walking on the trail was pulled into the woods and beaten to death by a black teen. His excuse? She would not let go of her purse. If somehow this woman had been able to kill her assailant she might well have found herself on trial for murder in todays political climate.

Online Memorial: Black-On-White Murders in 2014 - American Renaissance
Crump was never the sharpest knife in the drawer. I have no idea how he passed the bar.

Under what circumstances an aggressor can claim self defense is first year criminal law stuff.
Stand your ground means might makes right

Once a fight starts, you can use your gun to resolve it
No troll, it means you don't have to run when a criminal attacks you. That is all it means.

And what if you are the one who initiated the confrontation?

You can start a fight, then pull your gun and fire, claiming you feared for your life and stood your ground
If the white man had an obligation to end this peacefully then sodid the black man. When someone is merely running his mouth you have choices! Shoving him violently is not an acceptable choice is it?
A shove away from your loved one who is being screamed at

Not grounds for lethal force

Pretty much depends on what happened next.
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
It is why there should be a further investigation of the facts, and especially now that a video evidence has emerged or had emerged in the case.
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Apparantly the video has been pulled. I cannot find a complete video of the incident. All you get is snippets of the video with heavy prejudicial comment. If anyone can find a full video of this incident please be so kind to post it.
Stand your ground means might makes right

Once a fight starts, you can use your gun to resolve it
No troll, it means you don't have to run when a criminal attacks you. That is all it means.

And what if you are the one who initiated the confrontation?

You can start a fight, then pull your gun and fire, claiming you feared for your life and stood your ground
If the white man had an obligation to end this peacefully then sodid the black man. When someone is merely running his mouth you have choices! Shoving him violently is not an acceptable choice is it?
A shove away from your loved one who is being screamed at

Not grounds for lethal force

Pretty much depends on what happened next.
Nothing happened except for an unnecessary gun shot
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t

Are you serious? How did the white guy wind up on the ground? Do you understand that is assault as defined by law?
If this is the same parking lot shooting incident I'd call it a clean shoot.

The shooter confronted someone for illegally parking.

He was assaulted.

He defended himself from further aggression.

Would I have confronted a man for parking in a HC spot w/o a tag?

Fuck no. You won't even see me confront or interfere in a serious crime unless I know that failing to act will result in serious injury or death to someone I know to be an innocent victim. Otherwise my role as a citizen is to observe and report the incident to authorities. The liability involved is far too great of a risk to be a "hero".

It is the responsibility of every citizen to keep their hands to themselves. If you don't want to get shot, do not push, slap, shove or even "get in the face of" another citizen who is merely irritating you.


Blacks don't understand that.

When confronted they immediately start raving and resort to violence.

See we don't have a right to confront them when they are breaking the law.

They don't even think law enforcement should confront them.

Sadly true....and we see it demonstrated time and again. Made possible by the liberal elements whose agenda is to promote black victimhood and white racism.
The only thing sad is the racism you and your fellow rightwing miscreants propagate.

White racism is real, your posts are proof of that – no one is ‘promoting’ anything, there is no ‘agenda’; there is only the racism common to far too many on the right.

Wow! Let me get this straight. Arguing that a White man who killed a Black man was justified as self defense, is racist?
It would depend on the totality of all of the factors, but I can just about guarantee you that no one would feel that I had the right to shoot a "man" for the "simple" offense of touching me without my consent - the law says this is simple assault/battery meaning it doesn't rise to the level of the forcible felony required to use lethal force.
That is just it. Florida relies on your feelings at the time and totality of the circumstances if you reasonably fear harm or death.

They also have the reasonable person standard. Would any reasonable person in the same circumstances reach the same conclusion?
At no point does it allow being violently attacked..... you can simply get in your car and move.
No, in Florida you can stand your ground and if feeling threatened pull out your weapon, shoot and then claim whether it's truthful or not, that you were in fear for your life.

Don't have to retreat, don't have to move.
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.

Yes, and that is what motivated the police not to arrest in this case after a thorough investigation. They talked to all the witnesses, had experts view the video and came up with the only verdict they could have: Justifiable use of deadly force due to the shooter being in reasonable fear of his life.
You know the timeline or the details of the investigation in full, and also the conclusion or complete results of an investigation or are you just projecting yet again here ??
Apparantly the video has been pulled. I cannot find a complete video of the incident. All you get is snippets of the video with heavy prejudicial comment. If anyone can find a full video of this incident please be so kind to post it.
Huh ? The way you have been talking, one would have thought that you had full knowledge of this event or are you second guessing yourself now ??
At no point does it allow being violently attacked..... you can simply get in your car and move.
No, in Florida you can stand your ground and if feeling threatened pull out your weapon, shoot and then claim whether it's truthful or not, that you were in fear for your life.

Don't have to retreat, don't have to move.
Hopefully this case don't re-enforce any of that for which you just claimed. This was a bad case for stand your ground in my opinion, but it shouldn't be a case that determines the law's over all effectiveness, and hopefully it doesn't taint ones need to defend oneself if needed under such a law.
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t

Are you serious? How did the white guy wind up on the ground? Do you understand that is assault as defined by law?
The law says nothing about you being able to shoot someone if you have been assaulted
At no point does it allow being violently attacked..... you can simply get in your car and move.
No, in Florida you can stand your ground and if feeling threatened pull out your weapon, shoot and then claim whether it's truthful or not, that you were in fear for your life.

Don't have to retreat, don't have to move.
He did not have to retreat

He did not have to fire either
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t

Are you serious? How did the white guy wind up on the ground? Do you understand that is assault as defined by law?
He's just a lying troll.
That is ridiculous

If you have ever been in a fight you know when your opponent is stepping back to line you up and when they are fleeing.

If you haven't been in such situation you really can not comment from any frame of experience - just feelings.
He was backing up because a gun was drawn on him
Fight was over

Firing was murder at that point

Only if the guy on the ground saw what the guy was doing...which is doubtful from his position and his visual perception when the adrenaline hit his system, not to forget the fear from the violent attack.
Now, you are just making shit up

There was no fear of a violent attack
He had a gun and the other guy didn’t
Oh, a mind reader now, huh?

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